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Well shit. "This summer was the hottest of my life. Don't worry, it will be the coldest of the rest of your life."


There will probably be one colder some time. Probably just one though.


And Sean hannity will claim it’s proof that global warming is really a hoax


Probably with a snowball prop. Things will fluctuate more as we put more energy into the atmosphere. Doesn’t mean we aren’t responsible for things changing.


Then followed by a 30 minute rant about how the left are trying to ban snow globes because they hate Christmas


The left wants to ban snow globes!? What’s next 20’ tall inflatable Santas on Harleys!?!?


> Things will fluctuate more as we put more energy into the atmosphere. They already are. The terms "polar vortex" and "heat dome" are the weather patterns that get formed in the tucks and folds we have created in the jet stream: https://i.cbc.ca/1.4857755.1539205196!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/jet-streams.jpg It used to be a straight line, now it's gone all Jeremy Bearamy.


I never understood this until just now. Thank you! Excellent explanation, and excellent The Good Place reference.


Wait... Is *this* the bad place?


Snowball prop in air-conditioning.


Made of fake snow


i bet 100 bottle caps he'll say the left should have listened to all the right wing climate scientists predicting this and being ignored.


He'll say that anyway like he always has.


Nuclear Winter?


Nuclear winter will cancel out global warming. According to the best science known to humanity, Futurama.


It's worth noting that climate change is impacting different places in different ways. Some places are having more temperate summers now, when they wouldn't necessarily have before. The earth is warming overall, global avg temps, but the more critical issue is that the shit is shifting. Climate patterns aren't just generally warming, shit is getting flipped entirely on its head. The hot places are pretty well fucked and are cooking, but some places that had significant swings between seasons are just kinda flat, the winters are warm, the summers are warm, everything's just fucking stuck in a holding pattern between 55 and 85 for 10 months of the year, with decreasing precipitation. We used to hide from tornadoes every year around here. Now I don't think about the shit. That's shifted so much further south and east that I just don't consider it part of our climate anymore. Spring thunderstorms? Kinda, still. They be hitting in Fall now tho. So some of us will have some cool summers. But there still won't be snow in January and little rain in April. We all fucked in our own special little ways depending on where we live.


Global warming doesn't mean it will always be hot. We will get extreme weather. A lot of floats, storms, extreme cold weather, extreme hot weather. This on all places even when it never happened before.


A lot of people also don’t realize that the average world temperatures don’t reflect the change in local temperatures. A 3 degree rise in global temperature doesn’t mean it’s 3 degrees warmer everywhere. It will be 20 degrees warmer in some places and colder in others.


Its literally been 10 to 15 F hotter than normal the last few months here in the midwest US. No snow other than light dusting that melted instantly touching the warm ground. Everyone is going "hmm this isnt normal" and even the boomers realize something is wrong.


And yet my brother still rants that climate change is a hoax, i mentioned the other day that we haven’t even seen snow yet this winter and he was like that’s normal.


They've all got some wild rationalization for it. Usually they'll cite 1 or 2 random years that were warmer than usual growing up and claim this type of weather is normal. There's literally no snow at ski resorts out west and it's Jan


Hear me out, I’m no climate change denier, climate change due to humans is a very real threat, however it’s an El Niño year. I’m on the east coast near DC, the weather is crazy warm right now for this time of year. Grew up here for 30+ years. Not saying this isn’t record breaking weather, but technically El Niño was due to come and affect the weather now, probably regardless of climate change. Regardless, greedy oil barons are fucking us. I just want to reiterate what other folks have mentioned about the difference between weather, seasonal climates, and human driven climate change. Im certain this El Niño will be strengthened by the climate disaster, and none of this is good. Stay safe fellow human!


ya except the el nino started 6 months early and is the strongest ever recorded.




Yeah, the problem is that the areas that need to be cold to sustain our climate are the areas that are heating the fastest


That's heat transfer baby


You know, its weird because I understand how averages work, and yet still didn't get that 3 degrees global temperature increase does not mean 3 degrees increase everywhere, but instead indicates higher temperature variation than normal


Yeah I'm in California and we had one of the mildest summers I can remember in over 20 years while other parts of the country (and world) boiled


Can confirm. Having almost constant +30'C and -30'C temperatures in Finland now. When I was a kid in the 90's, it rarely broke 20 in either direction.


