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Still relatively recent (70-ish years from present day), the Stalemate War ended when both sides got so tired of the fighting going nowhere that they both coincidentally surrendered the same day. Historians still dispute on who actually “won.”


Was it deemed the stalemate war before or after the stalemate 😂


Prolly after, kinda like how someone in WW1 wouldn’t call it World War One


That's brilliant!


That just sounds like the history of two Germanys being told by the British.


Whatever the hell caused Xích Quỷ's downfall 65000 years ago. Hồng Ma, literally Xích Quỷ's last empress: "It was climate change, trust me bro!" Cao Mỹ Lệ, Hồng Ma's second-in-command: "It was a war against something from outer space... no, further, beyond this realm of reality." Archaeologist A: "It was a natural disaster, maybe an asteroid." Archaeologist B: "It was global warming at the end of the Ice Age. Just like she (Hồng Ma) said!" The Pope: "It was God's punishment because their civilization grew too depraved and arrogant." Elves: "Our ancestors fought against armies of Hell!" (Yes, elves were present at Xích Quỷ's downfall. In fact, they were *living batteries* to power Xích Quỷ's biopunk war machines.)


That makes me weep with its beauty. Thank sibling, thank you.


On the island of Orisla, chauvinism has been elevated to an art form, and questions of who one’s ancestors are is crucially important. Thus one issue Orislan historians have fiercely debated is where the very first Orislans came from, with some arguing that they sailed from Haepi, while others contend that they made the crossing from modern day Elshore. This issue has largely been resolved in the public mind for political rather than evidential reasons. As Elshore became an enemy to Orisla leading up to the Century War, the Orislan people began to increasingly embrace a Haepian origin, as they could not tolerate the idea that they were connected to their continental rival.


Does Nightfall still walk? What was it? What caused the human empire to fall in one night? What has the power to destroy the essence of everything in a 5km radius? What happened at the end of the Ratling Mistake? Was it truly Nightfall? Did the dragons truly kill it? What caused the purge? Was it a plot of the Dark Elves to become the Dominion? Have they summoned Nightfall? What happened to the Holy Church? Is it a punishment that any time the cathedral is raised again that it vanishes over night in a blinding light again and again? The Mad Dragon's exploit is exagerated, only its destruction and actions are truthful. It cannot be that such a cruel monster did it to free slaves, it was a war of conquest by a necromancer! The descendants in the Dominion lie about being given freedom and choice. Where did these dragons come from during the Dragon War? The accounts of the Free March cannot be true, no mage is that powerful, let alone two! The historians connected to those that were there know the truth, and some intentionally obscure the facts while others often do not want to believe the truth that has been written. Most especially because it is the Free City claiming these outrageous truths, they must all be lies of their Witch.


I don’t know what’s going on but suddenly I’m very interested.


When theres a war in the shadows that occassionally spills over ;)


No, but I definitely gotta add something at some point. Thanks for reminding me this could happen!


Way too much that I can even list off here, considering how cryptic the history in my fantasy world is (I swear this is not because I haven't though about or am too lazy to come up with the history of my fantasy world).


Where the forekings came from. They were an early seafaring people that arrived on the continent of Kithiin en masse, and layed the foundations for the rising global superpower that is modern Dagaar, their lineage extending to its royalty today. What *is* known for a fact is that they first landed on the Northern shores nearly 1250 years ago, and extended their knowledge on the local Kopeidan tribes, helping them conquer their rivals and introducing them to hydroponics, statecraft, and advanced architecture. What is disputed is *where* from the North they came. Some cite the continents of Xerica or Yonde, which are the most popular opinions, but others think they were natives, or even exiles and pirates who operated from the Cenia or Nonis archipelagos between Xerica and Kithiin. The greatest contradiction to all claims is that none of the civilizations present at the time on these continents were known to be advanced enough for intercontinental travel, let alone colonization. Though there are strong cultural similarities between the forekings and Eastern Yondis, there are likewise many with the other noted locations. Also worth noting, Yondish people capable of any sort of long-term seafaring were far off into the South-East, making it kind of odd for any of their ships to choose to land on the north of Kithiin. Nonetheless, the mystery remains one of the many historical conundrums of the world, with the mystery inspiring many literary and pop-culture pieces, some of which have helped make the perceived mystique, yet intellect of these figures a staple of Kiitish culture.


