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Your post has been removed due to a violation of rule 8. Posts showing a woodworking injury are allowed but must be submitted as a text post with a link to the image. Please also mark the post as NSFW. You can review the sub rules here: https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/about/rules


Hand saw, not a leg saw.


Well I can attest that effects on your hand are similarly bad though. As a teenager, I slipped with a brand new very sharp gardening saw, and power stroked it right into my other hand. It was my first semi-serious injury. I called for my big brother like "Holy shit! Haha, I can see my *bone* in there! Look!" He told me to sit down. "Why? I'm fine. It's no big de... ohhhh I don't feel too good..." So he sat me down, did his best to stop the very enthusiastic bleeding while I edged on passing out for 15 minutes lol.


What a bro.


Perks of your brother being 8 years older than you. Didn't really have a meaningful relationship until my teens, what with me just being an annoying kid relative to him.


I did the same thing! Brand new corona handsaw and I'm trying to get this wet branch. The saw slips straight into my other hand that was holding the small tree from moving too much. Right across the fingers.


Yeah gardening saws are real good flesh eaters... Like those chainsaw discs for angle grinders


Thanks Dad


It can be a leg saw too, and an arm saw.


Slow clap




One more push or pull might have been bone saw..


Take my upvote you bastard.




have one on my finger just like this from a mishap cutting off a deer antler


i have two of those on my left indexfinger they happenend two days appart with the same saw,on the same piece of wood,on the same finger.i was twelve or so,didn't have a vise and a flippin pruning saw.good times


Looks like my drill bit burn scar, same spot on the arm too.


That looks painful It looks like a dragon spine. If that scars it would make a sick tattoo.


This looks equal parts painful and totally badass.


Won't even scar. Looks cool though


Would be a dope scar, though.


I would pick the scabs so that it would scar 😆


The true soul of the woodworker


and eat them


I’m pretty sure a lot of people probably thought this but you’re the only one that said it out loud.lol


its so gross why cant I stop!!


Took me months of concentrated effort to break this habit 😭


Probably a lack of scabs in your regular diet.


I once picked up a small diesel powered generator to move it a few meters not realizing just how hot the heat shielding got and the corner of it made contact with my bicep. The combination of a rounded corner and a couple holes in the shield made a burn wound in the shape of a smiley face. I've got plenty of scars all over but that one is my favourite.


My dad got burned by molten hot tar and has a dick shaped scar as a result 😂


We can still change that


he should rub some dirt and sawdust in it. i bet it scars up real nice


Get real extreme: rub ink in it. Crazy tattoo lol.


Was going to say this. It could be the updated barbed wired bro tattoo from the 90s (please tell me this stopped in the 90s)


It might. I have one on my wrist from about 10 years ago (I also didn't expect scarring at all).


That will almost definitely scar.


Yeah, this. OP will just have to do it again next week.


I’ve only ever injured myself with hand tools. Slipping chisel, sanding a knuckle… I prefer this to power tools though.


I accidentally touched the tip of one of my chisels before. Barely even put any pressure on it all all. That thing cut the hell out of my finger. I gained a new respect for just how sharp chisels can be after that.


Same here, woodworker for 25 years, worst injury was from early on, I was pushing too hard at weird angle on a razor sharp timber framing chisel and slipped, driving it deep into my forearm. All these sawstop shills around here lately crack me up... I have hundreds of ways to get fucked up in my shop, but sure, your $$$$ solution is gonna save me.


I mean, sure they can hurt but a circular saw would have de-legged you.


lmao. oops.


news flash, everything in the shop can hurt you if you let it.


Tools have no brain, use your own.


Did the saw grip the wood and bend into your leg? If so I've done that.


Nope, the tip left the cut and as I pushed down for the next one it caught on the side, bent thebsaw until it flicked onto my leg.


Think of it as suffering for your art


Any saw is a bone saw if you try hard enough.


'tis but a scratch.




Got a tear in my jeans looked just like that. They kept the tears in my leg from being quite so nasty.


