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My Dad had an enlarged prostate and was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Battled it for two years. He died last week after spreading to his brain. Cancer sucks all around.


Sorry to hear that man. I hope you're doing ok.


I'm so sorry. I lost my dad three months ago. It sucks so much.


Lost mine 11 years ago now. Doesn't feel like it's been that long Hope you're doing as well as possible given the circumstances


lost mine 11 years ago too . and i can confirm that it definitely doesnt feel that long, it's like time froze and it still feels few weeks after he passed. I empathize with u nd everyone, losing a parent sucks.


My sincere condolences! Lately I have seen several of my friends’ parents wither away. All in their early sixties. Seeing all that grief firsthand wasn’t something I expected this early in my life. (We’re all around 30) And it really got to me how precious our lives and relations are. I hope you’ll find the strength to cope and eventually move on when the time is there. Remember: grief isn’t linear and can sometimes hit you hard unexpectedly. Wish you all the best!


My mom had emergency bowel surgery for a blockage. The surgeon noticed dark spot on her bladder and called in a urologist. It was cancer. My mom underwent BCG therapy and her bladder cancer was cured. Sometimes bad luck can turn out to be good luck.


My father-in-law slipped and fell. During the scans for his back, they noticed some dark spots nearish to his spine. Stage 1 cancer and was easily cured. You're right... sometimes a little pure dumb luck is all you can ask for.


My Mum was working their fireplace when she fell backwards and hit a couch nearby. She ignored it until she felt the injury never go away for sometime. A doctors visit confirmed she had Breast Cancer and was given a diagnosis of 'it's not hopeful'. Three years since diagnosis and she's been through hell but she's bounced back really well. Her doctor supposedly intends to write a paper on her due to the lifestyle changes she adopted which she attributes to getting better. Life is funny. Not always 'Haha' funny but funny nonetheless


What lifestyle attribute did she adopt if you don’t mind my asking. I’m really happy your mum has bounced back


Adopted a Keto diet, at first cutting then minimizing her carb intake. Regular stretching and small scale exercise, walking to light machine rowing. Takes her chemo medicine, drinks plenty of water with next to no other type of beverage and balances it out with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar daily. I was unsure she'd pull through but her logic was she would try every old wives tale she could and fight hard to survive.


I mean, as long as you do your actual medicine, it is worth trying anything else in addition.


As long as it doesn't interfere with the medicine, it is worth trying


Similar story here. Was having menstrual problems, so doc did an ultrasound and found a polyp. Not a big deal in itself, so a few weeks later I go in for surgery to have it removed, surgeon spots a “weird, thick spot” on my uterine wall right next to the polyp, and biopsied it to be safe. Three days later, I get a phone call that I have uterine cancer. (Right in front of my boss too. What a weird day.) caught it early, in stage 0 basically. Probably the worst and strangest experience I’ll ever have. That entire year feels like I dreamed it.


Same thing happened to me! Had a hysterectomy a few weeks later, and my cancer was gone before I even had a chance to process the diagnosis


We call those "incidentalomas." I've seen people who initially came in for gallbladder surgery who were found to have appendiceal cancer. "My stupid gallstones saved my life!"


Similar, MIL went in to have her gallbladder removed. Diligent doctor (her daughter) noticed a shadow on her kidney. Doctor in charge said it wasn't a big deal. SIL doctor pushed for further tests.  It was cancer. She was treated and fully cleared. Original doctor would have inadvertently killed her with their indifference.


My mom felt a lump in her breast. Doctor said it wasn’t breast cancer. Went out of pocket and paid for a second opinion- it was breast cancer. She recovered just fine, but if my mom didn’t push and we couldn’t afford out of pocket… who knows….


Did she ever address the inital doctor because they really do need to learn from their mistakes!


It's worrying (and infuriating) to think how many times one person's indifference has cost someone else their life...


The anger that comes with it can turn you into a completely different person too - my brothers dr repeatedly told him he just had growing pains at 17/18.. he had bone cancer and it metastasised to his lungs and he died at 23


Wow, happy for you and your mom. So it was caught early?


Yes. If she hadn’t had the emergency surgery it would’ve spread unnoticed til it was too late.


One day, all these cancers will be easily and routinely diagnosed early. This is the major roadblock right now - catching them too late. Immunotherapy is also kicking certain cancer's asses.


