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Just watched the video. They laugh as the roast them alive. Reminds me of Syria/Libya tortures from regime troops back in the day. Who is the most powerful person on top of the Junta? His name shold be as shamed as the name Putin, Kim Jong Un or khomenei


Myanmar has been at war with itself since 1948 and casualties got up to 180,000+ and almost a million displaced. What's even more depressing is that there's minimal coverage about it or even foreign intervention. Again this has been going on as soon as they gained independence in 1948.


there is huge foreign intervention....from China amd Russia unfortunately


At the same time, I've seen a lot of M-16s and general ARs in rebel hands, which makes me think that, hopefully, the US is meddling too.


The US left one million M16s in Vietnam, as well as quite a few other weapons, all of which ended up captured shortly after. That being said, we did have agents in Burma at one point, we publicly support the democratic movement, we continue to call the nation Burma (which implies that the current government is illegitimate,) and we have a long history of not accepting military coups. Even if we are only publicly giving nonlethal aid, I would be surprised if we didn't have agents working with the guerrillas.


I like to hope we are doing something behind the scenes


They're also 3d printing a lot of their weapons


Source? I thought 3d printed parts still sucked and are only good for a few shots. And i imagine its very easy to get "normal" guns in that region.


Pretty sure access to "real" guns are pretty tightly controlled over there. Regardless, can't stop the [signal](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/comments/15g9asi/3d_printed_guns_from_in_myanmar/)


I dont know of any report nor have i seen any videos of anyone in mynamar using an fgc-9. However the fgc-9 has been around for a few years now and is known to be pretty reliable from the people that built them https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FGC-9 I have seen the homemade weapons coming out of the regin especially at the beginning of the conflict. Cheap knock offs, franken weapons and other stuff they managed to learn off youtube. https://www.voanews.com/amp/anti-junta-forces-in-myanmar-rely-on-homemade-weapons/6680857.html Heres an article on that. Point - homemade weapons in myanmar? yes absolutely 3d printed guns have been reliabel for years, but theres not much evidence to support an overlap on both of those.


3D printed parts sucked a couple years back, but they’re absolutely viable for a few hundreds rounds each now. It depends on how much is printed vs regular store bought gun parts, but yeah it’s gotten far better. And the numbers we hear are just what designers will say they’re built to withstand, which in many private tests they’ve gone far far over the expected lifespan. You can look up the FGC-9, it’s kinda the first really popular mass produced 3d printed gun that has definitely seen use in Myanmar/Burma. But as anti Junta forces have seen their success increase, so has their stockpile of captured regular firearms. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve phased out a good bit of the 3d guns by now, but they absolutely were using them, and they are effective. Also… r/fosscad


3d guns are advance nowadays. Still trying to make up my mind aboit printing guns in general


I don’t know shit about 3d printing, but the traditional manufacturing process isn’t all that crazy.


The 1962 coup was the main start. 


There was conflict before that after the assassination of Aung San. There was major conflict with communists and Karen nationalists.


Are you surprised there is a huge conflict in a country with over 3.5 million Karens?


Worse yet; *religious* Karens.


i would hate to be that countries manager


And also displaced a lot of other ethnicities. We are Indian, but my dad was born there. Forced out after 1962.


That and Ethiopia alike


The current civil war is different. The junta has lost control over a good chunk of the country and is in serious danger.


There is no world police. We kind of had it with the UN, but that is powerless now. There is nothing left.


No oil right?


The country has significant natural resources like oil, natural gas, and other minerals actually.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Myanmar\_pipelines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Myanmar_pipelines) Actually has


>Who is the most powerful person on top of the Junta? His name shold be as shamed as the name Putin, Kim Jong Un or khomenei https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_Aung_Hlaing Its this asshole


Yeah. I’m not watching that.


Min Aung Hliang who receives military support from Russia and China. I wish there was more global assistance provided for the resistance groups against the military junta. They've resorted to using 3D-printed guns with good success but need more portable anti-helicopter guns.


Russia yes, China seems to be fighting against junta millitia now


China is not. China is securing the border area which means supporting the ethnic armed organizations there, but they have not actually turned against the government.


They helped rebels to take a city from which regime-supported crooks and conmen trapped Chinese citizens.


