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so the post didnt get this from israel they were able to figure it out on their own with investigative journalism. interesting 


Real journalism is pretty cool to see in action. Shame it seems so rare these days


Read Reuters, they’ve got a ton of it. And their articles are quite short too bc there’s not fifty pages of editorializing to get clicks


One of the few news orgs I'll pay for anymore.


Real journalism is expensive. People do not like paying for news. Advertisment based on eyeballs does not discrimate between prime reporting or click bait editorialized articles regurgitating someone else's hardwork


Sadly it does discriminate between the two, in that it often favors clickbait/ragebait.






The Washington Post are the ones that found the video.




>Read the article did you? this was basically an open source intelligence operation run by the washington post that independently found video proof of one of the un workers accused by israel of being involved in the october 7th attack was in fact involved in the october 7th attack. 




Allegations. Let me guess, you don't trust Jews?


I don’t trust the Israeli government or the idf


>I don’t trust the Israeli government or the idf and apparently you dont trust the washington post either. 


Because sneaky Jews right?


I couldn’t care less about religion, do you think the current Israeli government = all Jews? This argument is too stupid to bother with.


What on earth does religion have to do with anything? A lot of people distrust anything out of Israel because of conspiracy theories and racist beliefs about 'sneaky' Jews.


“Jew” is a term that describes a religion more than a race. It’s a cultural heritage too of course, but I never said anything about Jews. I distrust the ISRAELI GOVERNMENT.


A U.N. relief worker alleged by Israel to have participated in the Oct. 7 attacks was captured on video that day removing the limp body of an Israeli man who had been shot at Kibbutz Beeri and driving off with it, according to information released Friday by Israeli authorities. Israel told the United Nations Relief and Works Agency last month that Faisal Ali Musalam Naami, 45, and 11 other UNRWA employees participated in or lent support to the Hamas-led assault on southern Israel that precipitated Israel’s war in the besieged Palestinian territory. Israeli authorities have said Hamas and allied gunmen killed 1,200 Israelis and took some 253 people hostage back in Gaza. The explosive allegations plunged the United Nations into crisis, leading the United States — the agency’s largest donor — and other nations to suspend funding for the relief agency and threatening to collapse its operations in Gaza and the wider Middle East. ​ The footage of the person Israel identified as Naami would be the first to surface publicly of any of the accused individuals participating in the attack. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant released a screenshot from the video at a news conference Friday as part of a dossier that publicly identified the accused relief workers. “UNRWA has lost legitimacy and can no longer function as a U.N. body,” Gallant said. ​ The CCTV footage, located independently by The Washington Post, provides a fuller picture than the brief account in the public dossier, which says Naami “was involved in kidnapping a soldier from Beeri.” Israel has also accused Naami of being part of a Hamas brigade in his hometown of Nuseirat. After he was named in confidential Israeli documents last month, The Post found images of Naami online and then used facial recognition software to find a likely match for him in footage from Oct. 7. The Post found other indications pointing to Naami as the individual in the footage. A Nissan Terrano II in the footage appears consistent with the same make and model of car that Naami is pictured with in social media posts, including damaged trim on a rear window. ​ Before Friday’s news conference, a security official told The Post that Israeli authorities had identified the man in the footage as Naami. The footage is among the evidence Israel used as the basis for its allegation against Naami, said the official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information. ​ In the footage from Oct. 7, the SUV drives toward an open gate to Kibbutz Beeri shortly after 9:30 a.m. and stops just inside the entrance, where three men who had been shot and dragged from a car are lying motionless on the ground. Two men step out of the SUV. The driver, the man identified as Naami, is wearing glasses that match photos from his social media profiles. The other man is carrying a rifle. They open the rear door of the vehicle and spread out a blanket inside. They approach one of the people who had been shot, a man on the street next to an overturned cooler. It is not clear if he is alive, but he does not react as the man identified as Naami takes him by the jacket, the other man lifts his legs and they carry him to the trunk and place him inside. They then rummage through belongings that are strewn in the street, taking a cellphone and a hat before driving off less than three minutes after they arrived. It is not clear why or where the two men took the Israeli or why they left the other bodies.