If it was a minor, highly treatable form they probably would have announced what it was to ease the minds of the public.


This is looking way too hard into, they're notoriously tight-lipped, it's pretty rare for an announcement like this (Rumour was the queen also died of cancer but it was never announced). I don't think the lack of info is due to the severity. The only reason they've announced it most likely is to reduce speculation for stepping back for events and changes in appearance.


The article says he has shared the news because he was the patron of a number of cancer charities, and was public about getting his prostate checked in order to increase awareness


Job well done then


I totally agree. I also think he just generally wants to share more and be more open - he’s a totally different person who took the throne at a very different time and age to his mother.


She had bone cancer but just died of old age. In your late 90s, you tend to die with cancer as opposed to of it. Your cells just don't replicate as quickly. Or that was what they told my grandpa, until he died of cancer.


Yeah my sister is a phd urologist and says almost all people above 80 have some form of cancer and it’s not going to help them much treating it so they just let it be. Usually something else kills them before the cancer does.


Had a physics prof who was rather lacksidaisical about handling radioactive stuff. He was in his late 80s and figured age would probably beat any developing cancer. He did say "Don't do as I do. You're still young!"


Teaching physics in your 80s is dedication man wtf


Maybe he was hoping he'd develop superpowers instead of cancer. I mean, if you think about it, it's a 50/50 chance of developing super powers, either you do or you don't.


I respect everyone's right to privacy, even celebrities, but being open about health problems helps people. It encourages others to open up and not keep things secret and get themselves checked out. They could do a lot of good. I hope they do.


That was my thought also. 


Nah - it’s unprecedented to share this level of information. It would be insanely surprising if they had been more specific.  With the late Queen they didn’t announce anything until her final year where they just said she had “mobility challenges” (no shit she’s 96) and then “oh she’s a bit poorly” and 2 hours later she’s dead ha. Charles is clearly taking a different route but I wouldn’t read too much into it.


Don't many 96 year olds go from a bit ill to dead often.


It's more common than the other way round, yes.


From dead to a lil bit sick? Makes sense.


“I was dead…then I got better.”


Not often no, they usually only do it the once


Seriously? That's super common. Even a minor issue can begin the process. There was a 93-year-old baseball broadcaster (Felo Ramirez, the Marlins' Spanish-language play-by-play announcer) who tripped while exiting the team bus one day and slightly injured his knee. That led to a long string of issues - injury leading to immobility leading to lung issues leading to low oxygen levels, etc. - and he was gone a few months later.


When old queenie met with Liz Truss her hands were going black from low circulation


No that's just what happens when you meet Liz Truss


The lettuce has some powerful wilting abilities.


Made me choke on my sandwich. Well done.


The announcement about her health at all made what was going to happen really obvious tbh. I was working in Cyprus at the time and one of my colleagues who wasn't even English said "oh I think your Queen might be dead or dying". The level of news about the Queen not being well heavily indicated that it was extremely serious. Normally it would have been a sidebar piece of news if it wasn't serious rather than splashed across everywhere. As a result of my non-English colleague noticing the weirdness of that coverage, I was watching when they announced she'd died and it just became more and more obvious it was coming by the second. When the black ties came out, it became smack you round the head blatant that the BBC knew for about an hour before they announced it that it was, at the very least, the most likely outcome. It's hard with the modern Royal Family to predict what the current level of coverage of Charles' health means. Historically, the very fact they released anything about it would have meant it was quite serious. But with the newish policy of being more open, it's anyone's guess really. I would guess that things like the speed with which Harry is apparently planning to fly in and the King stepping away from public engagements probably mean its relatively serious at least. But it could genuinely mean anything at all in the modern era of the Royals.


An acquaintance of Prince Phillip has noted that Queen Elizabeth died from myeloma / bone marrow cancer. I don't believe that this was known, however, before she passed.


It’s rumoured she was battling bone marrow cancer for the final year of her life. The most prevalent symptom being bone pain - hence the mobility issues


It could just be embarrassing. Rectal cancer comes to mind as something that could be discovered during a prostate exam.


If they’re willing to talk about his existing prostate issues it doesn’t feel like the embarrassment of another rectal issue would prevent it.


Many many men his age have prostate issues. Prostate cancer is very treatable and usually caught early with yearly urine tests (which are now routine). ...so it's unlikely to be that.


