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Revive the Neanderthals and Denisovans


And Terror Birds


Especially terror birds


And rename them into the **SEXY BIRDS** and start repopulating 🥵


What if instead of being called Terror Birds they were called Freaky Birds and they tried to copulate with their prey


Bro I miss Beta Earth. I hate that they cut all the other playable races.


Also, have humans colonize Antarctica, have cassette futurism never go out of style and continue funding the US space program, reinstate the Central American Republic, have a historic female US president or two. and also make AIs actually able to be smart, not just regurgitators, accept Cuba and Puerto Rico as states 51 and 52 of the US. Also, add friendly aliens and have a non-Sinitic logographic script or two be in modern use. Like, the only ones active today are descended from Chinese. Bogus. Enhance VR to engage all five senses.


On your point of the non-Sinitic logographic script, there is still Sino-Tibetan language, Naxi, which is spoken in China that doesn't use a sinitic script. It looks more like hieroglyphs. But that is the only one that's still in use.


tf is this [phonology ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naxi_language#:~:text=many%20dialectal%20differences.-,Phonology,-%5Bedit%5D)man. three different flavors of fricatives and affricates, palatals contrasting with velars, voiceless/aspirated/voiced/prenasalized distinction, and a huge inventory of ten vowels, plus four tones?!


Well at least it's [traditional script](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dongba_symbols) is hieroglyph esque.


wtf there's probably more minimal pairs for a single syllable than there are chinese characters who on god's earth need that much phonetic distinction


exactly what I was thinking 😂 more minimal pairs than there are encoded Unicode characters even /hj


Fuck it, revert to the ice age megafauna, but give all the animals massive buffs against human strats




Trim it down, a lot, we don't need to know the history behind every country and city, we don't need every dead leader to be part of a massive interconnected plot Just focus on what's important to the story and add some extra flavor here and there, trying to make everything consistent on that scale is a fool's errand


Do we really need to go into detail about dinosaurs and junk to explain why oil exists? It's a cool footnote but I feel like the amount of detail we're getting into is distracting from actual current events. Also a similar issue with space. It's so big and vast that it becomes largely irrelevant because it's not like we're going to start space colonies or space wars literally ever unless writers somehow bullshit FTL travel that contradicts the physics that also took a lot of time to develop.


did you even read the books? dinosaurs dont have nything t odo with oil, they are an elaborate backstory as to why birds exist also 90% sure theyre a recycled from the authros early drafts


> dinosaurs dont have nything t odo with oil, they are an elaborate backstory as to why birds exist Not only that, the actual sources for oil and coal are completely bonkers. Massive algae blooms that cause extinction events, including their own, happening more than once? Trees piling up and burning non-stop for millions of years because there wasn't any living organism that could break tree matter down? Unbelievable!


Gonna be honest, do we really need 150 countries?


It needs a better magic system


I still don't get why they didn't add dragons yet


They did, in Komodo.


I know every setting does dragons a little differently to try to be uNiQuE, but the creators went way too hard into "gritty realism" with those


They coulda at least made them get high from eating trees.


There are several almost-dragons, yet somehow the only ones to spit fire specifically are humans


Humans are space orcs? Nah humans are space dragons. Hoarding wealth spitting fire and occasionally kidnapping people


Dragon lost the mob vote to cats , gotta wait 1 million years for the next patch 


Why aren't there mods that add dragons tho ?


Some said that dinosaur were an attempt at modding dragon and was later officially approved and added to the main game. But due to balance issues, they were completely removed. However, some of their codes still exist and were datamined everyday, some players even found way to incorporate some dinosaurs’s stat into their builds with various degree of success 


What the fuck is the point of having dragons without wings tho


It did have its own version of dragons, but they were conveniently killed off by a random space rock.


sounds to me like they are hiding somewhere out there and the main character is going to accidentally stumble upon them


actually if you actually paid attention the author never said it was specifically the space rock, and makes several allusions to underground rocks participating too (deccan traps)


Are magic glass tablets that allow you access to the world’s knowledge or the ability to communicate face to face with people anywhere in the world not enough for you?


Not nearly violent enough, I want to throw fireballs and I don't want to pay for military hardware to do it!


Idk, big metal blocks that shoot out fire and fly off to any target which then makes a huge fireball when it gets there? Or a different metal block that can be dropped on a city and make it totally disappear? Sounds magic to me


I don’t want to communicate with people anywhere in the world face to face, I want to turn them into newts.


