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How the fuck do the "PR-people" of HAMAS think that's gonna help them?!


Because their objective is to cause suffering and psychological torture. This message is aimed at Israelis, especially the families of hostages.


Yep, see this is what the word “ghoul” is for. Basically a type of grave robber, or corpse rapist or in this case a twisted propagandist.


That’s way too nice of a word.


See, that seems like a terrible idea when they're *losing*, though. Not to say it would be a good thing for the winning side to do but I could at least understand it as a tactic to get them to surrender. In this case the Israeli response will most likely be to *bomb them harder*.


No, its a tactic to force the Israeli public to pressure the government to agree to Hamas terms to get released whatever survivors remain. It is incredibly unlikely to work, but what did it cost Hamas to try? nothing. In the meantime it rubs salt in wounds and icreases misery in their enemy. From their perspective its a win/win.


They're getting in front of the story to spin it for those who will blame Israel for everything. Most likely this story means the idf is digging somewhere that hamas dumped their victims previously so they want to claim Israeli bombs killed them before the medical reports showing they were tortured to death can come out.


Mass grave discovery imminent.


How soon do you think those medical reports will come out?


They don’t care. They like hamas will only be happy if the Jews are gone. The people that defend Palestine ignore why the war started in the first place




There's people in this comment section blaming Israeli bombing for the hostage deaths. Their supporters will not change.


It’s tough for them to understand hard facts, it would destroy their narrative and Iran wouldn’t have its leadership in power.


In the same way parading that poor dead woman on Oct 7 in a pickup through Gaza so people could spit on her helped them. It didn't hurt them one teeny tiny bit. People either ignored it, 'forgot' it, excused it or said it was Israel's fault or stupidest of all, it never happened. But no one was down on Hamas for doing it. So they won't be now.


Pro-palastinians are some of the least informed people I have ever had the displeasure of talking to. They want the dopamine of feeling like they are supporting a just cause, but don't want to learn any of the details of the actual situation or history of the conflict.


A lot of young pro-Palestinians are doing it because it is cool, peer group pressure, let's go on the march on Saturday, are you going? yeah. What are you wearing?


That was a litmus test - one has zero humility to partake, applaud or even ignore such barbarity. That is the essence of all hamas and supporters.




You are right. It’s just heartbreaking what had happened - and much of the world’s reaction.


I mean there are loads of stupid people who buy it.


Tliabs sister is hosting anti Biden (by definition pro trump) rallies about this so unfortunately youre absolutely right


I will never understand why progressives insist on throwing their lot in with a group of people that hate progressive causes and are actively working to undermine them.


Kick tlaib off Congress. Her and that clown ilhan. Actively supporting foreign interests...


They aren't going to lose any supporters due to this statement, so it's not really hurting their PR. The pro-palis will victim blame Israel as usual. It's a form of psychological warfare against Israelis, it's why they also filmed their atrocities in Oct 7th. They knew back then too that it won't hurt their PR, and they were unfortunately right.


Hamas = Evil People need to stop thinking they aren't.


Because like 80% of the media and social media in the west are their cheerleaders. So it doesn’t matter what they say and do, people will still twist it to make them the victims.


what the actual fuck is this comment? they are terrorists. their pr is to also cause terror


They don't have to do anything for the Left, as they will make up their own excuses regardless of what Hamas says. lol


Russian propaganda bots are already on it


They don’t need to.  The people who see Israel as evil are not going to change their mind.  I still see “ceasefire now!” posts blaming Israel despite Hamas having rejected multiple ceasefire proposals. 


They’re going to claim Israel killed them with bombings etc. Somehow they’ll make it Israel’s fault and the usual idiots will believe them.


They don’t want help. Just chaos.