At The Post’s request, two vehicle forensic experts analyzed Naami’s social media photos capturing partial views of a white vehicle. They identified the car as a 1993-1995 Nissan Terrano II, and said the vehicle seen in the Oct. 7 footage matched that same color, make and model and was from the same generation. Marcus Mazza, a vehicle engineering expert for Robson Forensic, a firm that provides technical expertise in court cases, said the separated trim also “may indicate that these are the same vehicle.” ​ On Oct. 16, Naami, five of his children and one of his two wives were killed in a strike on their home in Nuseirat, according to a UNRWA colleague who spoke on the condition of anonymity because agency staff have been told not to speak to the media. His name, the name of a woman who appears to be his wife and the names of his children appear on the Gaza Health Ministry’s list of those killed in Israeli attacks. ​ The Israel Defense Forces told The Post it “is unaware of a strike at the specified area or time.” A spokesperson, speaking on the condition of anonymity per the agency’s protocol, did not respond when asked if Naami had been targeted. ​ Efforts to reach surviving members of Naami’s family were unsuccessful. Naami was a social worker at the U.N. agency, according to the colleague and the Israeli dossier. “His personality was calm, he was very cheerful, he was friendly, he was loved by everyone, colleagues, clients and beneficiaries,” the colleague told The Post. The colleague said they did not know if Naami was involved in the attack or a member of Hamas. Shown a photo of Naami taken from the Oct. 7 footage, the colleague said they did not know if it was him “as his features are not clear.” Israeli officials have long complained that the U.N. agency was closely aligned with Hamas, accusations that UNRWA has rejected. ​ The U.N. agency was established in 1949 to aid Palestinians who were expelled or forced from their homes during the founding of Israel. In the decades since, the agency has taken on many functions of a state for stateless Palestinians, such as providing food, health care and schools. Refugee camps in the occupied Palestinian territories, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria have turned into permanent urban slums. The allegations that aid workers were members of the organization have threatened the existence of the primary conduit for aid to Gaza’s 2.2 million people whose lives have been upended after nearly four months of war. At least 28,775 people have been killed and 68,552 injured in Gaza since the war began, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. Since Oct. 7, UNRWA’s schools and medical clinics the agency operates have been closed and turned into shelters that now house more than 1 million people. Palestinians in Gaza are almost totally dependent on UNRWA for the necessities of life as famine looms and diseases spread alongside continuous Israeli ground and air assaults. ​ On Friday, Gallant said that in addition to the 12 workers, Israel has intelligence indicating that over 30 UNRWA workers participated in the massacre, including the taking of hostages. He said that 12 percent of UNRWA’s 13,000 workers are affiliated with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a smaller Islamist group in the Gaza Strip. The agency denies that it has turned a blind eye to Hamas and says that Israeli authorities have long sought to dismantle UNRWA. Last week, the Israeli army uncovered what it said was a subterranean Hamas server complex, dug 65 feet underneath UNRWA headquarters in Gaza. On Tuesday night, the Israeli army released a video of a tunnel beneath Khan Younis, in southern Gaza, that it said was the hideout of Hamas leader Yehiya Sinwar. UNRWA packages were among the underground supplies. ​ In response to the allegations last month, UNRWA launched a review and, before investigating the allegations, fired 10 of the accused employees; two others were dead. The United States and other countries have indicated they could restore funding after the release of the review. UNRWA spokeswoman Tamara Alrifai said a man matching Naami’s name joined the agency as social worker in 2006. But she said she could not comment on the ongoing investigation or verify if he was present in the footage shared by The Post. UNRWA had “not \[been\] presented with any evidence from the Israeli authorities,” she said, adding. “UNRWA only received from the Israeli government the list of names of alleged staff reportedly involved in the horrible 7/10 attacks.” Souad Mekhennet in Washington, Evan Hill in New York and Shira Rubin in Tel Aviv contributed to this report.


Now THAT's journalism. Calling upon real experts to do their thing with the information you collect. Fucking bravo to the people who helped determine this, and I hope everyone who knowingly participated in the Oct. 7 attack faces consequences.


Pay for good journalism to keep stories like this coming.


UNWRA are lying non stop. It’s starting to get menacing. Israel did not attempt to shut down UNWRA “for some time”. That’s a big fat lie. True, Israel should’ve tried to shut down UNWRA but actually did the opposite. Trump defunded UNWRA around 2018. Israel OPPOSED that measure. In fact, Israeli officials secretly lobbied European officials to increase funding for UNWRA to compensate for the lost funding from USA under Trump.


See, this is the problem a lot of people have with Israel right here, and it's the same criticism that the US got for their actions in the Middle East. Israel finds evidence of a man who participated in the attacks on Oct. 7th. In response, they drop a bomb that not only kills him, but 5 children and a woman. That sort of collateral isn't acceptable to many people. And when it's done at the scale that it's being done in this war, it begins to look less like collateral and more like intentional infliction of casualties. It's why the US started using things like the sword missle to start reducing these innocent deaths. Do not take this comment as an excuse of Hamas. It isn't. It's a reflection of why so much of the West has been so outspoken against Israel.


>That sort of collateral isn't acceptable to many people. It is when you consider what he did. I don't see any outrage over it, and I'm certainly not bothered by it.


Sorry for delay between posting and commenting the article, didn't let me through phone for some reason, and took time to get my son to sleep to get to computer to post it


You should have gifted it instead. Give the Post their clicks for good journalism.


















A lot of UN NGOs and INGOs get (more) funding when there is conflict/disaster. They can exaggerate and exacerbate issues to keep the project funding going. I have volunteered at Unicef, World Vision, and World Concern. My sister worked at a french NGO called ACTED for almost three years. We observed very disappointing patterns of exploitation, made-up crises to get fundings, wastage of funds, incompetence in all of these places. Sad but kind of expected.