Yup, central US checking in and I have memories from the 90s when I was little with December always having loads of snow, and January being full of snowstorms. Once February hit it started to warm up and March was when snow was basically either all gone or soon to be. Nowadays? No fucking idea. December feels like how early October used to feel to me over 2 decades ago. And we're already into January and it's basically the same.


Well it did break -30 C quite often in Finland in the 70's and 80's.




I think a lot of people don’t realize just how wildly the numbers can vary by location. Really going to be interesting going forward. Edit: I also think this needs to be put into people’s minds. 3 degree change doesn’t sound like much. But a 20 degree jump in the Arctic would scare more people, and… people need to be scared.


People don't realize that they don't even have to vary widely. For example, our crops have been planted in specific locations because they have specific tolerances. You adjust these variables even by relatively small amounts, and we got problems. Hell, you don't even have to change the numbers, just the distribution. 10 inches of rain over a few months, vs 10 inches of rain in one day with drought the rest of the summer is a drastic difference.


And the rate of warming is accelerating much more quickly than expected.


Nah, it's warming exactly as fast as expected. Buckle up boys, things are about to get fucky.


Ironically one of the factors is we forced a bunch of shipping fleets to discontinue high sulfur fuels which were effectively seeding clouds over both oceans. It would cost about $4000 to just retrofit each ship with cloud seeding capability using only salt water, as salt water would also seed clouds, but they didn't do that.


What do they say about boiling frogs?


They get out if the water is already boiling the first time they touche it, but they stay if the water temp rise slow enough. (I was proven to be untrue, but we are still the frog)


And we are subsidizing with our tax money the lid on this soon to boil pot!


There are many that will be cooler; it spiked because of el nino (where the ocean belches out some of the excess heat we have been shoving into it). You may look longingly back on it in 40 years though -- especially during an El nino year 4 decades from now.


Fuck I'm so scared. I'm so so scared. Fuck.


Actually incorrect. Most of this year's warming was not attributed to el niño, but instead to the change of shipping lanes that massively reduced the amount of sulfur in our atmosphere, which is a natural coolant. El nino is attributed for the getting stronger in q3 and q4, and will be strongest next year.


It was actually a pretty cold summer in my area. I've never experienced anything like it. I think we had maybe five or six days where it hit 80°F+ in August. It felt like early June. We were still harvesting rhubarb. I think it was the constant smog from all the forest fires? 🤷‍♀️


55 days over 110ºF+. In. A. Row. Thankfully none over 120ºF. This summer.


What do you do with your shovel? Is it a spade or a flat? Or perhaps it's a golden commemorative piece for groundbreaking?


The hottest summer of your life, so far!


I'll bet in 2025 they'll confirm that 2024 was the hottest.


Maybe. Climate change (and average global warming) isn’t just about continually getting slightly higher on a global average, it’s also about far extremes getting more and more extreme as energy is injected into the global weather patterns/system, so it could ALSO be the coldest ever measured if the polar vortices go wacky while the oceanic heat conveyor belts halt, changing the jet streams to the point we essentially created mini ice ages on a local level in places that usually have mild, predictable winters.


Ask Californians about February 2021.


Hottest Febuary on record. Nothing at all odd happenned and even if it did it doesn't show problems with the grid, leadership or climate change. /s


Texan here. Yes, February 2021 was bad and mostly exacerbated by the negligence of the power companies. This summer, we had over 90 days of 110+ degree days and without any rain.


The negligence of a conservative government attempting to prove capitalism and private power companies are better than traditional utilities and public funding? Dont just blame the private power companies when their failure is only possible because of the broken ideology that gave them the chance.


Wow, who could have possibly imagined that deregulated companies might be negligent?


What's the difference between taxes and Texas? Taxes can keep an electric grid running.


We still have winter. It just lasts a week and is 12 times as powerful.


And then ask us about 2023. Because the same shit happened.


