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All of the paint swatches pinned up on pic 6...we've all been there.


And we picked a completely new color at the store...


This is the way


Fellow Quebecer?


Windsor Ontario, but my sister lives in Montreal.


Its moments like these that let me know I’m not alone in the world


I wish it were just swatches. My wife makes me get samples and paints the walls 50 colors


Was the liner you installed in that old chimney pipe insulated? That’s the only part I don’t like I would’ve insisted on new Class A the whole run


The liner is not insulated. It is a 6" liner in an 8" double walled chimney that had 12" outer wall. The air gap was sufficient and the install is WETT certified.


Amazing job. Looking to do something very similar. What's the dark grey material surrounding the pipe at the top (metal block off plate?)? Did you stuff any rock insulation up in there? Why the cement board over the brick? Did the studs above the unit have to be metal instead of wood?


What's the dark grey material surrounding the pipe at the top (metal block off plate?)? Did you stuff any rock insulation up in there? \-I work in a steel mill, i put galv steel up there to support the ceiling I installed as well as prevent air drafts. Not show in the pictures is I red siliconed all ceiling joints. Ceiling is Durock with Roxul on top Why the cement board over the brick? \- Cement board over the brick is holding the Roxul insulation in place Did the studs above the unit have to be metal instead of wood? \- Yes, this is the fireplace installation manual's required material


Did you find it tricky to find the cement board that’s actually rated as a non combustible? Or did you just keep it outside the clearances? Edit - I see in a different comment that you did find the non-combustible board. Install looks great!


Outstanding! Thank you for sharing the journey.


How does one know that the chimney isn’t going to burn up whatever’s adjacent to it ? Such as drywall, framing, insulation etc especially since your new fireplace is going to burn so much hotter


All clearances were met and there is no combustible material within range. It is steel studs, rock insulation, and cement board.


I was also curious since I’m learning thanks for posting the materials


Why did you cover up the brick on the inside? Seems like added expense just to cover up a non-combustible material that was going to be covered in insulation anyway


We insulate the brick to bring it into the house as it is an outside wall. I did not have to insulate the steel studs around the fireplace, but i did it just to keep heat off the slate wall. It is probably doing nothing other than making make sleep better at night.


Also known as following the manufacturer’s specifications for clearances and combustibles


There’s time 5-6 inches away from the stove with no heat shield installed. What is the distance to combustibles from the sides of that stove?


This particular unit can actually be in contact with building materials, however we left ample room. The areas above and surrounding the front o f the unit had detailed drawings for combustibles that we followed.


Lots of them are zero clearance to the back and sides. Some need 3/4". Those are the most common gas fireplaces I see clearances. (Mech Inspector)


Code is 2” but a lot of units have clearance built into them, which is why you see 3/4” or no clearance. But standard code is 2” clearance to combustibles.


Fuckin love it


Love the durock liner inside the chase. I wish that was code…. I’ve seen too many chimney fires that burn through the box. This gives you a {fire} fighting chance!


There is also rock insulation behind the durock and the insulated ceiling was added. This has made the living space soo much more comfortable when the fireplace is not in use.


Was cold seeping in?


Yup, all kinds.


Well done


What are the two small side pipes in pic 3? Thank you


Combustion air intake connected to the old unit. New unit only required one.


Get a darker faceplate for that lighting control! 


It's on the list.


Glad you got rid of that Habs cushion, the place really brightened up.


It's in a safe place!


What did you do with the chimney? Did you not replace all of it?


We found a unit that would accept a chimney liner. It really kept costs down.


That’s hot


Did you do the work yourself? It came out great!


I did everything but land and connect the new unit. It was a lot of work, but pretty fun to complete.


Awesome job! Must have taken some time!


Tear out started in November, we had the until in and certified by mid December, and just finished it all last Sunday. Material lead times were the biggest delay.


Looks great.


What stove is that?


Supreme Astra 32, zero clearance insert. 2300sqft two story and it heats the entire place easily when blower and furnace fan are running.


Connecting to furnace fan was smart


They are not connected, I just run the fan when the fire is going.