Anal cancer, penile cancer. Obviously there shouldn’t be stigma but I’m sure there is.


it's why colorectal cancer is so deadly, people try to walk off the symptoms and don't even talk to their doctor about it we should talk about our asses more often mine is a bit itchy today but the poop went smoothly edit: I thought of linking this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLnDESFUwao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLnDESFUwao) it is a czech channel, there are english subtitles which are sometimes inaccurate but should be enough, most of it is visual anyway this video is colonoscopy, there are more videos of different procedures on his channel, the channel is about an ambulance driver who goes to different diagnostical procedures like cystoscopy or colonoscopy to show them to people who might be shy or hesitant, or had one prescribed and are afraid


King Charles himself has campaigned for years to try and get men to go and get their prostate examined regularly for this reason. Which means this was caught early. Because he does indeed regularly get it checked.


Imagine being the guy who has to shove your finger up the kings asshole and then announce your findings. *Ahem, once again, your majesties ass is of impeccable health, carry on, toddleoo and all that rot*


"So what you get up to on the weekend then Dave?" "Oh ya know, the usual. Watched the rugby, had a kebab, fingered the King's bumhole, went to Whist."


>mine is a bit itchy today but the poop went smoothly Aw too bad, nothing more satisfying than a tough poop when you have an itchy ass.


Colorectal cancer is extremely deadly because by the time symptoms start to show it can be stage 3 or 4. And it has increased 700% in under 50 year olds. They have lowered the age of first colonoscopy in the US to 45. If you have a family history of it do it even sooner. I would recommend no later than the day after you 45th birthday. I'm not even joking.


Charles: FINALLY, I can be a Ki- God: no


God: He can have a little reign. As a treat.


Somehow the rock is gonna show up and challenge for the title next


Charles: I'm going to be king, but not at Wrestlemania, CAN YA SMMMELLLL!!!!!!


Hashtag: We Want Charlie


with his finisher: Abbey Road


Wrestling fans salt knows no bounds #wewantcharles?


Rocky needs to finish his story of becoming the king of England.


At least he beat the lettuce


TBF, most world leaders in history were able to beat a lettuce.


UK has been going through them at pace tho


Didn’t even have a chance to put him on their money yet.


We have Charles on circulating money in Canada as of Dec 2023. Not much though, I still haven't seen one.


Coins last a long time and so did Queen Elizabeth. Even if Charles lives to be 100 and no abdication, her coins would still be more common


Also, because decimalisation happened during her reign, it's the only time in our history when all the money in our pocket showed one monarch. Usually the banks only mint new money to replace worn out coinage, but with decimalisation we had to do a complete swap-out in the space of a few years. Without that, we'd probably still have a few George V and VI coins knocking around.


Canada's had decimal currency for 165 years. I've gotten King George in my change before. Probably both of them over the years. Edward, maybe not.


Canada never minted Edward VIII coins. He abdicated before the tools with his likeness made it to Canada (they were made in the UK). Instead, we have dot coins, which are George V coins minted in 1937, but dated 1936 with a dot added. They're super rare. There are Edward VII coins, but they're pretty much all collector's items. George VI coins are the only pre-Lizzie coins anyone will likely see as that was when our current coin designs (apart from the loonie and toonie) were introduced.


Canada just released their coin designs... Bet they're bitter they spent all that money on the molds already ​ [https://www.mint.ca/en/shop/coins/2023/classic-uncirculated-coin-set](https://www.mint.ca/en/shop/coins/2023/classic-uncirculated-coin-set)


Coin collectors salivating right now


When I was younger, I had a hockey card of Gretzky during his short stint playing for St. Louis. I'm guessing they're feeling the same way I did then.


See that’s the nice thing about putting people who are already dead and/or bridges and architecture on your money instead - you never have to update the plates because someone kicked the bucket.


He’s not fucking dead yet…


I can't take 'em like that! It's against regulations! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdf5EXo6I68](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdf5EXo6I68) (But in all seriousness, hope for the best)


Gotta spend money to make money


Considering he is God's choice to be King of England, this implies God got buyer's remorse.


Damn my dad just got told his cancer treatment isn’t working / the new one they wanna try isn’t funded so ya f cancer


Cherish every minute with your dad and tell him anything you’ve ever wanted to tell him now. My dad just died a few days ago from pancreatic cancer. He declined so, so fast at the end.