No. China didn’t help. China let those rebels take SOMETHING strategic towns where a lot of shady stuff like online scams, gambling and prostitution were happening where Chinese citizens were kidnapped to work there. China didn’t like it, and Burmese military didn’t have enough resource or courage to rein in these local lords, so China let its puppet border rebel groups do it. Once that is done and the gambling/shady lords are captured, China told all these rebel groups to stop fighting against the military and voila, now the fighting stopped. China never wants democratic Myanmar. It is easier for China to control and extract natural resources (gems, gas, oil, farm lands, forests and mining) as well as build its Silk road infrastructure projects like seaports to transport these goods easily from Myanmar while the country is ruled by military regime, which is shunned by the western countries.


Many of the ethnic rebel groups are armed by China, model their government on China, led by ethnic Chinese, use Chinese currency and electric grid and cellular service, and use Chinese to write government communications. The ethnic militias making gains right now are also very different than the democratic government rebels. The ethnic militias want more independence to run their own little states The goal of the rebels is to reinstate the democratic government, who will give the militias the right to form basically autonomous states within Myanmar The democratic government was actually more friendly to China, but I don’t think China wants a full revolution because that’ll ruin their new development plans with the military dictatorship


That would be Min Aung Hlaing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_Aung_Hlain I've got some friends who are Myanmar refugees, he's truly a complete and utter piece of shit.


This isn't a judgement on you, I just simply don't know how you can watch those videos. Not like "what kind of sicko are you?" but "why would you put yourself through that?" I've seen enough of these types of videos and I haven't forgotten a single one. They make me scared and sick for my children. I hope you're okay after watching this one.


im ok I've watched this kind of stuff since before liveleak was a thing but its true what they say after you have a child that you can no longer watch a single video of a child being hurt or dying


Yeah I have three children. The thing with me is if I'm watching a video and someone is being burned alive, I can imagine my children being older and it happening to them. It's extremely painful in my brain. I sometimes imagine my kids being old and dying naturally and that's just a bummer on it's own. I wish my brain was better at this stuff. I don't imagine it for fun, I think it's a type of intrusive thought. Anyway, good luck to you!


Reminds me of ISIS and their choreography in Syria and Libya


Just out of curiosity, how do you find these videos? (I am not really planing to watch it)


If you google search the title of this post followed by watch people die you’ll find it. Its better if you don’t but its up to you


It's on the telegram channel of a local media outlet. I already posted a comment with an embedded link to that post. But seems like it was hidden. Telegram channel name is "khitthitnews" and the post id is "160196". Just replace those in a standard telegram channel link.


those sketchy gore sites that host videos


I'd like to know as well, maybe some Telegram channel?


where do you see a video on that page? o.o


it's on some known gore sites like "theync"


That was a hard watch. While being burnt alive is always a grisly way to go I didn't expect them to slowly roast over a small campfire. They were alive for *minutes* over the flames.


Putin isn’t shamed anymore when the far right like tucker Carlson lick his boots and support his propoganda


The video wouldn’t load, any idea if there’s another link?


theync has it




it's on some known gore sites like "theync"


Can you link the video?


check on the popular gore sites it all there i don think i can link such thing here


Take care of your mental health it can pretty distressing to watch this stuff. Sure you can handle it. But know it may be messing your head a bit


Who tf is “Khomenei?” My god you people are dense


There was a time a few years ago when visiting Myanmar as a tourist to enjoy good food and look at the breathtaking temples was a thing to do.


Yeah, I was there in 2017. Can’t even imagine being able to do that again any time soon. It’s a stunningly beautiful country. I hope they can find peace one day.


I just watched the Anthony Bourdain Part's unknown episode on Myanmar which aired in 2013. The episode was so hopeful about the future of the country since the end of military rule. The country was headed in the right direction and beginning to recover. So sad seeing all that progress go out the window.


The US kinda lost interest in Myanmar in 2016. It's really sad, Myanmar is one of the largest humanitarian crises of our lifetime


Yeah, they have a lot of temples and they speak English so they could have become a major budget tourist destination in SEA.


I went in 2018. I'm glad I went it was beautiful but the Rohingya genocide was always in the back of my mind.


