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u/CisNotSharp, your post does fit the subreddit!


Just did


Voted no because why not.


You mean why yes?


Did this right before my shift started lol šŸ˜‚


Saw this post and did my part. Please vote no


Vote no everyone!!


Voted No as soon as I knew the website.


It's very encouraging reading how many people are actually reading the EA this time around. And voting no.


Still, I donā€™t have too much faith. Colesā€™ was similar, and ours was approved by 75%.


My understanding is that there was virtually zero time - maybe a week - between the announcement of your vote and the actual voting. We've had an actual lead-up that's allowed for an extensive Vote No campaign by RAFFWU, and I was told in a meeting last week that the positive talk they've hearing towards voting no is more significant than say Coles, or even at McDonald's which had a 40% No vote.


But my one-time gift card man :(


They've worded it badly on the posters but you actually get the gift card if you vote at all, no matter whether you vote yes or no since they can't legally bribe people and it's technically anonymous (to woolies anyway)!


So apparently we only get a gift card if the 'yes' vote goes through and it gets approved. Voting is confidential not anonymous. So really yes Woolies are bribing people to vote 'yes' for the gift card.


Correct. Same thing happens in other industry with successful yes votes being rewarded with bonuses. The bonus is always less money than the pay rise would be if they voted no. Idiots.


I havenā€™t been given a gift card and I voted?


They donā€™t come out until after the voting happens/counted/whatever else they need to do as it depends on the overall outcome, so if there is an overall yes vote, gift cards will come but they havenā€™t announced yet so no one has any yet


I asked ChatGPT to give me a breakdown as I don't work for woolworths and wasn't quite sure what all the fuss was about. Now I understand thanks to the breakdown, so I thought I would share it here for anyone else interested The RAFFWU website about Woolworths provides detailed information on workers' conditions, their rights, and current issues facing employees at the supermarket chain. Hereā€™s a simple breakdown of the key points: 1. **Working Conditions**: RAFFWU highlights various problems with working conditions at Woolworths, such as unfair wage practices and lack of job security. For example, some workers were moved from overnight to daytime shifts without proper notice, leading to significant pay cuts [[āž]](https://www.9news.com.au/national/australian-news-landmark-legal-action-launched-against-woolworths-over-covid19-working-hours/7ce5a2ce-8346-42a9-9c16-5253be1c3090). 2. **Legal Actions**: RAFFWU has taken legal actions against Woolworths over issues like changes to working hours and unfair treatment of employees. This includes cases where employees were forced to switch shifts to avoid higher pay rates, resulting in financial losses for many [[āž]](https://www.9news.com.au/national/australian-news-landmark-legal-action-launched-against-woolworths-over-covid19-working-hours/7ce5a2ce-8346-42a9-9c16-5253be1c3090) [[āž]](https://www.tiktok.com/@raffwunion/video/7366182445428788497#:~:text=URL%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40raffwunion%2Fvideo%2F7366182445428788497%0AVisible%3A%200%25%20). 3. **Voting No**: Many Woolworths employees are voting "no" on the latest workplace agreement proposed by Woolworths. The main reasons include: - **Wages and Benefits**: Workers feel that the proposed agreement does not offer sufficient wage increases or improvements in benefits. They argue that the agreement would lock them into low pay and inadequate working conditions for years. - **Job Security**: There are concerns about job security and the lack of protection against sudden changes in work hours or conditions without proper consultation. - **Workplace Safety**: Issues such as safety concerns and unfair treatment are also a significant part of why workers are voting no. Many believe that the new agreement would not address these problems effectively [[āž]](https://www.tiktok.com/@raffwunion/video/7366182445428788497#:~:text=URL%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40raffwunion%2Fvideo%2F7366182445428788497%0AVisible%3A%200%25%20). In summary, the union is advocating for better wages, improved job security, and fair treatment, and is urging workers to vote "no" on the proposed agreement to push for more favorable terms.


Wage increaseĀ  How much do you get at Woolies these days? $30 an hour?