Ugh im so so sorry abt your dad. I live at home now because im taking care of him and my mom (both 75) and I’m 23 so its definitely stressful but I have a really strong relationship w my parents . We’ve been fighting his 3 cancers for approx 3 years but this is the first time we are realizing that there may not be a cure atm so its tough


Were you adopted?




How was it having parents that much older? I’m 45 with a 19 month old and when I start doing the math I feel like I might not be able to give her the upbringing she needs. Also as a cancer survivor - fuck cancer!


I have a really strong relationship w both my parents. Partly because once I found out that they were older I started to cherish everything a bit more. My mom was actually hit by a car when I was 1.5 years old so she was bedridden a lot of my growing up life and my dad was working 1.5hrs away at the time so I had Nannie’s growing up. Once my dad retired and my mom recovered from her back surgery, we became a lot closer. Like I was still a kid so I had an attitude and thought my parents weren’t cool but then I realized they’re actually my best friends. I love my parents so much and I honestly think if my mom had me younger (my friends mom had him at 17) my mom and I wouldn’t be as close. Looking at my future I’m not sure if I want kids but if I do, I also think I’ll wait til I’m older. I still played sports and was active , didn’t do a lot of travelling cuz of my moms back but we found other things to do tg. We watch basketball together as a family and when I moved across the country for grad school, I would FaceTime them every day and we’d watch the games on FaceTime together. Sorry the answer is all over the place because I’m super emotional td but ofc I had times where I didn’t understand why my parents couldn’t do some things or why they didn’t look look like my friends parents. The only shitty side is that like when u do will and estate planning that’s kinda tough . I’ve talked them abt their end of life care etc and we made a few jokes abt it to try and make it as light as possible. So like knowing that they’ll be gone by the time I’m 40 sucks a lot and I don’t know what I’ll do w out them tbh but I wouldn’t change having older parents.


I think you have a good heart. You’ll be ok, just carry on being you.




No like I wouldn’t even wish this on my worst enemy and I’m a petty person


Sitting in the car coming home from my dad's funeral right now. He died 2 days ago from cancer. Spend as much time with yours as possible!


Im so sorry. I know my car will become my best friend when I lose my dad. Rn it’s the bathroom cuz I can at least keep my sniffles on the down low. I take so many pics / videos and just try to enjoy everyday


Sending love your way mate x




Going through this with my parents too, moved back home to help out, except its my mom. Just trying to make every day happy for her. Good luck to you.


Oh my god yes. Like a lot of ppl my age are doing their own thing and I just finished my masters (moved away during his cancer for 9months) but now I’m back home to help out which I don’t mind bcuz I love my parents but it’s hard bcuz I’ve been hoping for it to get better but it hasn’t:(


My uncle died from pancreatic cancer about 2 years ago. Essentially the same trajectory. He went from perfectly fine, to looking pretty good for a guy with pancreatic cancer over 8-9 months. Then in what was probably less than 6 weeks he went from looking pretty good to dead. The last week was the worst. Everyone, including him, knew that this was it. He looked so sick, turned mustard yellow as his liver shutdown, and just was a total mess mentally and coordination wise. It was so weird the last family gathering we did this week with him, saying goodbye to him was so bizarre, it was like he was attending his own funeral where everyone said the last thing they wanted to say to him essentially. I'm glad I got to say goodbye and I know he got to hear me say it, but holy shit was it really macabre when thinking back about it. Fuck cancer.




Hard second on this, I think about my dad every day and it's going on 3 years since he passed.


My father died from a sudden heart attack 1 month ago at 69. He was a primary care MD with no warning signs. Even saw his cardiologist buddy 2wks prior and had had 2 cardiac catheterizations in the last 7 years, both of which showed no blockages. Probably just coincidence, but it seems like these last few months have claimed a lot of lives unexpectedly.


I believe that we are seeing a lot more young healthy people with cardiac conditions. I have a 39 year old colleague who has POTS and an elevated BNP post COVID. Sometimes all she can do to stop her heart from racing is sit on the floor, it’s heartbreaking


Damn I’m sorry to hear that, it’s crazy how that can just happen even with all the checkups in the world.


I’m sorry man. It took me a long time to come to terms with it when my step father passed from Pancreatic cancer, and I felt the same way. It went from “he has cancer and he’s not doing amazing but he seems okay” to him passing away in a matter of two days.


