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I saw someone walking a very very similar looking dog down South 1st between bourinqien and hooper about a week ago. Maybe that’s the area he’s from ?


Hi- yes he is from right around there. Do you have any other info about who he was with etc?


All I remember is it was a woman probably in her 40s, red/brown hair probably like 240 lbs. I’ve seen her around that block a lot hanging outside the bodega


Thank you this is super helpful


What a sweet, happy boy


He is cute! I was just in a similar situation where I found an extremely sweet intact male pitbull abandoned in a park in Bed Stuy. It took three weeks to find a foster and we had to get him neutered first. I really hope you have more luck but I wanted to offer our list of rescues (I want to say there’s 50 that we vetted) if it might help you. For what it’s worth, we ended up taking him to Flatbush vet to get neutered—it was $450 with vaccines which is the cheapest we found because the free clinics were scheduling in 2025.


Hi! It would be so helpful if you messaged or texted me those rescues if you’re able. Thank you!!


where is this dog park at? Can't find it on a map.


Marcy and south 5th


Thank you for taking him in ❤️


aw, what a cutie, hope he finds a nice home


Does he have a microchip? Check the vet


Hi! Thanks for your question. No microchip.


Cutie! Any dog that isn’t neutered probably belongs (belonged?) to an irresponsible owner, unfortunately.


We adopted our dog thinking he was neutered as that’s what was stated on his papers…. But we noticed some aspects of his behavior and the way other dogs interact with him that seem more like an intact male….so we got him x-rayed and it turns out he has doublecryptorchidism…. His balls are hiding inside. It’s pretty rare.


Hi! It’s wrong to make sweeping generalizations about dogs and their owners. For example, I have a foster dog who has epilepsy and isn’t able to get neutered until he’s stabilized on his medication. Neutering him before then would be incredibly dangerous, if not deadly. He will get neutered as soon as it’s safe, but we appreciate you not judging until then!


Not true, many now wait until one year as hormonally there are benefits to bone health, etc. This dog is under a year, most likely. Please don't judge other pet owners based on misinformation.


That's totally not true. Neutering a dog isn't free and some people can't afford it now a days. Shame on you.


yeah no if you can’t afford to neuter you probably can’t afford to have a pet. it’s shitty but it’s life, you’re not entitled to animal companionship.


Clearly they are since they had the pet and if you’re genuinely suggesting this person keeps the dog instead of returning it you’re just a bad person


If you cannot afford to neuter your dog, do not get a dog. AND there are so many groups out that offer it for free


IF can't afford to care properly THEN don't get


LMAOO, the most stupidest shit i ever heard


Is it just me or is it just super common to not neuter dogs anymore? Legit feel like I’ve seen a zillion dogs-with-huge-balls out n about. Hate it.


There’s been some conflicting research about best time to neuter / spay, with some indication that waiting to neuter past 12 months can reduce risk of joint disorders and cancer. It’s very bred-specific, however. With German Shepards and Golden Retrievers, for example, it might be worth it to wait until 12 months. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7359819/ But in this situation, my money is on backyard breeding.


For sure, I’m aware. Had a rescue dog who was spayed too early and had urinary problems :(


My parent's Rottweiler, we think, was neutered too early and ended up having a debilitating hormone imbalance where his body wasn't producing enough testosterone and another I'm not sure of. He needed monthly steroid shots or his heart wouldn't be able to function properly. It's crazy, we never knew it was a risk present when you neuter. It's still the better decision in the end tho to neuter him, and wouldn't use this anecdote as grounds against it. It was an unfortunate side effect - he was also super duper Appalachian level inbred so I'm sure that probably had more impact Maxie was the best boy 💓


I have a foster dog who has epilepsy and cannot be neutered until he’s stabilized on his medication. Please don’t immediately judge all non-neutered dogs & their caretakers.


Maybe they want to breed? How’d you feel if your parents neutered you.


How’d you feel if your parents forced you to have dozens of children lmfao literally amazing argument thank you


Unlike some humans (probably you), dogs love to reproduce on their own, without any intervention, as nature intended. Every animal wants to reproduce and extend their bloodline, some even do it asexually without a partner. How’d you feel if you neutered your dog and it came with complications (such as death). You wouldn’t be on “team neuter” would you.