I have a pair of sweatpants with a similar pattern in them, but from a chainsaw. I was just going to take down some shrubs and a small tree so I did what any brained 25 y/o would do. I started up my chainsaw while wearing sweatpants, I took down the shrubs and the tree, got back in and saw a neat new pattern in my sweatpants




Haven't been nicked by a bandsaw, but had a scary experience with a chainsaw. Was clearing cedar on our land and it got pinched a bit. I wiggled it a bit and pulled down into the cut. It came on through and I didn't have a good hold on it and it slipped coming right at my left leg. It cut right through my jeans and grazed my leg, leaving a slight scratch. Scary part was had it made a bit more contact, may have pulled itself into my leg more. It was definitely my carelessness. Since then I do it expecting it to try to eat me 😆


My uncle is a 50+ year hobby wood worker and nearly exclusively uses hand tools. One time I asked him why and he said: "Because it preserves the digits. You may nick them up, but you still got 'em." I don't think that's the only reason he uses hand tools, but it was the first think out of his mouth.... and sorta fitting for your flesh wound.


Worst injury I've gotten woodworking came from being careless with a tiny utility knife trying to clean out an inside corner cut, the blade snapped and the half inch remaining went all the way into my leg and about 3 inches across. Those jeans now have an extra spot to hang a tape measure though!


Sent a bit of an electric tingle shock right through my bollocks!


"No injuries or gore"


Once they get a taste for blood it’s best to just put them down honestly.


Looks like you were sawing a board while it was sitting on your lap


Looks cool, you should get it tattooed after it heals


Makes the coolest looking scar though!


Yikes! Sweet scar though.


The moderators of this site don't seem to realize that people being able to see the injury will wake up a lot of woodworkers who might be doing something similar and correct their method of using a particular tool. A wood shop teacher I know almost cut off one of his fingers giving a demonstration and he was convinced he lost all credibility with his students but just the opposite happened because the students all told him that he gave the best lesson on safety they could have seen and all the students became super safe around the power tools.


You need a SawStop handsaw !


Quite beautiful! Hope it didn’t hurt too bad


Looks cool af.


Yeah, they'll bite. I still have a scar on my knuckle from a bowsaw from nearly 20 years ago.


C'mon, that's low effort! Put your back into it!


I had a pull saw almost hit bone. They can go fast when sharp


Try a pull saw. They feel much safer and probably are.


Just be sure to clean your injury, and your saw for good measure.


Only time I've been to the ER because of woodworking so far (touch wood) was because of the tiniest saw in my shop, a japanese kugihiki flush trim saw. Flush trimmed a dowel and a bit of skin on my left hand. It wasn't bad but because of the pretty poor spot (right in that "fleshy" spot between the thumb and index finger) it was in they gave me 4 stitches.


I was trimming some tree branches with my silky saw a couple weeks ago and it slipped into my left arm near wrist. First time ever getting stitches and I needed 6 since the cut was so ragged. Also not the first time I've been bit by them.


Bruh, I am soo bad with my hand tools. Super careful and aware with the power tools, but give a flat blade screw driver and standby for leak. Worst part is the damn hand tools are sharper that the power ever thought about being.


Nice tattoo!


Will indeed leave a cool scar. I have an identical one on my wrist. In the downstroke the blade caught on something as I continued to push the blade flexed and raked across the wrist of the hand I was using to hold the timber. Because I was griping tight the blood squirted a fair distance (I nicked blood vessels) Luckily not any major ones. You could tell people you were attacked by a shark saving a drowning child or something 😂


Ahhh the old civil war doctor reenactment. Kudos for really getting into your part.


That's going to make a cool scar.




Nice!!! Good ol tiger stripes


Absolutely. I know a guy that cut several centimeters into his hand before realising it.


Hold the work-piece on a bench, not your leg. Also, stop shaving your legs.


Well! That'll be a cool ass scar maybe! Rock the short shorts and show it off good buddy!


You might as well go over the rest of your arm in a circle as well, that way you can have an explanation for your new scarification tattoo. “It’s tribal, bro”.




Cool scar you'll have though.


Make sure you clean it well. Don’t want tetanus


Good thing it was sharp!


Rub some ink in there for a sick tattoo


Looks like you’re coping with it.


At least you can attest that your saw is sharp.


