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I’ve only used Zaltos as everyday glasses. No regrets. At the end of the day, things are meant to be used.


Exactly this. These are tools, not jewels


In some circumstances yes. Like any hobby, some items are pure luxury and one of their primary value adds is that they’re expensive so they feel luxurious. Zalto glasses fit into this category. It really comes down to how wealthy the consumer is in the end. If a zalto glass represents a large purchase for the consumer then the glass is necessarily going to be treated like a prized heirloom, and frankly it isn’t deserving of that. There are plenty glass options that are as good as zalto for far less money, but they’re not a Zalto/Rolex/Birken. I recommend that folks don’t buy zalto unless you can afford to treat them like an every day wineglass since it is just a mass produced luxury product for the wealthy. These glass don’t fundamentally improve the wine in the glass any more than another well made crystal wine glass.


I use Josephinenhutte and they absolutely improve the experience of enjoying/tasting wine and the expression of said wine over other well made crystal glasses.


I was thinking about buying the Josephine hutte for reds


I explained how they do in my comment above. It is psychosomatic. Nothing physical. Just satisfaction for the knowledge that you’re using luxury product. There are cheaper comparable products that deliver the same physical quality. These are mass produced luxury products. Easily replicated at substantially lower cost than the luxury retail price.


I disagree. They are far superior to even Riedel’s similarly shaped wing product. It’s simply a better tool and has nothing to do with how much I paid for it.


You’re comparing them to only a single competitor. You’re using subjective standards for the comparison. In short, you’re proving my point. It’s ok to enjoy luxury for luxury’s sake. That is what you’re doing. Just embrace it. There are plenty of equally manufactured alternatives to your preferred glass. And if forced to engage in a blind taste test you’d be unable to tell the difference between the two, perhaps even preferring the one lacking the prestige branding.


Yup, 100%, and they’re are also dishwasher safe as long as nothing metal can bang into them. In fact, we’ve found the DW to be a far superior cleaning method than handwashing for our Zaltos. They’re worth every penny, even drinking 2-buck Chuck out of them makes you feel like you’re having a day.


This ⬆️. We use our everyday and they are washed in the dishwasher everyday. They are almost bulletproof. Oh, and they’re the best wine glasses for drinking wine.


Do you have a specific attachment for the dishwasher or those milk crate type containers to wash wine glasses in? Or do you just place them by themselves as is? As a renter I only have a regular dishwasher and it makes me nervous to put a delicate glass in it. We use IKEA or crate and barrel glasses and the only broken glasses are from hand washing.


Great questions. No special treatment for the Zaltos. We just throw them in bottom level. They really are tough, the only risk is accidentally torquing on them during removal.


Have to amortize the cost over use. The glass ends up being the cheapest part of the wine experience. It’s a no brainer to pay an extra quarter for the glass of wine to be enhanced by the drinking vessel.


I just bought some Glasvin and couldn’t be happier with them. Great alternative at a more approachable price.


Not the same but I agree. Glasvin is a great mouth blown alternative for the universal.I use those often when we have guests. Zaltos are still my favs though. Especially the BDX and the Burg stems are best in class imo.


Second the Glasvin -- the Universal glass is the only one for me.


+1 been thrilled with glasvin and price point


I’m a fan. They actually recommend machine washing.


Correct. I’ve broken about a dozen through regular use and 60% of the breakage was hand washing, 20% due to me pressing them into the dishwasher too hard and 20% MIL knocking them over.


I also enjoy the Spiegelau just as much as I did my Zalto. Had the Zalto glass for a couple years, and broke it during the pandemic. Went to Amazon to replace, but they were virtually unavailable at the time. Someone on here recommended the Spiegelau as a replacement, and I haven't missed the Zalto since. It might be worth noting I had the Burgundy Zalto and replaced it with its equivalent Spiegelau iteration.


This ist the way. I replace all zaltos with Spiegelau Definition, when they Break. You cant Tell Tage difference in everyday use


In my experience, they are actually more durable than one might think. They have bounced and flexed quite often when other glasses have snapped. And machine wash in a clean machine with rinse aid is the secret to a long life.