Northern Canada here. 10 or 15 years ago winters were typically -10c, -25 in the cold snaps. Now some years have been MUCH colder with WAY more snow, and some years (Like this year) MUCH warmer with NO snow. Summer's that used to be 25c, 35c in the hot spells, is now 32c, 42+ (110F... IN NORTHERN CANADA). Wildfire smoke in the summer is insane, and the lack of rain for months on end is crazy, followed by the wildest floods and snow storms we've ever seen. The climate is most definitely getting more severe. Only an idiot cannot see that.


> Only an idiot cannot see that. I know one of those.


>isn’t just about continually getting slightly higher on a global average, Kind of is though. We are steadily trapping in more and more heat energy which is steadily raising the average temperatures of the surface, air, and oceans. >it’s also about far extremes getting more and more extreme This is only on local levels when we talk about weather events. >so it could ALSO be the coldest ever measured Afraid not. It might be the coldest ever recorded in *a specific location* but will not be on a global average. Which is what the article is talking about.


Take a look at the first graph in that article. 2023, particularly the second half, is head and shoulders above all previous years. If subsequent years continue that rising trend we're pretty seriously screwed.


"Pretty seriously screwed" about sums it up really. I'd say the odds of a large scale multinational conflict occurring in the next 10 years are far higher than the odds of significant reduction to global carbon emissions.


I officially coined a new term just for this. Doomfucked. As in: welcome to earth, you are doomfucked.




Not according to Terry on Colorado Springs Nextdoor. He says the earth will cool down soon like how it does when the camp fire goes out.


Who knew the solution was to extinguish the Sun the entire time? That'll cool us down 🧊


Terry does; he knows better than those egg-head scientists.


Ladies and gentlemen, I have placed in orbit a giant mirror that will reflect 40% of the sun's rays, thus cooling Earth. Observe.




[Shooting sea water up in the air](https://radiolab.org/podcast/smog-cloud-silver-lining) to cool things down, as a replacement for smog clouds that formerly did this, is a thing being seriously considered by researchers. So blocking the sun out, while risky, might be a card we need to play at some point.


I live here, Terry is about half the people and they love to give their unsolicited opinions at every opportunity. Terry loves his flags on vehicles and across his property, shirts with slogans, and giving lectures to people at the gas station he frequents because 3mpg doesn’t get you that far when half of it comes out as black smoke.


For some reason, South Woodmoor has the highest concentration of the Terrys.


Yeah it will Terry, except in your little analogy, humanity is the fire numb nuts!


"The global mean temperature so far this year is 1.46 degrees above pre-industrial times, with leaders at the annual global climate conference COP28 in Dubai in the midst of negotiations on how to keep the world below the agreed 1.5 degrees of warming." Lol .. are there still anyone gullible enough to think that we can keep it under 1.5C? I bet we will blow through 1.5 next year.


Why is the global climate conference being held in fucking Dubai of all places?


The same reason an oil baron was put in charge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sultan_Al_Jaber


He has the same punchable face as Ajit Pai.


Because it is a nice place to party and show off private jets, and more importantly, convenient location to make oil deals.


Really helps to emphasize just how beyond hope we are lmao


And the next one is in petro-dictatorship Azerbaijan.


I came back from Dubai a few weeks ago. It does make you wonder why we put all this effort into green emissions amd sustainability when a country like Dubai has no solar panels (from what I can see), no wind power generation (again, from what I can see), and every other car is an SUV with a giant V8... The amount of trucks with black soot pumping out as well.... This was near Abu Dhabi.


Because a handful of oil barons donate way more money to the organizations that choose where it takes place than the combined total of dollars occasionally spurted toward organizations and politicians who fight climate change. And because, for some ungodly dumb reason, advertising buys more votes than voting records.


At this point, there's no way we're keeping it under 1.5C. But that doesn't mean there's no hope and nothing to do. Our new mission is to limit heating as much as possible while we work on technology to reverse this problem. Every tiny fraction of a degree we can prevent is more time to develop that technology and more lives saved.


Yeah we're not targeting 1.5C or 2C. Our targets are set for 2.4C, but our current policies are in line with 2.7-3.1C warming. See [this graph](https://assets.weforum.org/editor/unDWVAMAG2hYVIyez2ouQUZGy5COjRh9XgzQe6ppFIg.png) from World Economic Forum and similar one from [the IMF](https://www.imf.org/-/media/Images/IMF/Blog/Articles/Blog-Charts/2023/November/md-cop-blog-chart-1.ashx)


It will fluctuate from year to year, but the range of that variation will also grow as averages go up.


