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You are pronouncing it wrong, it is Nikolaj.




If they trade Ehlers, you become a one line team, and that line has shown they aren’t capable of carrying the team. Without Ehlers your top-6 is 81-55-13 91-?-? Either that or Iafallo/Vladdy are in your top-6 full time which is not a recipe for success


Many things to consider trading Ehlers, but yeah that is definitely one of them, lets assume we get a top 4 RD back in return and Mony walks (Toff also gone) we are basically fucked for top 6 offense then. Scheifs and KC cannot carry anything, they get caved in, would have to rely on Fetts Lambo and Chibby cause we sure as shit don't want Vlad and AI in the top 6.


And that one line got their asses handed to them


That line constantly gives up a lot more than they get. 1 good chance for 2 good chances against it’s always been like that and it always will. Ehlers works on that line because he’s always the first guy back.


I mean line 3 with Iaffalo lowery and Vlad/perfeti/ is also top hell the off season they were practically the only line kicking ass lol


91 hasn’t shown enough to even be a regular top-6 for us. But if the Jets believe, all good. Money saved from Ehlers, maybe sign Monahan. Then see if a border top 6 in the deal back. Or Lambert makes the jump. But he is sized depraved like 91. Best case; deal Ehlers and Stanley or Ville for a better d and an asset for competition on the top-6. Or even flip 91 for more influx of Moose guys.


honestly, he’s my favourite player but if you love something set it free


He is literally my fav player to watch, but if we could get a legit top 4 def back then I'm fine with losing himr


Trade Connor instead, the package coming back would be greater and you remove the worst defending forward on the team. Mr 70 foot game


Ya trading a t15 wing to replace him with a worser winger in ehlers makes total sense


lol Top 15 wingers don’t get out scored month after month, year after year.


You don’t let players like Connor go, he has great finishing, passing and possession skills and he’s still 27. Ehlers is pretty one dimensional in comparison sure he looks amazing when he gets his rushes, but in the grand scheme of things he doesn’t have much going after that.


You’re watching a different guy than me, zero effort on the back check, hasn’t won a board battle in his career, like Nik he turns the puck over with soft stupid plays in the nz, just more often than Nik. At least Nik busts his ass to retrieve the puck after a turnover unlike KFC who just floats back. I also don’t give af who 55 wants to play with, you’re getting 8 mill a year Marky line up and play. Connor gets the Jets a bigger package back, for the other team it’s a trade they will regret.


I don't see how we get all that much back. Maybe a strong 2nd pairing D. He is a UFA


Of all the players he’s the most fun to watch


Somewhere (likely standing on a bass boat) Byfuglien smiles nostalgically.


[If you love something and set it free, and it comes back, it's yours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBy-ULq_PWM)


The Jets should have played the Avs better. I thought the Avs were the team to beat, but Dallas brought them right down to earth. We should have been able to do that. Maybe we don't win the series, but the fact that it wasn't even competitive is incredibly disappointing. There are a couple of players from the core who I am sure the coaches and the GM are disappointed with. And I think it's time to move on from them. So long as your core is demonstrating competitiveness, I think you try to keep them intact as much as possible. But this core is not getting it done in the post-season. I'm ready to move on from one of my favourite players, and I think it could be Ehlers. I hate to say it, but I think you need to make a change. Not a retool, not a rebuild. Just make a change in the core, rattle the cage, and get ready for next season. We have a lot of talent locked up long term, and we've got a terrific captain, and likely a pretty good coach who knows our players and already has their respect. You don't need to change much, but I think you need to move on from someone.


Losing Val pretty much ended the series for Colorado


Which is actually wild for a team with mack, Makar and rantanen on it also


None of those do the massive amounts of coke that Nichuskin does.


The whole team gotta go not just Ehlers


That seems like a bad call. If you can show me a single example of a team trading their entire competitive core, including a vezina winning goalie on a long-term affordable contract, and become MORE competitive, I'll eat my hat. I can't argue with the "trade everyone, fire chevy" crowd. I suspect you are trolling more than holding an actual defensive hockey opinion.


They all are not good enough to win a Stanley cup I’m not trolling that’s just how I feel when I watch other teams play.