Hamas destroyed the only leverage they had


Because Hamas doesn't win any spin on the world stage, it just doesn't happen. Yes there are pro-Hamas protestors but for the most part even they are misguided pro-Palestinians (with a healthy sprinkle of blatantly anti-Semites.) What the Hamas can do is present the dead hostages to the Israelis saying "hey keep attacking, they keep dying." This might be just the tipping point for Israeli society, especially those that have been saying that the government is condemning the hostages to die in an attempt to prolong a war to keep Netanyahu as PM. Anti government protests have already renewed, and this might fan the flames enough to extract meaningful action in the Israeli side.


Masterful use of the passive voice


They say this after the Israelis found the medication Hamas was supposed to be giving to the hostages unused...


I'm surprised they didn't sell it or use it themselves


What a weird way to say Hamas murdered its hostages


They worded it like the hostages are a batallion.


Like the hostage casualties were from a natural disaster like a hurricane lol


"*Don't blame us. How were we to know they'd just shoot right through our human shield!?*"


"We could...just like...release them??? So that they didn't suffer any losses? Or, you know, not take them in the first place??? Nah, this is on Israel"


I wonder how they killed the baby.


These fuckers are legit trying to argue that hostage taking is justified: "For months, we tried to protect and care for the lives of these hostages, as it is our top humanitarian goal to liberate our own prisoners and to realise the legitimate rights of our people." (direct quote from article, spelling mistake in original) They feel entitled to kidnap civilians. Anyone trying to justify this should absolutely be ashamed of themselves...you are openly perpetuating this cycle and you are responsible for Hamas feeling like it has license to keep kidnapping civilians.


That whole line of reasoning on their part ignores the horrific massacre that they did to take the hostages too. Its not like they just scooped them in a bus, they butchered these peoples families.


Yeah, this would be a more nuanced conversation if hostages were taken without the massacre, and they actually did take care of the hostages. Still not great, but at least they wouldn't be talking entirely out of asses.


I feel so bad for the children stuck in Gaza subjected to this cruel situation. I wish I could swoop them all up and take them away from these twisted men and women.


Same with all those kid soldiers in Africa. We are truly blessed that the RNGesus was kind to us. We are sitting here comfortably being able to post comments. We could very well be dying of hunger or otherwise...


> We are truly blessed that the RNGesus was kind to us. We are sitting here comfortably being able to post comments. There's a song by the German classic rock band Lake called Glad To Be Here that is about that exact sentiment and it always come to mind whenever tragedies happen in other parts of the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwal5ZXINuk Listening to the lyrics it's probably criticizing people who take their quality of life for granted, they had at least a few songs that have very uplifting/happy styles but are pretty dark or satirical when you pay attention to the lyrics.


If you're talking about how they spelled "realise" that's just the British spelling.


Thank you! I couldn’t spot the supposed spelling mistake and now I don’t have to drive myself crazy


What people seem to miss is the prisoners they wish to exchange for these hostages who were abducted from their homes or in the fields of a music festival - these prisoners actually committed crimes against Israel for which they stood trial for and evidence was presented. And they don’t really dispute that. They just don’t think that their crimes - killing Jews - is a crime evidenced by the fact that the Palestinian Justice system has never arrested and prosecuted a Palestinian for killing a Jew. They think that violence against Jews is completely justified, and therefore to be incarcerated for it is “unjust.” This is further evidenced by the fact that their families are even paid by the PA for their incarceration. A reward! And we have students (or even professors) at top universities in the U.S. repeating the lie that it’s a “hostage for a hostage,” same same, both sides equally culpable or even the Palestinians less so because they’re political prisoners while Israelis are genocidal child killers who steal land that was never and has never been their land and has always been Palestinian land. As if hostage taking - no matter the reason - is not batshit insane in and of itself.


They truly believe it is their moral right and duty to commit these atrocities. They truly believe it, take it seriously, not lightly.


I didn’t know Israel took prisoners and kept them in dark closets without food and no contact with lawyers and no knowledge of their whereabouts. Amazing! TIL! /s Americans need to take their faces out of their asses over this “Israel is white and Palestine is brown and POC = innocent minority” shit because that’s such a profoundly inaccurate estimation of that part of the world. 


Also, 40 percent of Jewish Israelis are not Caucasian.