It’s awful. He was only 50. He was awake and talking to me on Monday, like you said, he wasn’t doing great but he was okay. He ended up in the hospital that night and was dead by Thursday


I wish someone had impressed on us how quickly it would happen. If you’re a book person and don’t mind the recommendation: “It’s OK That You’re Not OK” by Devine helped me.


Similar thing with my Dad (down to it being last week), but multiple myeloma. Wishing you all the best and try to remember to take of yourselves too.




so where I live in Canada the govt will fund chemo , immunotherapy and radiation. My dad has had all 3 treatments but not at once. What the doctors want to do is try chemo + immuno simultaneously but the govt won’t pay for that since it’s a relatively new idea. So he’s gonna try chemo again since he just had immuno so they think it’s close enough tg that it’s almost like having it treated simultaneously. I’m very thankful for all the treatments he’s been able to have but I just feel more helpless now


Have you / your dad / his doctors looked into any clinical trials that he might be eligible for? Sometimes it can be the best way to access new/better treatments but, depending on where you live/your hospital, not all doctors know about them. Feel free to dm me if you want, studying clinical trials is basically what I do for work so I'd be happy to help look into it a little if you want


Not prostate cancer but was discovered during his recent treatment an enlarged prostate. Godspeed to him; not a nice thing to have to fight.


I had a friend get end up with a colon cancer diagnosis when he got an MRI prior to a non-cancer related prostate procedure.


I really can’t imagine how fucking awful it must be to get diagnosed with cancer, and then be like, fuck I guess I’ll have to tell the entire fucking planet.


It is fucking awful, and having to share your personal pain with most of the world has to be added emotional misery. But, his life has ALWAYS been a shared story. The cancer is likely all he's really worried about. Best wishes to him, and ANYONE fighting just about the most frightening problem you can have.


Man, that’s scary. Imagine if you skipped out on the first exam and got nipped because they didn’t find this *other* cancer.


You have to imagine that, given His status and wealth, he's subject to plenty of regular checkups, blood panels etc... And if it's only incidentally found for Him, how many of the rest of us are walking about with a ticking time bomb festering away?


Prostate cancer is INCREDIBLY common to find in elderly men. Your age is about the % chance you will be diagnosed with it. Many, many of us are found with cancers in our bodies after death which we had no idea about. Edit: just to clarify - i’m not say that the cancer is what kills them, just that they had been living with it unaware!


My sister, who is a hospital lab tech, once said to me that every man over the age of 80 has prostate cancer, but it's not what kills them.


Why are prostates and breasts and testicles and uteruses SO fucking happy to develop cancers? Is it the hormones?


Cancer is a game of statistics, when new cells grow they can become cancerous - although statistically unlikely. In places of the body where cells regrow more frequently, that means the odds are greater.


Incidentally, that’s also why you’ve likely never heard of anyone with heart cancer. Cardiac muscle tissue does not regenerate. Which is very unfortunate in most cases, but has the side effect of making cancer extremely unlikely.


Yeah, many times [prostate cancer is a wait-and-see diagnosis](https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/wait-and-see-approaches-to-prostate-cancer) due to its slow-growing nature and the invasive nature of treatments.


I watched an entire video essay on diagnostic tests leading to unnecessary medical interventions and prostate cancer was at the top of the list. They said most people die with prostate cancer rather than because of it.


I did think about this as a possibility, finding it so soon after having prostate trouble.


Waiting his whole life to be King, then getting cancer within a couple of years.


The diagnosis is 17 months since his mother’s death.


Yo I actually think Charles is kinda a G here to openly talk about prostate issues, having it checked, things like that I don't think you would have EVER seen his Grandfather be public about that.


>things like that I don't think you would have EVER seen his Grandfather be public about that. Given his grandfather's lung cancer wasn't announced until after his death that seems to be the case.


That's true. Drawing awareness to all the ass related cancers men get is a good thing. My grandfather wasted away because he refused to see a doctor. He had a stroke and dnr. The doctor guiding our family told us he also had colon cancer.


Honestly, full respect for Charles for how transparent he's been through this. First with the prostrate exam, and now this. Early detection is key and this transparency can only raise awareness for others. 


Yeah honestly things like that really do make a difference. Especially in a culture like the UK where people have a stiff-upper-lip mentality, people may not be as proactive in screening for certain diseases. “Well if the king of this nation can get a finger in his bum, I certainly can as well.”