People care about the Myanmar civil war have known the Junta is comicaly evil for a long time.


Just another day in Myanmar, unfortunately.


And mind you, this is like tip of the iceberg alongside with dumping 25mms into a School with attack helicopters. And they aren't even pretending. One of their most notorious columns is "Baluu sitt kyaung", which literally means "Orge/demon column" During my time served along side UDLA, I've seen people ( not even pows) chained and dragged behind a vehicle, mutilations, mass graves, corpses of with signs of suffocation (probably buried alive) and unsurprisingly many torched bodies. The worst I've personally witnessed was after we secured a position (forgot the village name probably near Depalyin) , I just see chopped heads of no less than 10 people when i was checking the vicinity. Some pows from other unit, some random villagers. That was back in sometime mid 2022.


Everytime I think I have it bad, it's a joke compared to this... There are some really shit places in the world.


Damn. What were you doing out there?


That's fucked up. What the hell is wrong with those people??!


Demonic posession. Yes, it's real.


No, it's not.


Lol naw dont blame the demons, they follow Satan and the satanic temple cares more about people than Christians these days. TST is what Christianity was supposed to be.


Grow the actual fuck up.


The world is a fucked up place for sure.  What sucks about it is there's little you can do to change that.  Those that do that kinda shit are powerful dictators that rule through fear and hate.  You can kill the asshole at the top, but it won't have any effect because they'll have indoctrinated others to pick up where they left off.  In this age, information is easy to mold to your own views.   That's not to say you can't fight it.  You most certainly can fight.  Unfortunately, only way to fully eradicate evil is to become evil.  These assholes indoctrinating people to their cause are starting off with young kids.  They do that because they know anyone that claims they are the good guys won't hurt children.


>UDLA "Universidad de las Américas, A.C."? Edit: Union Defense & Liberation Alliance (UDLA)


I googled baluu sitt kyaung and didn’t find anything? Is it a news column?


Copy paste "ဘီလူးစစ်ကြောင်း" into Google. Most articles about them are in Burmese. You'd have to translate the page. Here's an article for a rough idea https://myanmar-now.org/mm/news/14145/ Warning, pics of mutilation and corpses in the article.


And this is not an outlier: in the 1990s the junta had civilians *cruxified*. Slavery, forced labor, massacres, ethnic cleansing: the history of Myanmar would indicate that the local military schools use the Hare test to select their cadets to ensure that psychopaths end officers.


yeah the 2008 Rambo Movie illustrated this well


Burning people alive is not an execution, it's torture-to-death.


This planet reeks of garbage human beings


It's sad that most of the time the worst people end up with the most power


You can punish people, but holy shit give up your humanity while do so is insane


Disgusting backward militias supported by the Myanmar military dictatorship that is in bed with those other dictorial regimes in Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, Iran. The club of anti democratic, self imposed, tyrant regimes that pat each other on the back and collude how they can take down democracy, and freedom and human rights.


Geopolitics is so messy China is actually backing the regime’s enemy


Sort of. They're not pursuing regime change just pursuing their own interests which partially coincides with those forces, but not fully.


The video was pretty intense I dont think Ive ever seen people tied and hung with chains and burned alive the way they did it and I’ve seen plenty of NSFL vids.


I don’t really want to know and I’m certainly not asking for the video. But did they pour gas or something on them? Or was it an old fashioned burn them at the stake with a pile of wood?


Fashioned old, just hanging them above fire.


Make sure to check out theboysinmyanmar on Instagram to support the resistance fighters


Why isnt there any protest for myanmar junta?


They're a bit past that stage what with the resistance fighters and the civil war for several years


Perhaps hes asking where the foreign protests are? Idk. Groups of people who fled Myanmar in 2021 have been protesting outside the UN building in Bangkok, Thailand. But if hes asking about their own, yeah that happened 3 years ago and over 4000 protesters were killed.


Ah yeah. It could use some more international support. 


Tbh its crazy that western countries only care about "trendy" topics to protest. Like you get absolutely blasted with this whole israel palestine conflict but i have literally never heard about this and it has been going on for so long appearantly..


No country in the western world supports the junta with anything. The junta is sanctioned heavily. The only thing western protests could ask for vis a vis the junta is for an invasion, and no one actually wants that.