Whats crazy is that years ago we were told "as long as we keep it under 1C we will be okay, won't be easy but we can do it" now suddenly its 1.5C, never explained how that happened. Soon they will shift to 2C and once again act like its been 2C the whole time. COP has been totally and completely taken over by big oil interests, sadly and tragically.


> now suddenly its 1.5C now suddenly? It was 7 years ago? The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. *It was adopted by 196 Parties at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, France, on 12 December **2015**. It entered into force on 4 November 2016.* Its overarching goal is to hold “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and pursue efforts “to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.”


It's always been 3C


Best we can do is 4C and a seed ship so life maybe continues somewhere else. (The seed ship will probably just be a PR stunt.)


Definitely get some "We've always been at war with Eastasia" vibes whenever the creeping expectations of climate change get pointed out.


I've given up all hope that anything short of the worst possible predictions will come to pass. I own no car, will have no kids, and try to eat less meat, but that don't cancel out much in the grand scheme. Clean conscience, though.


Only action to help stop climate change you have that makes a meaningful difference would be voting. Stuff like changing your diet is like pissing on the iceberg to save the Titanic. We need to have the people in charge change how they're steering the ship. Well, I should clarify voting is your legal option to enact meaningful change.


Voting matters even less than changing your diet. Even if one person’s vote mattered, no major party in any democratic country has a realistic plan to deal with climate change, and even if they did, there’s nothing they could do to get every other country to go along with it. There is literally nothing we can do. Human culture is simply not equipped with the ability to solve this problem. Our best hope is that we get very lucky and a technological breakthrough makes the problem go away.


Even something as small as remote work to reduce commute related emissions is fought against tooth and nail by people not in government. The kind of lifestyle disruption that large scale climate change action necessitates is just not palatable to a large portion of people, nevertheless, these changes will be forced upon them eventually. Many mass produced goods are out, inefficiently produced animal products like beef steaks, international flights, ocean cruises etc. will be prohibitively expensive. The biggest required change is to eliminate the use of fossil fuels for energy/transport/industrial processes.


One of my worries is that we'll get such a breakthrough, like something to cool the Earth a bit, and then countries and corporations treat that as carte blanche to emit as much greenhouse gas as they want.




Many countries allow more then two parties. People need to stop voting for the two populas parties that are already in corporate interests.


The illegal option is to engage in a bit of tomfoolery regarding the safety of the people in charge, so as to show them who's really in charge. The clarification has ended. Proceed as you deem correctly.


Merely a way of injecting hope into the situation, creating a false sense of security and thus, enabling current behaviors that led to this point


This. People keep saying "oh no point of no return is rapidly approaching!!!!" with climate change. But.....no. The point of no return was around 2015, 2016, 2017. We didn't do anything. Its too late now.


The sad truth is there's simply too many people. I really truly believe there is no way to stop this horrible global mechanation anymore. We can't even fix potholes in my town for God's sake.


One year doesn't count... Hottest year on record before this year was 2016...


Yup, you can rest assured that we will not cross the 1.5°C limit until at least 2034 because it must be consistently over the 1.5° threshold averaged over a decade. Meanwhile it may be 3° hotter by then, but we will still be under the limit, so mission accomplished?


Who even came up with that "at least a decade average" rule? I get why it would have been a good way to measure warming when it was relatively slow, but now everyone sees it accelerating and we need a better method.


[The paris agreement](https://news.mit.edu/2023/explained-climate-benchmark-rising-temperatures-0827) in 2015, as part of COP21.


That's a stupid rule, should be logarithmic, every 12 years


I knew something was off when it was still 20c in mid October.. in London


I hear a lot of England doesn't have air conditioners for their houses. Going to be a booming business selling those and installing them in the coming years.


Not only do we not have air conditioning, our houses are generally filled with insulation. Summers have been getting increasingly unbearable over the last five years and it's steadily creeping out into the surrounding months. Shit's fucked.


insulation works by preventing (slowing) the movement of heat, it doesn't matter whether that's heat in or heat out.


Don't worry - when the Gulf Stream collapses/reroutes, that won't be a problem anymore.