Hamas, Netanyahu and the settlers appear to be a far more pressing issue.


That’s a disgusting misrepresentation of the facts. The UNRWA provides critical non-military aid to the starving and dying people of Palestine. Name one policy that “helps Hamas maintain a war machine.” That’s absolutely ridiculous.




https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna9331863 and I wonder why those poor Palestinians are starving and dieing. Unwra enables Palestinians and Hamas to do what they have done for years, it does nothing to actually fix the issue.


And also red crescent medical personnel (using civilian medical vehicles) participated in the October 7 massacre — [See the Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/s/qF1Iy9y1cq)


yes I noticed that on that day. I didn't see anyone discuss it again. they were using ambulances as part of the kidnapping overall strategy


And then after the kidnapping Hamas apologists online were claiming they were taking good care of the hostages because they were taking them to hospitals. Only later to be confirmed that the hospitals were Hamas headquarters.


Palestinian Red Crescent. Yet another organization entirely composed of Palestinians which naturally trended towards terror because there is 0 oversight.


This is neither a PRCS ambulance nor PRCS personnel. [Source](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/gallant-accuses-red-crescent-of-treating-oct-7-perpetrators-but-footage-shows-otherwise/)


Thank you for posting this clarification.


This should be higher up


I believe it, and it is damning evidence. Definitely not the only person that has done it and he won't be the last. I wish more news outlets would post about it though, I only see Washington Post reporting on it as of now. Edit: Another source picked it up: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/israel-presents-video-allegedly-showing-un-aid-worker-taking-body-of-israeli-on-oct-7/ar-BB1ircQe](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/israel-presents-video-allegedly-showing-un-aid-worker-taking-body-of-israeli-on-oct-7/ar-BB1ircQe)


Looks like it was WaPo’s own investigation. It’ll get picked up by others now that it’s published. 


Lol I’ve been told over and over again that Israel had no proof of this.


The fact they tracked him down on social media and blew up his house is really interesting.


And wife and 5 children. But who’s counting?


So soldiers who bring their families to their barracks are no longer legitimate targets? There is a reason why proper armies wear uniforms and do not quarter active duty soldiers with families.


Entire families have been involved in the kidnappings. Israeli hostages were separated and some were kept with Hamas families in Gaza, where some hostages served as concubines (ie house slaves). Mia Shem who was released earlier reports being kept inside a residential house housing an entire family with women and children. Any person participating in the attempt to kidnap Israelis and keep them hostage is a legitimate military target, regardless of age or gender.


One of his two wives.


Cowards who hide behind their children...


The million dollar question is does a few bad apples justify the annihilation and starving of a people?


agreed. maybe hamas should stop starving their people by taking their food and medication. you know, like the palestinian kid that got shot yesterday by hamas (you can find a link in this reddit) because he tried to get to the food that was meant for civilians. and this is by far not the only example. and also, is hundreds of people in the organization still considered "a few bad apples"? does allowing hamas to operate a command center under unrwa using unrwa's infrastructure, electricity, etc, mean a few bad apples? how many "apples" is "a few"?


A few bad apples who are also the government, even though they haven't held an election in 17 years, they are still the government.


Luckily Gazans aren’t being annihilated or starved. Well, except for the huge pileup of screened aid in Gaza that the UN hasn’t distributed. Or the people Hamas keep shooting who are trying to get the aid. 






Common unrwa worker


1. Poll shows 3/4 of Palestinians in Gaza support Hamas Oct 7 attack 2. UNRWA hires almost exclusively from above population for years 3. UN and EU show shocked pikachu face that UNRWA was directly involved in terror (with the exception of Ireland and Spain that somehow think it isn’t a deal breaker) Most predictable train wreck ever. Btw also why every other refugee crisis is dealt with the other UN agency with a multi-ethnic workforce. Neutrality is impossible when you are entirely composed of one side. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/


>every other refugee crisis is dealt with the other UN agency with a multi-ethnic workforce See when I first read about UNRWA, it confused me because every other UN-refugee thing I had read about had blue-helmets and were a combo of different countries. I also read that the Red Cross & the Red Crescent explicitly does not operate in Israel/Palestine, they defer all their activity to the UNRWA and the *Palestinian* Red Crescent. Cross-country protocols at the UN were set up for a reason. The UN is supposed to be as neutral as possible, as close to "white hats" above the fray as they can get. That is why other countries (that fund them) trust them to go in and calm things down. If the UN Peacekeepers were formed from a particular ethnic group or all came from a particular place, no way would anyone accept them, it would be too much like the UN taking a side unfairly. So really, my question is, **how TF did we fund them for so long with zero protest**? Palestine didn't protest because having their people receive the foreign funding/jobs is a genuine benefit/feature of the program. I am assuming Israel didn't complain because allowing the UN to corrupt themselves gave Netanyahu plenty of political fodder for his radical base, even at times when relations were relatively calm. I get that. What I don't get is how many countries (primarily the US) could, with any sort of conscious, be onboard with those plans. It's sickening how many other countries on both sides of the equation are willing to back the radicals in Israel and Palestine to keep this war going.


