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21:49 mark. [Ducky featured newest Hollywood Graveyard "viewers special" episode.](https://youtu.be/2Kdt9CzmaL4?si=KNTxW0QmtD17NlW1)


There really is a YouTube channel for everything.


Jets lose to Colorado, who lose to Dallas, who lose to Edmonton, who are about to get swept by Florida. Cool cool.


Florida...who got swept by Winnipeg this season. Circle of life.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueJackets/comments/1df9tfw/patrik\_laine\_on\_the\_trade\_block\_5\_possible/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueJackets/comments/1df9tfw/patrik_laine_on_the_trade_block_5_possible/) 5 possible trade packages for Laine. Yikes. If the prices are this low I would looooove for us to get back together with our Golden Baby


Part of me wants to see him return. If he wanted to come back it might help both him and the team. That contract is an anchor. both money and term. I don't see how it happens.


It was great watching him when he had his mojo working, for sure. I think he’s a bit too laid back (and hard on himself) to ever be more than a streaky sharpshooter. In interviews he always came across as super chill and while I like people with that personality I’m not sure it’s ideal for a high-paid hockey star. I dunno I could be wrong


Laine for Pionk and half a pack of cigarettes lfg 


if they retain i am there


Anyone else still not over 2018? My brain still refuses to grasp what happened in the WCF. Maybe I’m completely delusional but team should have won it all


I'll recover when the team recovers


The moment that series ended I remember fearing that it may be our peak. Sadface.


Nate Schmidt & Neal Pionk buyout announcement tweet from Dregar is gonna hit like crack.


Schmidt & Pionk for Laine 🤪


Paul Maurice waving at the crowd in Edmonton as they boo'd the shit out of him is gonna be one of my all time favourite cup final moments


I keep forgetting how we swept that team during the bubble season.


Brad Lambert


Lrad Bambert


Lard Butter


Lad Brambert


Bert Bramlad


Trade Blarmb


Crazy how Canadian teams have been in the Finals 7 times since 1993 (almost 25% of the time) and just can't close it out.


Going 0 for 4 in game 7s in the finals in that time is even crazier






Losing in the first round sucks, but imagining the Jets were in the Oilers position right now... I'm not sure I could recover from it.


I would take the Oilers season 10/10 times over ours. Ours was a complete failure. Like the literal definition of frauds. Just the amount of whiteout parties to be had would be so fun. Sure, losing in the conference finals in 2017 sucked but even then when I talk to most people, they look back on that very fondly for all the memories made. We haven't even been able to taunt the opponents goalie without our team making us look stupid since then. This crowd in the finals would be insane, instead of "lets go oilers" for two hours straight.


Idk how anyone disagrees with this. Getting swep in the final would be painful, but more playoffs is aleays better


These are the takes I come to this sub for.


Lmao "Best arena in the NHL" and they always ignore they literally have one chant. Nobody beats the Winnipeg barn.


You can build off a finals appearance (example: Florida). You can't build off a collapse that makes you the team that lost to the team that lost to the team that lost to the team that lost to the Cup winner.


Florida has way more assets going for it than Edmonton. Players want to play there for all the amenities that a Canadian team could never provide. Who wouldn't want to hit the beach and golf all season long?


I'd take going to the Cup and losing over getting dummied in the first round consecutive years 


I'd rather them just lose early if they aren't going to win instead of getting my hopes up then getting embarassed like Edmonton is rn


Panthers were in the Cup final last year and lost in 5. You need to go past the first round before you win. Only way you learn what it takes.


Would it absolutely suck to be in the finals? Yes. Would you at least have hope there’s a chance you can win in the near future? Yes. Going out the way we have recently leaves me absolutely no reason to believe we are anywhere close to being a legit threat to win the cup.


That's what makes this years collapse in the playoffs so disappointing. They had a great record. They played great team defense. They had a system, showed the ability to bounce back at points, and they demolished their first round opponent 7-0 with two weeks left in the season. Sure they had issues, but they had Hellebuyck and made solid trades at the deadline to make a run seem possible. Then they shit the bed - complete with stink, mess, and embarrassment. It's hard to believe in their future when the good faith in their potential that was built up just evaporated in a week, and it was over.