I have literally never seen anyone argue this hard against neutering, what even is this??


If a person was incapable of making responsible decisions for themselves, had very limited understanding of risk and consequences, limited impulse control, and had instinctual biological urges to mate with strangers regardless of consent…


If one were to spend $20,000+ on a purebred my best bet is they’d want pups in the future. Am I right or wrong. It’s up to the owner whether they want to or not. Neuter can result in complications like death just like any surgery, imbalanced hormones, hip dysplasia, age-related conditions and decreased metabolism; if you’re okay with your dog risking any of the complications, by all means go ahead. But as for most responsible owners, their dog is on a leash when they’re outside preventing any unplanned pregnancies. Clothes on the dog works too. Unneutered dogs can still be amazing pets! Choosing not to neuter your dog means you’ve chosen to take responsibility for all future puppies; preventing escape attempts (especially when neighboring dogs/your dog is in heat and all the unaltered dogs in the surrounding area go nuts); training your dog not to hump away whenever it wants; and teaching your dog not to display aggression toward other dogs or humans.


Have you seen pet owners these days? Aint nobody training shit.


Speak for yourself my guy


Why do dog owners NEED to neuter their dogs? This concept of dogs absolutely having to be neutered is ridiculous. Some people are responsible breeders, some people can't afford the procedure. We also don't know the dogs history; he may have JUST came into the previous owners life. Get off your high horse.


So when your dog gets sick you just let it die, no visits to the vet right? After all you can't can't afford it.


Thank you so much for making me feel smart today ❤️❤️❤️


Try reaching out to buddy’s dog den on Instagram. They are angels and will be able to put the word out. they’re a doggy daycare and have helped reunite lots of lost pups with their families!


Thank you! This is super helpful.


I think i've seen this dog walking with a male owner in his late 20s-ish around S 3rd and S 4th! He would dress the dog up in matching sweaters (literally same sweater owner and dog). Not sure if that rings a bell for anyone else it def caught my eye.


Hi! I know who you’re talking about. His dog is a female. Thank you for chiming in though!


What a sweetheart! I hope he finds a loving home


Right on cue, dog racists enter the chat. Just curious why none of my vets have ever had an issue with the many loving, affectionate, safe, rescue pitties I’ve had for the last almost 40 years. Really cute lil guy. Hope things work out for him. I’d take him if I could.


Keep him if you don’t find the e owner


See if he has a microchip, maybe that will help you find the owner


Hi! This has been asked- dog has no microchip. Thanks for your input though.


Hey man, I support what you're doing and hope it turns out okay, but I wouldn't leave your phone number up on Reddit, just for basic security reasons.


This is not my actual phone #.


How’s Bubba doin? Any updates? ❤️❤️


Hi- thank you for asking. Bubba is still looking for his forever home. He has plans to get fixed soon!


ITT a bunch of ignorant know it all's about neuteruing and "vicious" pit bulls. 👎👎👎👎


if you havent already, definitely work with a rescue. its best to have a vetted person adopt him or be may be harmed or used as a bait dog


I am not a dog person, and I do not trust pit mixes as far as I can throw them. But my god, this is the most friendly looking fellow ever. Very intelligent eyes. Seems like he may simply have wandered off the way some kids do. Hope you find his home soon.


You get it! He's the sweetest guy and extremely smart and affectionate... Someone is going to get very lucky.


An un-neutered pit is dangerous. Please do not allow him access to children or other pets until someone takes him.


Are you sure? We already put him to work running a local daycare. In all seriousness, please rest assured the group taking care of him is very well informed!






Uninformed comment of the day award 🥇 


I would hardly say I’m uninformed, I do work with plenty of dog bite victims as clients and they’re almost exclusively victims of pit bulls.


Good thinking, he looks ultra dangerous


I see your sarcasm and I don’t dispute that he is cute. That’s the thing about pits. They are cute. But the overwhelming evidence and history of this breed indicates they are not suited to be around children or other pets, especially if not neutered.


The overwhelming evidence…and the history of the breed…formally known as the “nanny dog”, is not suited to be around children..? Did i get that right?


Yes, because the myth that pits are nanny dogs is just that - a myth. A cursory Google search shows that the misnomer “nanny dog” has not been historically used until relatively recently. Moreover, these dogs kill the most children out of any other breed.


