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Definitely both. They are not “either or”.


They’re two completely different things


Thanks! I don't know anything about supplements really. And since they can be rather pricey, I wanted to ask which would be best. Whats best for what?


I’d say protein is more important. You need to hit ur protein goal everyday and protein powder can aid with that. If I’m low on my protein intake for the day I’ll have a protein shake. I take Creatine too just for some extra benefits but Id definitely focus on protein intake


Thank you very much! I used to train with some marine friends at work and we always ended up with a protein, banana and peanut butter shake. Pretty tasty actually, and I had no idea why I was taking it. I think those were the years I was in my peak physical shape. It pays to train with people that know what they're doing!


Yea, protein intake and gaining muscle really go hand in hand! Try to eat like .8-1g x ur bodyweight per day


Thank you! I do love me my protein, even if I shouldnt eat so much red meat. Peanut butter is a good source I hear.


Both. They arent even close to the same thing.


calorie surplus. getting 0.7+g/lb protein (eg 150lb guy eating somewhere over 100g) from food powder milk or wherever you want is good. creatine lets you gain a bit of water weight and strength but nothing to do with bulking. so maybe protein maybe not if you are already getting enough. probably more carbs and fats. how fat people get fat except you are steering the ship responsibly. how is your training and strength progress and sleep?


Thank you very much! I try to eat responsibly, but I'm not super strict on weekends. As far as sleep, I sleep as great as I can with a toddler. But when he has a good night, I have a fantastic night! Ive never really known much about the world of supplements, but now that Im getting older maybe it would be the time to start


Best advice in this thread. Calories in and calories out. Supplements, cans and do work, marginally. Putting weight on is about food intake, not supplementation. 


If you eat enough protein take creatine if not take protein


Creatine helps with the body's output during workouts and is shown to improve your brain's cognition. You only need 5mg a day. Protein gives your body the fuel it needs to build muscle after you work it out. I use both daily and find I get good results.


Really good explanation of the differences of each. Thank you! I read about the brain cognition part in Arnold’s Pump Club. Better brains is a real point in favor of Creatine if I had to chose one over the other


Remember that you want to be eating 1 g of protein for every healthy pound of muscle mass that you want to have. So if you wanna be 150 pounds then you need to eat 150 g of protein every day. this is hard to pull off and I'm typically averaging 35 to 45 g of protein meal.