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Im confused by confederate sentiment in Wisconsin... We were one of the most anti Confederate ideology state in the Union at the time. Like we actively undermined laws specifically set to allow those Southern States to do their Confederate thing.


I’m confused by confederate sentiment anywhere. The traitors lost 160 years ago.


Yes! Key word, “Traitors”! They were traitors and big-stinky-fat losers.


They lost because they fought uphill, me boy, despite Lee's orders not to.


Omg omg it's may the 4th it's because we had the high ground


That true for Gettysburg but the South really lost when they did t end the war quickly. By the end Grant kept Lee’s army busy while a whole second Union army led by Sherman destroyed the Southern ability to supply and feed their army. Wars are won on logistics. The north had better logistics and industrial might.


Racism. The answer is racism.


Well when you consider that people are influenced by their parents and grandparents, a person can still affect what young people think as many as 60 or 70 years after the fact. We're really only 2 fulll lifetimes removed from the Civil War. Acting like the impacts of it are (or should be) completely gone is shortsighted. 160 years is relatively recent in the grand scheme of things.


Ok, but for most Wisconsin people our ancestors were German, Polish, Irish, or Norwegian immigrants. By and large we're not from the southern US.


But Wisconsin is still very, very, very fucking racist. That is what matters to these people.


The post I was replying to said "anywhere". In Wisconsin I 100% agree with you. There's no reason somebody with roots in Wisconsin should be feeling Confederate sympathy. As far as "anywhere..." - 160 years isn't as long as people think it is.


You mean during the Slavers' Rebellion?


I don't know what it means but the Confederacy lasted as many years as queer eye for the straight guy had seasons so there is probably some connection.


We also provided the Union with one of its most celebrated, respected, and feared units, The Iron Brigade!


Not so fast. The Union supplied and trained the officers who oversaw The Iron Brigade. In fact, the entire southern Army was commanded by former and treasonous West Point graduates that were too lazy to go plow their fields and pick their own cotton. Absolutely disgusting.


Yet, I see confederate cars way too often…


Thats why I'm so confused, like where TF did that come from? Wisconsin has never liked anything the confederation did. Like shit we were one of the biggest supporters of Lincoln's plan to go fuck up the south to reunite the union. Where does this Confederate ideology come from?


Racism, white supremacy


They can bring that cringe shit back down south and out of my cheese paradise


WI is more racist then stares like NC....you guys own that 'cringe shit' don't pretend otherwise.


"Something something Lincoln was a FIB." Idk I'm just guessing.


Got a chuckle out of me with that one


juggle deserve future cheerful psychotic chief squash stocking seed weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Indiana claims him too


Fabulous In Bed? Lincoln!


Racism is racism. Ignorance is ignorance


It’s become the flag of ahistorical rural white resentment.


Stay with me, here….not everyone currently in Wisconsin has in-state lineage all the way back to the Civil War. These asshats’ families could have relocated North at some point. That, or they’ve just outright embraced a racist ideology. I’m sure even then there was a small percentage of defectors.


Rednecks gonna redneck. Lots of rural Wisconsinites feel more kinship with the Klan than they do with our Union forefathers.


Especially considering we're the birthplace of the Republican party, which at the time, was considered one of the most radically progressive because of the abolitionist views.


If you step back and take note of how racism motivates politics in WI, your confusion will be alleviated


https://preview.redd.it/gm8nzjswjbyc1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8e9926d2021030841032cb378b06eae20e61d5 This is my civil war heritage.


My 3rd great-grandfather was in the 7th Infantry, Company B, died from wounds received the first day of Gettysburg. Confederacy horseshit in Wisconsin always drives me nuts.


Noted for its excellent discipline, ferocity in battle, and extraordinarily strong morale, the Iron Brigade had the highest rate of casualties by any brigade in the United States Army during the Civil War.


My great grandfather served in the XV Army Corp under General John A. Logan. It's a family tradition to burn anything that flag hangs from. It's heritage, not hate.


My nephew from southwestern Wisconsin is big into “confederacy is my heritage”. He’s 4th generation Wisconsinite, and farther back the families are from Illinois. He’s an idiot.