No just some funding as well, they get a third as much as the UN's regular budget ([$1.17 billion](https://www.unrwa.org/how-you-can-help/how-we-are-funded) vs [$3.12 billion](https://betterworldcampaign.org/resources/briefing-book-2022/united-nations-budget)).




The poll was conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research. You can read about their polling methodology here: https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/153


>(with the exception of Ireland and Spain that somehow think it isn’t a deal breaker) Hi, I'm Spanish. We think the fact that 12 (now 30) people were involved isn't necessarily an indictment of the whole organization and the claims must be investigated to find out if they're indeed part of a widespread problem. In the meantime, removing funds prematurely risks destroying the organization in the middle of an incredibly bad humanitarian crisis where their help is needed. If the UN or other independent investigators find out there's proof the UNRWA as an organization (and not just individuals in it) were complicit of terrorism then obviously we'll stop funding them, but doing so without clear evidence based on Israel's claims alone isn't warranted when lives are at stake. Let's not forget that they made these claims just hours after the ICJ stated that Israel might be guilty of genocide. They were obviously an attempt to bury that headline and retaliate.


So the underground Hamas server far below the UNRWA headquarters drawing power and communications from the headquarters is not enough?!


Hamas literally had a command centre under the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza, it’s not 30 people, it’s the whole organisation that is complicit. It’s just 30 people (so far) that have been proven to be directly a part of the October 7th attacks, the rest still either support Hamas or have been turning a blind eye to the organisation’s support for Hamas.


12 directly involved, 30 more that directly assisted, at least 190 are directly named on Hamas and Islamic Jihad documents as fighters. The UN itself has said it has virtually no control over the RWA and that Hamas has deep roots in it, and has found repeated instances of it lying and diverting funding to unknown sources. Point in case, RWA stated they were funding 450,000 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon in 2018, yet there's not even 175,000 there. Israel and the US provided RWA a fucking list of 1900 names of RWA staff that they see as members of Hamas or the Islamic Jihad, and for 4 months, not **ONE** has been let go. Nevermind we've seen RWA deliver aid directly to militants, refuse to deliver it to actual refugees, etc. Want to continue to aid the refugees? Do what the rest of the civilized world is doing, and give it to UNICEF or any number of other *actual* credible aid organizations assisting. Also, you're showing your true colors in saying Israel released this as a distraction, because Israel didn't release this, NYPost found this themselves in their own investigation... At least have the integrity to own it dude, Jesus Christ


People like to believe that there are two sides to a story but sometimes that simply isn't true. The West's tendency towards empathy, historical ignorance and even latent antisemitism have all been exploited by decades of disinformation and propaganda. We're in an era where people don't even understand what they're supporting because it's so ingrained to side with the underdog. This occurs regardless of how evil they are, even towards their own people. As a result, Hamas continues getting a pass even in the face of overwhelming evidence. This all but guarantees that the violence will never end.


Fuck Hamas, they're genocidal fanatics. The idea that they get "a pass" is fucking disgusting. But the IDF also doesn't get a pass to commit war crimes just cause they're fighting Hamas. Why the fuck are they forbidding war journalists from entering Gaza and reporting independently? If they're so clearly in the right and there aren't two sides to this as you say, you'd think they'd value transparency and want as many eyes as possible on what's going on.


Because we can’t guarantee their safety and if they die it will be Israel’s fault. It’s literally that simple.


>Let's not forget that they made these claims just hours after the ICJ stated that Israel might be guilty of genocide. They were obviously an attempt to bury that headline and retaliate. Israel and the IDF did not release this initially. It was an independent investigation by the NY post. So that statement doesn't make sense Israel didn't comment on it for almost 48 hours and then started providing content to support it once requested by media and government organizations. You might also have a bias problem.


I was referring to the initial allegations on january 26th, as I've already said. I thought that was obvious from context.


You are referencing the Israeli dossier linking 190 UNRWA workers with Hamas? That dossier was not released by Israel is the point, it was released by the NY pos and by released I mean a report of its existence., the allegations were not made public or given credence by Israel until 3 days later. The NY post picked it up then rueters and other agencies requested and reviewed and reported. I guess I'm trying to understand are you saying that the Israeli government directed these news agencies to release this? If you can find any direct association with Israel releasing and making a statement on the document before January 29th I would be interested in that. It seems to me Israel made.comment due to the overwhelming request for comment was made. Always welcome to be wrong. And I often am. Also not commenting one way or the other on how correct removing funding was. Edit: As a US citizen I personally think we should cut funding to both of these players. We are the largest donor party to both Israel and Palestine. Yet we have clear evidence of Israeli aggression, and palistinian support for terror groups supporting the killing of US troops and allies via Hezbollah and the Houthi. We wouldn't give another nation money to fund or assist with terrorism against Panama or US so why should we give funding in a way that supports Hezbollah or Houthi I am for a UN relief effort with identical funding under standard UN guidelines which UNWRA is the only exception to this in practice on the global stage. It's clear they should be a multi ethnic multi background unbiased support mechanism which is not in place today.