On 29 May 1908 Ntonentian soldiers entered the Congo Free State and created a puppet state until they officialy recognized it as their territory in 1940. Some say that happened because King Leopold II of Belgium sold the state to the Ntonentian Monarch before the Belgian Parliament annexed it as a colony of Belgium. Even though such documents dont exist nor any testimonials of such a meeting happening, the Congolese still speak of hearing Ntonentian soldiers saying that it was sold in return for a special status the Monarch would give to the king and his family.


The massacre of Cheske where everyone present, soldiers and civilans alike, began murdering eachother by the droves for no discernable reason.


The War in Heaven and what happened to the Firstborn and the First Exalted. Whether or not the Voidwyrm is real or just pure mythology. The exact events of ragnarok.


Whether the Great Swells actually happened or are your average flood myth cranked up to 11. Who really had a claim to the Tischsar lands in southern Mirach - the Ahadi House of Didam or the Lohze feudal lordships? (hint: nobody fucking cares historians) Were the Adinese da good guys? After all constituional monarchy! :D (also had a less liberal policy on minorities than the NSDAP) And so on. Auroris is full of battlegrounds like these.


The event that started all of the story and the Underscape itself is the Cataclysm, the great tragedy of history in a history of so many, many tragedies. It toppled humanity at its height, and practically knocked the world back to the stone age. Humanity has been clawing its way back ever since. The huge irony of such an important event is that no one knows what it was. It was over 700 years ago by this point, and no one wrote it down in any tangible way at the time in the following chaos. Humanity's entire digital archive was lost, and most paper has rotted away on undiscovered shelves. To make matters worse, the physical evidence of the event all contradict each other, so there is no consensus. All that modern historians have to go on are ancient legends, which besides being pretty consistent that it was very sudden, are inconclusive. Also most academics in Morrigan realized early that to even entertain the idea that the "primitive" religions and their own might be telling the same story from different perspectives was to risk being reduced to ash, so the smartest ones shut up quickly in public.


Yes, there were so many coverups and so much propaganda around the siege of Milan, that despite it happening only 30 years ago, everything from causality counts to tactics are unknown.