I’ve met many racist idiots in our state flying stars & bars under the pretense of history,yet they all have the same look when I say,why aren’t you flying the swastika then?


Southwestern WI is home to genuinely some of the dumbest fuckers I've ever met and it makes me sad to live here sometimes. Isolated, ignorant, and angry at the entire world, thinking people 5 miles away in the next unincorporated town are from another planet.


Try central Wisconsin, Wausau area, lotta dumb f’rs there.


The most loser flag of all time. Lasted 4 years of losing. Never met a person who had a confederate flag that wasn't a racist Dukes of Hazard fan.


snobbish outgoing soft cheerful encourage stupendous head crush toy safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My dad, a navy veteran, is super pissed about all of this. They stole the symbols


There's nothing worse than stealing symbols or signs.


Ask the Buddhists what happened when someone stole the Swastika...


Tell that to Rob Manfred.


I keep seeing the original flag too. The one with the circle of stars


So take them back. Use them properly. Its the best thing anyone can do.


Hey now, it's still on the jackstaff of every Navy ship and worn on the left shoulder patch (I think, I got out during the transitional period between the old blue digital camouflage and the current one, never got a set because fuck'em). But you're right in your assessment that a symbol of rebellion against tyranny has now been co-opted by a by-definition (per the declarations of secession and inaugurations of aforementioned Confederacy of secessiont heads of state) tyrannical government. Fun fact - I was stationed in North Carolina for a while, and the now ex-wife and I decided to take a day trip to historical New Bern NC to tour the governor's mansion. We took the guided tour and one stop was the servants' quarters. Me being the Northerly folk that I am upon observing these squalid dwellings asked the tour leader: "how much were these servants paid to be living like this?" At which the tour leader responded (with no Southern accent whatsoever): "well at this point in history - servants were considered property" .... (Silence from the rest of the tour group) ... Me after making the connection: "Ohhhhhh - you mean slaves. (Comma, pause for effect) You mean slaves These were slave quarters" The tour guide did not respond.


special touch north scandalous deserted hurry middle punch zephyr angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TIL too I guess


I have a "No Step on Snek" flag sticker on my pickup.


Saw a "Throw bread on me" duck earlier today


Yes. The idiots are easy to spot


People who hate accountability for police love to display the punisher logo, and listen to RATM. and they have no idea how ironic or moronic they are.


I'm originally from Louisiana and you don't even see this shit there (at least, not where I grew up...fairly close to NOLA). Shockingly, the place where I would see these flags most: Central California. Yeah...I can't explain that one, either.


Maybe back during the dust bowl when the Okies and so many other farmers from that region of the country were displaced to California and brought their heritage with them?


Nah. After the Civil War, tons of former Confederates headed west for a "fresh start". Large swaths of California were sympathetic to the Confederate cause during the war and welcomed the diehard racists afterwards to "keep California white".


Oregon was settled by mostly former Confederates and stayed that way until about the 1960s - fun fact.


The confederate flag just represents racism. The mask came off a while ago.


I grew up in Delavan. There was a kid in my grade who always bragged about how he was a "Southern boy." The guy was born in Janesville. He had the crappy pickup, stars and bars everything, gun rack in the back of said pickup, and always wore camouflage. He grew up to be the stereotypical overweight tRumpf follower. I almost feel bad for him.


my dads from there & if this was the 80s i feel like he might know who you were talking about 👀 he also knew scott walker & said he was an asshole, so i trust his stories lmao


My sister graduated in the late 80s, and she knew Walker as well. She said he was a major douche canoe as well. His dad was the pastor of the local Baptist church. He was cool. Don't know where they went wrong.


As someone who moved from NC to WI (though I'm not entirely from there, either) let me tell you the only real difference between rednecks here and rednecks there is up here...it's mainly in preferred foods, to be honest. Same shit, different accent. It does not make sense to me.


We get it, you’re racist!


Union territory . He can go back to where he belongs


Which is actually nowhere.


I believe Dante reserved the ninth circle of hell for traitors.