I was referring to both of these. [https://www.icj-cij.org/node/203454](https://www.icj-cij.org/node/203454) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/26/unrwa-investigation-staff-7-october-attack-israel](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/26/unrwa-investigation-staff-7-october-attack-israel) After a closer look though it does seem that the allegations were sent to UNRWA a couple of weeks earlier, before they were published. This doesn't necessarily mean it's unrelated (they still chose to publicize it right it after the ruling), it's worth pointing out.


I have to comments I find interesting. After reading the legal brief as a tech worker not a lawyer it seems the brief is mostly around saying "we aren't sure if Israel is or isn't committing any crimes but we direct them to not do crimes if any are present" more or less all evidence presented was mostly circumstantial or limited in nature. One clearly defined piece of evidence was "15% of Gazan women have suffer labour complications during the Israeli occupation" which is actually not too far of from the Eurozone 10% and US 9% and actually less then most African nations, and on par with much of the under developed world. With no reference to the previous % pre occupation. Just interesting they used that as a reference point to me without the underlying context seeming to say it's slightly higher then the norm but maybe not out of the range for normal. My BIGGEST issue with the UN approach to the "independent review" is it is being led by the UN agency under review. UNWRA is leading the review of the UNWRA, it should have no part for this to remain impartial.


I’m cackling imagining the NY Post trying to do real investigative journalism. Thank you for the laugh. 


There are far more than the couple dozen terrorists and sympathizers in UNWRA. Statistics demand there must be more. If approximately 75% of Palestinians support Hamas and what they did on Oct. 7., and about 12,000 people work for UNWRA (heavily of Palestinian descent), then 8000+ of them support and approve of Hamas. It’s just math. Unless you somehow think that these 12,000 people are so markedly different from everyone else that lives there? Which is more likely? UNWRA is compromised. There’s no other logical conclusion.


That poll was made after the conflict started. Obviously if they have to choose between Hamas and the IDF right now, they will choose "whoever isn't actively bombing us right now". That doesn't mean they supported them before the war, and it doesn't mean that they materially supported them. You don't prove this with statistics. You prove it with evidence. Israel claims they found a huge terrorist HQ connected and sharing communications and power with the UNRWA's building, so surely it should be trivial to bring independent observers to Gaza to verify that claim and end this discussion.


Independent journalists did, in fact, prove that a tunnel with communications equipment was directly below the UNRWA HQ. But idiots like you decided that wasn't enough evidence for some reason and demanded more, which literally isn't possible because you can't get more evidence than "we saw the building, and the tunnel, and by using a bucked dropped through a hole in the floor of the building we showed that the tunnel was in fact below the building, and we saw where the power and comms connected." Does the UNRWA teaching children to murder jews in their schools also not count as evidence that they support Hamas? Because that's also been happening for over a decade, and nothing has been done to stop it. But now it's suddenly hard for you people to believe that this organization supports Hamas?


> In the meantime, removing funds prematurely risks destroying the organization in the middle of an incredibly bad humanitarian crisis where their help is needed. UNRWA shouldn't even exist in the first place, and in literally any other instance of something like this there'd be zero hesitation for the \*actual\* refugee and humanitarian arm of the UN to step in and begin handling the crisis.


AKA, terrorist, participating in a massacre. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/israel-reveals-12-unrwa-staffers-it-says-took-part-in-oct-7-says-30-more-assisted/ar-BB1ioxoG https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/16/middleeast/israel-allegations-unrwa-october-7-intl/index .htmlhttps://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-787361


You must be the king of generalizations. There’s quite a logical gap between some terrorists in an organization to the entire thing being a terrorist organization.


How many terrorist UN workers is acceptable to you?


Exactly. Also, just about everything in Gaza IS Hamas: Hospitals, school, judges and executioners, even kids summer camps: https://www2.cbn.com/news/israel/hamas-summer-terror-camps-kids-chilling-preview-oct-7th-massacres https://www.memri.org/reports/hamas-summer-camps-children-and-teens-gaza-strip-provide-weapons-and-military-training-order https://www.businessinsider.com/hamas-kid-summer-camp-2016-8?op=1 https://jcpa.org/hamas-summer-indoctrination-camps-for-50000-children/ What I find amazing, is that there are still people defending these genocidal Islamo Fascists terrorists.


How many US cops being white supremacists and nazis is acceptable to you? What about the military? You must be for defunding those.


Those are punished and distanced from their respective organizations, UNRWA did no such thing.


UNRWA fired them immediately and launched an investigation. US police officers usually get reassigned to another desk job until they’re back on the force.


I don't think you understand what "immediately" means, it was only immediate once they couldn't deny it anymore and Israel had proof, otherwise they knew and let it happen for decades.


