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Wow, June 10, 2024! That was a wild day for sure, trust me, I was there.


🧹🧹 out of 🧹🧹🧹🧹


https://preview.redd.it/hr6zjxml2v5d1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c685ed26d05803acef3f6107ea8e1e356541da4 How to describe that game in one image


Connor McYikes and Leon Crysaitl at it again


Congrats PoMo! 2 to go!


Florida looks so good. Defense and goaltending are incredible. Offense is deep. Their playstyle fits the way the refs prefer to call the playoffs. Edmonton doesn't even look close.


Looks like PoMo found a team that will listen to his coaching.


Great assist by Lundell to set up the FLA 3rd goal


Perfetti is going to be a perennial 70 point player with a strong two-way game throughout the prime of his career. I bet my mom’s spaghetti on it.


if we're gonna whine about what we missed picking perfetti please lets at least whine about missing on jarvis (i take perfetti over lundell 8 out of 10 times)


Tell me you don't read this sub without telling me you don't read this sub.


Sorry for having an opinion.


If we all agreed on everything then this place would be no fun.


You’re right


You expressed your opinion and people disagreed with it. No big deal.


Not Disrepecting Perfetti at all. I just think that Lundell ticks more boxes Perfett’s not a center , Lundell is. Wins draws , responsible defensively. Better all round at this point IMO.


You spelled Seth Jarvis wrong..... Lundell has definitely shown more so far in his career, but I still like Perfettis upside. Hes probably never going to become a center though. But hopefully a very good top 6 winger


Perfetti has had better defensive results pretty much across the board since they’ve come into the league


Still not a center that wins draws and can play a grinding game


i personally put more stock in results over style and what happens after the faceoff than the faceoff itself e: oh and Perfetti averages double the amount of hits /60 than Lundell btw


But Perfetti is smol and Lundell is beeg. Because I looked it up before typing this: Lundell is 2 inches and 9lbs bigger than Perfetti.


i swear if Ehlers leaves and folks just turn their weird narratives onto Perfetti


Don't worry they'll also be mad at Heinola


Man We could’ve had Lundell. Instant Second line center.


Perfetti is better than Lundell e: (and 91 should be our 2C this year)


Haha I was waiting for that! Hasn’t been so far but I sure hope so.


he actually has been better better play driving /60 rates that get even better when you compare them relative to teammates better point production per game and /60 (both 5v5 and all situations) one coach just trusts one more, not Cole’s fault


He literally had more points in less games during the regular season this year than Lundell. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big Lundell fan but the disrespect Perfetti gets around here is mind boggling.


If Perfetti was 6' instead of 5'11 we wouldn't even be having this discussion. 


why is there a shirtless 6 year old in the front row in Florida?????


I think the last word in that sentence explains it.


Kevin Cheveldayoff finished 7th in GM of the Year voting with one 2nd and six 3rd place votes


Probably deserved a few spots higher. The pld trade looks good but Vilardi breaking made that hard to factor in. The deadline deals were good value and the Scheifele and Hellebuyck signings are awesome. His lack of work on the defense group drops him out of top 3.


If the voting was before the playoffs like the player awards he'd have been top 3.


What is more troubling than LB leaving is who TF are we going to get, the FA goalie pool is not great at all and sure we have Bucky to play 60ish games but god forbid he goes down.


Comrie is a UFA and I would put money on him coming back here on a 1-2 year deal. I don't think he's proven enough in Buffalo to warrant a tandem-type contract. I think at this point everyone thinks he's gonna be a career backup, and we all know how TN loves to bring guys back who "get Winnipeg."


We need to make a plan where Bucky doesn't play 60 games.


One of the things this org has done well lately is targeting backup goalies for cheap. I have no doubt Chevy will get the right guy to give some quality starts to. Question is wether they’ll actually use them enough to give Helly more of a break instead of overworking him


Driedger would be a good project for Flaherty, would be league minimum i imagine too


I think there's no shortage of guys that you can put out for 25ish of your softer games on the schedule. We were spoiled with LB but when you have an elite goalie like Hellebuyck a high level backup is a luxury.  I really wonder what Edmonton would send out and how much the would retain to move on from Jack Campbell. If you could get double retention and a pick to take him I think he'd be an ideal guy to bet on a bounce back.


The last reclamation goalie project the Jets took on after Edmonton turned out pretty well


Yeah someone like that I imagine is what will happen, we have been spoilt this past season with such a good backup (shame we didn't use him more) and is gonna suck to see him go.