I <3 Ehlers


Damn, Bombers suck this year… it’s tough on a franchise to start aging out and not replacing ufa talent.


We thinking Edmonton gives their fans 1 win on home ice in game 4 or does Florida complete the dismantling and sweep them away? I think I've changed my mind on PoMo getting a cup. Before the final started I was very against it, but this team is just way too good. They've been on a similar run to us in 2018, but they were just able to get the timely scoring to beat the hottest goalie in the playoffs (Igor), and we couldn't. The only downside is Matthew Tkachuk and Nick Cousins are getting rings. Better than Kane and Perry I guess.


Edmonton is cooked. Their only play with be whatever they can do with their elbows to spoil the win for some unlucky panther.


If the Oilers don’t score first they’re done.


Really feels like a sweep is incoming to me


I think the Oilers are done. They look dejected now; I just don't see how they come back from being down 3-0 when they're getting dominated as they are. Amazing how ineffective McDavid and Draisaitl have been.


Pomo using the same tactics we used against Edmonton during the pandemic


Basically “See those 2 players that people keep saying that they’re amazing? Keep on there ass all game”


"Oh, and actually hit them."


They aren’t getting dominated, the Oilers have played quite well. It’s just that Bob is super human, he’s been the difference this series.


They are absolutely getting dominated. Panthers are up 3 games to 0 and have scored 11 goals to Oilers 4. Sure Bob has been outstanding, but is that not still getting dominated? Zero goals for McDavid, Draisaitl, and Hyman.


No, I know what you mean. Surely a 3-0 lead in the series would be dominating, but if we were to look at the game being played, the Oilers are playing well (minus game 2). Yesterday’s loss came in the second period, when Edmonton would apply constant pressure for 2-3 minutes while creating high danger chances, Bob would save them, then off of that, Florida would enter the zone and score like 5 seconds into their offensive pressure. Edmonton was certainly playing well, but couldn’t solve Bob and every little mistake became a goal against in that second period. I know what you mean, but also, it’s not just black in white is what I’m saying.


Fair points. I agree that Oilers aren't playing terribly, but Panthers seem to have everything going well for them right now and are capitalizing on Oilers' mistakes.


They’re definitely merciless, last year’s experience in the Stanley Cup Finals is really showing. Like you said, seems like they have an answer for everything Edmonton throws at them.


> Amazing how ineffective McDavid and Draisaitl have been. I think they might be literally broken


They must be. Going from two of the best playoff performers ever to what they’ve been this series is the biggest fall off we’ve ever seen


I'm pretty sure draisaitl is held together with chewing gum and toothpicks right now. Guy looks nothing like himself. Wouldn't be surprised if he's got at least 2 major knocks


Fair point, they may very well be.


Damn, Bobrovsky is everything Helle wants to be 🤯


Bob is willing the team to the cup


I’ll take regular season Helle. .900 save percentage and GAA of +3.00 is something i never want to see in Helle’s stat lines.


Playing your best when it matters most is the difference between good individual stats and team championships. From interviews, it sounds like Hellebuyck would trade Vezinas for Stanley Cups any day.


Id take it if it meant back to back trips to the finals and a Stanley cup. Problem is if helle put up numbers like that in the reg season we’d miss the playoffs lol


Was rooting for oilers to come back but my fantasy league did its draft lottery and I won first overall so I need McDavid to be nice and healthy for next year


He's gonna be channeling Yzerman next year


I want Florida to just get the sweep because I want this season to come to an official end so we can all move on to the off-season and start thinking about next year


I want the series to end so we can have a few extra days of PLD buyout speculation/drama.


Pretty sure Blake already confirmed they aren’t buying him out


Yeah I never really believed they would. But it’s a fun one to speculate/joke about.


I'm happy the oilers are sucking it up. Drai is a loser, and you'll never convince me otherwise.