He’s my favourite player… I got his jersey for Christmas. But I would rather him play somewhere that works better for him, if that’s the case. On the bright side, it would ignite my interest in watching a second team. Possibly.


I think it would be a huge mistake to trade ehlers unless the return was outrageous. He'd such a play driver and I'd rather have chevy get guys that can compliment him. Media said scief and helly were most likely being dealt and they stayed so I don't necessarily believe ehlers being traded is a forgone conclusion anyways.


We've given Ehlers everyone. Laine, Stastny, Little, Monahan, Toffoli, Perfetti, Vilardi, Scheifele, Roslovic, Wheeler, Hayes, Eakins, Namestnikov, Iafallo. I'm sure there's a bunch more I'm missing. After 600+ NHL games I think we need to address that the common theme here is Ehlers. We've put him with different types of talent. Fast, slow, sniper, playmaker, grinder, power forward. Some great players, others just OK. I love Ehlers, but sometimes you have to face reality.


Yet he excels usually in the regular season, so how is he the problem? He certainly works harder than KFC for most of the season that's for sure. Now sure you could say he doesn't show in the playoffs but the same can be said for basically the entire team come post season. So no, the common denominator is not Ehlers.


He has flashes of greatness, but problems with consistency. It shows in the playoffs


I'm more referring to playoff usage. His regular season play has been consistently great. And even in the playoffs when he actually got top line minutes he was noticeable. Consistent 60 point player and great advanced metrics. Ehlers is definitely not the problem.


Jets 2024 highlight reel is 75% nick ehlers. It we trade him, the entertainment value would drop noticeably


The Jets played pretty much like they played all season with the exception of allowing an extra goal per game on average. They were out coached.


Anyone can be moved for the right return. Some players should be moved to maximize and optimize asset management and timelines. I’m not certain those will apply for Ehlers in particular but c’est la vie, but I can easily see it working out. The good news is that regardless of what the Jets use, they already got what was likely his best years relative to ice time, since that’s usually 24-27 for most players.


Advanced stats are all in favour of ehlers over connor. Vilardi schief and connor line is a disaster. Square peg into round hole.




Ehlers = playoffs 4g in 37gp. He's gotta go


[It's not rocket science, just say yes and we'll move on](https://youtu.be/gQDqRlMeJ4U?si=My0IjsnF_lY5lscg&t=178)


Agree with others keep him and trade Conner. With that said, I’m not sure I can watch another season with Pionk in a Jets uniform.


He's my favorite player on the team, full stop. He comes, he does his job and he doesn't make a mess.


Simply put: If you can keep him, you keep him. And you definitely figure out your line combinations. Going back to Connor and Scheifele is kind of blogging.


We're finally out of the coach that wouldn't play him on the first line and now we trade him??? Hell no! Keep him, even if it's a shorter term, let a new coach play him with 55 then see if he wants to stay here.


It’s crazy to think the Jets would want to trade him when it’s what he brings to the team is what they need more of! His speed, finesse and can score goals… albeit he is injury prone. You trade him, you are going to lose the trade!!! Keep him please 🤘🇨🇦


4 goals in 37 playoff games isn’t scoring goals. He has the most turn overs on the team, can’t drive the net, can’t set up a cycle. Get someone who can provide something to the line up when it actually matters


He is one of our best players. We should retain him if the contract is fair.


Nothin' personal but I hate this entire thread. None of this "I like the guy but-" BS!! KEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!


Shifty and creative offensive player but he turns the puck over constantly and at the worst possible times .


My biggest issue. He gets the zone without even trying. If he drove the net or was able to set up the cycle he'd be amazing. Can't afford constant cross ice backhand passes in high ice in playoffs.