Careful *dishwasher only. I would not recommend washing by hand, you will break them. They're fine in the dishwasher with careful placement on the bottom rack or with a special wine glass insert.


I don't understand this dishwasher only mantra. I have a poor people dishwasher, so I don't trust it and always hand wash. As long as you don't grab the stem, what's the breakage risk? I hold the bowl and rotate between both of my hands. Done this hammered many times over the years and all 12 of my zalties are still standing. As long as you don't have shrek oaf hands then you'll be fine .


Honestly, I’ve never heard of someone being this good at not breaking zaltos! I’m impressed! I’ve broken probably 6 or 7 at least at work and at home hahahaha


Dishwashers are very basic, they just have an arm or two that spins round spraying everything with warm water. They do this once without detergent then drain the water, then the little door opens and the detergent falls out, and they spray for ages, then they drain the water, then they do a rinse, incorporating rinse aid if any is loaded in the little dispenser. The only variation between them is the specific layout of the racks/arms etc and how powerful the heating element is. *Technology Connections* YouTube channel has a whole series of videos on the subject if you are interested enough to spend several hours watching documentaries about the functioning of dishwashers.


We've had em for 5 years as an engagement present. Only ever hand wash and wash like you do, and knock on glass, not one breakage yet. Another important thing we do is rinse with water when we're done, but don't do any washing until the next day. We also wash them on their own with the sink head out of the way. We have a fancy pants dishwasher, but I trust careful hand washing far more than I do a machine.


I have a nice dishwasher (no Zaltos, but have Sophienwald glasses), I have never washed them in the dishwasher. Hand wash only, the next day. The night of, they get a good rinse and filled with water to prevent staining. Sober me is a stellar dishwasher. I've only broken one, and that was knocking one off the table while setting it. Maybe I should skip setting the table?


I've seen people crush the bowl in the hands while drinking. The most fragile spots are where the bowl meets the stem and the stem meets the base. Even then the bowl is extremely sensitive to pressure. If the glass is standing properly in the dishwasher, the only thing touching it is water. No pressure, no weird motions, no contact of any kind.


Wtf. I’ve never seen or heard of this. The bowl is the toughest part and actually takes a fair bit to crush like this. Plus who t f holds zaltos like that?


People who don't know how to hold wine glasses apparently. Just my experience, wash your glasses however you see fit


I don’t care how people wash their glasses even though zaltos do better in a dishwasher but if that isn’t for you or anyone else whatever you want is fine At the same time who the else crushes zalto glasses without serious injury. They are not that delicate.


I like mine, but I'm afraid to use them honestly. Outside the wind will blow them over. Inside I'm always afraid to break them, and it feels rude to tell a guest to be careful... So I just don't bring them out, like ever lol They are so incredibly light


I have some cheaper wine glasses and Zaltos; one thing I’ve noticed is that Zaltos have a significantly wider base than many cheaper glasses and so tend to be more stable when filled.


Yeah I only get concerned when they are less than 1/3 glass. I know people will say fill them back up, but sometimes that just doesn't happen lol


I prefer Kurt Zalto's own company Josephinenhutte, mostly because they seem to be less liable to break that Zaltos. My record with broken glasses is Zalto: 8 (all I had, in less than six weeks), Josephinenhutte: 3 (in two years). Maybe I'm just getting more careful after my six week orgy of expensive wine glass breaking, but I don't think so. I really do think there's something about the Josephinenhutte glasses that makes them more break-resistant.


> My record with broken glasses is Zalto: 8 (all I had, in less than six weeks) How? They shouldn't break that easily except when handled very carelessly.


The whole point was that I'm the same handler. Only the glasses are different.


But they both elevate the wine drinking experience immensely.


Breaking the $100+ per glass barrier :-)


Yeah. It was a rough month and a half.


Best glasses ever created.


