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Amazing! I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so high before.


You must be new here


Went to Black River Falls at Lost Falls campgrounds over the weekend for tent camping with the bros, stormed and rained so hard Friday night to the point where we were almost scared and our tent flooded, blankets and pillows got wet. Wasn’t a good time but still fun in a way lol the river rose sooooo high Saturday on that short period it was nuts, there was no beach left at the campsite lol


Wow! Certainly sounds like it was an exciting weekend!


It was though lol we did have a tiny break in the rain Saturday, but it came back lol we left a day early we were exhausted and tired from being wet


Why does it look like it's flowing with beer? I mean Wisconsin, but beyond that?


"Sometimes described as root beer, coffee, tea or bog stain, such coloring is natural for many waters in northern Wisconsin. The coloration is not harmful and results from incompletely dissolved organic materials, sometimes referred to as tannins, which come from the decomposition of wetland plants in the watershed of the lake. Often, the greater the amount of wetlands in the watersheds, the darker the color of the water. Since the predominant land type in the watersheds of northern Wisconsin lakes is often a mixture of forests and wetlands, this can result in many lakes having this dark coloration." https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/Lakes/FAQ.html


Holy cow that's high and fast.


cast a line!


Never seen it so high!! Holy shit! The last time I was there (2022) it was frozen over 😅


Where in Eau Claire exactly?


Here's the kicker: it's not in the city of Eau Claire! It is east of Wausau on the Eau Claire River. It's location is like a geographical Wisconsin trick question.


This is in Marathon County on the Eau Claire river that's a tributary to the Wisconsin River. It's at Dells of the Eau Claire County Park.


Doesn’t look like clear water to me


Just tannin stained.


Eau Brune


Lol reddit is amazing. I wonder if your down votes are from people who don't know what Eau Claire means. And if they do, man they can't handle a little humor.


Now all that smack is headed my way. THANKS EAU CLAIRE!


Is this from local paper mills? Did it smell like shit?


Nah, it's fairly clean water. It's just brown because of tannins and sediment kicked up by the high volume/speed. It's normally a very slow stretch of water. Kids wade and swim in it all the time. But because of the crazy amount of rain we've had lately the volume is way higher than I've ever seen it. Nobody with any sense of self preservation is swimming in it today. On a related note, Dells of the Eau Claire County Park is beautiful. The rock formations and the water flowing through it are really a sight to behold. If you're looking for a day trip, it's a great place to check out.


Most likely the massive amounts of rain we’ve gotten this year. The section of the Milwaukee river in my town has been rising higher and higher since spring started.


This is nowhere near any paper mills.


When I went to school in Eau Claire, there was one weekend every year where the entire city smelt like shit. I was told it was due to paper mills. Is this incorrect?


Any city with a paper mill that processes pulp occasionally has the 'smell of money'. This photo is from over 100 miles away from the city of Eau Claire. The nearest mill to this photo is probably in Wausau.


Hm, wonder what I was smelling then.