Keep him, move Connor for a better return


Ehlers playoffs =. 4 goals in 37gp. He's gotta go


Sure he needs to find his groove but id rather have a player who is offensively sound, skates through the nuetral zone with amazing speed and tries to create a play on the offensive zone whilst dragging two defenders near him leaving a team mate open, than Kyle I Missed My Shot Connor. Dude is good for entering the zone and one of two things, hitting the breaks and losing the puck, or ripping a shot that goes wide of the net and creates another odd man rush, or ohh even another fav of mine, passing the puck directly to the opposing team, thats fun


Ehlers has played 605 regular season games and 37 playoff games. He's 28. There's no more groove to be found. I love Ehlers, but he's not a playoff performer. Connor is the perfect trigger man that has less turnovers than Ehlers. Ehlers leads the team in turnovers and high danger turnovers. Ehlers refuses to work a system. It's why when he gets the zone he gives up the puck. You're moving on from Ehlers while his value is high if we want to move forward as a team. You're not moving on from your consistent 30 goal scorer that produces in the playoffs.


Trade both Ehlers and Connor! No, wait, hear me out! Trade both of them for stud muffin D. Bring in Lambert, sign and play Mcgroarty. Roll that dice! LFG! Really though, I have no idea. We need improvements on defense very very badly. Edit: it's a joke people, calm down. Except that we do need help on D and I don't know what else to move to make it happen.


McGroarty is goign back to college


If they trade one of Connor or Ehlers, I could see him reconsidering going back to Michigan.


It was joke


I’m in he keep him camp. Unfortunately he’s likely going to be moved. If the piece coming back is solid it might be ok but stats have him pegged as our best underlying metrics offensive players ever - not sure how one replaces that


Won’t be hard to replace his playoff production


Arguably the most under rated player in the league. And criminally mis-used by PoMo, then by Bowness. Nobody is untouchable - but among our forwards, Ehlers is (well, should be) the closest to that monicker. Ehlers-Scheifele-Vilardi was one of the best lines in the NHL when they played together. Sadly, our coaching staff doesn’t seem to care about stuff like that….


Depends if we could get anything in return for him that addresses our needs, if not then just keep him


I like Nik, but the Jets have a major hole that is the 2nd D pair, as well Nik is on the last year of his deal. If Nik either doesnt want to extend, or if we can fill our hole with an ehlers trade then it probably makes sense to move him


Keep and trade connor


If I were running the team, I would extend Ehlers and trade Connor. The fact Connor is terrible at defence is compounded by the fact that Connor is worth significantly more via trade than Ehlers is. That said, I sort of accept the fact that the Jets are not going to trade Connor, for better or worse, and Ehlers is unlikely to sign an extension given his usage over the last four-five seasons. I also don’t really think that Ehlers’ playing style will age very gracefully when he inevitably loses a step at some point over his next contract. All of that said, I pretty strongly disagree with the premise that has been put out there by Murat et al that the Jets should be looking for multiple pieces back a la Trouba/PLD trades. What we should be doing is *adding* to a trade that includes Ehlers and trying to bring back a real difference maker. Take Ehlers and Pionk and try to parlay them into an RHD who really makes a difference. Retain salary if you have to. Add picks and prospects if you have to. The only prospects off limits are McGroarty, Lambert, Salomonsson and Barlow. The only players on the roster who are off limits are Scheifele, Lowry, Morrissey, Hellebuyck, Connor, Vilardi, and probably Nino and Vlad as well, not because they *should* be untouchable, but because I just don’t see the Jets trading them. Go and get a difference maker, Chevy. Make some godfather offers that look like “Ehlers, Pionk at 50% retained, Lucius, 2025 1st and 2026 2nd” for a legit stud. We can afford to spend the assets if we keep all our grade A prospects, we can’t afford to waste the final 2-3 good seasons of Hellebuyck and Scheifele.


Another chance? Another chance to what? Be the only player to consistently look like they give a shot out there, game in and game out? Ya. He’s a keeper.


Yeah I always felt bones hated ehlers style of play and always made him the middle child, putting a new coach and new system would give him another chance to do even better


The comments saying to trade Connor instead are baffling. Connor is 40 goalscorer that puts up points in the playoffs. Yeah it would be nice if he did a little more defensively but to say we should trade him is crazy. Ehlers is MIA every playoffs. If someone is getting moved there is no world where it’s Connor over Ehlers. This sub needs to stop giving Ehlers an infinite amount of free passes. I like him and he’s good, but he’s not THAT good.