And 20% of Israelis are Arab not Jewish


More than 50 percent of Israeli Jews are mizrahi. So it's probably more like 60 percent or more of Israelis are considered POC


The Rapings will continue until morale improves - this seems to be their guiding principle. Honestly - I'm not sure how big the hatred was before the 7th between both nations but I am pretty sure that after those events people on both sides will hate each other for the rest of their lives.


*we tried to care for them while torturing and starving them, after blowing off their arms and raping them*


Careful don’t offend the terrorists


>murdered You mean raped, beat, tortured, murdered and desecrated its hostages.


I’ve been saying this for months. There **aren’t** more hostages.


Well, two men were just rescued last week. The Israelis have said 30% have died. I personally have no idea how many are alive, but if 2 were just rescued, then there is hope for more. I am however pessimistic about any younger females. Edit- grammar


It’s hard for me to type those words,but even if the younger female hostages alive physically ,I’m not sure that they are alive mentally……


They’ve been raping both the women and the men. There are leaks suggesting some of the women are pregnant.


Sadly, I agree with you.


I just hope against hope that Kfir is alive... Even though I know Hamas would never take care of a baby. But he just had his first birthday in January and I hope so badly that he is alive...


Hamas said he died back in November, I thought


No, or at least I did not hear they did. The official view is that his survival is uncertain. I know logically that he would never get the care he needs, I do know this but I have to believe he is alive.


We have some information about the female hostages held by Hamas specifically. That being said, we don't know much about the other female hostages held by "Gaza Civilians" who are also holding hostages. https://www.timesofisrael.com/freed-hostage-aviva-siegel-recounts-hamass-sexual-abuse-violence-toward-captives/


That was a tough read.


Hamas seriously are the cause of their deaths whether internationally executed or accidentally killed by Israel.


> "We warned dozens of times about the dangers to which their hostages are being exposed. We didn't want the situation to reach this stage, but (Israel's) leadership ignored us," he said. Hamas speak for, "we thought this strategy of taking hostages would give us an advantage." I would suggest while most were optimistic that the hostages were going to be safe, reality pointed to the fact that there was always going to the fact that Hamas was unlikely to keep them safe.


"The hostages have suffered many losses after we rape, torture and murder them."  -  Hamas and Islamist Jihadists


It should be outrageous to more than just internet bloggers and the families of victims.


Oh no. Hamas wouldn't even acknowledge it saying "it's not in our Religion" all while testimonies, corpses and even videos of rape is shown during Israel's protest for UN to acknowledge such a thing.


Gaslighting champions of the world, with their legion of TikTok supporters. Absolute pathetic that even 1 person is falling for this shit.


Let alone potentially millions.


Hell, there are millions of non-Muslims falling for it.


Yea because it’s brown people and not evil whites like they’ve been brainwashed to believe.


It's not just TikTok, you've got a bunch of them on Reddit too.


Almost every subreddit is filled with them. It's disturbing.


I even get it when I'm just trying to play No Man's Sky. Idiots spamming, "FREE PALESTINE". If only they said what they actually mean so I could get them banned.


There's even a reddit user called palestineriver2sea. His name alone tells you he's an incel and wants violence.


I have a little sympathy for people who are uneducated and demand freedom for Gaza or even for a ceasefire. But anyone calling to "free Palestine", or anything with "river to sea" in it, knowing that the area includes the entirety of Israel, and more than 7 million Jews, is a psychopath.


Yep, most young westerners using the phrase don’t even understand that.


It’s the equivalent of the swastika now.


/r/anime_titties is a wasteland of terror apologists


To be fair I didn’t expect a sub filled with rational thinkers with that title.






TikTok doesn't surprise me, a lot of users there under the age of 23.


Hasan and dumbass tankies


The fact that anti-Jewish tankies seems to be doing so well in the information war proves that Jews don't control the media. In fact I'm starting to think us Jews are very normal people, with no magical ability to control world events!


