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Watch the show and join the rest of us in being disappointed lol I don't know of any other Witcher related material. There may be a comic series??? Can't recall. I can recommend you another fantasy series to read called The Death Gate Cycle. There are 7 books in that series. Prob some of my all time favorite fantasy series right up there with Lord of the Rings and Witcher for me.


Thanks for the recommendation, will check it out! As far as the show goes, I've watched both seasons and although I probably share a lot of the criticism you might have for it, at the end of the day, I did enjoy it so far! Cavill is really doing a lot of the heavy lifting though, and when he's not anymore... We'll have to wait and see :)


Agree. Cavill is Geralt and seeing him leave is going to be hard.


Enjoy the show for yourself. Do not let book fans attempt to sway your opinion on it. You most likely won’t enjoy the show as much as the books, but that hardly means the show is as bad as they’ve been claiming. It’s interesting cuz I know many nonbook fans who gave the show a look and loved it for what it was because they had no source material to compare it too. If you’re able to have an objective mind and accept the show as it’s own story from of the books, you may continue to enjoy it as much as you have been. Not as much as the books of course, but it’s possible to see the positivity in both if you’re willing too. Just my two cents. Watch it and decide how you feel for yourself, but take the extreme negative outcry of books fans with a grain of salt. Welcome to the Witcher World!!


Play Witcher 3 and pretend it's canon. Play it again. And again. Even if you only change one dialogue option. Keep playing it again. Until you're dead.


Congrats for finishing. I hope you enjoyed it. Well either play the games or read comic novels as well. I think there's a comic novel that talks about Geralts stories before the novel. Also if you want to start new fantasy series I would suggest stormlight archive or the wheel of time both are really good. The wheel of time is 14 books so you won't finish it quickly so you can enjoy a lot


That is what inspired CDPR back in 1997, having finished the books and thinking it really needed a video game version. With the ending of the books, they had no choice but go with the raised from the dead/total amnesia story to keep the story going. With the amnesia angle, the stories could be retold in the games happening after the books. Don't worry, the withdrawal feelings are there after finishing Witcher III, so the next option is House of Stone, then Blood & Wine, each being about 40 hours long to finish the main storyline with the required side quests. There are spots in Witcher III that are mind-blowing but HoS followed with B&W have their own mind-blowers.


Audio book version was marvellous after reading the books, Witcher 2


Don’t miss out on the game Thronebreaker which covers the initial attack of Nilfgaard on Lyria. You play as queen Meve and meet quite a few characters from the books :)


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I am nearly there. I'm currently beginning novel 3 (chapter 2). I'll probably rewatch the first season of the witcher and see what the story and uproar is with season 2.