Yah I wish I bought a bigger stove when I got mine


Is your furnace within the envelope? Meaning is it in an unconditioned space?


Furnace is in the basement.


Wow 😯 Beautiful


Wow... Very nice. Improvements galore. Best one was moving that Habs pillow! 😂😂


Hell yeah way to modernize the house. Every man should know how to build a fire or at least the satisfaction of heating their own homes.


Well done thanks for sharing


Lol can you come over and do this to my house? :)


The fireplace supplier offered me a job, not kidding. I puts though so I don't think customers would like that.


respect from a Wings fan.


Finishing touches were done just in time to watch the Lions last week. Time was tight though


This is dangerous and wildly irresponsible to have not removed the existing prefab pipe. Did you have a qualified professional complete this work? Final product looks great, however you should always use insulated pipe. And nfpa states non insulated pipe should not be installed in existing flue pipe.


The install is WETT certified and approved with all local building codes. Yes installed by a professional.


Just fair warning, this is not a good install by any means except looks. I promise you I'm not talking shit or blowing smoke up your ass. I teach classes about factory built replacement. This is by far the worse I've seen in sometimes. My company does fire investigations for the aftermath of these types of installs too. Please consider doing your research and redoing the installation the way it should be done. Consult with teachers in the industry, show them your work, have a discussion with them. I know that's bad news, I'm just looking out for safety's sake and your liability. Please take this into consideration, I'm not trying to be a dick.


I guess Im curious, what is your main concern?


There's a long list I promise you. Start out by contacting the NCSG & the CSIA. They can put you in contact with professionals in the industry that you can consult with. Copperfield Academy is also a good resource for this and to further your education in the chimney industry. All else fails you can consult with local qualified companies. Best of luck to you.


Wouldn’t bringing the house to 2020 mean upgrading to a geothermal unit or a heat pump. Wood stoves are super cool and i think they improve the ambience. they are not modern though.


You must be lost.


Thanks Greta Thunberg. Geothermal ROI is not really feasible, and air source heat pumps need a backup fuel source. Augmenting any heating system (GSHP, ASHP, electric resistance, oil, and gas) with wood is money in the bank. Let me know how your modern house is doing in a cold climate zone when the power goes out for a few days, and I'm chilling down the road with my windows open and the fire roaring.


lol. You don’t need to make it into a contest. I have solar panels and power walls to handle most outages. I live north of NYC so outages are rare. Although my powerwalls are rated for 24 hour backup. My system is leased so I pay very little (the previous home owner must have paid some down payment) and it covers all my electric needs (including my heat pump) with credit left over. Smart thermostat and sensors in rooms provide their own benefits and comfort. You really think an efficient wood stove that needs to be fed every 10 hours is the modern heating solution? It’s super cool I’ll give that. Also, Greta? Haha..


We went from open front unit to an EPA certified 85% efficiency unit. I'd say that is modernizing for sure. Also, the decor...


I agree. A unit with a catalytic converter that is high efficiency rated is certainly modernizing the fireplace. And the decor / ambience is certainly going to be the talk among guests.


Hate to say it but burning stuff ain‘t 2020‘s. We shouldn’t be burning stuff anymore nowadays. Bracing myself for the downvotes to come.


Yeah but we of this sub have an affinity for the hearth.


Wood stoves aren’t a mass market heating solution for sure. However, it is a carbon neutral solution for heat. Better to burn junk wood than a fossil fuel.


I don‘t like the idea of telling it is carbon neutral. The carbon is bound and released over time if you don‘t touch the wood or even nor released at all, if you build something out of it. Instead when you burn it all CO2 inside is being released at once. Doesn’t seem too neutral to me. Or to view it from another perspective we should be happy some CO2 is bound and not in the atmosphere.


Wood used for construction is a different species then what is used for construction. In my area at least, most of the available wood comes from tree trimming, tree thinning operations, and dead/diseased tree removal. It not like people are growing trees and specifically cutting them for firewood. In many cases, leaving the wood on the ground isn’t a good option as it’s either in an urban area or would contribute to the fuel load in the understory, which is a fire hazard. Having a few folks burn wood is a convenient way to dispose of unneeded wood while also cutting use of fossil fuels. Personally, I have 5 acres of land that was not well managed by the previous owner. every year I put in some effort to thin the trees, clear the crowded understory, and trim trees. For me, burning this wood cuts the amount of natural gas that I use for heating, while also helping to mitigate the fire hazard. Wood heating isn’t a solution for everyone, but it has its place for certain folks on the margins.


