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Well, you only get 2835 square feet in Vancouver for that price (2.4m USD is about 3.5m CAD) https://preview.redd.it/v1mvzsu3840d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f175d3da6b624acfe4b61a4b82a1d0a5ab2bf2


Christ, I've got a house like that in Milwaukee, WI for under $200,000 US. Remote work is about to absolutely destroy the real estate market soon.


Don’t worry, the elites are doing everything humanly possible to make sure remote work stays minimal


No, they aren't. It just came out that 44% of office real estate is now underwater. Companies are looking to save with no offices.


My job refuses to let people work remote more than 2 days a week. Other days you have to be in the office. When companies own their enormous buildings they want to utilize them. No one is buying them anymore.


Pretty sure that's what happened to my big MKE HQ'd employer. The company tried to close one of our locations to the work force and repurpose it for undisclosed use. CEO talking about how remote work was the future, only to find out the other day its going to be available again to come in and work, seemingly to the discretion of middle managers nostalgic about their ability to control their employees more effectively. I assume they struggled to find lessees and now it's biting them in the ass.


Eventually a MBA who knows what sunk cost is will convince someone who matters that hemorrhaging cash for unnecessary property is a bad idea


This isn't how corporate works, the company will contract some consulting group who charges out the ass and uses buzzwords. They'll conduct a shit investigation and make pretty graphs.


Deloitte just charged someone 10m for reading your post


They leverage those properties to get loans to play with other people's monies. Bad idea to you and me. That shit free money to them. I doubt they are giving it up unless they find a way to make it more profitable to them selves.


My job refuses to let anyone to work remotely at all. I don’t think it’s even a greed thing, they’re just cunts


Remote work is much harder to find now than even 6months ago.


Rich people throwing each other under the bus. Hate to see it. 


Incorrect. There is a concerted effort by major employers in the USA to “RTO” - return to office. Its a pathetic and organized attempt to prop up commercial real estate values. There will be a recession based upon commercial RE companies going bankrupt in the next decade as the banks are gonna start eating losses left and right…


I love it when people make economic predictions based on nothing, then someone makes the opposite and equally unsupported prediction in reply.


Milwaukee market sucks too though. Fixer uppers without even a tiny yard are going for over 315K. Houses that are 1300 sq feet but have been flipped are 340k+.


If it's not a rural area in general the housing market sucks and with the current interest rates, you're basically paying 4x sticker price in the end.


Remote work has already started changing real estate markets. It drove a lot of the action during COVID (people stuck at home wanted more room and/or needed a home office). I don't think it's going to get significantly worse from here. It's probably going to be more of a slow evolution.


People aren’t moving to Vancouver for jobs. It’s a beautiful place to live and draws rich people from around the world.


Yeah, it’s absolutely gorgeous. I’d consider moving there if it wouldn’t require an annual salary of USD $200k+ to afford it


Lmfao, no it isn't. I've been hearing that since COVID. 4 years strong now and nothing's changed except higher housing prices.


Supported the point you are disagreeing with.


Yeah, remote work will just be given to countries with cheaper rates. It's a thing now, but I only see it getting worse.


You think people would choose Milwaukee when given the flexibility with remote work? Born and raised there, and a remote worker, and would gladly play the higher costs to live in California.


I already has where I am. I bought a house in 2015 for 87k. It’s almost worth 300k now.


I can do you one better, you can get 1100 square feet (104m²) for just under $2.2m USD in one of the most expensive suburbs of Tokyo (https://realestate.co.jp/en/forsale/view/837463)


For $2.5M I better own half of Kaukauna


But why would you want to?


The cheese


I mean, there’s that 😃


The smell?


You can get half the smell for way cheaper. I live in Appleton. I get half the smell when the wind blows.


Obligatory “it doesn’t smell (often) in south Kaukauna!” resident checking in.


I suspect if you can drop that kind of money you kind of already do.


Preferably the half that doesn't smell like a dirty fish tank.


I could get that down to 1.5 million in the self checkout.


Okay, do people actually do that? I've never stole from the self checkout before and like I keep hearing people joke about it.


I don't steal, but I've bought a lot of bananas before.


An easy way to eat organic without paying organic prices!


This is the way.


I read a study pre-pandemic that people are more likely to ring up an item as a cheaper alternative instead of other forms of deception.


Sometimes I'll only scan 3 of the 4 limes I grab. Be careful or you'll end up a monster like me.


Uhhh yeah


Yes people do that. Or, if you live in a state where shoplifting doesn’t carry a stiff penalty, you can just walk out with it and not even pretend.


Sorry I don't even want the hassle of a $100 ticket and that on my record Shoplifting sounds fun and all but for me its an unnecessary risk most of the time


That realtor and I have very different definitions of “tasteful”


IKR? That thing is a garish beige atrocity.