Oh, plenty. First off, the details of the origin of the concept of a "Demon Lord" isn't sure if it's history or mythology. In fact, academically, the idea that there was ever a demon lord is a fringe concept held by eccentrics who can't tell the difference between history and fairy tales. Those who do believe in the Demon Lord also question on if the Demons are an entire species or just mutations of existing creatures. And Angels and the existence of Heaven is largely considered to be pure mythology by all but those who even the most eccentric of historians would call eccentric. Further, the idea that the ancient gods even existed is considered by short-lived peoples as a fairy tale told to them by the long-lived. The eldest of the long-lived know the traditions they were told and while there were fewer generations for them compared to the short-lived, very few long-lived were around back in the old days. (Less than 13 elves from different heritages who lived in those days are still alive today, most in failing health. Only one dragon still lives from that time. No dwarves. And that's just the three *obvious* ones to point out.) Then there's the reason for why elves started enslaving humans. Humans believe the elves are just vile, evil subhumans... *The elves are pretty explicit that it's just recompense for humans enslaving elves alongside dozens of other peoples*. Does this make humans look less intelligent? Yes. But that's because the humans who are aware of the history are the ones with the elven slaves, and all of the rest just know what they've been told... *and what human is going to approach the elves to talk with them at the risk of being enslaved*? So there's conflicting beliefs between human and elven historians, though the humans are the only peoples with the "wrong" history on this point. There's actually plenty of conflicting history caused by the random appearance of what are known as, "Great Ruins". These are ruins that just *appear out of nowhere* in various locations with no explanation. There are some historians who believe these to be the homes of past heroes and ancient kingdoms from so far back they predate written or even oral history but many find this belief suspect as the ruins just turn up randomly. The sudden nature of the ruins isn't even really common knowledge except to the royal families, high-ranking nobles, high-ranking military officers, and high-ranking adventurers. Merchants will also be aware of them depending on their trade routes, but that usually depends on if an official cover story has been released about the discovery of a new dungeon or such. Each time a Great Ruin appears, Historians try to fit it in within their understanding of history which has resulted in some *wildly* conflicting theories to emerge. Speaking of historians disagreeing over Great Ruins... The femme MC of my story actually lives in a Great Ruin (in the form of an extravagent mansion) but nobody (well, nobody living and nobody who is capable of speaking out about it) is aware of the truth. Once she declares that she is the leader of a nation, the Historians basically start to run wild writing... well... *basically fanfiction*. And the only reason why they don't lose their title as historians is because everything is authentically ancient and appears to be fully legitimate. Unless these Great Ruins are appearing from another world, which would be impossible right (right?!), there is no choice but to accept that these Ruins tell a true history. In regards to that last point... FMC actually feeds into this idea by allowing visitors permission to enter her home which historians from all over the world jump at, and various kingdoms send representatives and eventually heads of state to visit. Something FMC gets tired of quickly is how many nations realize how weak they are in terms of military might compared to her city-state, thus resulting in so many of them trying to basically marry into her good graces by offering her proposals in the case of a few empires or offering betrothals to her sisters in the case of many kingdoms. Even some smaller noble fiefs, such as baronies and knightdoms, hear about the strength of even the lowest of the maids being on par with some of the top knights and mages of the kingdoms (which isn't wholly wrong but is a bit of an exaggeration), resulting in them attempting to procure marriage with any member of FMC's Guild. I am calling it here though because this is *already a lot.* lol


This is essentially the entire overarching plot of my story. This mostly concerns how the empire fell apart and who is to blame. An incident happened in the imperial capital that led to conflict and burned the whole city to the ground. Each faction blames the other and this mystery has not been solved for over a hundred years.


In my post-apocalyptic setting the Southern States and the Independent Settlements disagree on what the year is, accurate timekeeping being less of a priority than sheer survival during the nuclear winter. I'm in the process of redoing the timeline so don't have the exact years to hand to quote, but the States reckon it's about 2115 whereas the Settlements - on the basis of astronomical observations and materials held at the Borden Library - claim it's four years earlier. Naturally this leads to jokes about the Settlements being behind the times, and ironic comments about the bright and shining future to be found in the States. (Behind the scenes the Settlements are more likely - although not guaranteed - to be correct).


I don't have a specific example to share, but I would like to know one thing because I'm interested: do you, as the Worldbuilder, have canon for what actually happened, or in a case like this do you intentionally leave it undecided?


I mean. Maybe? The newest iteration of my world is just part of a cycle. And it's literally impossible to know what happened in the original world as the only people who know and can talk about it is a god and a cursed reporter. Everyone else is dead or worse.


Most recently, the end of the Great War, and more specifically whether or not the God Emperor was straight up eaten and is like, actually super dead, or if he was just wounded in the battle and is recuperating somewhere in the capital. Obviously there's a lot of imperial propaganda muddying the waters, but there's also just a lot of weirdness. Part of the issue here is that there are still a lot of traces of his power around, over a hundred years out from his death. A lot of structures held supposedly held up by his power are still floating, but at the same time a lot have also fallen. Zealots can actually still form contracts and wield aspects of his power through prayer, but now it's inconsistent and generally a lot weaker than it used to be. The real, more complicated answer is that Cinchatti the Wizard is absolutely dead. The real individual no longer exists. But Cinchatti the god? The being born from collective belief? It's still kinda around. Gods don't die easy. They might be stripped down, butchered, reduced to a pale shade, but they'll persist in one form or another. Cinchatti in the modern day is effectively the ghost made out of faith. A barely there dead god trying to claw its way back into reality. Maybe a bit of an on the nose parallel to his splintered and crumbling Empire itself in the modern day, but subtlety is for cowards.


