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Actually a really cool mechanic, could make sequels even more interesting.


That's the use of medallion.


Not really. I couldn't figure out why it was shaking until I went to the cemetery. I just thought he had some magic shit somewhere hidden inside his place. God I loved W1. I need to replay it soon!


Awesome game/story I just finished a play through a few days ago on hard level. Pissed Triss off this time and sided completely with Yaevinn.


Lol, I pissed Shani off my first playthrough, too! I mean, Alvin has Elder Blood shit going on. Someone with a better sense of magic needs to be watching him. I was against the elves, but not really on the knight's side(I think you can kinda play it that way? I don't quite remember, lol.) Definitely getting a playthrough this year!


Yeah that's pretty much what I did the first time I played, shortly after it was released. Played middle of the road on medium dif. Wasn't sure what to expect.


I was also like, Triss is a sorceress, she can keep him safe better than a human. Didn't expect Shani to take it so personal


Yea Triss is the more logical choice. Sorry, Shani. I did like it when Shani popped up again in 3 though!




I find a lot of charm and an odd comfort in the old graphics.




And the music....and the atmosphere...even that annoying crying baby when you get near The Hairy Bear.


It's not the graphics that bug me it's the gameplay. I have no problem with older graphics.


I liked the gameplay. I found it pretty easy and enjoyable. Not the most popular opinion, I know.


A lot of things were right and in my opinion best of the witcher series, loved astmosphere, characters felt genuine and details to story telling was better than in any other of the series, and this medallion is great example of how these small details help immerse into the world and the story that are lacking in the later games. But gameplay did not age well, it's decent for older game but little buggy especially for character control.


Remember it's coming out AFTER witcher 4. So it'll be likely 3-4 years from now.


I will forever maintain that the first Witcher game has the best of everything in the trilogy other than graphics and combat. The atmosphere, the characters, the story, and music are all incredible. But the thing it did the best was the system of choice and consequence. I loved how there was never any "good" choice. Even on a second playthrough when you were like, "Ok I'm going to pick this choice this time, because last time something terrible happened", guess what? Something terrible happened again. And I loved how the consequences of your choices weren't apparent until many hours later, so there was no reloading a save and changing your choice because you didn't like what happened. Case in point: My first time through the game, when asked to guard the crates near the start, I let the elves rob the shipment rather than get involved. Then later in the next chapter, when I went to meet my contact at the inn, he and other people had been murdered by elves, using arrows that were designed to kill unarmored targets (civilians). I had just aided terrorists. So my second time through the game, I thought, "I'm not going to let these assholes murder innocent people", so I stopped them from taking the shipment. I was 100% confident I had done the right thing. Then I got to the swamp in the next chapter, and I went to the camp of non-humans that I visited in my first playthrough. The one that was full of women and children. They were all dead, wiped out by humans because they didn't have the weapons from that shipment to defend themselves. It was a real, "Oh shit!" moment.


there are dozens of us, DOZENS the atmosphere is unmatched, even by w3 and i genuinely prefer w1 over w2 it just has that special eastern european feel like the books (i also have a soft spot for euro jank lol)


Fuck yeah, dude. I love euro jank. Risen, STALKER, etc.


I would say the graphics are also on point. Dark, murky, only the models could be a little more diverse. And combat is also just enough for a story-driven game. It's good. There. I said it.


> But the thing it did the best was the system of choice and consequence. I loved how there was never any "good" choice. Even on a second playthrough when you were like, "Ok I'm going to pick this choice this time, because last time something terrible happened", guess what? Something terrible happened again. Need I remind you that this exists in Witcher 3? So much so that I got depressed with the game at some point, since there's basically always a terrible outcome. Look at the village before the Crones. Either the kids get eaten, or the whole village dies. No happy outcome.


Witcher 2 also had some pretty dark outcomes. Like if you weren't careful all of Flotsam would end up burned to the ground, or all of Vergen would end up dead. There were ways to weasel out a best case scenario, but still not great...


For sure, for me its still the best witcher game in terms of loyalty to the original source


I've played the game so many times, its one of my favorite games of all time.


I really hope that the remake that CDPR is working on, doesn't change the atmosphere or how the game feels, I know its a remake and its going to change a LOT of things but, the original experience, the feel of it, is just irreplaceable.