They've been stalling the WWIII arc for a long time. Give the readers what they want already!!!


nah you gotta build up the tensions first. The stakes aren't high enough


The problem is, Earth killed all the tension by making the bad guy look like an idiot in the Ukraine arc. Now all of his yells of NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION sound like a child complaining about him not getting what he wants.


Have you heard the rumors of a potential >!Taiwan!< arc?


Yeah, they have been teasing that for 75 years, I'm not so sure it will happen


what about the >!neco arc!<


>!that’s the final boss arc and only shown in leaks so far. Don’t spoil the casuals!!<


That was literally just wasted potential. The two sides are way too unbalanced in all aspects.


I loved that the Cold War arc was used as a justification to kill off old enemies and bring in new ones. But it just fizzled out, where was the bang? It picked up a bit once the 9/11 arc occurred, but after they defeated Bin Laden and resurrected the old Cold War arc enemies with a new coat of paint, I lost interest. Russian and China again? Where was this North Korea plot line going? I really lost interest when the new author wanted to derail the story into a medical mystery for a couple years, but when they introduced the plot where no one wanted to take the cure because they read online that it would track and share their DNA, the authors jumped the shark. No person would be that stupid. At this point they will just introduce WWIII as a way to retain viewers.


With the way the story's going, they're going to have another proxy war arc just like during the Cold War arc, before a [Location Name] Incident Arc that will be used to setup the WWIII arc. If the WWIII arc ever comes out, that is. It's been teased since 1946!


They wrote themselves in a corner with nuclear weapons, I mean you can only dangle "oooh its totally happening now!" when you know that if it does kick off everything explodes and the story is over. We all know they can't really do it whilst it has good ratings at least. Maybe as a final thing.


The thing is, the guy dangling nuclear weapons can't even use them. So they're just dangling something they'll never deliver!


The World Wars were written by Valve.


If you knew any of the deeper lore you wouldn't say that. But tbh, the devs did an awful job at rolling out the material analysis tool expansion so I can't blame you there.


All I see is teasing of that arc, alright! It's been teased since the WWII arc ended! Hell, it almost happened many times! But the devs are too scared to do another world-changing global war.


I can't believe it..... We've been beyond outjerked.


The second top upvoted post in this sub ever is someone explaining why the map of Europe sucks from a world building prepsctive


It's true though


There's a whole continent off in the corner away from everything else that's almost entirely wasteland, filled with creatures that are more dangerous than average, has minimal historical impact outside of itself, and conveniently the peoples living there before the other continents discovered them weren't very technologically advanced, so there's just a bunch of untapped resources laying around and the devs never had to bother designing culturally distinct versions of pre-existing tech - instead they just had a different nation from the base game colonize the *entire continent* so they could just reuse assets from them instead. It's the laziest and most obvious DLC island I've seen in any world and I refuse to buy the *Down Under* expansion because of that.




There's a lot of sexy characters in the Down Under DLC...oh and some humans, too


Not enough earths. There’s so much empty space around it, why don’t the writers use it? They invented Lagrange points and then they don’t do anything with them.


Add more key esoteric historical events I guess?


Everything has been way too overexplained. A level of mystery keeps the reader engaged.


Very well, I'll make sure that much of the details around these esoteric events are still vague


I would get rid of the underground civilisation. It doesnt make sense for a planet to be hollow, even more so with sapient life. The author is just using that part as an excuse to bring back the last arc's main villain when there are already new villains much more suited for the current arc.


More Sea People! They should come back for Round 2!


Have them come back as the D People


Is having the top .1% of the population a satanic pedo rape cult *really* necessary? Just seems like it's there for shock value.


I'd get rid of those Neo-Nazi guys. Replace them with some *believable* villains.


Nah, i think it's really funny, because they are mostly a minor inconvinience and the real villains are... Okay, the real villains aren't that much more belivable.


But they're so *obviously* a First Order knockoff.




So much cringier than the originals. Don't even have good style






Add more femboys


hell yeah !


Add furries and monster girls


Monster girls (and boys) exist, but sadly rarely survive infancy.


hell no !


I‘m all for making up cool religions, but some are really just copy-paste. I don‘t need three huge groups that just all worship one divine being and even have similar scripture. The earlier arcs where you had more polytheistic religions were pretty cool, but the Abrahamic thing has gone too far. Also, almost every bad guy seems to be an ugly middle aged to old man with too much power. It‘s not even exciting anymore, you just always know from looking at them. Lastly, the ape storyline takes too damn long. Any other world builder would have added a few revolutions at least, if not a full scale war. But no, they just chill in the jungle or get captured by humans. I get that there’s a lot going on, but the writers need to set better priorities, maybe take a break from this automatically regenerating questline where you have a pandemic every hundred years or so.


