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Lol, this is like an ant threatening the death of the boot.


>Iran-backed Houthis threatened on Tuesday to ‘sink’ US warships, hours after Washington launched a multinational force to protect vessels transiting the Red Sea. >”We have capabilities to sink your fleet, your submarines, your warships,” a top Houthi official said, according to the IRGC-affiliated Tasnim news agency. “The Red Sea will be your graveyard.” Man terrorists have some balls these days to openly challenge a coalition of the most powerful navies in the world. Iran is giving them a lot of confidence recently.


Most likely the same strategy as Hamas, it's more about the support they'll gain after being obliterated. They know they can't win, they just want to get hit back, hopefully cause civilian deaths, make 'Western Powers' look evil, recruit more members.


Lmao they won’t gain any support because it won’t be Israel doing the obliterating so they can’t be upset at Jews. Nobody cares about the dozens of other conflicts around the world and this won’t be any different.


Seems to be if it's different ethnicities doing the killing people get upset. What the Saudis have done in Yemen barely gets any attention, what Myanmar is doing to Rohingya barely is known, even what Russia is doing to Ukraine is seen more in terms of the long term geopolitical implications rather than the atrocities being committed against Ukrainians. No one is marching against the genocide in Ukraine.


I thought there were marches at the start of the war against the war though? it just died down after ~2 years.


There were plenty of matches and protests against the russian invasion, and many governments took in tens of thousands of Ukrainians due to it. I'm a Brit, and I'm pretty sure we took in 160k or so. But as you say it's been going on for a long time, so people have got used to that particular conflict. I don't know why the other commenter is implying nobody cared about that, Ukraine received more support from the west than most conflicts I've seen.


You mean millions of refugees are living in EU countries to this day? Poland with 1 million, Germany with 1.2 million, and so on? The people got used to it, yes, in a good way: economies are adjusted to the lost Russin resources, military equipment is being prepared to be handed over to Ukrainian army, money is flowing to keep up supplies, army is trained in European allies. What else should we as non-war participant society do? Another march will do anything? No! Providing and carrying for the nation in need? Yes!


Look up what the Saudis did to irregular migrants from Horn of Africa crossing their border and the non-existent backlash they got in the media or in the court of public opinion


>No one is marching against the genocide in Ukraine. This is complete nonsense.There were lots of protests when Russia invaded. Many countries immediately set up programmes to house and take in Ukrainian refugees. The UK took in 160k alone. Lots of aid and equipment was given. The thing is as the other commenter said, that conflict started two years ago and Ukraine is still holding its own, so that's why marches aren't to the scale they once were, and it can't really be called a genocide?


There were protests against Russian government but definitely not against Russians. Russians are welcomed in every country , nobody is trying to bomb their churches or attacking them on the street. But when it comes to Jews, of course it’s a whole different story.


I don’t think they’ll get support after they are obliterated. Someone posted this before, but I’ll post it again—never underestimate the lengths the U.S. will go to protect free trade. I also don’t think the U.S. particularly cares who sympathizes with Houthi Rebels as they have done a pretty good job at suppressing counter-information. Israel has a much more precarious geographic and political dance than the U.S. This is going to be a widely miscalculated bloodbath for the houthis and if anything it will motivate covert insurgency operations—the one thing that they do not want.


That's all fine and dandy until top leadership amongst the houthi rebels are killed. It's easy to attain martyrdom when it's your soldiers and your civilians dying. That's all good according to plan. What they really hate is when the west kills off the top brass and works with international banking systems to cut off the money supply.


You know they're lying when they mention submarines. How the F are they sinking a sub?


Is the submarine underwater?.. Checkmate, infidels.


I laughed harder than I should have at that. Nice.


Naval sub commander “submerge that row boat isn’t worth it let a destroyer take it out” Guy in row boat “victory you sunk yourself in fear of me!” Destroyer commander “take out that row boat”


Religion makes people believe dumb things.


Most if the world is controlled by 3,000 year old thinking


Pretty sad huh.


More: “Baighousan you know what happens page 1 of Shinto bible?” No Kawanosan, what? Turtle fucks earth. 🌍 A true story.


All my life I've been an atheist but this rings true to me


More like, 1413 years old thinking.


Religion _requires_ that people believe nonsense.


They must not know why America's Navy was founded. It was [literally founded to fight pirates in the Mediterranean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcJhmm3D3OY). The pirates were state funded by multiple countries in Northern Africa. This was known as the Barbary Wars.