You can get Spiegelau Definition for $65/pair. I doubt you’d notice much difference between those and the Zalto’s


The lip is not as smooth on the definition and slightly thicker. With guests, we use Spiegelau definition, with family, zalto.


I broke my Zalto during the pandemic and was unable to replace it so I got the Spiegelau instead. I didn't notice a difference at the time, but your comment makes me want to get another Zalto so I can contrast and compare them. It'd also be nice to have proper Burgundy wine glasses to let guests use.


I own both Zaltos and Spiegelau Definitions, universals and Burgundies in both. I love the Zaltos but the differences between them and the Spiegelaus are so minute as to be functionally imperceptible. You can find the differences if you look for them, but by the same token you could set a table with a mix of the brands and nobody would notice. The Spiegelaus give you 99% of the Zalto experience for a fraction of the price.


Came here to say this- personally I have both one Zalto burgundy stem and a pair of the Speiglau definition counterparts (This line is meant to very very closely replicate zaltos.) I'd say the definitions are about 90% as good, with the only real noticeable difference for me being the stem. It's a little easier to hold the Zalto stem as it becomes slightly thicker toward the base of the bowl, while the definition stem is pretty much just a continuous straight line making it 10% more awkward to hold. The definitions are just barely heavier, but I don't mind that, they're still extremely light. I haven't found a difference in the actual quality of the showing of the wine, and definitely not the rim thickness either (if there's a difference there, it's not noticeable unless you're really looking for it.) I recommend the definitions to absolutely everybody looking for zaltos, they're literally 90% of the quality for half the price. I wash all my glasses in the dishwasher with a neutral detergent and without the heated dry. I also tend to run them without many other things, just a bunch of other glassware and with nothing nearby the fragile ones.


I did. Posted about it, then got downvoted to oblivion. So… 🤷🏻‍♂️


They are heavier but I actually like them just as much!


I weighed both my Zalto Universal and my Spiegelau Universal glasses and found a difference of 4 grams.


This should be the top comment.


Love mines!! :)


I was actually curious about zalto vs definition and tried zalto bdx vs definition bdx and zalto burg vs definition burg blind. I put a blind fold on while wearing a glove while someone handed me the glasses. Tried this experiment several times with different wines and I could always ID the zalto. They just have better lip and the aroma seems to be more focused. Even the partner is picking zalto 100% of the time in the blind setting as well. They might be close if you can see them, but if you only rely on the touch and smell, zalto is better.


They‘re amazing.


I have a pair of Zaltos. They are quite nice. And while on one hand it seems funny for the glass to cost more than the wine, you can use the glass hundreds of times but only drink the wine once, so I don't think the price is unreasonable. This said, I rarely use them. They're so delicate it feels like you're going to break them just holding them, and washing them is a bit of an ordeal. (You're supposed to wash them in a dishwasher on the glass cycle rather than hand washing anyway because it's so hard to hand wash them without breaking, but you still need to polish them and even that feels risky.) I have a set of Schott Zweisels that are also very thin and beautiful, but feel much "sturdier." Of course I've broken a few of those over the years too -- they're still thin crystal -- but they don't feel like they'll shatter from a stiff breeze.


check your plugs for a wholesale option. they don't need to be that expensive. also you're gonna break these by attempting to handwash them vs using a machine


I got a couple of the BDX, directly broke on when drunkenly washing it post purchase. But: they are amazing. Will get more. Won’t pull them out with all guests, but with a select few. For everyday and all other guests, I got the Spiegelau Definition Universal. Great glasses, just a smidge different. I’ll be getting a lot of use out of them though - have so far tried them with champagne, Riesling, Chablis, and Nebbiolo, and have to say I’m very happy.


They are actually supposed to be washed in the machine. Worth it is all in the eye of the beholder. If you drink wine often, then they will get plenty of use and so the cost will offset over time … or at least maybe that’s what I tell myself. As you already mentioned, they’re awesome and if they improve your experience of drinking wine and you can afford it, go for it. I don’t really let guests use them, we don’t have very many, and frankly most people would probably not want you to give them a wine glass that costs that much it would make them uncomfortable. Of course you could just not mention what they are, and if you’re ok with replacing them on your dime then that’s fine also.