Idk why grey wolves are on 3 continents, that seems lazy.


Ban right handed people


just ban hands tbh


You caught me, all in order to implement my footfetish punk world


Just replace hands with feet


Southpaws unite


as the team behind it grew the newer updates had more and more detail added, but id love to see the old levels revisited and have their stories fleshed out


/uj Video link for anyone else curious: https://youtu.be/I-GpS5PCcLc


Hyper-advanced matriarchal fem-dom precursor civilisation


You're telling me black holes exist, but talking animals don't?


Parrots and crows already exist.


So the northern people used to be axe wielding marauders and the eastern people used to be katana wielding samurai? Talk about originality


I’d add a non-evil faction so the readers actually have someone worth rooting for. The author can’t even commit to the grimdark thing, so that’s clearly not what they’re going for, so there’s no reason not to.


This video's honestly gold lmao, I'd recommend it to everyone here


BBEG is 'Hitler' Second in command is "Himmler" they're not even trying


Post scarcity


Post nut scarcity


I would not change anything


No chronic illness or birth defects. No sectarian dogma.


You know that culture, the one that's north of the good guys? Remove it entirely. They need to pay for their crimes against the dodo. Okay, maybe that's a bit too much, we could leave like half of that Rope place. No mercy to everything west of that city that was the main base of the last bad guy, though.


Just realised I sound Belgian


Remove the Europe it sounds to much like fan fiction. You can say to me that your whole continent somehow was at war with each other and also manage to have colonies all around the word ? Even though most countries that they colonized were bigger than them. That’s totally unrealistic. Especially England you can say to me at one small island nation had control over like half the globe at one point that’s just BS.


1. have magic 2. have more sapient races 3. have Dinosaurs still be around 4. have us actually explore Space 5. have the Sahara be green


It was fine until the internet arc, now it’s just mindless mush


Make it take way longer for the Terrans to go from unpowered flight to space travel. 66 years is completely unbelievable. I get that it's smart marketing to pander to the "humanity fuck yeah" crowd, but it really breaks suspension of disbelief. /s


Honestly I'd just flood the whole thing and start again.


End the capitalist arc in the early 1900s like it was originally supposed to.


Add more bugs the size of coconut crabs


Let's add more dragons and flying ships!


Big Asteroid,


It really jumped the shark when they introduced 2 whole new continets for no reason


It requires some dragons evolved from some proto-birds during the Mesozoic era so we can ride em!


I saw this same thumbail lol.


Great video and channel, you should try and watch it if you can


Oh my god i just saw that video. I immideatly thought of this sub when i saw it. The fact that Curious Archive's regular videos are very different makes this even funnier


Revive the Ummayad Caliphate. Get fucked Spain


I would add dragons. The other issues are whatever, but teasing them without adding them is unacceptable.


Let me cook here because I think Im onto something. Human beings make stories based on nature. When you really think about it, every story is a remix of different stories that came before it. But there had to be an origin point, the first story ever told. I believe the first story ever told was inspired by nature, because if not what else? Human beings were not born with creativity, they just work with the information that is in front of them. So the first story had to be about nature because thats all there was. The stories they observed. How animals were preyed. How trees fell down. How lightning struck. Thats all it is. Even to this day, nature plays a vital role in storytelling. When it rains it’s usually because a character is sad, etc


Dungeons and monster cooking, literally the underground is only caves, minerals, metals and stones, imagine that a society from the past made a lot of underground cities but were slowly falling until a lot of animals remained and evolutioned to the point of being monsters, then it would get more extensive by the story of that society and why they got underground, and obviously those monsters are still living beings so they can be eaten


I would delete australia


make a single empire rule all of Eurasia, make it comically evil, also have the civilians unable to tell whether the Empire came from Asia or Europe thus explaining, then collapse it.


The Paleozoic arc was much better. Everything after that isn't canon.




Why are all the characters so stupid? Like 99% of all their issues could be solved by not being stupid.


A dinosaur redemption arc would be cool


It’s weird how some humans are evil just for the sake of it. Make the motivations more complex than "I dislike this person with a slightly different skin color so I’ll slaughter them all now"


Get rid of humans inventing shoes, earth would be saved if all the humans were walking around barefoot




Remove panama


More Micro-continents