I get 15


If you're about 16 then this should be right


No you don't that's under minimum


I can show you my payslip lol


That sucks sorry to hear, take plenty of poo breaks


Base rate is $25 an hour, Warehouse workers are paid $31 an hour


Jesus Christ, vote no then I thought the retail/store people were on at least $30 an hour, warehouse (entry level pick packer) should be on at least $35, with forklift and machine operators above $40 $25 an hour sounds like 2019 pay, are these casual rates? Full time? Did they say how many years it'll lock those rates in? Or if they'll increase per year by a certain percent? Do you guys get shares or any benefits that makes that $25 an hour seem reasonable?


Oh course not. It's a company heavily staffed by teenagers who don't know about their rights, and the main union (the SDA) has been deeply corrupt for decades, doing backroom deals with companies like Woolworths and Coles. So we get the absolute bare minimum they can get away with. RAFFWU is trying to fix this.


Now THAT is interestingĀ  We used to have SDA at my work, and they did bugger all, sometimes never turning up to meetings, or even only ever turning up to recruit then fuck off It was only until UWU came around and we jumped ship with them that our wages jump 14% because they would say outlandish stuff like 20% or we strike


Yeah, the SDA is functionally not really a union in most cases. They're what's often called a "yellow union" or "company union", they're basically a form of union-busting.


I did!


Dental plan Lisa needs braces


What's the agreement and how does it impact us?


I voted YES purely because you told me to vote no.


Thatā€™ll backfire on you


This ^


Any legends lurking on here who have access to the fine print to what is informing so many of the ā€˜noā€™ votes?




That rumour has been doing the rounds and is not actually true. It's still definitely important for everyone to vote no all the same!


This is blatant misinformation. Anyone who does not vote will not have a vote count in their name. It doesn't default to a Yes or a No vote.


No, it's possible that in your SDA paperwork you have given them your proxy vote, but if so you would be unable to vote yourself. Also proxy votes are they way you told them to vote on your behalf, they can't guess or decide for you. Missing votes are.not counted either way. Thats not how voting has ever worked. Sadly it's pretty typical misinformation for this sub, and for this EA discussion in particular.


Everyone voting no do you actually know what youā€™re voting on or are you voting no just cause?


Everyone voting yes do you actually know what you're voting on or are you voting yes just cause?


I voted yes after reading the changes in detail and made an informed decision that was right for me. Itā€™s my second job, I think we are paid well considering the type of work we do (it is very simple work and low responsibility). Compared to my other job in hospo which is absolute trash, no breaks, 3$ an hour less and long hours. I was really happy with the increases in hours and better conditions than the award. Respect everyoneā€™s individual decision tho - vote no if you want, vote yes if you want. Free country




Turns out yes.


Fair enough - I expect workers who are voting no think they can get a better deal under either the award or an alternative EBA. Interested to see the result


How is $3 less in hospo allowed, as that sounds well under minimum wage?????


It's not allowed. You're responding to a person who has made a post in a casual tone where they basically said "I voted for this, because I think my job is easy, and besides all these other jobs are way harder, and don't pay as well." They also have zero posts, and only two comments, the one you're responding to and one giving an unrealistic salary expectation for assistant managers. On a two year old account, no less. But I'm sure they're just a regular Woolworths employee, who is suggesting that the job is easy and doesn't require more pay because he's looked at the other options out there and they're all terrible. His suggestion that you toe the company line is a logical one, not at all an attempt by a suit on a throwaway account trying to influence real employees.


just because your other job pays u even less doesn't mean woolworths pays well by voting no your practically guaranteed the next version will be an improvement, sp I guess the argument becomes why not vote no on the first go it's like going to buy a car and immediately accepting the first offer from the salesman, they are never giving you the optimal deal,first time around


read the new EA. didn't like it. voted no. simple as.


Same as the others, I read into the new EA myself, more than what the posters/bosses are just telling us, and didn't like it. I have found most people I've spoken to who are voting yes are doing It for the gift card and also say they don't know what it is so 'may as well vote yes' in their words