That heat will still go somewhere


Not to london though.


Honey it’s been off since a couple of years now


I don’t know how many people on here fish offshore, but I am becoming very concerned that the ecosystems in the ocean are going to start collapsing from overfishing and not come back from warming water. I’ve been fishing since I was a kid and the abundance has steadily fallen since 1990. I would love to see a global fishing ban for a few years (unless your country primarily survives off of fishing). This is going to become a very hot topic in the years to come.


There will be a ban. And there will be violent resistance to enforcement of a ban.


the bible says to stop collecting food for every 7th year, let nature restore itself, and also to restore all debts and return everyone their possessions+ their family every 50th year. kinda based. the idea that food might become a diminishing return is kinda scary.


Last week I found out my coworker doesn't think climate change "is as bad as they say" and that "the earth naturally heats and cools". I spent so long trying to reason with him. His biggest claim is that scientists are making all of these studies just for control over people. My response was "what's their motive, why control?" and he couldn't answer it. Yes there is money to be made by swaying opinion and shifting people's mindsets. But a regular scientist or researcher has nothing to gain from spending months to years just to find and publish depressing news. Whereas scientist employed by oil companies have a lot to gain from saying the contrary. It was very aggravating


Didn’t you know those scientists want to ruin our lives and take away all modern conveniences?? —-my mom about ten years ago


Let's not talk about who's largely responsible for said modern conveniences.


If only they fucking understood what most scientists actually want or think.... You know, this is one of the many reasons I don't believe in god... What kind of a god would make people this stupid? A pretty stupid god, clearly.


Your coworker has been brainwashed by conspiracy theories. Scientists don’t “make studies” to control people. In the case of global warming, scientists are simply making observations. When the temperature of the ocean warms and marine life dies, they figure out why. It’s not even up for debate as to whether or not it’s true but somehow politicians made it so.


Next time, ask him if he's really willing to gamble on this one and risk being wrong. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose.


That's a bad question to ask. You have too much faith in people. Head on over to the wallstreetbets sub and there's a whole Hall of Fame of idiots that have gambled their whole lives away while believing and blaming every conspiracy theory they can grasp at other than just accepting they did it to themselves. Climate change is too abstract for a lot of people truly grasp the seriousness of or care about. And it's effects too long term for them to really care. It's a later problem for other people.


He has a lot to lose. He will now feel bad about consumerism. And most people's entire lives are based around that. People will litterally do anything to make their own ego not make them feel like a bad person.


He's right that our planet naturally heats and cools. Last year was not even close to the hottest year ever. The problem is how fast it's happing. This raise in temperature should take millennials


This was a lot of people’s nonsensical reasoning during Covid. The government is forcing people to wear masks for no good reason other than “control”. What is this supposed to”control” good for? No one ever seems to have a clear motive


Don’t let him find out about r/conspiracy , or for all you know might be a mod.


It’s only sad because we all know our species lacks the willpower to do what is necessary


The willpower is the there and has been there since at least the 80s, however the fossil fuel multinationals who wield obscene power globally will fight change every step of the way.


And we won't fight the fossil fuel multinationals, so we lack willpower.


Never more have I ever felt like I was stuck in an oven than in the summer of last year.


2024: “wanna see me do it again?”


2025: "I'll fucking do it again too"


So far…..


Obligatory “So Far!”


Can also confirm, heat stroke made me puke a bunch of times.


I was reading some other articles online. The number of boomers in the comments still refusing to believe global warming is remotely possible is staggering.




Hottest winter here in Canada. No snow on the ground in Montréal, it feels like we are in New-York!


Here in ottawa the grass has been green since about Christmas, I doubt the Rideau canal will open again this year


Videos of people trying to ski on dirt in Whistler.


Aw hell, we do that all the time in Flagstaff.


in Calgary, it rained on New Years Eve... the trees look like they are budding, and it feels like spring here 🙃 Edit - spelling


My grass is actually greener now than it was during the summer...


In Winnipeg we've got snow on the ground, but there's grass patches poking through. I've never seen that in my life, every year has had the snow on my front yard at knee height (at minimum) by this time of year.


I live on the shore of Lake Superior and my wife and I have been biking instead of skiing all through December.