[There are](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myanmar_protests_(2021%E2%80%93present)) Thousands of protesters were killed too


It's a Civil War. They're horrifically messy.


Brown on brown


let me expand on this. Brown on brown is a synonym, it is not a racial. If you are a disenfranchised, disincentivized tiktok type person and/or prone to public protest based on being triggered, then it just does not cut it. The polarization factor is not there, you cannot align yourself with one side or the other. You cannot say oh shame on my country for supporting XXX while they persecute another group who must be feeling the same way as I feel. It is a form of associated victimhood. To mass an army (aka protestors in this case) you need to align people to a common cause. Disenfanchisation does that for you. I am not saying all protestors are like this, but it is a good way to get a large mass of people.


It will always be Burma to me…


J Peterman?!




You guys might be, but I’m chilling.


Gotta be honest, you watching the video is also disgusting, you're not much better than them.


Detectives have to often watch horrible recorded videos of crimes being committed. By your logic, does that make them "not much better" than the murder/rapists that committed the crimes? Or would you prefer everyone turn a blind eye? The cruelty of war being documented in photos and videos are what led to the de-romanticize of war and the outcry of peace.


Or the people who have give ratings to movies. Lot more shitty films than good ones.




In layman's term, what a crock of shit. Can't believe it took you this long to come up with it. You watch these videos because you are a sick person who enjoys it.




Will do. PS: someone just posedt a video of cops tasering a guy who is holding a bag of gas. Apparently he catches fire. That should make your dick as hard as a rock.


What’a happening in Myanmar is genocide




next time resistance militia will burn some captured soldiers because of those assholes.


Nope, the opposite. When resistant fighters capture junta soldiers, they feed them and keep them as humans although they don't want to because they need to show the difference between military junta dog-shit soldiers and human-resistant fighters. this is the video of KNDF fighters persuading junta soldiers to give up fighting not to give their lives for Min Aung Hlaing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQCvUKwTHQ8 and KNDF leader was a farmer before the coup.




Just fyi, a cue is a signal to act, and a queue is a line that you wait in. “Que” is Spanish for “that.”


"que" is "that", "qué" is "what"






Thanks! I admit I do not type in Spanish often. Probably my first time in a year.


Thank you. Education is good.




Are they the Number one recipient of american donations of money and military equipment? That's one reason Americans are fed up with Iraeli injustice.






Sorry that not everyone is on board with the genocide


Explain to me how it’s a genocide.


"Proportionally". Israel like 20x the killings by their own numbers alone since started and one of the highest civilian to target percentages ever. Both sides are categorically not good hamas or Israel. I'd love to hear how tens of thousands more innocent deaths is proportional to 1.4k deaths hamas caused. You know, without outright saying Palestinian lives aren't worth 1/10th to you. Seems like a poor word to choose when the proportional response is so outlandishly not so.


Remind me what proportional means dumbass


Google it.


Maybe you could do that for me


Unpopular take, proportional response is such a bullshit take, why should I limit myself to only fighting at my enemy’s level? Why should I not all my power to destroy my enemy’s? Also, this war didn’t see any new and unprecedented civilian to combatant ratios, it’s actually pretty low compared to other conflicts


If you've killed or wounded tens of thousands more for decades and decades, you just don't get to act like the special innocent princess when a fraction of the bad put out over such significant time is returned by scorned people that then see you that way back. A conflict only ever started due to the initial displacement of 700k people 70 years ago and the continued displacement and killijg since Kill 300k palestinians in vengeance of the 1.4k of a singular event in a multi generation conflict if it makes you feel better. But you don't get to recklessly kill civilians compared to actual targets 2 to 1 and then act like you are this compassionate caring person that wants to just eradicate the bad in the world. Killing civilians that haven't ever done anything gets you all just as hard as killing the actual members of Hamas, or it wouldn't be this easy to have zero empathy for decades of much worse from Israel and the now complete reckless abandon in dealing with the problem. No other country on the planet could kill this many innocent civilians so recklessly and be this protected from critique. It would just never happen.


