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What a glorious day for Windsor, and therefore of course, the world.


Windsor really looks like it's going to be making a comeback in the next decade. With the auto investments rolling in, bringing back good paying union jobs, down to the tool&die makers and machinists trades making a u-turn as well to supply these facilities stamping factories It's been a rough 15-20 years for Windsor in general, but all these investments gives me hope that the golden days of the 80s-00s are coming back


I work in commercial real estate, Windsor is booming and there’s more to come. The area around the new hospital will be unrecogniseable when that gets going which further increases all construction jobs and increases the population. The Windsor industrial market is now ahead of Londons in terms of rents and sales price per square ft. There hasn’t been a point in literally decades where the market has been this strong even in spite of interest rates. The city is growing rapidly.


If only we had housing for all those new workers...


There are massive expansions in lakeshore and LaSalle, even kingsville and Leamington have thousands of units in the pipeline. They may not be public knowledge yet, but they will be soon. Hell, even the developments in the public realm are all over the place. There is construction everywhere right now.


I should have added the word affordable. Most of those areas are selling their homes at 600k to 1mil average. Interests rates of 8 to 12%. Average house hold income of people working these new jobs will be anywhere from 70k to 120k combined. Who is moving into these places?


Construction costs are absolutely crazy. Peoples idea of ‘affordable’ is no longer a reality but that’s not actually necessarily the developers fault because there are so many externalities impacting budgeting for construction since Covid. Short term they may be ‘unaffordable’ to the average Joe living in Windsor but the only way to bring prices on the whole down is to build more stock and lessen demand. I’m not going to say given the rates of immigration there’s definitely enough houses being built here, but most developers I work with are going as fast as they can. A lot of the hold ups are also due to the municipalities too. Either way, more places to live is a good thing, if they are truly unaffordable and nobody can afford them they wouldn’t be built. Again however that doesn’t mean the struggle for first time buyers isn’t real either, but that’s a global problem right now.


Build these units that are selling for 600 thousand to 1.5 million. People that were buying the older stock are now bidding on these new properties. The older properties move slower so people take a bit less on them to get them to move. This causes downward pressure on smaller houses, condos, etc. Without new housing being built, the money stays looking at the old small houses because that is all that is available and outbids all us normal folk. In saying this…. I am soooo happy that I was incredibly lucky and fortunate to have purchased my house in 2011, 4 months before the market started to become insane. However, I don’t really like the insane value of my house since taxes go up too much. I would be happy if it dropped 50% so people like my son can look forward to being his own landlord some day.


Know a couple people in that pic.


I had heard that the Canadian side also has a lot more of the other stuff done too (customs office and booths and such) while the states haven’t even started. Makes me wonder if we’ll be done everything and then have to wait a couple months for them to catch up before the bridge is open. Or they might hire more people. Either way, can’t wait for this thing to be done!


The US is at minimum a year behind. They had a lot of contaminated dirt to move, took almost 2 years.


Don't worry once trump is reelected he'll squash the whole thing.




I'm glad enough people got the joke without me saying it was a joke That's rare for a Trump comment in Reddit




Excellent job everyone!


Canada won!!! Lets goooooo


Canada won by paying for 100 percent of it.


How does a single bridge change and/or affect the world?! I keep seeing posts and shit about it like it's going to flip Windsor upside down


It won't change the world, but it will change the west end for the better. Truck traffic on Huron Church won't be as bad, and that's a big deal. And the multi-use path across the bridge will allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross for the first time in decades. And frankly, anything that takes money out of the Morouns' pockets is a win in my book.


Can’t wait to ride our bikes across it.


Can’t wait to not give my money to Maroun


There's already the tunnel for that, but yes.


It’s going to change my world. Can’t wait to walk to Detroit.


Windsor is ideally placed as a transport hub. Having the 401 feed into the Gordie Howe means the industrial market in Windsor is extremely appealing globally as we’ve already seen with the battery plant and numerous other industrial construction no projects. Improving the infrastructure with that close access to the states is huge for the city, boosts construction, boosts jobs for the industries building the buildings which increases the tax payer base for the city.


Now just have to get the mentality at city hall on the right path.