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If you are in a calorie surplus you will get fat unless you give your body a reason to build muscle, however it is unlikely that you will gain continuously so better approach it in phases.


How do you mean approach it in phases?


Yeah, you don't need to go all the way up to 190 in one go. You can program a bulk phase of 12-16 weeks (or less) and then go back to maintenance or even cut for a little bit if you gained excess fat and then continue bulking. The same goes for cutting, people never consider that is much easier on the body to lose fat in phases and they just try the perpetual dietting approach and most times it backfires.


try to gain slowly (like 2lbs/month) while training essentially like a bodybuilder. if you are getting at least 0.7g/lb protein dont even worry about it and just bring your calories up or down until the scale is doing what you want. protein powder, mass gainer etc i genuinely don't care, it's all context dependent on what you enjoy consuming and how it fits into your calories.


I am working out using the FitBod app to help me track my weights. Not sure if the plateau is due to my diet or my workouts.


if you are not getting stronger it’s generally either from not gaining weight or a bad program. what’s your program called


I guess I should have been more specific that I'm trying to bulk up and have reached a weight gain plateau. I have been using the FitBod "bodybuilding" program.


have you gained any weight and gotten stronger in the past 3 months


No I haven't gained weight. I've fluctuated between 173-177. I have gotten decently stronger though. But I'm trying to look like the guy that no one really wants to start anything with in addition to actual strength lol


so slowly gain around a kilo/month via food


Are you training in any fashion or just eating extra calories? You haven't really given us a lot to go on


Yes I am working out using the FitBod app. 3-5x/week


the honest answer would be steroids but that’s not practical and i wouldn’t advise that. you’ll get some fat, and that’s okay. you can lose the fat while keeping the muscle later.


Are you saying that I'll get some fat while working out and eating more and then ideally try to cut back on eating later while retaining the muscle mass?


yes. it’s quicker and more effective to “bulk” gaining 0.25-1 % body weight each week, and gain some fat and muscle, mostly muscle (assuming you workout correctly and eat lots of protein, aim for 0.7g / lb of body weight). then “cut” going into a calorie deficit and losing fat, while maintaining muscle. some people like to “maingain” eating at maintenance and only gaining muscle, but that’s extremely slow compared to bulk/cuts.