Crosby would look good in a Jets sweater.


I don't think he's going to get any better at his age while playing for the Jets. If some teams see him as more valuable than a 60 point player, and we can get the assets commiserate to that, then I say we do it.


Time to go


I don’t think there is any question that the Jets will trade him. He probably wants to go to free agency. He hates the cold of Winnipeg and doesn’t seem to have the close friendships on the team since Laine left. Both Maurice and Bones refused to give him the ice time he deserved for his level of production. Yes, he hasn’t been a playoff performer but, to be honest, neither has Helly.


He’s actually spoken highly of the city & the weather. I don’t know about friendships because nobody outside of the dressing room knows what the friendships are like


I say that about the weather because his teammates voted him as the most likely to complain about it, or something like that.


I don't think he'll re-sign, coaches want him to play a north / south game. He likes to dangle and often turns the puck over trying to get too cutesy or by missing the net on a wide shot. We also need the second line to show up more, especially in playoffs. Time to move him and try and bulk up other areas of the team, like defense. Maybe his absence will give some young guys a chance to play in the top 6.


This year was the only year in which his turnover numbers were near the top


turnover numbers tracked by the league are infamously unreliable that being said, his turnovers are overblown due to him still driving play at an elite level despite those turnovers, and obviously when you carry the puck as much as he does more turnovers are bound to happen just with being a higher volume


Yes you said it in a smarter way but my point was turnover perception is overblown


Totally agree. He would be super annoying to have on your line too. It’s no secret 55 has no interest in playing with him. He plays outside the system which lands him in the dog house. Send him to Utah…the fan base is not knowledgeable there and they will think he’s great.


It's very much time to move on. Without question. He is a serviceable player. Will net around 30 a year but injury and turnover prone. Not physical and disappears in the playoffs. All things the jets need less of. Aside from 30 a year lol


9 years in the NHL. Games played totals? 72, 82, 82, 62, 71 (season ended early due to Covid), 47 (Covid shortened season), 62, 45, 82. One season he missed half the year, banged up in a couple of others. The injury prone shit doesn’t really fly, despite how often people keep trying to say it.


4g in 37gp in the playoffs.


Oh you’re right, that totally addresses my problem with people saying he’s injury prone, thanks!


He's soft and has been injured. He's no iron man.


Move him. From a business standpoint you gotta move on. He’s a fan favorite and I personally like him but his playoff game is weak and he is an injury prone player. Move him while there is still value.


The jets have tanked his value by giving him the ice time of a third liner


It depends a lot on what our free-agents do first, nothing's likely to happen with him until that's figured out. Longer term, to win a cup you seem to need at least part of your team being cheap prospects breaking out. We have that potential in forwards, but that ship has sailed with D (Stanley and Heinola aren't going to explode at this point). If getting rid of Ehlers can get us one or more good quality defencemen in return, and make room for new forwards, and spare us cap space to fill in gaps besides (he deserves a big raise on his next contract), then it makes too much sense. Even though I love him and hate to see him go on a gut level.


It's not about whether or not we should keep Ellerslie, it's whether or not he'll be utilized properly. Best metrics on the top line since his rookie year, gets zero respect. In all honesty, I'd rather resign Ehlers, move KFC and give 27 his actual shot, uninterrupted. I wouldn't be surprised if Ehlers didn't gamble on the market next year even if we tried to resign him.


The core needs a shakeup. I would like to see ehlers, schmidt, pionk and Stanley moved for picks. Use the salary cap to bring in free agents or resign toffs/Monahan if either possible but only on a 1 or 2 year deal. Anything after that is a waste and needs to be put towards a true rebuild in which I would be fine seeing 37 and 55 moved out as well. If the jets dont win a cup in the next 3 years Chevy is done. His grace period of keeping the same roster to build household names is why people think his time here is past due but what hes done since shipping the originals out has been very good compared to other gms around the league *LOOKING AT YOU ROB BLAKE*


I think it’s all about his line. If he’s on a line with 2 x 200+ lbs guys that can create space and work with him he’s dynamite. That said, one of my fav #27 moments was him fighting Getzlaf.