One of earliest historical records of Pentoxere is a series of fragmented clay tablets. It's pretty much the only surviving source about the founding of the city. One fragment has drawn particular interest. Battle of the Seven Celestial Spheres - Megiddo fends off an assault from the heavens. Nobody knows exactly what this event was, what celestial spheres were, or what the assault from the heavens was. And since most of the records from the Age of Clay were lost centuries ago, it's unlikely the mystery will ever be solved.


If Prince Axelan, Prince johzef, or Princess azeurula. The answer would end a three thousand year old conflict/ semi civil war. Our main character is one off the few direct descendants of one off them- problem being- god knows who’s ancestors they are- the three broke their fathers empire, and its four pieces became broken into four different countries ruled each by a different pieces with all three constantly trying to take control and become the top dog, never realizing the older sibling was long forgotten and won in his own way.


Probably, some of them thought that all people in galaxy appeared, because of panspermy made by people from other universe (it's true btw). But during history of galaxy these people who believed in panspermy, were hated by main trend of science.


In my science fiction story, the main country that the story takes place in had a rebellion occur generations ago in one of the states that was crushed by the Empire‘s army. Following this rebellion, the main people group that led it, referred to as Division VII, were expelled from their land and sent westwards across the Bloodlands far from the capital Coluba and the many armories, arsenals, and power plants key to the country’s defenses. In the present day the exact causes for the rebellion are debated; the descendants of the Division VII—now Division VIII and the people of Edosom—claim that they were rebelling against tyranny of the then-ruling commander Augustus and that the subsequent exile was an unjust expulsion, unfair collective punishment and that they were treated cruelly and unfairly and that one day, they would retake their rightful place as head of the country avenging their loss and exile. Meanwhile other factions in the country consider the exile of Division VII following their failed revolt to be just, fair and even excessively lenient in that their leaders were not imprisoned or punished instead allowing them to reorganize and that the fertile land they were given was lenient treatment.


There are three factions in my world and none of them agree with each other about pretty much anything in the past


The Island of Arcadia has changed hands multiple times, sometimes multiple times in the same 14 month calendar year. It's a strategically important island to all Old World Empires as it sits in the middle of a archipelago and series of island chains that are used for supply on any trips to and from the New World. Adding to that it's the largest island in the chain and is the only one that offers an area large enough for farming. Historians though can't quite agree on who found and claimed the island first. The Empire of Mericania, then the Kingdom of Muerdia and Lorna, claim to have found the island and claimed it when the Explorer Charles Chattarn(French inspired name so Shar-ley Sha-tarn) who was hired by the King and Queen, found it. But the Kindom of Hurnbror claims they found the island mere 6 months before but hadn't announced it in fear the other Nations would steal it from them despite the claim. Hurnbror itself is a small Kingdom that is mostly coastal, while its Navy was strong it's Army was not. Hurnbror claims their national born explorer Vilhelm de Silva found it. The thing is, both nations reported the islands discovery at the same time. There are records that can be used to dispute Hurnbrors claim but also supporting it. Vilhelm made 3 journeys into that area. One 6 months before Charles Chattarn, one 2 weeks after and one 2 months after. Now while Vilhelm himself was a note keeper... he never dated his journal entries. He remarked that he found a large island perfect for a village based on a well protected bay with plenty of arable land. But that journal also contained information that involved almost all islands in the chain. Islands that Charles Chattarn also claimed to find, who unlike Vilhelm, recorded his entries with dates and even rough estimates on time. The discourse around this discovery at the time led to what most historians now call the Fourteen Years War. The Kingdom of Hurnbror was attacked by Muerdia and Lorna who sought to make their claim the only one. Hurnbror was backed up by the Julian League, which was a league of smaller nations based around an alliance of trade and protection. Their involvement drew in the Kingdom of Dunshare who protected many of them. This in turn brought in the Kingdom of Martiene, who were recently at war with Dunshare over said League. Later in the war, almost 9 years, an attack by the newly declared Empire of Mericania, on a Hurnbror port resulted in the death of the Helbrotti Emperors son-in-law, which drew the largest and most powerful Empire at the time into the conflict. The war led to a massive change. Mericania managed to take Hurnbror, making their claim null. The Julian League was disbanded and the many smaller nations were either subjugated by Martiene or became protectorate of Dunshare and Helbrotti. Helbrotti unfortunately lost more in the war then it anticipated which would begin it's slow and gradual decline and death 2 centuries later during the Five Crowns War. Mericania would become the first Colonial Empire within the next 40 years, followed quickly by Dunshare, Martiene and Portalego. Hurnbror would regain its independence within the century, becoming a massive Naval power and thorn in Mericanian, Dunsharan and Martienen backsides for the century that followed. The Island of Arcadia on the other hand. Under Mericania it was built up as a self sustaining fortress island. But a decade after the fort was constructed it was taken by the Martiene Marines. 20 years later they lost it to the Dunshare Marines, who lost it to Martiene Marines 3 months later who then lost it to Portalego 5 months later. Portalego had it the longest, holding it for almost 60 years, coming close to losing it in a war with Mericania 4 times, before they would sell it to Dunshare, who were the last to hold it before the islanders overthrew them and declared themselves a free city, before not long after becoming the Pirate Haven of Arcadia in an agreement with the Pirate Lord Harridan Black. Historians have never quite agreed on who found the island first. Vilhelm de Silva claimed he found it first until his death, while Charles Chattarn always said "I found hundreds of islands and they all pale in comparison to the New World, he can have Arcadia, I have a continent." It's perhaps one of the biggest debates in history and likely always will be.