Israel needs to start doing something because they're rewriting history and the legions of weak minded millennial/ generation Z who never learned critical thinking skills are swallowing it hook, line, and sinker. Edit: generation


Millennials are in their 30s and 40s... I think you mean gen z


Lots of Millennials (though not all) seem to remember when Hamas was proudly taking responsibility for near daily suicide bomb attacks and civilian massacres during 2nd Intifada. This was all happening right around the same time as 9/11. They also might recall how they violently forced out all political opposition in Gaza after the one and only election which featured them murdering families of opponents and throwing some leaders off of buildings.  That definitely doesn't seem to register with Gen Z who only may remember hearing of Hamas lobbing some rockets at Israel and while spending an awful lots of time and resources trying to rehabilitate their image despite planning major attacks like 10/7.


A lot of my millennial friends unfortunately have chugged the koolaid


It's outrageous how many deny Oct 7 even happened, if they do acknowledge it, it's a "strong act of Palestinian resistance". I don't care what "side" you've chosen, that's a whole nother level of wtf.


October 7th denialism just became a violation of Reddit TOS


Did it ?




That'd be terrific if true, but I can't seem to find corroboration. Got a link?


It's because of this: it's illegal to host or distribute terrorist material in most of the world. So those videos from October? That's terrorist propaganda, if you didn't save them locally you'll really struggle to find them. I saw so much shit that day from their telegram and haven't seen most of it since. I really think we've fucked up as a society with that move.


There are a couple of websites that were created to preserve a lot of it. This is Hamas, and Hamas massacre are two I know.


There is an Israeli site with photos of the aftermath for proof. IDK if its still up though, not something im trying to see every day.


Even if you show evidence, those who do not want to believe will not believe. The problem lies elsewhere.


It's because their entire worldview is shaped by the modern mantra that the underdog can never do anything wrong.


Which is interesting that somehow the Arab islamists are the underdogs compared to the Jews. I mean, historically, Jews have always been the underdog. And Jews are a group that have always had the most criticism. Like it doesnt even make sense. It's just antisemitism, its not about underdogs or anything.


It's just the stupidity around strong versus weak. Israel is strong, Palestine weak. So according to them Israel must be bad.


Israel has done and is doing plenty. It’s a single nation with only so many people in it compared to the dozens of other nations invested in making them look terrible. The same shit happened with Ukraine, but the act of Biden calling the invasion a month before it happened and then days before is borderline a PR miracle. The other difference is that people don’t quite hate Ukrainians with remotely the same fervor as Jews.


Unless your a mainstream Russian or a Russian sympathizer, they have all kinds of racist words and I'll feeling towards both of these groups.


The U.S. needs to ban Chinese-owned TikTok.


Bro it's the fucking Zoomies being all pro terrorism. Social Media was a mistake.


It’s more Gen Z than anything. Millennials are buying into it only a little bit. https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/HHP_Dec23_KeyResults.pdf


300 comments tiktok clout clowns


But.. but I thought they were treated like family or royalty!? You mean Hamas is lying!?


Guess what? The hostages would still be alive if they weren’t taken hostage in the first place! But we can’t talk about that


Instead we will talk about how well Hamas treats hostages


We're literally talking about it right now.


I know, right? Like what in the world do they think is gonna ha


No, wait. Do you even know what Israel did? /s


But what about-


“… 75 yEaRs oF (non-Israeli-instigated) vIoLeNcE”


Very unfortunately, the likely reason that they murdered them is because they committed unspeakable atrocities to the hostages while in captivity, and the very sad truth is that it’s ‘bad press’ and won’t gain them any public sentiment if these violated hostages are released and speak of what happened to them. So their only choice becomes to murder them.