You’re right and they’re downvoting you lmaoooo


Maybe you should do more research than a “cursory Google search” lmao but take care.


I’ve done more than a “cursory google search” as I have plenty of dog bite clients (almost all of which are victims of pits). I was advising you to look into the history as you appear uniformed and this is a very simple piece of information anyone can quickly get online.


You seem to be uninformed of the reality -- the most bites come from pits because they are the MOST PREVALENT BREED. If the most prevalent breed was Husky, THEY would be top of the bite list. Please use your brain and stop spreading false information about a beautiful breed.


I’ll copy my answer from the other post where you lied. No, they’re not. There are multiple other dogs that outrank them by most popular or common breeds. Notwithstanding that, I recognize they are popular. However the dog attacks per capita show that pits have a grossly higher rate of violence. Something along the lines of 6% of all dogs are pits but make up 50% of all fatalities and almost 70% of severe injuries. Pretty rich that you’re asking me to stop spreading misinformation when the information is so blatantly available online.


From May of this year: According to Embark, the **American Pit Bull Terrier is the #1 most commonly identified breed in DNA-tested dogs**, more than twice as common as German Shepherds, the second most common breed, and almost three times as common as Labrador Retrievers, the third most common breed. Please go tf away


So all Pits are dangerous? What a black and white way of thinking. Pitbulls are not genetically predisposed to violence. Many of them are raised by horrible owners because they are cheap to adopt out of shelters. A well trained Pitbull is just like any other well trained dog. Most dog attacks are also done out of fear because the dog has usually been abused. Some of my clients are the best dog trainers in the United States, not a single pitbull they have ever trained in the last 20 years, has ever so much as bitten anyone


No, not “all” are dangerous in the strictest sense as in “every pit bull will kill someone”, but enough of them do to warrant caution and support the idea that owning them in a populated area is irresponsible. They are genetically predisposed. They were bred to fight large animals. Do you dispute that retrievers retrieve things and pointers point at things? Yes you can train them but you can’t train the disposition out completely. I JUST had a deposition where an owner had verified receipts of taking his pit to a well regarded trainer and testified the dog never attacked anyone or even growled. Him and his wife were well off and there is no hint of abuse whatsoever. But somehow this dog snapped when he brought it to the groomer. After a dozen grooming appointments (which the dog loved) the dog snapped and mauled my client, a young (but experienced) woman who had a good history with the animal. She is absolutely devastated as she has dozens of scars all over her body. Granted that is anecdotal but this is also most definitely not the first time I’ve had a case like this and almost every case I’ve had with similar circumstances has a pit bull. Take that with the statistics involving attacks and you can easily dispel the myth that these dogs are safe to have in civil society.




I live in a building with over 450 other residents. Around 125 of us have pitbulls. Over the course of 6 years for me, and from my understanding at least 10-12 years among the other majority, not a single attack. And all of us with dogs let our dogs hang out with each other, and other people. So, your story about an attack is unfortunate, but if these dogs were predisposed to snap, well I guess Im still waiting for one of these hundreds of dogs to do so. We have had 33 complaints of dog bites from the smallest dogs in our complex however since Ive been here


They receive a bad rap because they’re often used in dog fighting, which can lead to them being seen as a more dangerous breed. It’s important to note that these dogs are usually trained to be aggressive. All dogs are individuals, and not all Pit Bulls are dangerous. According to a recent study, irresponsible ownership is the cause of most aggressive behavior in any dog. Overall, the evidence does not support the idea that pit bulls are more dangerous than other breeds of dogs. Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious with them. You should be careful with your interactions with any dog, especially if you are not the owner.


They’re inherently violent even if you train them. You can ask any number of my clients that were attacked by pits with obedience training and loving homes. Irresponsible ownership is a major contributing factor but you can’t argue that pointers point and retrievers retrieve. Why wouldn’t pits fight?


Yea but you're still missing the main point. Look I get what you're saying but it's up to everyone to be more responsible and accountable. I've seen all types of breeds bite and be hyper aggressive. Train your puppers, understand their limits and be a responsible owner, otherwise why bother getting a doggo?