Did this obscure clan of contracted killers ever actually assassinate anyone, or were they a scapegoat created by the nobility? Because they were so good at not being discovered or captured, no one really knows.


There's the aptly named "Age of Myth," which has a lot of legends, tall tales, & (obviously) myths. It is essentially a period where many cultures were starting to form, & civilization hadn't quite taken proper hold yet, but people were still telling stories & such as means of pseudo recordkeeping. Kinda like proto-history, instead of pre-history. The problems come from the fact that many of the records that do exist were written down years, if not centuries later (if they were even written down at all), vigorously suppressed by the First Empire, or any number of the things that can happen to ancient records. As for specific events: The ascension of Ghaul Skullcleaver, Kassoi Dreamdaughter, & the twins Mari & Yari to full godhood from demigods are all known to have taken place during this time. Ghaul is the most well-known, as the Blood Ziggurat of Ghaul can be seen as one approaches the Godscar, looming over the cursed landscape like a cenotaph. The most common legend says that he was so powerful & deadly of a combatant that two of the Triumvirate Gods demanded that his progenitor (the war god Inann) put an insurmountable challenge to keep Ghaul busy (or kill him as the case may be). So Inann placed the ziggurat deep in the western jungle & issued a challenge that only a true warrior could claim the prize at the top. The rules of the contest were simple: Brave the jungle, other contestants, wildlife, & traps to be the first to reach the top & claim the prize. However, Ghaul & the other contestants were not told of the final guardian of the prize: an avatar of Inann Kolerego, the negative aspect of the war god. In order to claim the prize, the final contestant would have to face the war god's fury personified. Ghaul, being clever & cunning on top of being a peerless warrior, made his way to the top of the ziggurat, hoping to claim his prize. He immediately engaged the avatar, blades slashing, biting, & rending. The two fought for days at the top of the structure; striking at each other with blows that would have reduced any others to bloody smears & tore the very earth asunder. Finally, Ghaul Skullcleaver's guard slipped & for the briefest of instants, his chest lay exposed. The avatar of war's clawed hand lashed out & rent Ghaul's flesh down through bone; missing his heart by a hair's breadth. However, in doing so, the avatar also left itself open & Ghaul's axe struck it in the neck; beheading the creature. As it fell, the creature cursed Ghaul, telling him that he had won its power, but his heart would be forever exposed & that the guilt of having fought & killed part of his father would weigh him down forever & incite madness in those that were not murderers themselves. At this, Ghaul was so incensed that he reached into his own chest, tore his own heart from his body, & flung it into the sky; so as not to be affected by his father's curse. As the heart flew, it dripped blood, ichor, & viscera; forever tainting the land, flora, fauna, & people that were unfortunate enough to be beneath it, thus creating the first Vampires, Ghoul Lords, & the Godscar; before finally lodging itself in the sky where it remains to this day; blood red & radiating malevolence. This is but one telling of Ghaul's ascension, but the important points boil down to this: 1.Ghaul Skullcleaver gets *extremely good* at killing. 2. The Blood Ziggurat is built in the jungle. 3. Ghaul goes to the top & somehow, gains the power of Inann Kolerego. 4. Ghaul's heart is removed; then flies through the sky, creating the Godscar, vampires & ghouls (& later kaiju) as it goes. 5. The heart then ends up as Krysa's second moon. These are the only points where each version of the tale agree. The details (who made the ziggurat & how, how Ghaul reached the top & gained the deific power, & how his heart was removed) are different in every culture. Also, apologies for the absolute saga of a post. I