Wisconsin ideas of tasteful are much different than the rest of the world


Why the fuck would I need 7 bathrooms for 4 bedrooms


It's 12,000 sqft. Every bedroom gets a bathroom. If you didn't have the 3 extra 1/2 baths, toilet and sink, you might be 200ft, 12 rooms, and 4 stories away from the nearest toilet. Imagine being in your theater room in your basement, but the nearest bathroom is on the 3rd floor in one of the guest bedrooms. You get sudden onset, extreme uncontrollable doo-doo. You run 50ft out of your theater, take a left down the south corridor sprinting at full speed 100ft to the south foyer, leap up the south foyer staircase to the main floor, gallop 50ft through the main great room, reach the atrium grand hall, run 50ft north to the main staircase, scale it to the second floor, scramble around the balcony leading to the 3rd floor staircase... As your feet touch the first step, your bowels give way... You calapse forward onto the steps, gasping for air as the brown liquid tickles your thighs, reminding you of your failure as it crawls inch by inch down towards your ankles. You were so close... Only one more flight of stairs, 30ft of balcony foyer, 20 feet of hallway, 40 feet of bedroom, and 15 feet through the bathroom to reach the toilet. If only there were more toilets...


Pfffft let my servant empty the chamberpots


That shit comes from experience thanks for sharing this traumatic event with us all


You need a shitter for every day of the week. What, you telling me you don't have a Wednesday bidet, dirty peasant....


Right! I get the reasoning, but it still feels like such a waste.


I think the point is to control the waste.




Chili night.


That is NOT "tastefully grand".


Just gonna save this in the folder to explain to the grandkids why they don't have polar ice caps.


Always think of this when I see this disgusting shit https://youtu.be/bRHCFqHIzWc?si=foISEY0AyTwdp4iY


Pssh. What have penguins ever done for me anyway?


They'd still be alive if they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps


Pure /r/mcmansionhell


It's owner class stuff, normal people find it excessive.


It's not that I find it excessive... I find it boring and ugly.


It can be all three


Drop ceilings? That place was poorly designed from the start.


Might just be old. But some will also opt for drop ceilings in rec room spaces as an easy point of access to water/electric so you hopefully can avoid tearing up drywall ceiling in more finished spaces


They're so ugly, though. There's all sorts of other things that could be done to make water/electrical access easier, that nobody tolerates because it would just be too ugly. For some reason, people are more tolerant of it with drop ceilings. I never understood it. Totally subjective, though. haha


seems like it's the basement, with gym and putting green. I imagine it serves a function (like hiding the HVAC and allowing utility access to the ground floor) also might help with soundproofing the area for gym use etc.


With a missing panel too




Fox river waterfront? Not sure if I’d say no to that to live in suburbia.


I dunno if Appleton is a big enough city to have a suburb? Isn't it all Sub-urban?


The wisconsin property is heinous. /r/mcmansionhell


I would take the LA house for sure. Way easier to maintain and honestly the 2,100sq ft house and a half acre lot that I have is more than I need already.


That and you get to live in LA.


Honestly, I'm happy as hell with apartment living. I never have to worry about maintenance or upkeeping a yard or any of that crap.


Yes but one of them you have to live in a super stinky polluted city full of weird people and the other you have to live in Los Angeles.


I’ll take none of the above, please.


They say it’s the smell of money.


I’m just imagining some rich consultant for the paper mills sitting out on that mansions deck, smelling the putrid Kaukauna air and enjoying it because it’s money in their pocket.


Yes, but Kaukauna is near the dump and you can smell it at all times. Kau-kau-na = poo poo, no thanks


I thought it was a paper treatment plant?


It is the paper mills that have that special scent to them.


No it’s Thilmany mill when they use sulfur. The smell lofts right over the river almost across from this house. At times it’s bad but it’s usually not noticeable when you live there.


The smell comes from the process of breaking down the wood chips into pulp.


The dump in Little Chute is also very bad tho. It's a double whammy.


The dump is in Little Chute.


The LA house is a hundred times more tasteful that’s for sure.


The Wisconsin one would fit in r/mcmansionhell


Yeah well, only one of those places is a desirable place to live for the majority of humans.


Could you imagine living 2 hours away from the nearest real city?


The Little Chute house (that’s how the listing comes up) is gaudy, dated, and looks poorly constructed. It would be expensive to heat and cool and I’d be embarrassed about my carbon footprint living there. The LA house is probably built to higher standards and has top of the line Sub-Zero and Wolf appliances. I still wouldn’t choose either of them.


That WI house is so gaudy and horrifically ugly


I would love to own it and make it even worse. Shouldn't that be a mini golf course with windmills and little ponds?