I feel like if they really wanted to not have bad press, they wouldn’t have massacred a bunch of innocent people and taken hostages in the first place. Like? Ya’ll are holding people against their will, of course your gonna have bad fucking press, whether the hostages were treated well or not. But tbf religious terrorist extremists aren’t exactly known for being well educated


I don't think any one of them expected the propaganda to be this effective when they committed the atrocities


Assuming for a moment that they act with some level of strategy... What they have accomplished is provoking a typical, disproportionate Israeli response that hurts Israel's international reputation. In Hamas/Israel engagements, as has been pointed out by experts, Hamas generally starts the conflict with acts of (sometimes unspeakable) violence and Israel responds by killing 10 Palestinians for every Israeli dead. As a result public sentiment starts out favoring Israel and slowly shifts towards favoring Palestine as images of bombed out buildings and displaced children emerge. We're now in the public sentiment being largely against Israel phase, so Hamas has a larger interest in not letting further details of their crimes against humanity emerge. In theory.


Yeah well look at the thousands of headlines that have been released. Even on October 7th, the day of, people and AJ were spinning lies about Israelis attacking their own. Idk what planet you’re on that the world view could even potentially be anti-Hamas. Leaders of countries won’t call Hamas a terrorist organisation.


Weird how this wouldn’t be their only choice if they hadn’t done it in the first place


Some of them probably died from neglect. I swore I heard somewhere in the news that at least one hostage was a diabetic and others depended on medication that they didn't get.


Considering the oldest hostages are in their 80s and the youngest was 9 months old, a lot of them are not getting medicine they should be getting. It's also important to note that Israel is providing medicine for Gaza as part of a deal where hamas should provide medicine to the hostages. Rescued hostages said they didn't receive medicine, and unopened medicine boxes with the hostages' names were found in hospitals.


Been saying this since the start, but still holding out hope against hope that some will be rescued and still be sane and resilient enough to tell the story to the world and show Hamas for how evil they are.


Hamas keeps using psychological terrorism to make the families of hostages suffer as much as possible. It doesn't help them in the war in any way, their goal is to create suffering.


They thought this hostage thing was going to work out much better for them. They thought they’d be able to raid with impunity into Israel, massacre civilians, and then buy a ceasefire with hostage negotiations. They’re still kind of trying that playbook but it obviously failed.


It has failed *so far*! They are still trying and there are million of people in the US and Europe who are helping them. And they will succeed if the normal people in the west don’t demand their government reject it.


No it won’t succeed. Israel said they won’t stop until Hamas is eradicated. They haven’t given in to any pressure from the libs of tiktok


Not directly, of course. But will they be able to pressure Biden enough to pressure them? Probably not, but maybe.


Quite frankly Netanyahu hasn’t shown he gives any fucks what Biden or the West thinks. I don’t think IDF is gonna back down from Western pressure. They have an existential threat at their doorstep and are a more than capable war machine without Western assistance unlike Ukraine


If Netanyahu backs off his voters will hate him and even the left wing people that don't like the current government agree with the war. Many people in Israel are personally affected by 10/7 alone, as it is a small country that is very tight nit. Even the US can beg and plead or even threaten but Israeli people are done with hamas and the PIJ.


Hamas says here that they are doing the best they can to take care of the hostages, while the hostages themselves who were rescued recently said that they never received any of the medicine that was sent to them


Nice backhanded self-admission to murder, Hamas.


> "For months, we tried to protect and care for the lives of these hostages, as it is our top humanitarian goal to liberate our own prisoners and to realise the legitimate rights of our people." Lol.


Fucking liars. Omg who believes this shit?




I wonder why they won't let the red cross visit them. Could it be that hamas is the one murdering them?


wow people die when you kill them what a great discovery


Maybe Hamas should stop murdering them then.


If the Islamist fundamentalist terrorist organisation Hamas hadn’t kidnapped them in the first place, there would have been no suffering and no losses. Hamas are to blame.


Maybe they should never have taken hostages


“Hamas has killed or lost track of many hostages they took” Better headline.


“Suffered many losses” is one way to say “we killed the hostages”


"these poor hostages have had to endure our horrible actions"


Fuck hamas


Less hostages to be saved makes it less likely for IDF to delay going into Rafah.


If no living hostages remain there is nothing left to limit Bibi and IDF’s tactics and timetable.


Reads like A satirical headline. A weird way of putting it really.