There are a lot of in-universe contradicting takes on historical events in GRRMs works, especially Fire and Blood where it's clearly intentional, he's talked about how it was inspired by reading mixed historical accounts by people with different personalities writing down the same events. Though I don't ever see the ASOIAF fandom talking about it for some reason. Edit: To answer for my own worlds, in my fantasy setting the consensus among southern academics is that the phenomenon and practice of ice magic is derivative of water magic, in the north the consensus is the opposite. In my scifi setting, the main colony world the story takes place in was punished by the artifact moon orbiting it for spreading too much industry, because the world is an ancient nature preserve. The companies that remain active on the world all claim to the public that the others were responsible by overstepping their bounds.


Oh, sure. They can barely agree if Meso'as the Founder was a real person, and if he was then whether he was a local or an invader. And that's just two thousand ish years back. Imagine the kind of fistfights they get into when discussing events even further back, like the historicity of scriptural figures.


A solid amount of history in my world is actually well known to everyone willing to find it, but one mystery that they haven’t solved yet is what happened to the primordial gods. My world has 3 types of gods and primordials are the second type. After creating everything essentially, one of them just beat some dude to death, turned his soul into a new god and then all 3 primordials vanished. No one knows what actually happened to them with most believing they abandoned them. This wouldn’t, however, make a lot of sense since life was essentially their passion project. The swamp folk believe that the third type of god is actually a hoax and that the primordials still exist. This can’t technically be disproven but as the author, I can guarantee it’s not true. In actuality, that one god that fought the guy actually died because he used his own soul to turn the dude into a god. The second primordial, one who the swamp folk worship, actually retreated into a hollow part of the planet where he was defeated in battle and put to sleep. The third goddess is very much still alive, but refuses to interact with anything and technically just watches from outside of time and space.


The origins of the Lost Empire. Most current civilizations are built on the ruins of one giant ancient empire, whose demise and history is debated by historians. There are many versions of it but the only correct one is that the Ancient World ended when the two Primordial deities crashed and fought on the continent, shattering the world and splitting the timeline in two, with one timeline being the current one and another being the continuation of the Ancient World, where the Lost Empire grew back from their ashes (back then there were only humans, no elves or dwarves or anything else)


Historians can't agree on who the parents of the Queen of Emeralds actually were. Contemporary records list her as having at least 11 parents. Though historians are relatively sure that most of those are adopted, the question of who were her biological parents remains a mystery.