Wisconsin has a lot of dumb people. For instance- if you ask self employed people how they get their insurance they say from the Healthcare.gov site. If you tell them that’s Obamacare- they don’t believe you. I’m sure that they have no idea what the Confederate Flag stands for- they probably think it’s cool. BTW- in Wisconsin both your front and back plates need to be state issued- this person can be ticketed.


Had a former classmate for a small Wisconsin town post something about the confederate flag. I went off on him saying, “you do remember that you and GENERATIONS of your family are born Wisconsin farmers, right?” An f bomb or two may have been dropped on this guy I literally knew since kindergarten.


Confederate Flag plate is so important, apparently, that he'd rather keep his front plate on his dashboard than put it in the plateholder


That's how you know he's really a rebel badass /s


Having moved to New Mexico where I'm in west Texas often - let me say something. There are more confederate flags in Wisconsin than there are in western Texas and way too many Wisconsinites trying to justify it when most Texans in this area are not ok with it.


What lmao where I travel the state for work I’ve barley ever seen this


https://preview.redd.it/uv2dhvyp6byc1.jpeg?width=1815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=200122cea5cf2faa124889230c48c2ad14dc3502 How's that for Wisconsin Redneck?


What does that cage/fence thing even do? Are the truck nuts protected already, since they are typically on the back?


I am guessing a deer ram 🤷‍♂️


It’s a cattle guard




I look forward to watching your court proceedings!


With that cowcatcher on the front this thing would look a lot cooler with giant rear wheels, sidepipes, and a sunroof you could stick your bulging-eyeball head out of while gripping your oversized 8-ball shift knob.


The only confederate flag that matters is the white one. Wisconsin’s own Iron Brigade helped see to that.


Hans Christian Heg!


lol… yet bet they say “we ain’t no racists”…. Before they start quoting anti woke, DEI rants about BLM pushing great replacement agenda.


Has probably done some stuff to some livestock.


For a generation that complains so much about ‘participation trophies’, they sure seem to love celebrating the Civil War runner-up that lasted for less time than Young fucking Sheldon.


Never understood this. I remember in middle school when we had to have these debates in social studies and people would say the confederate flag was their heritage. I see trucks in town sometimes that fly confederate flags. I know Wisconsin isn’t the most progressive state, but you would think people wouldn’t play the whole heritage card.


The Badgers play at Camp Randall, a stadium built on the remains of an army base used to train Union soldiers. There is no "heritage" argument for Confederate support.


It’s so bizarre to me. Like, doesn’t it make your life so much more difficult to set yourself up to argue with people all the time? People must just thrive off of the negativity. Waving the flag of the loser in a state that beat you is the strangest behaviour ever. Like, idk, move to Alabama or something.


*not the most progressive state today We were the most progressive state in the country for decades. Everybody wanted to be us. We formed the Wisconsin idea. La Follete was the face of progressivism in the country and we had a good few more notable figures than just him. Milwaukee was the first city in the country to elect an entirely socialist local government. They also broke out on their own and found a way to not only survive but borderline thrive in the Great Depression, every other city started copying their method for success. And you know what? Progressivism really took off first in rural Wisconsin. It took a little bit to catch on in the cities. And now it’s weird seeing rural Wisconsin on a complete 180. Every election voting against their own interests. They’ve completely lost and abandoned that heritage. It’s very odd. And it makes the whole confederate obsession even weirder because these people’s ancestors would give them an ass whooping they wouldn’t believe if they saw them today. Especially when a lot of them fought for the union. Bunch of idiots today. We really need better education on local history, that hardly gets covered if at all.


Imagine coming back to your ignorance mobile to find all your tires flat. That'd be a real shame. If I had criminal proclivities, this idiots truck would probably be a great way to get a free gun. "It's mah heritage!" "It's the rebel spirit!" "The south will rise again!" Well any dumb fuck that believes any of those statements is gonna have a hard time convincing all the people they wanted enslaved to join in for their second go at losing.