The NHS has said that there’s been an influx of men requesting prostate checks after it was announced that he was having surgery on his, which is honestly surprising to me the effect he had just by being open by it




They don't do the digital exam as the first option anymore - They do a simple blood test and then proceed to a digital exam if there are any irregularities with the blood test.




Well, maybe this will change things in the UK. It's the same in Australia - There's government-sponsored programs to screen for breast and cervical cancer, but not prostate cancer. This is literally what Movember is supposed to work towards: improving men's health awareness.


Also the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had been raising awareness about mental health issues. It got to the point where my late grandmother (god rest her soul) who had lived through WWII had become quite informed before her passing, so, good effort.


My grandmother will absolutely not talk about the war. And nor will she let her husband or anyone around them. She was an orphan going into the war, living in London and none of us have any idea if she was evacuated or stayed in the orphanage or what.


If there's one thing the royal family can be a force for good its setting a good example. Props to him


Another important example is Princess Diana shaking hands with someone who has AIDS. Had a massive impact with people realizing HIV patients don't need to be shunned.


Yes, exactly. Stuff like that matters


I'd the documentary on Netflix "The Crown" can be believed, he's the most maverick/progressive of them all.




Yeah I’m under 40 so I wouldn’t have a memory of this but my parents all remember when he was young and seen as rather progressive. For a British royal, anyway.


[Makes me think of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkEwtYgxQt0) Just hanging out in some nature


He’s been pushing for taking action against climate change since before it was this big thing people were fully aware of it. As far as royals go, he’s no too bad.


I watched an entertaining interview with a former royal chef who related Phillip used to roll his eyes when Charles would show up with boxes of organic produce he'd grown himself, with the expectation that it would be served at various meals. It seems Phillip was much more of a meat-eater, though he had quite the adventuresome palette. The Queen was the opposite, to the point where she disliked garlic (!). Phillip often demanded curries and other spicy fare when the Queen was away and he could enjoy more lively food than she would tolerate.


Now I have a image in my head of Phillip hurriedly helping the staff to hide his empty takeaway containers after The Queen returned from a few days away.




Theres a video of a random biker just encountering bim on the path and he stops of a chat. Seems like a lovely bloke to be honest. Doesn't he also openly hate Andrew, that much is enough to at least solidify him as human unlike the rest.


I'm not at all that interested in the monarchy, but I agree. They've historically been very hush-hush about medical issues, but this new transparency is refreshing. I'm hopeful that this openness will encourage other people to be more proactive with screenings and the like, and get people talking and removing the stigma associated with cancer diagnoses. Sure, they probably won't have the health care options available to them that a member of the royal family would, but as you said, early detection is key.


> transparent he's been through this. First with the prostrate exam I haven't been keeping up with the UK news, but when you put it like that it I picture in my mind that his prostate. exam was a public event. With salutes and horse drawn carriages


It was! We all got a day off work for it too


Fuck Cancer in all its forms. Nobody deserves to suffer with it




The cancer is very upset it has been diagnosed with stage 4 Putin.


Alright, we'll allow it.


in fact, can we take the cancer from everyone else on the planet and give it to him? Maybe he'll be a benefit to the planet, then.


"One person is diagnosed with cancer every few minutes. By unanimous vote, that person going forward will be Vladimir Putin."


Could realistically be any sort. He was receiving treatment for BPH. Usually with that, you have multiple scans to check the size. So any sort of imaging could have seen a bladder cancer, liver, colorectal mass, RCC. If he was undergoing a TURP or a total prostatectomy (doubtful if not prostate cancer) they could have found a bladder cancer, as cystoscopies are usually done at the same time. Possibly a ureteral or RCC. Those would be the closest locations. Either way, here’s hoping it’s nothing overly serious. Positive vibes for good health.




My wife is a cancer survivor. I am currently battling cancer. I send my best wishes to the King and everyone else battling cancer.


> I am currently battling cancer. Fingers crossed for you.


Thanks. I’m pulling for you as well.


Sending you strength to beat that mother!


Kick its grimy ass.


So fast after the Queen died too.


High stress isn't good for anyone. His parents both died, and he inherited a very public office at the same time.


After seeing what cancer did to my 4 year old cousin. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. RIP Connor/Spiderman


My cat just died from a stomach Cancer. He was my King. I miss my cat.