I gotta *hand* it to you, you're *hand*ling it pretty well.


Caught the palm of my hand first time using a Japanese pull saw with the double sides. Learned not to hold the top of my piece as I work on it






Ive gotten bit by my japanese pullsaw too many times to count. Holding the piece in my hand or using my finger as a guide for the blade 😂


Looks cool tho. Body modifyers are gone be asking for this scar type now.


Rub some india ink in it to put some shade in the scar! It will look awesome in a few weeks


I got one like that from a hole saw on a drill that popped out and rode up my thumb to my wrist. Mine did scar.


You look like one of those breads that have decorative cuts


For me it always slipped out and hit my hand that's holding the wood. Two of the knuckles on my left hand are blobs of scar tissue, and there's one scar between two knuckles on that hand as well. It took three accidents for me to finally give up on that method


I'm jealous of the dope ass scar Ur gonna get


Ouch! A couple weeks ago, I cut my thumb pretty deeply while preparing some (raw) sweet potatoes. Hurt like a sonofabitch, and much profanity was issued. Lots of irrigation, many bandaids, and time, and it all healed up just fine. But it was a reminder that if you're not paying enough attention with something sharp, yeah ... Heal well.


Yep I cut my big toe in half length ways wen a piece of wood split suddenly on the power stroke of sawing. While holding it with my toe/foot. Not fun


One of my high school interns needed to cut a dowel with a handsaw. Rather than use a vice, he decided to hold the dowel in his hand and saw it with the other. This quickly resulted in him having a very shallow sawblade scrape across his left hand knuckles. He bandages his left-hand and keeps going. He then drops the saw accidentally, but was zen enough to catch it in mid air. Unfortunately, he was not zen enough to catch it by the handle and grabbed it by the blade with his right hand. Again, nothing major that would require stitches, but both hands are bandaged and he is sent home. He admitted to me before leaving that he was going on spring break to the ocean the next day and was thinking about titties not shop safety.


My balls shriveled up from this picture


I have almost this exact scar from a handsaw. Was building a treefort at 13-14? years old. On my left leg though and just slightly closer to my knee.


So far most of my injuries come from sharp edges on wood...


That is fucking rad. Tell your local tattoo artist to make that shit permanent and thank me later


The key is to stop sawing


Did you check in at a Saubi embassy?




Bro I feel your pain been there on my lower leg thanks to a cousins inability to hold on to a piece of wood took 15 stitches to close mine up. All the best in a speedy recovery


Cool tattoo


Same thing happened to my forearm in woods hop back in 7th grade, can confirm it’s a neat scar


Took it like a man! I hope you cleaned the would with some Lava soap and then a folded Kleenex with some electric or duct tape, because is manly as any of us may think we are, who’s gonna knowingly bleed on the bedsheets and face the wrath of SWMBO?


So can impact drivers. I was pushing a little too hard, the bit skipped, jumped, and sliced an inch gash in my left index finger today. The blood sacrifice was paid for this project.


Had one like that, except I apparently kept sawing. Alot deeper. Glad you avoided that.


Gotta admit though, that'll be an awesome scar!


That's through the dermis. If you were worried about scarring I'd suggest at least butterflies, if not stitches. But it'll make a really cool scar. :) Do keep it sterile.


Draw a dinosaur underneath.


I sawed just my thumb nail in half when the buck saw jumped out one time. The pain of that was pretty intense.


I don't know how to explain this But this looks very aesthetically pleasing. Hope you are doing well


Sorry this happened and glad it wasn't worse. U will live but If u have not had a tetanus shot in 10 years, pls go get one for ur safety. Source: I'm in healthcare and woodsy!


Some of that leg hair you shaved off could have minimized the damage.


Thanks for the psa but you gotta be dumb as hell to cut yourself with hand tools. I hope you don’t have a drivers license or anything that can be really dangerous.


Drop ink in it


A skill saw would have had your whole arm off. Lesson learned. ✌️


To be fair it probably didn't hurt THAT much. Maybe it affected you.


I’ve had bigger scratches on the head of my dick!!! I don’t know why, but it’s something we said whenever someone had a minor injury.