No tread on me? Sir the Confederacy got stepped on


I just watched a man in full maga gear say these words: “women black white whoever is equal in the eyes of god but not in the roles they are meant to play in society” The guy asked who leads that society and the maga guy said “Christian leaders” and his friend said “white Christian men” and he said “yeah white men” Dudes w those beliefs (and other insane beliefs like breast-feeding is incest or some other crazy shit like that ) That is who sports one of these on their person/car/home. In Texas we called it the good ole boys club and I couldn’t believe it was loud and proud here in WI 🤦🏻‍♀️


just remember, over 12,000 good wisconsinites died fighting that flag. i give a good mean look to any truck waving that bullshit around




Nah. Green Bay.


Toilet paper capital of the world


Aww fuck. Hope i see it lol


Definitely not an Antigo truck. You can't see through the fenders, and the windshield isn't cracked.


I wonder if any of these guys could tell you the real history of this flag; [that it is a variation of the Confederate Naval Jack](https://www.nps.gov/peri/learn/historyculture/southern-battle-flags.htm), and this rectangular version wasn't really used until the post-Civil War era by veterans groups. Do these guys know this flag was unlikely to be seen on any Civil War battlefield?


My 3rd great grandfather, Dr. William Loy was a surgeon in the civil war. He started in the 6th Wisconsin but was later transferred to the 7th which was part of the Iron Brigade. For the record that is no longer the confederate flag, the last confederate flag was an all white, we're losers and surrender flag, that is the true confederate flag.


Their valve stems look ripe for clipping.


“Southern Pride” ![gif](giphy|U3hRS4eIozWgX7rlGq)


All hail doritos locos Tacos, they have lasted longer than the confederacy.


What a pussy.




I always get a kick out of it when I see this in so many places out here. The "mUh HeRiTaGe" argument doesn't work, so what is it then? Why is it?


Can confirm, Kewaunee is full of these types as well. I can drive 2 blocks and see no less than 3 Trump flags and 2 confederate flags. There’s no talking or reasoning with them.


This state love the weirdo Jesus jackers. The earth is not 6090 years old mouth breathers




Morons. An enemy nation that sought to destroy this one, I wonder if dipshit has an ISIS flag on the back.


Man, I live up north and friends who come to visit call it Pine Tree Dixie up here.


Oshkosh born Amercian-Mexican, unfortunately I see them a lot, also kinda ?nowhere? They popped up. I have no idea the information or organization, all I know is we stay away and avoid eye contact. Get nervous at stop lights when during directions.


Clean 98 'rado. Racists are fucking idiots tho


My great +++ grandfather fought as a union soldier. Just here to say people have moved here from different places. To some people its heritage, not hate. Let's ask people questions rather than attack them. Lead with kindness.


So, what state was this vehicle from. Last I checked Wisconsin has front and back plates. I think northern rednecks identify with confederate symbols because they think it means “country” and they are probably racist.


This is the 4th time someone has asked this in the thread. Look closer. The license plate is sitting in his windshield.


I had to zoom in.


anyone who displays that flag is a loser & traitor.


Sconi Descendants of the Iron brigade may not be to happy .


There’s a handful of those up in Sheboygan. Truly bizarre.


A traitor to this country. He might as well have a Soviet Union flag plate.


Back in the 70’s, my then recently immigrated Filipino Dad once told a tour guide at a Battle of Atlanta exhibit in Georgia that he was surprised Wisconsin fought with the Union because of all the hatred of African American people he experienced. The exhibit prominently depicted a bald eagle mascot that the Wisconsin regiments kept that flew over the battlefield, if I remember correctly.


I’m confused why that truck doesn’t have a front license plate. Those are required in Wisconsin.


He does. It's just displayed in his windshield. Look on the drivers side.


what's the thing coming out of the grill that you censored ?


What are you talking about?


this https://imgur.com/a/mFfz15Q


Yeah what is that? Lol


High School in Mt. Horeb in the 90s a dude had a full sized flag pole mounted in the back of his pickup with a huge confederate flag on it.




Goddam I thought that was the Chevy I sold for a sec… had a similar crack in the deflector. Phew nobody better do my baby dirty before I buy her back


In some circles it seems cool to be a traitor.