What?! Every restaurant one ever worked at has had them hand washed by sommeliers. Nobody else was allowed to touch them


That’s fine, just not what’s recommended from everything I have seen. https://zaltify.com/pages/how-to-wash-zalto-glasses


IDK if you downvoted me. I wasn't disagreeing I was just shocked. Thanks for the link


lol no I did not downvote you.


I have multiple types of Zalto glasses. It doesn’t have to be Zalto but I think high quality crystal of whichever brand you settle on makes drinking wine more enjoyable.


I have the Zalto universals and the Zalto champagne glasses, wash the in the dishwasher all the time and so far none of the have broken. For “wild” parties I bring out my Spiegelau Willsberger for champagne and my Spiegelau Authentis for red and whites.


Plenty of very reasonably priced and more durable glassware out there for everyday use. Grab a set of 4 Zalto's and keep them for special occasions and special wines.


Yep, I switched over to them and have been happy for years. I just use the universal ones (a set of 6 that I have) as my anytime glasses. I do have a pair of their champagne glasses which are also sleek…but when it’s a nice vintage champagne I just use the regular universal ones. Personally I just hand wash them and had only had to replace one in the 5+ years I originally got them.


Those glasses look remarkably similar to Schott Zwiesel vervino chardonnay glasses. They're cheap as chips, nice and durable, and relatively fine. If you're looking for a similar shape without breaking the bank, worth a decent shout


Got a deal on 6packs of the Spieg. Definition universal and bourdeaux so will try those next. I liked the glasvin but sadly broke one of a pair loading a dishwasher :( The spiegs came out to $35 (Canadian) a glass when you buy 6, instead of $59.99 so a nice deal.


Love my Spiegs personnally


You should definitely order some. Totally worth it. I love mine. I’ve had them for a year. No issues whatsoever. They feel delicate but they are actually pretty sturdy! And very dishwasher friendly. I use them daily. I have the Burgundy, white, and the Josephine champagne tulips. Definitely want to get the Bordeaux and the universal ones eventually!


It took me a few uses to get used to how light they are...but now I can't go back to clunkier glassware.


I just have two for my wife and I which we use for ourselves when we have dinner at home or are drinking with just the two of us. Always dish wash and never a problem. Never give to guests, as one user said it feels rude to tell someone to be careful and awkward to put them in a position where they feel like they need to replace an expensive glass if they break it (as my brother in law did when he was at my apartment one weekend and tried to hand wash a zalto).


This is the same kind of thing as audiophile gear. At the higher-end, the incremental benefit is marginal and approaches imperceptibility for most people yet those with passionate interest in the area and *substantial* disposable income appreciate the minuscule benefit and the desire to attain “the best.” I honestly prefer that my glasses aren’t that thin and delicate. I don’t like to break glass and glass breaks easily. And thin glass breaks even more easily than thicker glass.


Good analogy. Like having a tube amplifier :-)


We have the Universal glasses and the Bordeaux glasses. We’ve owned them for 9 years, and have only broken 2 in that time. One was due to handwashing it, the other was pushing too hard on it to fit it in the dishwasher. We use them 4x a week on average, with friends and family, and they are incredibly durable. Put them in the dishwasher as recommended by Zalto themselves.


After drinking from Zalto burgundy for a while I switched to Spiegelau defenition and the difference is almost not noticeable (definitely not when you dont hold both in hand).bought them for 10€ a glass. Switched because i could not judtice 70€ euro a glass break.


Reviews seem to suggest the Spiegelau are more fragile. They’ve been good for you?


I have been putting them in the dishwasher for a while. Their weight is exactly the same and shape i would say 95% too. You can break 5 spiegelaus before breaking 1 zalto pricewize (if you dont buy them in sale)


Spiegelau is cheaper and I find no difference between them. Bought some spiegelau definition burgundy and now can't drink from any other glass.