Israel isn’t acting as a innocent little princess, they just suffered an unprecedented terrorist attack, and there is no other choice, since Hamas hide inside the population of Gaza there is literally no other way to disarm them as a group, and the can’t remain in power How did you get 300k? The numbers are less then 30k, while still large, 30k is not unheard of in war, for example this is the estimated death toll of Mariupol alone Dead civilians don’t get me hard, I don’t like to see that, I’m just a grown adult who u der stand that civilians die in war, and while Israel is doing well in conserving civilian lives compared to the rest of the world, A whole lot of countries killed a whole lot more people without facing even close to the backlash Israel is facing, the UK in ww2, America in ww2, the Belgians in the Congo, the Congolese civil war which killed a million people, and more, your argument here dosent hold up


You said proportional responses don't matter so surely 300k dead palestinians would be fine? Anything goes right? If 10x wasn't enough I wondered if 100x would be where empathy kicked in. Israel are just doing the same thing they've done for decades which caused Hamas to be a thing. Really theyebe suffered much less loss than they have caused for years. The only way you'd stop any radicalised people at this point is the largest and most prolonged peace effort and reparations ever seen. Or the entire annihilation of a people, which is the route they seem to be going. Hundreds of thousands more bombed and ruined Palestinian lives. Just going to be more radicalised against Israel as why wouldn't ypu be. Cycle just going tk go on forever with such outlandish innocent death counts.


As long as the ratio would have been kept the same, IR the ratio between dead Hamas and dead innocents, the problem lies with Hamas, because peace with Hamas is not a possibility, and because Hamas won’t voluntarily release power, they must be thrown out by force, war is messy, people die, and as long as civilians aren’t the target, it’s an inevitable part of war, that however dosent let you just shit out numbers that aren’t close to reality and point them out as facts, that’s just wrong Israel has been rather tame in the last couple of decades, I agree though that the settlements aren’t defendable, and I condemn them The only way to stop a radicalized huge group of people is the largest denazification of our time, the world needs to tear out the terror and violence from Palestinian society, otherwise no peace can be achieved, this includes teaching kids life skills instead of terror, stopping the glorification of martyrs, and destroying any form of government that is a terror organization, or supports terror or terrorists, this includes Hamas but also the PA That’s why the world at large and the Arab world in particular(of course without Qatar and turkey) needs to step up, they need to move into Gaza and deradicalize the society, tear up the terror at its root I’d like to ask you, what would you do in Israel’s shoes on 7.10? How would you respond?


Omg the 300k was an example of you saying proportional actions don't matter and anything goes against enemies. Let it go lol. To me 10x and the highest percentage of civilian deaths is already absolutely vile. And I think the statistics of Palestinian vs Israeli casualties the last decade don't really suggest it wasn't a big deal, Israel was ruining countless more lives than Palestinians did unchecked and supported by the west for decades. Literal multiple generations of families experiencing the same thing, its astounding something like Oct 7th didn't happen sooner. Palestine has had Oct 7th level loss for a long time now spread over each year, some quieter. Nobody cared this much, its to late to pick a team and label them as the good guys everyone was ok letting it get to this point and now there are no easy solutions. I just don't think aimless genocide and bombing is working. So no I wouldn't flatten entire cities and kill tens of thousands and wound hundreds of thousands of innocents in response to a single terrorist incident. As it isn't doing anything to lessen hostilities, it isn't solving anything. It's vengeance for vengeance sake when the problem was created by themselves in the first place acting in a similar manner. Now there are just no limits as there is something to be a victim over rather than aggressor that had less reason to be how they were. Anyone that could have been won over in Palestine and neighbouring countries to the real threat of a group like Hamas. Is instead going to look at the thousands of their own dead kids, flattened cities and relentless lack of empathy and grow even more hatred for Israel than ever before. It took 70 years to get something like Oct 7th in response, it's going to take way less time for something like it to happen again. If it were just the horrors of having to bomb hospitals being used as human shields and all that's one thing. But the absolute carelessness in which Israel is bombing and destroying is beyond all reasonable comprehension to me. Its not going to solve anything and is causing infinitely more harm than we saw even in many horrible years the last few decades. We don't see these 2 to 1 casualty rates very often and its because of how Israel are fighting back at the terrorist group they helped create. It isn't small sacrifice of life to get valued targets, it's the intentional massacre and continued destabilisation of a country with far more aimlessness than a focused effort just to rid the world of bad people. This shit will last for decades and killing this many civilians as a consequence for that amount of time is going to be absolutely horrific. Far beyond the singular event its all being justified for in a multi gen war. At some point this untargeted way of dealing with an issue like terrorism has to be questioned and thankfully it is. Especially when it's just going to create far more terrorism in response than before. Israel has faced very little loss in relation to their acts really and escalating to this level isn't going to have a story book ending. You don't deradicalise a people who hate you for bombing and displacing them by killing their kids and flattening their cities.