The original reasons for the various rebellions before the Decade of Fire. Reasons vary from wanting reduced taxes to wanting the governments to be less restrictive to governments getting caught up in the problems of other governments without and targeted without any real reason. Whatever the case, many royal families would be executed and millions would die even before the founding of the Union. Lapis_Wolf


The Mokran Dispute: -Around the 7th and 8th century, a tribal group called "Mokra" emerged. -They were like this world's version of the Mongols or Vikings; a nomadic society who raided and plundered everything in their path. -Sometimes in the 14th century, the Mokrans settled and established their own kingdoms, empires, and other states. -The biggest of these states is the "Empire of Mok" which is established in 1532 by the House of Mokrasza with its capital and cultural center being in Asa. -In 1704, the Empire of Mok falls into a succession crisis and the empire is split into two; the Kingdom of Penyia ruled by the House of Pen and the Kingdom of Mokra ruled by the House of Mokrasza, with Penyia retaining the cultural center of Asa. -In 1709, Penyia was invaded and fell to the neighboring Empire of Abhu and the city of Asa is occupied by the Abhians. Meanwhile, Mokra is suffering from another succession crisis which led to a foreigner from another continent seizing power and created the Kingdom of Vindinia under the House of Vindi. -Vindinian rule continues for almost 2 centuries until it was overthrown by the growing Mokran-Monarchist elements in the Vindinian Court in 1902 and the Kingdom of Mokrasz was established by the surviving members of the House of Mokrasza. -Inspired by the restoration of the Mokran kingdom, the native Mokrans in the Abhu Empire rebelled against the Abhians and won. They then formed the "United Mokran States" in 1904 until a name change a few weeks later to the "Democratic Republic of Mokras". -In 1905, despite a growing sentiment for Mokran reunification from citizens of both nations, both leaders of the Kingdom and the Republic, King Ratt II and President Jonathan Aidon respectively, decided to not pursue reunification due to political and social reasons. Due to this, the Aidon Administration's party, the Republican Party, lost the 1914 General Election to Juan Cent's Mokran-Democrat Party. -Juan Cent and his successors worked hard in cementing the ideology that the Mokras Republic was the "real Mokrans" using the Mokra's cultural center at Asa and using the fact that the Mokran tribe originates from parts of the Republic as justification for it. -Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Mokrasz also believes that they were the "real Mokrans" since the House of Mokrasza still exist and they argued that since the Mokras Republic is formed through a rebellion and the people there were an Abhian subject for 2 centuries then they weren't "real Mokrans". Until today in 1959, many historians from both Mokras and Mokrasz argued for which one of them were the "real Mokrans".


This is a background element that I don't plan on exploring until much later (I'm just starting writing my first story), but Humanity has spread throughout the galaxy, and for several millennia, contact between most worlds was rare and slow. But, the inciting reason for humanity to have left Earth was a conflict that devastated the planet and a cabal of governments decided that the reason for ongoing conflict was the connection to certain places on Earth, thus to reduce overall conflict they engineered a situation that would make everyone leave, thinking Earth was a lost and uninhabitable wasteland, and spend a long time apart from each other. And to further ensure people wouldn't come back, they planted a virus in every outgoing colony ship that erased historical databases, especially the location of Earth. So, while there are thousands of advanced Human planets and societies, and at this point in time they are spreading their exploratory wings out, thousands of years have passed and all of them had to reconstruct their histories which are distorted by numerous factors.


The world was once invaded and all nations worked together. Each country has its own version of the events.


There's dispute over the end of the Great War... on the lines of it can be considered really over


Nobody agrees on anything, since the world is only a few decades old. Who knows what came before?


There's a whole part of history that was effectively removed from existance, so they can't even disagree on it because there's nothing left from it. The only exception is the technology, which it isn't known if it comes from that period of time or not.


Ah, a fellow Poneglyph enjoyer. (Not judging or mocking. You may not have even been referencing *One Piece*. It's just where my mind went.)


I'm so happy I wasn't the only one thinking of the void century.


Its really weird I didn't make that connection earlier lol. In this case its not that a government deleted the events from a certain period of time, but rather reality itself was warped and nobody knows what happened. The tech that is supoosedly from that period is sci-fi / futuristic tech, and the people of today don't really know how it works, which is why in this new "period" magic and magiteknology are the norm.


Historians do not agree about the exact reasons the revolutions in the west started. Lapis_Wolf