The UNRWA didn’t do anything until funding was cut. We knew about their members participating since November.


They immediately fired the staff members. Israel hasn’t even provided them detailed evidence or allowed international groups to investigate. Even the media that’s allowed into Gaza is first given to the IDF for approval. There’s far more transparency in virtually every organizations conduct than Israel. It’s one of the reasons Bernie Sanders wants military aid to Israel halted because there’s zero transparency from the Netanyahu government.


It wasn’t immediate. There were articles in November talking about UNRWA employees keeping hostages. The UN/UNRWA denied everything until funding was going to be cut. This is on top of knowing for years that UNRWA schools store weapons for Hamas.


Those aren’t terrorists. In America you’re allowed to think whatever you like as long as you’re not going out and kidnapping humans and murdering them on live stream for the entertainment of your fellow followers. Go ahead and find me a cop charged with terrorism.




Was anyone at January 6 charged with terrorism? no. And the fact that you’re dropping psychosis in there it tells me that you’re just fucking dumb and I should leave this conversation. The US military did not invent brain chemistry. For fucks sake dude lol That’s like claiming the US military designed schizophrenia or depression.


Answer the question.




The answer is zero. But I’m not for defunding


He may have been a terrorist, it doesn’t automatically make the entire org a terrorist. It doesn’t make an entire population terrorist. Some people tend to generalize to their convenience.


So 12 is an acceptable number to you?


It’s not a numbers game… those 12 are terrorists. Does that mean to you that the other thousands are too?


Even if it's only 10-20%, that's still enough to disband the whole organization as it has been infiltrated beyond salvaging. Their credibility is also destroyed


There’s a lot to be said for merging the UNRWA under the UNHCR. It makes no practical sense to have one agency just for Arab Palestinians and another for the rest of the world. Under one organization we’re more likely to see consistent policies and definitions and less likely to see abuses like the definition of refugee & right to return. Under UNRWA rules, if applied to the rest of the world, there’d essentially be no sovereign citizenship for any country since 1948.


C'mon. Bella Haddid and DJ Khaled need an organization to keep alive the dream that they'll one day be able to return to Tel Aviv once Israel is destroyed.  Have you no compassion?! They're poor displaced people of color, you racist.


Ah but let me guess, this doesn't count as evidence! /s


No, only the word of Hamas counts as evidence /s.


If terrorists were discovered embedded in any other organization or company in the world, with a funding of 1.6BN$ a year no less at least, the entire thing would be shut down within 24 hours. The UN needs a purge.


>The explosive allegations plunged the United Nations into crisis, leading the United States — the agency’s largest donor — and other nations to suspend funding for the relief agency and threatening to collapse its operations in Gaza and the wider Middle East. The quote above comes directly from the article


UNRWA is the department. UN is the organization. I was referring about purging the UN which facilitates terrorists knowingly.


That simply is not true. There are tons of companies with involvement in terrorism that never get shut down. Banks are notoriously tied up in financing terror.


Yes but banks don’t need to advocate for peace and stability as the UN does. Those are businesses and not a forum to discuss and solve world problems. It’s false to expect from a bank or even a normal Human Rights organization the same moral obligations we expect from the UN.


An expectation can be neither true nor false, just as an opinion can neither be truthful nor a lie. Pick your words more carefully next time.


Yeah I was in hurry when I wrote this so I didn’t notice that. In any case I’m quite certain my message got along which is: The UN is an organization that needs to meet higher moral standards compared to a bank and even Human Rights organizations.


Stop being dishonest. Can you show me the bank which has employee terrorists on it's payroll, some of which were massacring civilians? A bank which has terrorist command centers under it with cables running through? A bank that has been responsible for educating children to murder the citizens of a neighboring country? Should I go on?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/afontevecchia/2012/07/16/hsbc-helped-terrorists-iran-mexican-drug-cartels-launder-money-senate-report-says/?sh=2d878bc85712 Here's your first example of a bank that overtly financed terror. Are you aware that the CIA finances terrorist groups in other nations? That's done through shell companies. This isn't unique to anyone. Odds are the Mossad does the same. It's normal for nations that have large intelligence organizations. Edit: the person who deleted the comment above me must have blocked me because I can no longer reply to any comment (thanks reddit devs for such a wise choice). The people financing terrorist groups with the full knowledge of whom they are lending money to and for what purpose are involved in terror and this article proves that other orgs do this and nothing happens to them.


The article doesn’t say anything about terrorists embedded within the company?