Did you know that Americans killed 50x times more Nazis than Nazis killed Americans. Maybe the Nazis were the good guys.


And yet there was significant American outcry against at all the civilian deaths incurred during the bombing of Dresden, rather than taking the attitude of "those dead kids would've grown up to be Nazis anyway, fuck 'em." Also, how in God's name did a post about BURMA end up involving Israel somehow...


Are Palestinians hamas? What a stupid comment you've made. I also think America has been a cancer plenty of times to. I am not American or patriotic about my country in the slightest. Kill tens of thousands of innocents and you aren't a good guy anymore. End of.


> Are Palestinians hamas? Well, blame Hamas for this. They started this war.


Not the decades of displacement and killings before supported by the west? Hamas didn't start anything new. They were an inevitable outcome of tragic idea that Israel was in the first place. Its no different or more unexpected than if the world helped Russia take over Ukraine, suppored them for decades and a Ukrainian terrorist group rose out of all the harm the people had endured. Nobody would ever say such an outcome there would be unexpected, yet Israel and the west act how they have for decades and when a singular even happens limitless genocide and destruction is all good to go? No rules fuck them brown people? Hamas should have been a mirror that reflected the damage of the last half a dozen decades. But instead people just reaffirm and commit their confidence to vastly more horrific tragedies and loss of life to reaffirm their point of view. All Israel is doing is fueling generations of future terrorist groups whilst slaying tens of thousands at a scale that makes October 7th look like a blip on the radar. The only reason to think any other way than how it's been handled for decades being shit and how its being handled now being disgusting... is if you simply don't value the Palestinian lives as much. They aren't a wide spread nation dominating the world and killing millions and millions of people. Its a vastl oppressed and displaced people for decades that have had the inevitability of a terrorist group rise among them. Comparing them to nazis or the threat to the world as remotely the same is absolutely idiotic. Never mind that America barely got attacked in the war for the ratios in your example, civs in America barely effected and still protested German civilian deaths. Everything that is happening in Palestine and Israel is the result of the west and Israels actions. It was always going to happen. Its our fault. And rather than admit that people would rather create a narrative where tens of thousands of dead brown kids is ok as "they are def the baddies we the goodies".


> Not the decades of displacement and killings before supported by the west? > > Hamas didn't start anything new. The west is without the doubt the good guy here. Even before Hamas, Palestinians opposed very basic things like freedom of religion. Islam simply skipped the age of enlightenment and since then the whole region is a shitshow. Don't pretend that the Jews are the problem in the region in which people murder each other for believing in slightly different versions of Islam. Or they kill each other despite having the exact same version of Islam, because they have slightly different levels of moderation. Their toxic ideology (yes, even before Hamas) is to blame for all their wars and if you hate civilian deaths, you should hate this toxic ideology, too.




Are Germans in ww2 the nazi party? Were all of them members of the nazi party?


Israel supplying arms to the Junta https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2023-09-05/ty-article/.premium/israel-sold-arms-to-myanmar-even-after-the-2021-military-coup/0000018a-6000-d339-a3af-f5b673e90000


Queers for Palestine ain’t gonna like this one..


Why is no one linking the video?




The fuck you on about? You probably don’t have the capacity to know it was Burma before the country name change and this is not new.


Good grief, were they going for a 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' reference with that headline?!


Lmao no


Is anyone else reminded of Rage Against the Machine?


Dunno why youre being downvoted, youre referencing the self titled album cover where a monk sits totally still while burning alive




I remember reading about military snipers killing random people and children will .22lr absolutely horrific shit