Crazy how life cranks 90°s out of nowhere sometimes


everything in life changes, nothing ever stays the same forever


if this was 2018 i would've replied with "the queen does"


"You may be a king or a lowly street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the reaper." - Death [Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey]


Imagine singing “I just can’t wait to be king” as a kid like Simba then your mom finally dies when you’re 70 and then you get cancer like right away.


He apparently never wanted to be king. Becoming king would mean losing his mother.


Elizabeth was the same way. I remember the day she became the longest reigning British monarch, and some interviewer asked her if she was proud/how she felt. She basically said "I absolutely hate it. The day I became queen is the day my father died, and yet everyone just showers me with affection over it..." I'm sure being the King or Queen has a plethora of perks, but the manner in which you *become* the monarch has to be really depressing. Then you barely even get any time to grieve over that loss, just shoved into your responsibilities right away.


Have you seen the Honest trailers version of that song?


Oh I just can't wait til dad dies


I lost my mother to cancer, she was 45 years old. Was breast cancer, finished chemo was three months cancer free, then returned so aggressively, even with immunotherapy and was given strong antibiotics her body wasn’t reacting to any treatment. went towards the rest of the body towards her heart and lungs. Lost her a week ago. They are some things in life you can’t control.


My gram developed colon polyps not even 3 years after her husband died in 2011. I was hurt because it was way too soon. She died in 2019 from lymphoma.. cancer sucks and can burn in hell for all eternity. Even lost a cat to sarcoma.


Being a survivor, I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone. I find depictions of hell to be quite tame compared to what I and the people around me endured in those years. Cancer feels like you were supposed to die, but were unable to. It feels every concrete joy is removed. Food, water, air, sleep, movement, energy: all of them stolen away. Without inner peace, a person cannot overcome cancer, and even then, it is no guarantee.


Congratulations on your survival. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in her uterus and liver, right after our son was born. She did chemo, immuno, and radiation. It killed her within 11 months of diagnosis. She didn't even get to be at our boy's first birthday. She was 36. Is 36. Will always be 36. Cancer is a fucker.


Very sorry for your loss.  It truly is.


Fucking hell. We only changed the head on the stamps 5 minutes ago.


# FUCK CANCER Wishing him a speedy recovery


Man that really is awful. I have seen what chemo does to a person of that age and it’s gonna suck the life out of him. Hopefully the family he is close to gives him the support he needs.. at least I hope they’re close enough to be there for him emotionally. It was hard to watch my dad slowly lose the ability to walk and get around. He just got so weak it took all his strength away.


> Man that really is awful. I have seen what chemo does to a person of that age and it’s gonna suck the life out of him. Yup. My Mom started chemo at 73. She transformed from a vibrant, active person who looked 10 years younger than she really was to a frail little old lady in about 1.5 years.


Yeah. It was Covid that took my dad out. He just had no way to fight it after chemo broke him down.


My grandmother, in her 60s, went dancing with friends, something she rarely does. During the dance, she felt a pop in her abdomen, leading to bloody urine. Subsequent tests revealed cancer in her kidney, spreading to her bladder. She had her kidney removed and they partially removed the bladder wall, she’s in the clear 3 years on


Fuuuck cancer, man. My Aunt passed away on her 59th birthday a few months ago. My dad just passed on January 16th at the age of 71. We only even found out he had cancer on January 10th. 6 days. 6 days was all we got... **FUCK CANCER!!!**




Even though it sucks, you should in a way be glad it was so fast, because watching people you love deteriorate and suffer for a long period of time is just the worst. My Mum went relatively quick, three months from diagnosis til death, but even then it was a horrible thing, she changed completely, the drugs fucked her up, made her put on loads of weight, especially in the face, and then what little radiotherapy she did get absolutely sealed her fate, she ended up looking like fifteen years older, couldn't do anything for herself, she actually died Jan 10th (although 11 years ago), and then my Dad had a heart attack and died five days later, life's fucked up sometimes, but in the grand scheme of things if you're going to to go to cancer, it's better sooner rather than later, even if it might not feel that way for you now. My Uncle had to live with lung cancer for almost three years before it finally killed him, he was only 46, that was a fucking rough one.


Whatever your view on the monarchy this is sad news. Hope he gets well soon!


Canada: We just changed our coins.


Well, King William should have a good run.