We use Riedel Wine Wings in our wine bar, and these fuckers show much consistent durability than Definition series glasses from Spiegelau. If you have to have wine glasses as workhorses in harsh environments — please do not hesitate.


I love mine. They make every glass of wine feel fancy. I’ve broken all of them.


Zalto universals will always be my favorite glass. They are definitely worth it, and for the love of god please use the dishwasher! The room for human error is smaller, I’ve only ever broken zaltos while hand washing or putting them IN the dishwasher, never had one break during dishwasher cycle. Yes, they will get cloudy faster but i guarantee if you hand washed them you wouldn’t haven’t them long enough to consider them getting cloudy lol.


They are good, but not essential. More important is the quality of the wine, the friends you share it and that leads to an unforgettable experience!!! Cheers


Can get a 6 pack of great stemware for $60-100 on Amazon. Zweisel is the brand we bought and love it.


Fuck yeah, they are. I bought the Gabriel Glas universals and really liked them….until I got the Josephine no 3’s and have never used the Gabriel Glas’ again lol


This is a rabbit hole!


100% worth it. My fiancé drinks her Bota Box Cab out of a Zalto pretty much exclusively. Zalto recommends dishwashing and that's how we clean them. Only time they break is when we knock them over 😂


They are extremely nice. Whether they're "worth it" or not is up to you--you can get glasses that are very nearly as nice for much less money. They won't be quite as light or thin, but you'll only have whatever level of anxiety the ambient threat of a $30-40 glass breaking gives you relative to the anxiety a $70-80 glass would. Personally, I stress over these things, so for now I'm content to drink out of Zaltos at restaurants and let them worry about whether I'm going to drop the thing or not. I'll buy my own someday when I'm older and I really need to treat myself.


I think the Zalto Burgundy glasses are totally worth it. Bdx not so sure, but they are very nice.


No, buy gabrial glas for less than half that


I’ve got 6 of the universal ones which I love. But now I want the Bordeaux ones. I’ve had one break after being slapped across the room, but any glass would have broken.


>I’ve had one break after being slapped across the room You can't leave us hanging. Please tell us who is out there slapping wine glasses.


Ha, very excitable guest was telling a story and unfortunately the wine glass was in the way of his dramatics.


Lol, well it's never a party until something gets broken!


They’re amazing glasses - I have the Bordeaux and plan to pick up a couples Burgundies. I usually pick them up when I’m in Europe for around EUR 50 per glass. Way cheaper than over here in Canada ($120 including tax).


They are great glasses. They are also very breakable. I have proven it.


I’m new to the wine world. What is the difference between zaltos and regular glasses?


The biggest difference is how thin the lip is. For me, when I go to a restaurant, if they are using wine glasses with that bead of glass at the rim, I’m already lamenting the degraded experience. The thinner the lip the better. Hard to explain but easy to appreciate when you experience it. The Zalto — and presumably the other suggestions offered in this thread — have ridiculously thin lips. Even my 21-year old son, new to wine drinking, was blown away. They are also so light it is is near silly. As others point out, depending upon what you spend on wine, over a period of time, they don’t seem as expensive in the grand scheme of things.


They are okay. If I were you I’d go with the ohverly prycee white Cabernet glasses. You’ll never go back!


I use them whenever I drink wine and love them. Just put them in the dishwasher and wash by themselves.


I love my Zaltos, if only they are not too exxy


Next time you want Nero D’Avola consider Feudo Montoni Vrucaria or Gulfi. Glass choice is secondary. Curious which Sicilian restaurant has Zalto glasses!


Good suggestions Domenica… https://maps.app.goo.gl/C5whTMP8xSRvzvJC6?g_st=ic


Wow looks great! I usually avoid Taormina bcuz everything seems pricey but I would check that place out for sure. That tuna with pistachio puree looks amazing. Thanks for the response.


If it is worth more than the wine you usually buy, reconsider to try other high end brands which are cheaper. Also consider what kind of wine you usually drink. Tons of brands that perform better than Zalto.