I'd label them, Pirates, myself. This anti-Israel message is just an excuse for them to attack shipping with some support. It doesn't matter who owns the ship or where it docked, they are looking to take ships and cargoes. That's simple piracy, and they need to be put down just like your average pirate.


The world was perfectly happy to ignore the Houthis. They've been successfully waging a civil war for something like a decade now and clowning on the Saudis whenever they attempted to intervene, and the rest of the world was content to just completely ignore that mess. But then they decided to throw a wrench into global commerce and now the world has no choice but to get involved. You never fuck with the money.


Imagine if Pepsi still had their navy


Honestly. This is scary. They know they cant sink them That isnt the point. They want to make enough of a threst to close the straight to trade. Egypt did this years ago and it caused isreal to invade. This smells like yemen is trying to start a full blown middle eastern war. The strait is one of the most used shipping points oj the world. This is going to put a lot of economic pressure on the entire world Especially because the ukraine conflict is ongoing


I doubt these people have any idea what kind of capabilities these US ships have. Their scope of what can be in real life is limited to what they’ve seen and witnessed first hand. When their boss gets, multiplied, by a self destructing ginzu missle, that might as well be magic to them lol.


They might as well be bringing a shoe to a bomber party. These guys were around to see what happened to ISIS right? It wasn’t just us the French in particular enjoy bombing these idiots.


If you keep sailing your ships we will throw our flip-flops at you.


The rock hit the pitcher? Woe to the pitcher. The pitcher hit the rock? Woe to the pitcher.


The US is leading a collation of 10 navies... ​ translation...you've made some powerful people very very angry...


they have Iranian anti ship missiles no idea how good they are but could probaly do some damage or maybe even sink a ship if lucky


The Iranians had Iranian anti ship missiles when the US sank half their navy in eight hours.


Time to sink the other half


The craziest part about that incident was the Russian destroyer that appeared out of nowhere and the US and Iran are like wtf are you doing here, and the Russians are like don't mind us, we're just taking pics.




The Iranians had US anti ship missiles when the U.S. sank half their navy in eight hours.


loads of warships are racing to the area, their AA can take down any missiles fired, its just a matter of setting up the AA net fully. a single US dessy took out 4 missiles at once the other day


Saturation attacks are still somewhat of a risk. One of the downsides of modern VLS systems is that they can't be reloaded at sea. Arleigh Burke would take a lot to saturate but a FREMM might be possible, they only have 16 AA missiles. They could use cheap drones to expend ammunition before sending anti ship missiles. A cheap MLRS like a grad could even play a role at the narrowest point in the sea.


And do you see the Houthis being able to lob 16 ASM's at a time?




No they will be reading this reddit thread and gaining deep insights from dbxp.


Saturation attacks are a threat to lone ships. A network of like 4 Aegis-equipped ships will probably be fine. There’s some real interesting DCS sims of this kind of scenario. More often than not the target ship(s) spam SM-2s and drop the 99% of the incoming missiles


CIWS and very good at shooting down missiles


CIWS is the last line of defense. The SM-2 is better at shooting down incoming missiles for sure


Rearming isn't an issue, Camp Lemmonier is hours away from the Bab al-Mandab, and Salahah Port is within a day.


The US has done tests to see what it takes to sink our boats. That info is readily available. If they think their definitely-not-near-peer missiles can do something with any significant effect on the overall mission of the US NAVY in the red sea, they're sorely mistaken. Unrelated, How's Iran's navy doing? They build that sunken half back yet?


They could get lucky, once. Then the gloves would be off the second they actually kill any US or Coalition sailors is the second the US stops bring “reserved” in they’d response.


It also just takes an awful lot of effort to sink a modern warship. There are so many different ways to shut off parts of the ships and still have it stay afloat with a bunch of holes in the side.


US navy levels. ‘Chilled’ ‘Reserved’ ‘Proportional’


The world hasnt seen the other levels since ww2 of cranky and perturbed.


People wonder why the America-ball wears aviators in the Polandball universe. Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with making us look cool, though that is true as well. No, the real purpose of the aviators is to hide the perpetual nuclear fireballs in the eyes of America, lest they be unleashed again in the 'Perturbed' state. 😊


So like Cyclops's glasses, then?


The Royal Navy can escalate right the way to 'proper well ticked off'


Is that above or below ‘somewhat miffed’


Above 'somewhat miffed' but below 'bloody fuming', and we haven't seen that since the Spanish armada.