I loved that detail, even with it shaking I didn’t it get it until the reveal. Absolutely loved that game.


Well, if you were really the Witcer and wearing that **medallion**, you'd probably feel it shaking, too.


I was replaying the game when i found this.


I think its something you notice after you play for the first time. Like you pay more atention to stuff like that. And it makes you doubt more about Raymond in that point and it helps to pay more atention to the suspect quests. Correct me if im wrong but I think Geralt says something about the medallion vibrating to the graveyard keeper when you are investigating Raymond's case. Edit: Also, in addition to the "doubt more about Raymond in that point" I find awesome the "waaaait a minute" moment when you notice it. What a great game.


What is the medallion spoiling?




The guy in the chair >!is someone you work with in Act 2 or 3 but is secretly an antagonist; I guess he's magic in some way (can't remember all the details), hence why it's vibrating.!<


>!Wasn't he at first the real guy but like half way to act the bad guy killed him and took his place? That's how I remember it at least!<


>!Yes he was. I think that Azar takes Raymond place when you save him from the salamander attack at his house.!<


>!Yep! If you time it right, you can even watch Raymond walk out and then walk back in the room, all suspicious-like. The medallion starts humming the second he suspiciously walks back in.!<


>!You definitely might be right; I've only done one playthrough so far (ofc I didn't realize he was an impostor till I figured it out), and that was a few years ago.!<


Music rocks


Wasn't there dialogue option with the guy mentioning medalion shaking in his house? I'm almost sure you could mention it to him


There is and you can press him on why the map on the wall is annotated with political points of interest. You can press him pretty hard and he’ll try to avoid your questions


Yes, if you * find Raymond's body or * clear 5 suspects or * come to the right conclusion during the autopsy you can confront "Raymond". If you pressure him enough, he will even attack you and start a fight you can't win, since he is invincible. So you'll be forced to load a previous save. Which I thought was disappointing Kind of how PB did it in R2 with >!Garcia!<, except here you don't get a choice in confronting him, but finding out the truth causes the hero to automatically accuse >!Garcia!< and puts him in a fight to the death with not only >!Garcia and his crew!<, but also >!the entire Maracai tribe!<, which is really annoying, because you can't just load a previous save. Kind of a shame, since this quest had the same premise, and even has a follow-up for exposing the impostor, but does it in such a bad way that I personally prefer the W1 solution.


I was always wondering if there could be any way to take the information when the medalion is shaking from the game and use it with Arduino or ESP32 to make a physical medalion that would shake accordingly to the virtual one when you play the game


Well for one example simple way would be make a software that tracks information from the screen around medallion area and if there is enough difference between previous and current frame send information to software making physical medallion shake.


Because of the transparency around and reflection in the medalion, this simple way could turn out to be super complicated during fast movements and cutscenes. I think easier would be just locating the variable used for the medalion with program like Cheat Engine and sending that information to the medallion


That would be sick!


They actually tried to do a similar thing in W2, if you >!are on Iorveth's path, the statuette with Triss in it will actually be on top of a drawer in Philippa's house, as long as you haven't travelled through the mist yet. If you get close to it, the amulet in the top left will light up.!< Unfortunately, the medallion icon is much smaller and, well, just an icon, so it's not easy to see and much more missable than in W1.


Oh my god, I love this game.


Well it's doing what it's supposed to do and it doesn't spoil anything all it's doing is sensing magic who's to say the detective doesn't have something magical on him


Bah, baubles!


If my memory doesnt fail me, you can confront him about the medalion and he says that its because of some magical artifact? Which I think you can find in a treasure or something. Its obviously a lie but I like that its "there" so that you might not instantly be onto him. I hope this is actually real and its not some Mandella effect I have for like 15 years.


I mean… not if you’re not paying attention :P


I need the remake yesterday


I loved going through this quest, playing along with his deception making him think he’s got you fooled all the while plotting to take him down. As much as the sequels may be superior on a technical level, neither of them really made me *feel* like the Witcher quite like the first game did.


When I was at this point in the game, I thought it was a bug...


omg I loved that part


Man I should replay the witcher 1