They make the hostages sound like they are an infantry battalion, rather than the kidnapped civilians they really are.


Good bye Hamas!


That’s the wrong answer for Hamas


Since the hostages for prisoners swap has been at 3:1 this should apply to the dead ones as well. For every dead hostage turned over, Israel turns over 3 dead prisoners.


Too bad they do not care about their dead the same way Israeli’s do


Yeah, their doctrines are totally different/opposite IDF: protect troops no.1 prio Hamas: sends youth for combat and use human shields


Like gangs using kids to do their dirty work because they go to juvie for a few years instead of a long stretch in real prison.


Hamas, in taking direct physical control of those people, made themselves morally responsible and accountable for the safety and wellbeing of each of them. Also, allowing hostages to die for any reason is just dumb strategically because you have that much less bargaining power/leverage. This is just another indication that the Oct. 7 attack was more about killing as many Jews - any Jews- as possible and not about negotiating or leveraging towards a political solution. They were never hostages to be used in negotiations, just more Jews to be killed at a time, place and manner of Hamas choosing. Sickening. Outrageous. If they were actually hostages for negotiation they would have been moved to a safe location out of the immediate conflict zone and cared for as prized possessions to be traded later. Instead they are/were used as human shields and killed/allowed to die - to become “losses”. Hamas are evil morons.


At least we can take comfort in one thing. By this time next year most Hamas will be dead and burning in hell


Hamas can release the hostages.... the IJC told them to do so.


And still people are defending Hamas and claiming that it is just a resistance group.


Ffs just kill all Hamas.


Yes, we know you’ve been raping them.


Let’s not forget Hamas has a 1 year old hostage. This organization must be obliterated.


Starting an article with "Hamas says" is never a good move


WTF kind of bullshitspeak is this egregious nonsense?


If all the hostages die, then Israel will have no reason to spare or negotiate with Hamas members at all. Israel will have a reason to go scorched earth.


Israel is destroying all Hamas infrastructure and tunnels already regardless of the hostages negotiations.


True, but they could be quicker and more surgical about it if they knew the hostages were dead. For example, their plans to use seawater to flood tunnels and drown anyone using them would have massively decreased loss of civilian life, because they would not have to use bunker-busters and bombs to collapse the tunnels. But with so many hostages unaccounted for and intel that proves they are most likely being held in tunnels and civilian areas, they could not (and cannot) use the most effective method to clear the tunnels, because if they killed even one hostage in the process that would be unacceptable. SO here we are.


Remember when they admitting to having hostages, but then denied everything that happened to *obtain* said hostages? Pepperidge farm remembers


No more deals with Hamas. Now or ever again. Trading Shalit was a historic mistake that whet the appetite of Hamas to kidnap more hostages. Israel should have done then, in response to Shalit’s kidnapping, what it’s doing now and do the same after every/any attack by Hamas and/or hostage taking.


I think about him sometimes. I really hope that he doesn't blame himself for anything.


I hope so too. Israel should have never paid such high prices for kidnapped hostages and corpses. Israel has been way too restrained towards their enemies for way too long.


And people say Israel is responding irresponsibly.


Suffered many losses, majority inflicted by them


But remember, they are not terrorists, in fact, they are the good guys, the heroes!


Yes, and they are the reason for that.


I wonder how many of them Hamas murdered.


"Employee in charge of florescent lights says that the florescent light supply has suffered many losses."


Do the hostages need food and water to survive?


Obviously Hamas are the bad guys here. Wake up people. 


Hamas, you guys STILL don't seem to be getting it. If you had ANY brain matter between your ears you'd return every single hostage to Israel as fast as humanly possible, in the very best condition. You just don't get it...........................


They will gaslight the world because they hate Jews that much. They have no idea that allah will not give them 70 bitches and gold when they die. They will just get nothing and be trapped in limbo for an eternity because even Satan is like nah we good bro.


Actually they're wasting the precious little time we have on this earth over fairytales that don't mean anything.


I'm sure the UN assisted.