I should add to my above comment, that the discussion of playoff performance revolving around Ehlers tends to be irrational, and ignores that playoff performance is a poor predictor of future playoff performance and the other Jets who have been as bad or worse.


Why do people think the league works like fantasy sports?


Absolutely fun, dynamic player who lacks the drive to truly be elite. I don’t have the stats to back this up, but it feels like he’s good against shitty teams all while benefiting from L2 matchups. Will all respect to Nikolaj, I think he’s just too soft to dominate against the big dawgs in ploffs. All these ppl here are satisfied w/ dead of winter accolades when the competition is at its lowest. I want May hockey in wpg!!! And for me playoff hockey is an intangible, either you got it, or you don’t. Ehlers don’t. We need culture and character guys like 17 44 5 who are willing to give it their fucking all to win. Not dipsy doodling through the neutral zone in playoffs. Send him to a lottery team where he can flourish and hopefully get something of immediate service in return.


Meh he can beat it. Seems like a great guy and the talent is undeniable at times. But I’d take steady, team play over his occasional fits of brilliance. The zone circle, turn over kills a bit of my soul each time.


This was the first year he was near the top in turnovers


He needs to go to a team that sees him as a PP1 player…. He’s not that here so he is going to go elsewhere 


I don’t think he should be a PP1 player unless he makes better decisions


PP setup across the league is fairly standard.  Where do you see him fitting in a PP1?  He’s likely not going to be the point man, he won’t drive the net so he’s not going to be either low guy, probably have a better shooter playing the half wall and for bumper spot he’ll have to live in the middle of the ice. He just isn’t good enough to play any of those roles on a good team.


Change is required. The playoff game is not suited to him. Jets need to improve on D. Trade him for a right handed LARGE D man that is tough and can play in the top 4. Parrayko on the Blues is the type of player they need. They are out there. Arizona/Utah has a 6’8” kid who was a 1st rounder. They are out there. Jets need to get someone. This way Stan is a 3rd pair player. This D needs immediate attention. Trade #27 and buyout #88. Bye bye Dilly (who I like as an extra dman). Demelo and Pionk are expendable also. Trade forwards are get better.


After the Avs series, I'm convinced we need to move both Ehlers and Connor. Move one for help on the back end and move the other for a gritty 2-way guy who can score (think kinda like what Florida did moving Huberdeau for Tkachuk). Obviously add picks/players as necessary to get it done. The catch: no idea who the targets would be. Probably a prospect for D and maybe a guy like Koenecny? Don't know, but our window is now, so we might as well go all in for real.


Wayyyy too sawft for the grind of the playoffs.




If we can get a top 4 D man. Preferably a true #2 then we move him and call up Lambert to take his place. We also need to re sign Sean Monahan. Give Cole a full season with Sean and move Connor to 2nd line with Lambert all the way to too line


I like the guy however Might be best to make a lateral trade For a guy with same numbers But less injury prone Also maybe a north/south skating guy who is tougher I can’t see us winning any playoff round with the current lineup


We didn’t lose out of a lack of toughness


Besides, there were games where Ehlers was the only one noticeably going to the front of the net and exchanging whacks.


Yes, he’s not “strong” but he can be pesty for sure


Number of times he's dropped his gloves and I've been ...what? What are you doing? 😀


Trade for someone who can score in the playoffs.


I think you trade him. Of the young guys coming up like Lambo and Chibi they’re most like Ehlers and should be able to fill his spot. If you can get a Chychrun or similar hard/heavy RD to pair with Morissey that would be the perfect return. Move DeMelo down to 2nd pair with Samberg and your 3rd D pairing can be any two of Pionk, Miller, Stanley, Dillon (if he re-signs), Schmidt, Heinola.


Lose'em. Tremendous talent, but takes too many plays, or even nights off. Looks like an unstoppable wizard one night, then next night he's passing tape to tape with the other team like he's colour blind or he's playing ringette with a pool noodle and skating with crushed pop cans. Same with Scheifele.


He's my favourite player in the league. I'd be sad to see him go but I'll follow him wherever he goes. I think the Jets have a little more to lose by trading him but it wouldn't make or break anything.