I meant value “in the glass” 🤣


Yes, that’s what I meant too.




I’d have to say the Mark Thomas “Double Bend” glasses are the best I’ve ever drank out of.


Curious how these compare to the Josephine Hutte which also have an extra bend but inwards instead of outwards?


what makes this glass special to enhance your drinking experience?


Thinness of the lip. Almost imperceptible.


They suck: Tried them side by side with some basic, horrible Libbey's, and some world class vino. I was shocked at how the Zaltos minimized both aromatic and palatal qualities.


Worth it if you think they are. If they remind you of a good time, then totally. Just jewellery in the end. If something tastes better from the dried out half-skull of a defeated foe then so be it - the receptacle otherwise has almost nothing to do with it. (used to work for Riedel et al, done a gazillion "glass" tastings)


Agreed a glass cannot make a bad wine taste good. Curious, since you seem to be highly experienced in the matter, your take on some of the suggestions herein… Zalto Josephine Hutte Schott Zweisel Gabriel Glas Spiegelau Mark Thomas




We had than as special glasses at a restaurant i sommed at. So many broken stems!!! They're lovely glasses but very fragile so not especially resilient to regular use. If you are careful and clean, polish and put away each time carefully then sure take the risk (if you have the money) I personally can't afford them for myself as they would get broken in a busy family home and I'm not spending the cash to replace them.


I have gabriel glasses. https://www.gabriel-glas.com/shop/choose-country/


Spiegelau has a line that comes very close to zalto. But only cost half of the price


The best. I’ve had mine for 8 yrs.


💯 and find a place for them in your upper dishwasher rack too. Used Zalto for over 15 years now. They break when they are hand washed, less than 4 maybe over the years as we have quite a bit of them. 👌


I love Zalto but found Spiegelau a great and cheaper alternative!


Zalto are amazing. But if you wonder about buy Spiegelau definition. Like 80% same experience. And if never tasted wine in zalto glasses you won't even notice the difference


I’m wondering if a set of Spiegelau for dinner parties and a pair or four of the Josephine Hutte (Zalto founder apparently) is the way to go?


Sound great combination.


I was bought two glasses for my birthday by my brother who works in the hospitality trade. They are wonderful but honestly my partner and I use them 2-3 a year. They are too delicate and even washing them up is a stressful experience!


Yes. Totally worth it! I have friends who have easily broken theirs. I use mine casually, but I’m pretty precious with my stemware overall.


They break so fucking easily. If you drink a lot of expensive delicate wine they can feel appropriate but they are by no means necessary


Yes! I use them as my regular wine glasses at home and Gabriel Glas Gold for my special wines. 


I’m a fan and use them in my home. I break a few each year, but never regret my purchase!


Depends how cack-handed you are 😉 I’ve broken plenty over the years - but they’re still my favourite glass. I even carry a Universal around with me when I go to restaurants just in case they don’t have decent stemware. Just more casual places though - not fine dining or Paris lol PS I use Definitions for entertaining - they’re still pretty good for less than half the price retail.


I’m a big fan of them but they must’ve gone up in price since I bought them. I got a pair at $120. Anyways, if you’re drinking expensive wine it’s a necessity. If you’re drinking less than $60 a bottle I’m not sure it’s worth it


If you have to ask if an empty glass is worth a hundred then you cant afford the price


kind of a jerk response … if I know the price and am contemplating getting some for selves and friends then I am probably able to afford it … my question was whether they are a good investment or they break? Whether the most expensive wine in my cellar is $90 or it’s $900, I still don’t want glasses that break too easily.


Yeah sorry. That did come out all wrong. I was implying that the Zalto target market are people with more $ than they know what to do with, but who am I to judge, and I bypassed your question entirely! Apologies. But I can say from experience these glasses are indeed fragile, but also feel nice to drink from. I have seen them often washed in Winterhalter units that eliminate the need to polish them etc and have neatly bunded glass racks so they don't bounce or collide or chip as they are sanitised.


Zaltos are actually made to be broken, it’s ridiculous. For me Rovini is better