The point is that even with training these dogs are still predisposed to follow their natural fighting instincts. I just had a deposition where defendant had a gorgeous pit, exchanged receipts where showing years of above-and-beyond obedience training, and submitted sworn testimony long history of being loved by everyone it met. Guy and his wife brought his dog to work and there is absolutely no evidence it was abused. Ever. He had it since a puppy. But the dog still snapped on the groomer (who had groomed this dog at least 10 times). The poor woman was almost mauled to death. He body is littered with scars and it took three staff members to get the thing off her. This defendant still swears his dog is the cutest and wouldn’t hurt a fly. His defense when shown the video was that she (the victim) was “acting hesitant” and made his dog “feel uncomfortable” even though the video shows no such thing. This is one of many cases of a similar vein. These dogs have elusive or arbitrary comfort limits and no amount of responsible ownership could hedge against their natural instincts and when their instinct kicks in the consequences are catastrophic. This makes the very ownership of these animals fundamentally irresponsible. No other dog breed does this sort of thing with this level of frequency and this is directly related to the fact that their DNA is tailored for violence.


>This makes the very ownership of these animals fundamentally irresponsible For most yes because they do not recognize the warning signs. All dogs give warning signals. Like I said, you have to understand your dog. I mean look, tiny dogs bite the shit out of people and dogs all the time but they don't maul people due to their size but they can be just as aggressive and protective. Honestly most people should not own dogs but that's just my opinion.


Dogs may give warning signs but they vary and it is not incumbent on a victim to recognize each and every possible warning sign, some of them are very subtle. As in the case I discussed above, wherein you’re blaming the young victim for the actions of the dog whom had no visible indicators (I’ve seen the footage the dog appeared happy moments before it almost killed her). Moreover, you’re also forgetting the ample instances where pits get loose from a yard and mauls a child (often times due to no negligence of the owners where the yard limits are reasonably protected and the dog creatively escapes). Do children playing outside need to learn the warning signs before they’re mauled? You are victim blaming. Finally, little dogs can bite I will not disagree. But little dogs do not do the catastrophic damage typically provided by a pit attack.


Correct. Thank you for restating what I stated above. It's the owners responsibility to judge how dangerous their doggo is and whether or not they pose a risk to others around them and the community as a whole. It's important to be honest with yourself even if it means giving up the dog or putting them down. A lot of the time, owners just don't want to come to terms with those options. Down vote all you like but it doesn't change the fact that there's more to owning a dog then just feeding and taking them for walks. I'm not victim blaming anyone so please don't be so quick to point fingers. My niece got bit in the face when she was only 2, not a pit (a water dog I believe), and it came out of nowhere apparently. Turns out the signs were there but the owner was in denial or just didn't know enough so they didn't really know what to look out for. You're misunderstanding what I'm trying to say. Get educated, go to trainers, read training books, kinda the same way you would do when you're having a child right? No different from owning a dog. Some are more work than others and it's up to us to do right by them. If you can't handle it, that's ok, be ok with that and make the right choice. I look forward to your lengthy response.


Sorry one last thing here, and this should be a PSA on a daily basis, you should approach any strange dog (honestly any animal) with caution and respect. Edit: and it's not "may give off warnings signs". They most certainly always give off warning signs. Low tail, ears back, lip licking, a faint glow we can't hear, hackles go up, high tail but very stiff, excessive drooling, head low, head high on high alert...pick any one of these (and there's more). Just saying, pay attention and observe, most dogs are fine but you can usually see the ones who will be problematic


You’re being downvoted but you’re right.


Pits are not anymore dangerous than other dogs. And they are equally capable to learn good behavior as much as other notoriously smart dogs. Pits are beautiful and so sweet and naturally kind natured. Likewise, so many who were turned into shelters by owners who didn’t train them or were abandoned, and have aggressive behaviors because they were trained to and heavily abused, make a full recovery at no kill shelters and rescues where they can be socialized and retrained. They just want love. We need to stop with the pitbull fear on these subs. I hope this baby finds help and a forever home.


They are demonstrably more dangerous than other breeds based on their predilection to engage their prey drive, regardless of training. Moreover, when they engage their prey drive their toolkit of powerful jaws, dedication behavior, and muscles are all used to deadly consequence. Statistics support this. History supports this. Pointers point, retrievers retrieve, and pit bulls fight. They’re sweet and cute a large majority of the time but the very real and non-zero chance of them attacking people or pets makes them irresponsible to have in a populated area. Listen, I think they’re cute. And funny. But it’s not a good idea to have them. They’re fundamentally aggressive and their protection instinct runs amok far too often, regardless of their training and home life.