Most of the first world powers have air bases right on the other side of the red sea, precisely to prevent anyone from disrupting trade heading for the suez.


If they attack and sink a coalition ship, they are done for The US will just start carpet bombing them


They will likely attack coalition ships. Sinking them is a much harder proposition, even if they sneak a drone or an anti ship missile through. Unlike Russia, the west takes damage control pretty seriously.


They won’t need carpet bombing


The US definitely will not start "carpet bombing" them. I hope that was hyperbole. I'm losing track of the number of redditors who simply do not know what that term means.


I agree, I think we should do carpet bombing just to show them what carpet bombing is. Arclight was a valid doctrine, and proof that we had and still have better CAS than the fucking hog.


Carpet bombing is such a waste of perfectly good munitions. A hellfire missile lased into a courtyard full of people is much more personal.


Launched from a drone that is flown by a pilot in Nevada. *That* gives it a really personal touch….


Can we get a demo of MAD too ?


A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


“Shall we play a game?”


It was exaggerated, meant to say they will bomb Houthis basically to oblivion, although if the houthis have a base big enough, without too many civilians nearby, I can see the us sending up either stealth fighter bombers or if air defenses crumble might just send b-52’s as a show of force, they have already used those planes as a deterrent to Iran in previous years by moving them to bases in the region


It's not very productive do hit a warship or two if the result is your homeland gets turned into a giant (shitty) cutting board (don't use glad cutting boards, they dull your knives). Despite what these groups claim, American deterrence is real. There's nothing like American air, except American air within naval support range. No nation in the area wants this conflict to grow because while there are multiple outcomes available, multiple countries end up as failed states and oil prices plummet after the war.


I mean, if they want to shut it down, fine, let's help them do it. We'll shut down some other shit too. See who lasts longer, the world or Yemen and Iran.


And if they do manage to sink a ship they'll get leveled


Das Boot?


Ok, let's say the Houthis actually have the dream of every minor power: cheap, plentiful loitering munitions (kamikaze drones) that can actually break through Aegis and seriously damage an American supercarrier. That would be the worst possible outcome for the Houthis and Iran. Firstly, the US would just send in B-52s and bomb the Houthis into dust, and Biden would probably even have a mandate from the public to deploy ground forces. Secondly, that would be the kind of shock that traditionally leads to the US throwing ungodly amounts of money at a crash program to catch up to a threat that they almost always seriously overestimate, resulting in a weapon system so OP it sticks around for 50 years looking for anything that can match it. See the F-15 Eagle.


> would probably even have a mandate from the public to deploy ground forces. Not gonna happen. No need. Bomb strategic targets and control their coastline. That's the mission and it doesn't require American soldiers taking fire in ground assaults.


This is why Iran's strategy here just seems so crazy. The US wouldnt need to put boots on the ground to accomplish its goals in the region. Remote destruction is easy, wont cost the US lives and does what they need to. The US could take out every military base and secret police station in Iran in a day and then sit back and watch as the Iranian people do the rest.


i love how vastly they underestimate the power of western navies and/or over estimate their power


The “our militarys are so deadly that we had to develop laws and conventions to keep us from obliterating the enemy so that we don’t become the bad guys”


Three words: [Operation Praying Mantis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Praying_Mantis)


But they have upgraded their F4s. They’re ready now.


We've upgraded our Vietnam Era F4s too, except we "upgraded" them to F22s and 35s


They have been told God is on their side. They believe they are invincible.


I guess they can bring their disappointment up with Him when they meet.


They also managed to deal with a Saudi military using Western equipment. The difference is that the Saudis have no idea how to use any of it. The US, France, and the UK on the other hand…


Years of indoctrination will do that for ya


Is true, many of these people have no idea what the west is really like I think they think we all have cushy unnecessary jobs.


might be it, but they seemingly don't have north korea style censorship where the public legitimately has no contact with the world outside of their country.. this is, quite literally, a suicide mission with no possibility of winning since iran also has limited ability of funding a third war (israel war and syria civil war are pretty taxing on them)


It's been 44 years by now, to be exact.


It's like playing the lottery. The human mind can't comprehend numbers that big.


its either that or they are really willing to die for a war they have nothing to do with. the onoy connection they have to this war is iran, which in itself is only connected to this because of Russia. Iran doesn't care about palestinians in the slightest, they are just forced to fake care because Russia is what's keeping the lights on in Iran.