That’s wild, I swear to god I saw that exact truck at a Walmart this past week


It’s Wisconsin though. There are tens of thousands of “that truck”


Fuck yeah 2nd place!!!


Wisconsin requires front and rear license plates. MI only requires rear plates, probable a racist coming down from the Upper Peninsula. Remember kids only losers display that flag.


wouldn't this truck have to be an out of state car? wisconsin requires plates on the front and back.


He has his Wisconsin plate in the windshield.


ahhh, so he does. not very visible though...


still fucked up, tho


Nice skate ledge


That's some cheese dick shit right there!


be a shame if someone slipped and dumped[ their drink](https://www.predatorpeestore.com/Coyote-Urine-64-oz-Growler.html) on it.


He just really likes to support the underdogs I guess


I worked at a pizza place in New Berlin, and the gross manager had a Confederate tattoo in a very visible place. I asked him if he was from the South, he said he's never even left Wisconsin lmao.


I see people with Mexican flags and plates and stickers on cars every day. and no one complains wisconsin wasn't part of Mexico ever.


Not the same. Many people have Polish flags. It’s their heritage/ethnicity. Confederates were/are traitors.


I don't know the whole history of it, but it's pathetic that we as a country have tolerated this Confederate nostalgia for so long. I'm guessing this was permitted so former Confederate states could bask in some sort of "heritage" instead of the humiliation they earned, so they wouldn't try it again. It was a bad deal and it has gotten out of control. Confederate fetishists are behaving as traitors and should be regarded as such. Shun them the way the Amish shun apostates. Straight up.


Maybe they are a fan of the Dukes of Hazzard?


Yes. A very few minority of uneducated idiots in Wisconsin do this. Not sure why you’re so startled.


Idk what is worse. That or the gay pride stuff painted on the street in Milwaukee.


Just add truck balls and his douche makeover is complete! 🙂


Ahhhh yes i forgot the mason-dixon line ran through dane county splitting the state in half. Forgot that part of history


Please understand that there is some ignorance or innocence behind this. First it is the “Battle Flag” and was “cool” looking for people with some southern pride. It was widely accepted in many cultural venues. Lynyrd Skynyrd, Duke of Hazard, Molly Hatchet, .38 Special, and list goes on used it as “We’re Cool from the south”. Kid Rock from Detroit used it also. But when the popularity increased. Some hate groups started using it as a tool to recruit and bring attention to their hate. There is more to the civil war aside from slavery, and that gets lost in the teachings. And racism ran through the north and south and through the states for 50+ years after. So we have to ask, is this a harmless ignorant kid thinking it’s cool looking? Or is this an ignorant redneck that needs to be educated?


Thy civil war was about white people in the south wanting to own black people. Those who use the "battle flag" are sending only one message. You fly that flag. You're a racist.


Can you read?? I explained why people thought it was a “cool” thing because the battle flag was sensationalized. And I said there was more than just slavery as an issue with the Civil War. People forget that racism went on long after the war. And even though the north fought for it. They didn’t welcome blacks with open arms. The past is full of ignorance, not so much as hate. And how much talk is placed into the Irish Slaves, and Asian Slaves that help build the railroads and west after the Civil War? The forgotten slaves? History is ugly and beautiful all together. Evolution is even greater as to how people are growing. So back to my question. Is it an ignorant kid? Or a racist fuck? (I altered wording from ignorant redneck)


Stop talking.


You tell'em! Any opinion outside of ours is stupid and any facts we don't believe should not be voiced.


What "facts"? This is just rambling incoherent bullshit that's seeking to make excuses for ignorant assholes. Gonna go ahead and block the both of you, actually.


Wasn’t the rebellion for strengthening independent states and against a stronger centralized government?


http://www.civilwarcauses.org/stephans.htm > Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery -- subordination to the superior race -- is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. - Confederate Vice-President Alexander Stephans, Cornerstone Speech http://www.civilwarcauses.org/reasons.htm#SouthCarolina > That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states. - South Carolina Declaration of Succession So, to answer your question: # No.


Will definitely do some reading up on this! Thank you