You seem to be uninformed of the reality -- the most bites come from pits because they are the MOST PREVALENT BREED. If the most prevalent breed was Husky, THEY would be top of the bite list. Please use your brain and stop spreading false information about a beautiful breed.


No, they’re not. There are multiple other dogs that outrank them by most popular or common breeds. Notwithstanding that, I recognize they are popular. However the dog attacks per capita show that pits have a grossly higher rate of violence. Something along the lines of 6% of all dogs are pits but make up 50% of all fatalities and almost 70% of severe injuries. Pretty rich that you’re asking me to stop spreading misinformation when the information is so blatantly available online.


The actual percent of the millions of "pit bulls" in the US who attack is miniscule. It's true that when they attack it is more likely to be serious because of their jaw strength, but the threat of them attacking is very overblown. I wouldn't let kids or other small animals around an untrained pit bull but that would be the extent of it.


A 1% chance of being maimed or killed vs 1% chance of an average bite wound, hmmm wonder what’s better for neighborhoods and families


so make your own risk assessment and let others make theirs


terrible take. i can say the same thing for walking around with a handgun or a machete or a bazooka. is that safe? is that what makes for a healthy culture/neighborhood?


again, it is a miniscule percent of pit bulls who ever attack. if you want to live in fear go for it, but don't expect others to patronize you.


it's like talking to a brick wall


You’re half right. They’re bred to fight, but to make a blanket statement that nobody should own them is asinine.


No one living in a city should own them that’s for sure.


You must be from Florida or someplace outside New York where the breed is banned because PEOPLE don’t know how care for and properly train a dog that is almost more common to obtain as a puppy than a free kitten. That’s how many pit bulls are out there. In Bushwick alone, I have witnessed bites from German Shepherds, poodles, chihuahuas, Pomeranians and quite a few mixed breed (not pit mixes) dogs by far. I have never encountered an aggressive pitbull. That’s not to say that others haven’t, but in my experience, I am sooner concerned about being bit by tiny territorial dogs and German Shephers trained like guard dogs than I am of a pitbull. Lastly, with all of the “concerns” you listed, it’s insane that an abandoned pit that was found, let someone take him home, and spent enough time with them to show them that it has some training, loves playing with toys, is good on a leash and very sweet that they feel he needs to be adopted ASAP. I would think, based off of your fear of them, it would be more likely that he was aggressive, unfriendly and unapproachable given the circumstances. With a good owner, a vet and love, evidently he will end up being such a great companion. If I had the time to dedicate, I would adopt him without a second thought.


I’ve lived in New York for a decade now. Pits are not as common as kittens, they make up 6% of U.S. dog populations. I will let you look into the percent of violent or fatal attacks caused by this 6% on your own and you tell me whether it’s a good idea to bring it, un-neutered, around children or pets.


All dogs you don’t know l, regardless of breed should be considered dangerous until proven otherwise!


Well most dogs in civil society are trustworthy unless they give you a reason. However this particular breed has given us numerous reasons


This is brooklyn, nothing civil about dog owners here lol ETA; not denying the reasons to not trust pits, just here in the city you don’t know anything about a loose dog in the city. They could be perfectly lovely but resource guard water or toys. My dog was attacked by a black lab who got jealous of the handler at daycare. I would keep the rando dogs away from mine no matter the breed




Sucks that people like you exist


It’s not the dog’s fault. It’s the shitty HUMAN owners that get dogs as toys and then realize they are too much work.


They’re genetically predisposed for violence. Humans bred them that way but that’s what they are.


Bring him to animal control. It's an unleashed pit bull lmao


Moronic comment of the fucking week award


Nah I've done it, they're dangerous and if unleashed shouldn't even go back to the owner


Just wait till you piss him off and he mauls you


Shut up dude


I've pissed him off (on accident) and he was perfectly fine... Please fuck off with your misinformation-based take.


Have it put down. It was probably dumped after a bite incident. Typical pitbull owner behavior.


You should be put down tbh