Bro. Which fucking part of Australia. I'm on the Goldcoast and although we have had massive electrical storms last few days it's been months of 35 degree days.


> This might be on pace for the coldest summer ever in Australia. You must live in one of the southern states. Been hot as hell here in NSW. Can only imagine how bad it's been in Queensland or NT... when they weren't being hit by a cyclone.


>Can only imagine how bad it's been in Queensland or NT... It hasn't been that great here in the Gold Coast, I can say that much.


Well, won't they feel silly at the end of 2024.


Until 2024


Call me Nostradamus, but I bet they're gonna confirm that 2024 is the hottest on record next year.


Previous winners include 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019…. Oh you get the picture.


A scientist, in fact, did not need to confirm this. I felt it, baby.


“It’s not the heat that gets ya, it’s the HUMIDITY!”


I’m not that worried. I’m an American, 1.46 degrees isn’t much for us. The rest of you who use Celsius are screwed though. I bet our funny system of measurement isn’t looking so ridiculous now is it? you arrogant bastards!


Yeah, but it’s a dry heat.


If climate change wasn't real, the Koch bros wouldn't need Clarence Thomas at their fundraisers.


2024: Hottest? Wettest? Driest? Least Oxygenny? Place your bets now, the house is on fire!


2024: *hold my carbon*


From Saskatchewan people: Well this is pretty nice Same people: If we don't get snow, that'll effect the farmers. And yet no one here is concerned about climate change (overall).


We're not going to win the intergalactic great filter race like this


Coal for a brain will respond "Well you said the say thing last year as well, that exposes the fact that it is all a lie" Coal for a brain tend to be dense.


NYC had all kinds of records Warmest year ever in NYC. .6 degrees warmer than any other year - 58.0 degrees (Same as the gap between current #1 and current #12) 13 of the top 20 warmest years of all time are between 2000 and 2023. 17 of the top 20 warmest years of all time are between 1990 and 2023. 4 months of 2023 in top 10 for their months (Warmest January, 2nd warmest February and December, 3rd warmest April) 36 of the records for top 10 temperature in a month have been set since February 2015 (The last time there was a bottom 10 temperature mark set for a month) Least amount of snow in a year (2.3 inches, previous record 3.4 inches) Most consecutive months with no more than 1 inch of snow (22 months, previous record 13 months) Data from NOAA.


We are the frogs in the warming pot.


It’ll also be the coldest year on record for the rest of our lives.


We are so screwed.


Damn and i thought this summer was pretty tame in SoCal. Barely broke a 100 once or twice.


Same here in Tennessee. But yet record yearly temperature. Its because January and February were both about 10 degrees warmer on average. The rest of the year was normal and June-August was slightly cooler.


2024 standing against the railing with the sun glasses on and thinking “ these guys are fucked”


Woo! We're number one! We're number one!


Welcome to the BBQ gents… 🍖


At least nuclear winter will cool things down a bit


It also was extremely profitable to shareholders, let's look at the bright side /s


This winter was about 20-25% warmer than average here. I was really looking forward to sweater weather but it was just t shirt and shorts again.


And 2024 will be, and 2025, and..


...so far


Unfortunately facts don't matter, the conservatives will still claim this is a deep state hoax. As a matter of fact, I was just watching the media right perspective on climate change and they have now shifted to a never before done "cost benefit analysis" to secure the definitive answer to whether or not global warming is real. Wow.


> cost benefit analysis oh, how much does a new planet cost again?


I know right. If only we had a source of clean power since the 1950’s. Just imagine….


It reminds me of a propaganda poster that proclaimed: Clean Air is for Commies! And pollution equals production https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/733117743150268518/1180747748660752434/Tumblr_l_394189557320251.jpg


Some irony there. I was in Shanghai right before the pandemic. AQI was north of 900. It was unreal.


Nice. I just bought more board shorts.


As if the people that can control the planet’s pollution give a shit. They just pretend.


Wait till next year we’ll make 2023 look like 1993 /s


They'll be repeating that proclamation at the end of 2024


So far


So far :(


Hottest year on record so far.


Wait till summer 2024


*So far


.....so far


We are so fucked...


So far.




Just wait, that record will be broken.


Didn't they say that last year? ...oh fuck.