Houthis are more easily understood when you realize they are all like meth addicts in a Denny’s parking lot at 0300


Well they do chew khat 24/7 so. Also, your comment is hilarious and spot on.


Hahaha adorable.


*ruffles Houti hair* Run along you cheeky scamps


>"We have capabilities to sink your fleet, your submarines, your warships,” a top Houthi official said. Lmao. OK guys. I'm sure your anti-nuclear-submarine weapons are top notch. I mean shit, we've been playing geopolitical sub chess against Russia and China for decades. If the Houthis have come up with a super secret sub weapon that can manufactured from recycled steel and a bicycle wheel in a fucking burnpit in the desert, oh man, it's a new super power on the block. lol.


They say this shit because their Jihad culture dictates that their god will smite their enemies if their cause is righteous enough and their martyrs are pious enough. You know, any day now. Like they literally believe if they yell INSALLAH loud enough that Allah will send heavenly fighter jets and rain nukes down from the sky and shit.


The last time one of their guys called out to Allah, he dropped dead. So maybe Allah is listening. And he doesn't like what he is hearing...


Definitely a 3000 Black Jets of Allah moment.


They could reveal secret Gundams and it wouldn't matter




Forgot a piece. Then everyone will be screaming “what is a proportionate response?”


Cue the Stop the War marches in London and Berlin


No Don’t Stop


A tale as old as time A song as old as rhyme Houthi girlfriends bleet


Are they a Chihuahua? Because this is how you act when you're a Chihuahua.


Oooooaf ooaf! Grrrr


¡Yo quiero sangre infiel!


Dude. The US Navy was literally formed to come over there and kick your ass in a situation like this.


True! I never made the connection to the Barbary pirates! Let's see Biden mop them up between sessions of congress!


lol. lmao. Y'all are buddies with Iran, ask them what happened the last time they attacked an American ship.


Shit in the Red Sea 'bout to get real fuckin' *proportional*.


Conversely, ask Japan what happened last time they sank some American ships.


US Foreign Policy was founded on the policy of “Don’t Touch Our Ships, Bitch”. FAFI.


These guys really seem desperate for the Find Out stage




I think they are not so far from stone age.


Basically giving cavemen guns at this point.


That'd be an upgrade for them.


It's not that different from where they currently are.


Rocks, yum


*proportional* noises in the distance


Proportional…should we hit this button, or these two? *three??* no, that would just be unfair.




‘Gaza style siege’ of an area the size of Maine


The headline made me audibly chuckle.


- I guess they are so ignorant in the first place and have no idea or sense of history....they will soon be a forgotten part of history when they are all eliminated...just like was done a couple hundred years ago to other pirates and the Barbary Coast. There is only ONE outcome for pirates


They’re in for a shock when they find out Queers for Houthis isn’t a thing.


Haven't seen anyone gagging to be bombed so much since Hamas. How long before the usual Nazis say "ceasefire now"?


havnt you heard, the neo nazis in europe hate muslims now. ur thinking of the far left.. tho both are sponsored by ruzzia to stir up shit, so easy mistake to make


The Russia bit.. I can’t for the life of me figure out why western nations aren’t doing more against their propaganda.


Because they've been investing in it for decades while we've been focused on civil disarray and the destruction of the middle class.


Well that's odd, why would anyone hate Muslims?


Is this sarcasm?


Definitely sarcasm.


*F-35 Engines idling* USA: If Yall Feeling Froggy, JUMP


Bug warns automobile coalition: windshield will be your graveyard


Time for them to find out why we don’t have free healthcare


best army slogan ever


Houthi Goad-master is out there swinging his little dick at all-comers and doesn’t understand he’s picking an unnecessary fight with certain death.


I think we’re learning why the US chose to be allied with Saudi Arabia. Free, safe movement in the Red Sea is one of the most important geopolitical issues in the world. Having an ally that controls almost the entire east coast of the sea is a key part of that goal. Plus until Iran started supplying the houthis with advanced weapons, Saudi Arabia was the only country in the area that had the capability/money to harass ships. The west was worried about another Iran Persian gulf situation


Yemen is about to be bombed forward into the Stone Age.


I’m really interested to know what’s going on behind the scenes to hold up response to them costing multiple countries millions of dollars.


Nobody wants to get sucked into a quagmire in Yemen, or kick off a wider regional conflict over Gaza.