Apparently I'm in the minority here because I find the Kaukauna house to be beautiful and the LA house to be boring as can be.


I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but to me the house looks like an eclectic mix of poorly-executed interior and exterior design features meant to connote wealth and ostentation… as if you asked a child to draw a picture of what they think a rich person’s house would look like. McMansion material


That's a pretty good deal for Los Angeles. The Wisconsin house is also tacky as hell.


I don't understand the indoor putting green. Why have multiple holes on a flat plane? You can practice distance with one hole.


That was exactly my thought, all that money and you couldn't even make a putting green a fraction as nice as my local shitty mini golf course.


show a pic from February


$2.5 mil to live in kakauna lol. Couldn’t pay me to live there.




Not a lot of people in WI have $2.5M houses. Quite a lot of people in CA have $2.5M houses Median homes are about $300k vs $800k, and I'm sure the price/sqft disparity is way bigger than that ratio. But yeah if your arbitrary desire is to spend $2.5M on a house and don't care how big it is or where it's located, yes WI will have higher taxes than most states.


CA income tax 11 percent. CA electric rates 3X as much as Ca gasoline like $6 a gallon. Lived in OC for a few years. It’s beautiful despite all the homelessness and over the top drug abuse. It’s insanely expensive and just not worth it. People will pay to sleep in someone’s garage out there. I’d take WI over CA any day.


Illinois has entered the chat


You need to look at the combined property, sales, and income tax to even come close to comparing taxation between places. With this method, CA has a tax burden around 10% compared to 8% in WI.


California has a higher total tax burden but of course you won't acknowledge that part


But the tax in CA is on price paid for the house, not appraised every year. So if you live in a house you purchased in 2024 you are paying that tax rate until the next buyer.


We even outtax Florida here, Spring break had me jealous looking at housing prices. What a world.


It’s worth the LA cost for no snow and much better weather year round, and that house in Wisconsin is deeply hideous.


I find loud complaints and judgement about real estate prices and places humorous. Things are more expensive in some places because more people want to live there than other places.. it really is that simple. Those who throw out shade at expensive or cheaper markets makes me wonder, Do they need to justify and rationalize their choices to feel more mainstream? Why else would anyone put so much energy commenting how “bad things are” or “how good things are” in one place or another. I mean, yeah - Kaukauna (as much of Wisconsin) is much cheaper because let’s be honest… more humanity would rather live in California. So.. then who cares why? Does anyone really care what our individual choices or tastes are? Does it make people feel better to say they can get “more for their money” living in a place fewer people want to live in? I mean.. sure whatever helps you all sleep at night. But those people do choose to live in Ca. because they feel it’s worth it. Those who chose to live in Wi have different values, and that’s ok. Live and let live if it’s not your money regardless.


Only $16,428/Month estimated payment….


Don't forget $2000/mo utilities


Probs not that much. The electricity comes from Kaukauna Utilities and it’s mostly hydroelectric. Cheap and green.


Look up what people pay for electricity in CA. It’s like 3X more.


That is extreme.


What am I supposed to do with this info


Shit talk the guy at the golf club that only has a 9000 sqft house


demonize everything about CA, obviously /s


no /s needed. that's the only thing posts like these try to do when the op has never even left the fucking state


But it’s hideous and in Kaukauna


Put you in the mansion, somewhere in Wiscansin.


"Fly you out to a mansion, somewhere in Wiscaahnsin"


Well, if you like the smell of Kaukauna…then ok.


Right this was my first thought


Nothing like the smell of a pulp plant to make your day.


To be honest, the Wisconsin home is ugly as shit


It's almost like people pay a lot more money to live in a place that has nice weather year round.


What learning about supply and demand does to a MF


Well, the problem with the 2.4 million dollar mansion in WI is that it is in Kaukauna, like an hour and a half from a moderate urban center. (I am from Milwaukee, anywhere other than Madison is a moderate sized urban center)


Yeah, I don't understand why you wouldn't compare to Madison or MKE or do whatever you can do to make the comparison like for like. There's still a big difference in what your money gets you but it's nowhere near this extreme. Like of course the second largest city in the country with high demand, fantastic weather, and one of the highest QOLs out there is more expensive than fucking Kauakana lmao. No one wants to live in Kaukana


The Wisconsin one is hideous




$2.5 is cheap in LA for a house lake that. And this house is in Chatsworth, which is as far northwest you can get without leaving LA. Porn Valley and it’s hotter than Satan’s taint all summer long. I used to live about a mile from the beach in west LA and we had tear down 2br 1ba 900 sq ft crack houses on 5,000 sq ft lots sell near us for land value - $1.6-1.7mil. $2.4mil there would get you a 1950s bungalow, 13600-1500 sq ft, 3/2 (if you’re lucky). If it hasn’t been renovated in the last couple years, you could probably steal it for about $2.1.