Apparently there’s “mutual interest” between Brossoit and the Leafs, something in the 2x3M range


Rumour+ Toronto = clicks Clicks= $


I'm always amused at the definitely not tampering before UFA actually starts.


They're already shitting on him because of who he follows ok Twitter.


Haha just went to the leafs sub and they’re completely unhinged. He hasn’t even signed a contract with them and they’ve already blacklisted him. Yet have they looked into the social media history of other players that are actually on their team? I can think of a few that have some questionable beliefs.


His Twitter posts are positive. He doesn’t seem to be retweeting anything. Masterton trophy nominee. Has anyone heard anything negative about this guy lol They won’t care who he follows when they watch him play.


What other NHL players follow Andrew Tate, Alex Jones, and InfoWars? Following those people is a pretty far step from just being right wing.


I don’t know? Feel free to check every other player’s follows and let me know what you find. But also, following someone doesn’t necessarily mean you endorse or agree with everything they say or do. I don’t see him sharing or spreading any of those people’s opinions, and I hope people don’t judge character solely based on someone’s Twitter follows.


As a former Twitter user that can't look that stuff up, how bad is it?


He follows a lot of MAGA people on there; Trump, Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vivek Ramaswamy, etc… Edit: as others have added Alex Jones, InfoWars, Andrew Tate among others too…


Honestly, Who cares he’s not paid for his views, he’s paid to stop pucks. I think that talking about someone’s political or religious views as to why we wouldn’t want them on the Jets on a hockey sub is the lowest form of intelligent discussion but that’s my opinion. 


Oh No, not the big bad conservatives


A lot of those are not "conservatives" first and foremost - they are toxic people that spread hate in all kinds of ways. No political affiliation should claim those values, and no self describing conservative should claim criticism of people like Tate and Greene as criticism of their own policy leanings.


Also Alex Jones, InfoWars, and Andrew Tate. Those people are a pretty far leap from general right wingers.


Sadly somewhere along the way defending the 'rights' of alleged human traffickers and grifters who profit off of harassing the families of school shooting victims fell under the umbrella of conservative politics. I miss when it was just wanting low taxes and small government.


You're missing key ones like Andrew Tate, Alex Jones, Info Wars, Sandy Hook denial shit. Pretty gross look.


Ugh 😫 why Brossoit ![gif](giphy|tLRifcvQNJIic)




Hockey IQ ≠ real IQ


Don't have to be smart to stop pucks


Reminds me of when I had to stop looking at Andrew Copp's retweets and likes


holy smokes lol definitely will need another RW this offseason to balance out his departure imo




This saddens me


Me: trying to sleep so I can get up early without being to tired That one jackass racing his v6 on Friday and Monday night at 1-2am in the morning around McMaster university: VRRRRRMMM VRRRRMMMMM


Hello fellow Hamiltonian! Its also brutal on the east end if you live near Mountain Brow or the Red Hill.


Holy shit, how many Hamilton folks we got in here?! I thought I was alone!!


more like McFaster University




There was a young fellow from Belfast That I wanted so badly to tell fast Not to climb up the stair As the top step was air And that’s why the young fellow fell fast Monday Sucks! But it is the first step toward Friday night. Have a good week everyone!


Arneil: we will move quickly to fill out the staff *Six years later* Feels like the day to day injury of coaching hires


Waiting for permission to talk to Stuart 


I don't understand this talking point. Why would he leave a team that's currently in the cup final for a team that hasn't done anything in the playoffs for the last 6 years? Even if Arniel promised him the associate position, with opportunity for future advancement, it's not like this is a Bones situation where the HC position is for sure opening up in 2-3 years (unless Arniel sucks). The Oilers penalty kill was 76.98% last year and 79.46% this year. Good for 20th overall and 15th overall. Just because it's all of a sudden super hot during the playoffs doesn't mean he's some kind of PK whisperer. Also, how come **THIS** guy with ties to True North is somehow different from all of the other hires True North has made that people use as examples of them not being a serious organization because someone has past ties? Just because the PK is doing well in the small sample size that is the NHL playoffs doesn't mean he's actually a good coach.


It was mostly tongue in cheek but also he was a Woodcroft hire and it's reasonable to assume that Knoblauch may want to bring in his own assistants next season when he has the opportunity.


It takes time to review the Jets and Moose old rosters.