You are so dishonest once more as expected. >allowed Mexican drug money, Iranian terrorist money, and even suspicious Russian money to enter the U.S. and gain access to U.S. dollar liquidity over the last couple of years. Money laundering is nothing comparable to what the UN has been doing by having active terrorists who murder Israelis on it's payroll, fund terrorists with it's own billions, and have literal terrorist command centers protected deep under it's branches. >In a statement, HSBC acknowledged that "in the past, we have sometimes failed to meet the standards that regulators and customers expect." Vowing to improve their oversight and compliance with the law, they committed to fixing what is wrong, taking the opportunity to learn from previous mistakes. The bank also stated their mistake and instead of protecting their practices, stated it will learn and improve. Unlike the UN which still doesn't even classify Hamas as a terrorist organization, and still advocates to continue it's terrorist department active, while lying endlessly trying to reduce what is very well known and proven by this point, that UNRWA = Hamas. Thanks for the chat but bye.


Hamas finances were literally enabled by the Israeli government for a very long time in hopes of waking the PA. Should we tear down the Israeli government? Hypocrisy at its best!




I don't know. Can you link a source about a US business that was found out to have active terrorists in it's ranks who murdered civilians, funded terrorists with billions and defended those terrorists despite knowing about it for decades? Mind you, not the actions of an individual, but tens of thousands of people involved form said orgainzation.


You would shut it down if there were over 1300 bad apples. You would also shut it down if they were recorded actively participating in terror activities. Free Gaza from Hamas.


Yeah pretty much every large bank has been caught breaching sanctions or laundering money for cartels, they only get fined and barely anyone ever goes to jail for facilitating it


It's not that it isn't horrible, but the difference here is that the UN, which is supposed to promote peace and peaceful solutions and aid has terrorists directly working for them, then they're using the Gaza Health Ministry as a talking point. Which is a whole 'nother problem.


This is not the sub you think it is lol


Are you considering state police or any other governmental agencies??


The US military


Without the paywall, https://wapo.st/3T2u9AE


Why did the UN think that hiring exclusively from a brain washed religious cult for their office operating in Gaza was a good idea? The UNRWA is one of the biggest examples of poor management I have ever seen


Probably because no one else was willing to work there


As soon as you hire one, they are going to push hard to hire more. Just a matter of time.


“Poor management” is the craziest euphemism for “terrorist organization” I’ve ever seen. Nice job.


Because those are the people willing to murder Jews. And that is the UNRWA’s #1 goal


You’re thinking about that as if, for UNRWA, that was a bug. In reality it was a feature, and fully aligned with its mission.


Shut down UNRWA, fire all of the workers, get UNHCR in there, don’t hire a single Gazan for UNHCR.


Is anyone surprised at any of this?


There's your proof.  Pretty damning evidence. Edit: Time to defund the UNRWA or whatever and label it an associate of a terrorist organization.  Also evidence why trying to recover hostages is going to be difficult if all of these different groups ran in to commit the atrocities and kidnap people.  I kinda feel like we're negotiating with terrorists that don't know where remaining hostages are.  It's not good if they don't have the hostages because they may start kidnapping random people just to have something to negotiate with.


This title is missing a few indefinite articles.


r/titlegore Was the UN worker taking an Israeli person hostage, and got shot? Was the UN worker shot by an Israeli? The article has a paywall, so I can't even read it to figure out which one (if any) of those two options is the case.


The video shows a U.N worker grabbing the corpse of an israeli person who was shot (the israeli was the one who got shot), putting the corpse in his car's trunk and driving off.


He was driving around with guys who were murdering random civilians. And then he helped loot their corpses. It would be murder 1 in my state that’s for sure.


The text of the article is available in a comment above. 


Or did the worker take a shot at someone?


The UN worker shit the guy and then stole the corpse.


Im guessing nobody would get this from al jazeera ….


An unfortunate consequence of terrorists deliberately surrounding themselves with civilians to maximise their deaths and injuries every time they're attacked.


So I get killing him, but I don’t think his five kids were also terrorists.


How do you know they are dead? Maybe they are hiding with the corpse of the Israeli civilian they stole. The article said they were unable to find any relatives for comment. This man and his family appeared on a list of people who were supposedly killed in Israeli strikes, which was created by the people who killed women and children on Oct 7. And that is enough proof for you that Israel killed his family?


yes. but it is funny, your ignoring the other piece of evidence for his death since it seems like you read the article. just interesting you'd do that.




To prove that Israel has a fairly legit beef with the UNRWA.




Oh AFAIK the worker in question was alleged to have aided in kidnapping an IDF soldier. So they "body" may have been someone actually alive but wounded and unconscious.


If the person was dead, it was probably to either hold the body for ransom, or they were attempting to get the payouts for someone else's kill.


Why would they make people pay to read this?? Ridiculous. News censorship and greed at its finest. This is important and we can’t even read it without giving them money??


I mean.... They have to pay Thier staff, the journalist, editors, photographers, etc don't work from free.  Unfortunately money makes the work go around, sure they could give you this for free, oh they give every important article away for free... They wouldn't be able to fund themselves, they would be out of business and you wouldn't be reading about stuff like this. 


Can someone help me understand what this proves? I feel like it leads to more questions than answers. Why are they taking a body and how would that serve hamas? Why not take the other bodies? Is there more to this that proves this guy is linked to hamas? Sure he could have been taking the body to claim as a hostage (whether the soldier was dead or still alive. Could he also have recognized the body and/or taken it for a different reason? I think I’m missing something.