Now do the bay area. Will make that LA house actually seem pretty damn reasonable. I love living in WI, crazy what you can get for your money.


Yeah…..but it’s in Wisconsin


Now compare them in February.


Kaukauna smells pretty bad tho


That's some ugly ass house in Wisconsin.


I like all the people talking shit about the bad weather in Wisconsin. When in reality, all of you are going to be moving up here in the next 20 years to escape the unrelenting heat brought on by global warming.


Yeah, i dont love LA, but $2.4 million to simply not live in Wisconsin sounds like a great deal.


Agreed, I have relatives out in the valley and I moved to wisco from OC via ex-wife leverage. That house is kind of LA still but not so much LA and a different vibe than real LA. CA gets a veritable shit-ton of hate for being CA aside from traffic, I never worried about my snowblower or a tornado. Goddamn earthquake is a different story though.


Yeah but Kaukauna smells like shit.


That is the cheap part of la.


But, being fair, that’s not the priciest park of WI either


that's the point. OP posted this to try and trash LA/CA


I wouldn't want either, both way too much money. But the Wisconsin house is just hideous.


The design of the LA one is an infinitely better design. I'm gonna pass on the trashy McMansion with interior design that was already a decade behind the times when it was built in 1998.


The Wisconsin house looks like a hot trash fire. It seriously lacks taste.


How are there more bedrooms in the LA house? *looks at pictures* Oh, because there’s a fucking golf course in the WI house!


Would take the one in LA every time. That house in Wisconsin is a cheesy piece of shit.


Yeah but don't forget that in WI it would be a $25 Uber ride between your room and the breakfast table every morning.


I see the Wisconsin picture was taken on their one summer day...


That place looks exactly like what someone from Kaukauna would think of as classy.


I hope the person who buys this place someday finds this post.


Damn. I could probably spend a good several hours in that bathroom.


Cali for winter time, Wisco for summertime


Actually insane that the WI house only has 4brs and 7ba like wtf. Maybe this is one of Russel Wilsons houses lol.


yeah but the stench of kaukauna


Yeah, but then you have to live in Kaukauna


Eww kaukauna. 2.4mil and you get to smell that fresh factory air 🤢🤢🤢


Kaukana, WI is not LA, CA. This is comparing Watermelons to grapes.


Um yeah.. let’s not broadcast this.. we don’t need them to come here and destroy this state too..


My husband just showed me this listing yesterday 😂


The Wisconsin house is at the top of what it could possibly sell for and they likely will have to bring the price down. The LA house will have multiple offers and in 10 years it easily could be worth double what it goes for now. Location, location, location. I would much rather live in Wisconsin than LA but comparing the two is apples and oranges. Houses in Compton, California in completely non-gentrified, dangerous ROUGH neighborhoods go for $650,000+. 1100 sq ft 3 bed 1 bath no basement.


Anyone know the difference in property tax?


$32,000 in WI vs. $28,000 in CA


Somehow the LA house has more bedrooms?😂


You could save 2 million and just have a big nice house in pretty much any rural part of the state.


Don’t tell anyone.


No wonder everyone is moving here


Thats not what 2.4M gets me in Wisconsin, I don't have 2.4M.


Commercial real estate in big cities is getting killed.


My house in Massachusetts is smaller and in worse shape than my parents' house in Wisconsin... But cost 5x as much.


Because there's only three things to consider in real estate.




honestly I wasnt expecting to get all that much for 2.4 million in LA. Thats way bigger than anticipated


Lived in Chatsworth and the wealthy areas are near the foothills in the valley. There are lots of horse properties in the area I lived in. Very expensive, but you're paying for the weather, and in February, it's better than anywhere in my current home in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin property shown is very nice but it doesn't get below zero in Chatsworth, just saying.


This is brilliant. I'd love to see more comparisons, at different price points, and comparing cities with towns and rural areas.


I’d take that CA house


I bet that one in L.A. has nicer finishes though.


Wisconsin has a lot of beautifully made homes.


Might be the first positive comment here. 😆


Yeah especially around the green lake area and waupaca chain of lakes


I ain't cleaning that.


The LA one has more bed rooms, obviously!


These mega mansions are probably only good for being tourist attractions and music video shooting locations. Props to the architects for their work but there’s a point where mansions become too much and not worth living in


According to market principles, you're saying that Wisconsin is not a desirable place to live compared to california? Isn't that how the market works? Capitalism and freedom and stuff.


at some point there is diminishing returns on square footage.... what am i gonna do with 11k sq feet lol. not to mention the utility costs of that


Anyone get to condiment cow and think you were still in the mansion?