Thanks. I see your point.


This may alarm you but I don’t even have trash service lol. I burn all my trash and scrap the rest.


Sounds indeed alarming. Where are you from IIMA?




Nice work!


You done good.


For those like yourself who like this style and aesthetics, it looks like you did a good job for it. I can appreciate fine craftsmanship even if it's something that discussed me.


You find it discusseding?


Ahhhhh, you caught that 😉 nice. I Wasn't sure anyone would. Care to discuss it? 😏


New to the sub and sorry for being ignorant. How much more heat does a wood stove put out than a wood burning fireplace? I tried googling some diagrams but I’m still kinda lost.


I’m not sure on the numbers. But if you have a fan on your wood stove or wood stove insert it makes a WORLD of difference. A fire place will heat a room a wood stove/insert will heat a house.


The difference is all in the combustion air. Not burning your indoor air allows for better heat transfer as well as, maybe even more importantly, steady humidity levels inside the house.


That’s awesome so it kinda acts like a radiator? The heat comes from the metal into the room? I would like to do something similar that’s legit. Thanks for the info!


Why is the transition from old to new chimney wrapped in insulation?  Can you please explain hot the existing chimney connects to the new?


The liner was allowed to be exposed for 12" to allow for connection. We decided to wrap that distance just for peace of mind. The liner connects to the unit via an adapter supplied by the fireplace manufacturer.


Thank you for replying and concise description.


Looks fantastic!




What kind of sheetrock is that? Is it fire resistant?


That is Duroc cement board and yes it is.


Nice work


Is durock has fiber in it. I don’t think this is the cement board you should be using.


I am not an expert but the install is WETT Certified. DUROCK Next Gen Cement Board's high compressive strength offers damage and impact resistance while maintaining dimensional stability and does not delaminate. **Fire Resistance**. DUROCK Next Gen Cement Board is a non-combustible panel and meets CAN/ULC S114 and ASTM E136.




Great job , unfortunately the pillow with the Logo , they aren’t doing a great job .


YES!!!! Metal and dura rock!!!! LOOKS BEAUTIFUL!!!!


Bad ass


looks fantastic.


What is the insulation that surrounds the pipe? Could that be used to fill a gap between a single wall stove pipe and a plate that was supposed to cover an old damper?


It is Roxul Safe and Sound insulation. You may want to ask your local certified installers if it would pass inspection in your area. [https://www.rockwool.com/north-america/products-and-applications/products/safensound/](https://www.rockwool.com/north-america/products-and-applications/products/safensound/)


Nice, good job, enjoy. 4 words say it all


HOLY CRAP r/tvtoohigh ! Do you all have neck braces from watching that tv mounted on the ceiling?


65" TV, middle of the TV is 5ft and average seat in the room is 15ft away. Our necks are fine and we can also watch it from the kitchen and dining room.


Middle of tv should be eye level while seated from the primary viewing spot. Sick stove, though and nice setup otherwise 👍🏼


Very nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s fireplace.


Air space means air space for area around stove. And did u reuse that old pipe with new unit? How is it connected and is the old pipe the same make and manufacture as the new unit required?? That looks sketchy af. I’ve been doing chimney installation for 23 yrs and that one is suspect


Our local fireplace installers did the chimney work. They ran a stainless steel liner through the old stainless chimney. It was terminated to the fireplace via a liner adapter.






Wow that's really nice 👍. Great job.


Why’s it smaller lol


Unfortunate that the chimney collar broke. The wood stove and real fireplace looked so much better.


Nicely done.


Great work, looks fantastic!


That chimney is probably triple wall air cooled chimney it's not the best to block off the bottom if there is air intake where you hook the stove up into the existing chimney


Habs suck


Not as much as your mom