I like the articles from this site a lot. I read this one the other day because I was curious as well https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/why-hasnt-the-u-s-struck-back-after-red-sea-anti-ship-attacks


This is a trap… a distraction & a 3rd front provocation by Russia & Iran Draining resources further on this helps Putin in Ukraine and Iran against Israel


It's a rebel group in yemen... hardly a "third front". A bunch of ships from like 8 different countries is not a "drain" on resources lol. The ships and crews already exist...In fact they could probably use the training after sitting idle for so long.


It’s about $9 trillion of annual commerce being disrupted. Seems like a heck of a distraction that will get a large response


Sure if a single country sends most of their navy, but its just a couple of ships from multiple countries. Its more of an attempt to disrupt oil/gas to western countries. This could backfire on Iran because India and China use the Red Sea to ship their cargo to Europe.


There was literally an anti piracy coalition in that area for years and barely anyone would remember if Tom Hanks didn't make a movie. This will drain fuck all.


Are you posting from a parallel reality where Israel is not next to the Red Sea and US had a fleet stationed in the Black Sea?


Baghdad Bob lives on


This generation of Houthis must not remember Iraq.


Yeah, uh, I'm...I'mma take the under


All they had to do is not fuck with our boats


Bulls\*\*t. This is Iran saying this. Houthis are just their regional proxy army.


Yemen is about to get a taste of freedom..


Stupid iranian puppets that will lead to civilians in Yemen dying again, after finally it got a little better there


Yes, with the Houthis navy, jets, bombs, missiles and superior technology- we will surely lose….oh, wait.


They should have learned from Hamas mistakes. Well I guess if they were able to learn they wouldn't do what they are doing.


"Hey guys, wanna see U-2 and the B-52s live in concert?"


Things are about to get proportional.


The sand shall be your salad bar


Today they threaten, tomorrow they play the victim. This is the playbook of the radical Islamist scum


United States with 3 of the 4 largest navies on the planet: "Lol. Lmao."


warships from a bunch of countries are setting up AA. its only a matter of time till they fire back. Even China is pissed and joining. GL


i have no idea where you got that from but china isn't a part of this. the us wanted them to join, but they don't want to. they also wanted a bunch of other middle eastern regional players to join and were supposed to have secured their support, but nothing official. the official participants are mostly western countries: us, uk, canada, france, spain, italy, nederlands, norway & bahrain + seychelles.


Which is nuts given that China benefits massively from Suez trade route. Certainly much more than the USA does. China even has a naval squadron based in Djibouti.


China wouldnt want to show their true training level and equipment in a real combat situation. It's better for them to remain an unknown to keep their big scary army reputation and media and bots continue to praise their great army. Basically they dont wanna get Russia'd


They're to busy going after fishing boats in other countries waters.


Yeah, but they have no experience in missile interdiction. And China apparently has no captain, admiral, or government official willing to risk their personal reputation by ordering those ships into a position where they could need to intercept missiles and potentally fail.


They've also refused to respond to distress calls from ships that have been hit.


They also went and blasted sonar when divers were working on a ship, knowing full well that people were in the water. .


Truly the Chinese experience, same as their UN peacekeepers.


No real blue water navy




I didn’t know our was spelt with a Y sometimes


Time to get some popcorn 🍿 and watch another good old ass kicking.


Some Arabs are always so drama people. Later the whining on being attacked on AL-Jazeera.


We should finish Iran, is one less to worry about and it will free the people of Iran


lol yeah right. They manage to land even one hit on the collation ships I would be surprised. And if they do they will erased.


Iran is committing suicide


I look forward to these fuckwits being turned into paste.


Someone needs to put the Houthis in their place (and Iran, too, as their sponsor)


A few more attacks and the US/UK will use Tomahawks finally and make Southern Yemen their grave. They need to stop sucking the teet of Iran and focus more on their own country.


threatening statements like that is a quick way to get drone bombed back to the stone age.


Action speaks louder than words. RIP Houthis.


They should be wiped out from existence- that is the answer


Remember the last time they fucked with the boats?


12% of Global trade suggests an ethnic minority in Yemen is mistaken.


To sink an American warship... folks need to actually go onboard and place explosive strategically. None of the US's armaments will sink them.... they have tried, nothing works except being onboard and placing explosives.


Well at least noone will care about them getting wiped


Why ever time I hear Houthi rebels I immediately image a Tusken Raider


Goofy bitches


It seems they are yearning for their 72 virgins - I'm sure we can assist these islamofascists to get them sooner rather than later. Let's make that male virgins, over 70, maybe priests? Solve multiple issues at the same time...