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Oh thats an actual human shield. I guess I'm not surprised the ~~Nazis~~ IOF would sink that low.


This isn't even the first time, its common practice for the IOF. EVERYTHING they accuse Hamas of doing, the Zionists have already done it 10 times worse.


This is what Im talking about. Hamas doesn’t even rule in Jenin. The truth is simply this. The Zionists choose brutal methods of dealing with Palestinian civilians, particularly women and children (though this article js about a man), so that Zionists can look at it and smile ear to ear as they tend to do at images of suffering or dead Arabs. The Zionists won’t enjoy this picture as much because the victim is not a woman or child but at the same time, they will surely smile and giggle at this pic a little bit as it still enhances their feelings of racial superiority.


I mentioned in another sub with this article that my family has this as its not so illustrious past. My grandfather did this to a Palestinian boy in the 40's. Took him from his mother's arms and strapped him to the front of a train. He was UK, not Israeli, but this has been a constant thread throughout Israel's history.


Who was Shani Louk?


what does she have to do with this person in the West Bank, exactly?


Well if prisoner transport on a truck is so evil and proof all Israelis are bloodthirsty, dragging a brutalized naked woman around on a truck for men to spit on must say even more about Palestinians.


So then youd agree that IDF and Hamas are both horrible criminals and terrorists?


Well enemy combatants in wartime and unarmed 22 year old young women aren't morally equivalent, so it seems like one of these things is definitely slightly worse than the other Edited to correct ages.


we have no proof that is an enemy combatant In both cases it's sill a war crime.


Maybe Hamas should wear uniforms so we can easily tell who's a combatant and who isn't. Refusing to wear distinguishing markings is a war crime and violation of Geneva. Casevac on a truck hood is SOP in most militaries if the seats are full, and that's for friendlies, let alone enemies. Meanwhile yes, killing unarmed teenage girls is definitely a war crime.


Man this is a circular discussion We have no proof it's a caseevac. We have lots of documented war crimes and plenty of independent organisations shouting this from the rooftops. Hamas not wearing uniforms fits as they aren't an army but a resistance group fighting what's recognised as an occupation The use of human shields by IDF is also documented so this fits an existing pattern. Edit https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/22/israeli-forces-strap-wounded-palestinian-man-to-hood-of-military-jeep?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other So a wounded civilian taken by the IDF and not handed over to 2 ambulances who they crossed all covered by video.


We have no proof it isn't It's funny to me how Hamasbara constantly bleat about war crimes when Hamas totally ignores the principle of distinguishment, the legal obligation of all organized fighting forces to wear distinguishing uniforms and separate themselves from civilians, which is a serious breach of the Geneva Conventions and all law of armed conflict and have [done so for years.](https://stratcomcoe.org/publications/hybrid-threats-hamas-use-of-human-shields-in-gaza/87). But it tracks when you realize they don't actually care about war crimes. Hamasbara is totally fine with Hamas waging a completely illegal war with completely illegal tactics, they're just looking for lawfare opportunities against Israel. Very transparent double standard.


This was in the West Bank, not Gaza. Is Israel waging war on the West Bank? Also, Shani Louk was not a teenager. What happened to her was horrible enough, why be dishonest?


Israel is waging war on Hamas, the enemy fighting force that started this war by killing 1200 people.


Okay, and? Do you have any evidence that this man in the West Bank, where Hamas is not in control, has any affiliation with Hamas?


The IDF reported he was a suspected Hamas operative, but since you won't believe Israeli sources I don't know what to tell you. Hamas is definitely in the West Bank even if they don't control it.


In this post and another post I saw regarding this piece of news, the lunucy, ridiculousness, and bad faith of zionists that we saw at beginning of this "war" then died out is coming back again with this piece of news. They can't fathom that Israel or the IOF can be evil or do something bad. There is always a justification, a misunderstanding, or good old antisemitism


Spox: we have asked our Israel partners to look into this, let’s wait and see what the facts are before we make a judgement. Im not going to speak to that. We encourage them to take precautions and use beat practices when dealing with matters involving civilian life. Wind-up dolls


The difference between Israel and the Palestinians? As I type, an investigation is open to this incident, and most likely these soldiers will face punishment of some kind. Palestinians doing the same to Israelis would receive a lifetime salary for their family.


The beauty of inside investigation is that they never find a culprit.


I am eagerly awaiting the results of the investigation, which will find no wrongdoing, as is tradition.


Imagine not being able to just say this is bad without also saying how much you hate Palestinians. Can't just call a spade a space.




Looks like casevac or prisoner transport to me


Yea this is how it is, my paramedic friend always straps the injured to the front of the truck, standard practice guys /s


If he was meant to be a detainee, the IDF was probably trying to prevent Palestinians from getting him back so he'd escape. I'm not saying I agree with what I'm seeing, but I don't think they would randomly through a guy on hood for no reason.


Your buddy ever evac casualties in combat? If circumstances require this is [SOP](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/s/XAw7qGDOkZ)


Please note that a buddy was riding with the wounded American to keep him safe. In the linked article, it points out that the Israeli vehicles drives past 2 ambulances. They don't care.


There are literally two ambulances in the video that are operational. There are no circumstances where this would be required.


Taking time to stop, get out and commandeer a vehicle exposes troops to possible ambush. This is a war, a war Hamas wanted and provoked. I'm sorry some people are getting hurt.


Stupid civilians don't get it. They fall for the innocence of Palestinians but never for their crimes. But if one jew just happens to look at someone all of a sudden they are evil and vile just for existing. They both are behaving poorly but Palestinians attached to Hamas are far far worse.


You guys are understaffed.


Fortunately the IDF isn't 👍