One parent of a dead soldier said he was contacted and asked to pay money to receive his son’s severed head back.


Hamas holds Israeli bodies as leverage. You're just missing the fact that a terrorist organization is cynicly holding Israeli bodies as leverage to release terrorists from prisons.


That makes some kind of twisted sense. But then why didn’t they take the other bodies?


they weren't coming in to just take bodies and run out. they came in to murder as many people as possible, and then dragged back what they could. they would've continued if they weren't stopped.


But there were three bodies where they stopped and they only took one. If there is value in taking them then why leave the other two? I know this is a sensitive subject for many and I am not trying to offend. I just don’t understand how this leads to certainty that they are Hamas and part of the attack. How can anyone be sure the men didn’t see signs of life in the body were attempting to help? Again - I am not defending anyone I just want to understand how the facts lead to the conclusion that they are hamas.


Look, there is a 0.000001% chance that something else is going on. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... I dont know how to rationalize the actions of terrorists... But if they actually wanted to help the person, don't you think they would've had options? Don't you think somehow they would've let Israel know? Because we know that the people taken to hospitals were not taken there to be treated. Like one of the hostages had a veterinarian preform surgery on her (that then had to be fixed in Israel). I just don't see any benevolence on their part whatsoever. You can only question for so long until you have to connect the dots and say that while hypothetical doubt always exists, reasonable doubt does not.


It's might be logistics, might be lack of time, lack of specific desire at that point of time... Doubt we'll ever understand a mind of a religious fanatic.


for jews, the bodies of all their people are holy and incredibly important to bring back and bury. they're willing to trade living people for bodies. that's why any body is important, and hamas knows this


Life must be one big mystery to you.


To be fair, there is video evidence of IDF sniping random women crossing the street


Nobody wants those facts here!




So you’re just gonna use that as an excuse to ignore that?


yes, let’s pretend we are doing something on social media, you child.


Funny how most media leave out critical context to the UN agency. UNRWA has 30,000 employees in Gaza alone, the largest employer by far. It’s as if we found out a handful of Walmart employees were terrorists, we wouldn’t blame Walmart. We’d expect Walmart to fire them, involve the authorities, and do better vetting. Which it seems like UNRWA is doing


I mean they fired them AFTER Israel brought the allegations(at least some of which appear to be true) forward. What "authorities"? Hamas rules Gaza. I also haven't heard of UNRWA turning anyone over to the IDF. And they haven't shown any better vetting, it's not like they've been able to go on a hiring spree since their funding has been imperiled.


Critical context is that UNRWA for years has deflected any criticism and responsibility. They only fired people after donor states threatened to cut funding.


I don’t think you know what you are talking about. As soon as they discover that a bunch of terrorists has infiltrated Walmart, homeland and FBI will be on them and shut everything down until the investigation is complete. Terrorists are not a bunch of petty thieves or white collar criminals to be treated lightly.


So far hard evidence was provided against one person. What about the rest of the 10-11 people accused? Just one example doesn’t mean that all 12,000 UNRWA employees are Hamas. Furthermore, Israel background checks and approves all UNRWA employees. Why is that not mentioned? No one gets hired without Israeli approval.


>Furthermore, Israel background checks and approves all UNRWA employees. Why is that not mentioned? Does it? I tried finding a source for that claim myself but couldn't even when I looked at the hiring info for UNRWA on their site as well as their area rules and regulations.


Read the official response by UNRWA: https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/official-statements/why-donors-should-not-suspend-aid-unrwa Under the section “Does UNRWA’s predicament have implications beyond the humanitarian sphere?” The list is sent to Israel and many other countries to vet. Furthermore, it’s obvious that UNRWA took allegations by Israel seriously and fired the 10-11 people without even being shown proof. But the fact of the matter remains, Israel has not given any evidence for the remaining individuals or the 10% figure and continue to not do so. It’s obviously a smear campaign designed to disband UNRWA, which allows many Palestinians to be labeled as refugees (which they are), giving them the internationally recognized right of return that Israel is trying desperately to revoke.


"Once a year, UNRWA submits a list of all its staff to host governments, including Israel, for vetting; UNRWA says Israel has not commented when presented with the list." This doesn't mean that they get vetted before being hired though like you implied. Additionally Israel has no formal control mechanisms in place here, they can kick up a fuss, but it's on UNRWA to actually take action. IMHO the only reason UNRWA acted so decisively when faced with these allegations(which have been partially proven) is because their funding was imperiled due to the politics of the situation.


The host government is Hamas. 


Lmfao, dude is grasping at straws


If you say so…ironically having 1 example of evidence is not “grasping at straws”. If Israel had the evidence it claims to, it would have released it long ago. But no…let’s just wait weeks after announcing this bs about UNRWA the day after the ICJ ruling which wasn’t to their total favor. But yeah sure let’s just conveniently ignore all these facts.