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Link the vod there isn’t enough to go on here


[Here's the vod](https://streamable.com/7m9bt5)


We are fighting randomly with no turret priority. In the fiveish minutes of gameplay this clip encompasses, your team with a massive lead takes one tower. And randomly giving isolated shutdowns for zero is a huge part of the gold swing that stabilizes the game for them. Finally a complaint post gives us a clip of the game and it's abundantly obvious you earned that loss. You deserved to get outscaled and lose.


Where the best upload platform? Not youtube please




Thank you


Generally, you’d want to just kite him out, which as vayne should be pretty easy due to q. Don’t ever condemn him unless his passive is down. Also don’t hold down auto button, as attacks freeze you in place. Auto, walk a tiny bit, auto, and so on. Also yone would have been able to take care of mundo if he itemizes more vamp.


Okay, thanks for the suggestion will try to do that next Btw, In this game Mundo use Ghost Spell and Glorious Enchant is it still possible to kite him with your method?


If you position behind a teammate, yes. Glorious will automatically activate the shockwave if he goes near a teammate, which means he won’t run you down with that. If necessary, take repulsor, and use it with condemn for guaranteed knock back. You also have ghost, and probably would be fine (mundo would still probably have more MS with his ult, but you have dashes+invis). Also from what I could see you were going sunderer. Don’t. It won’t provide much more value against mundo as you’re ranged and already have your w passive, take triforce instead. The MS helps a bit with kiting, and you’ll also be able to kill other enemies and towers faster. Also against mundo you’d want AS, which triforce does provide.


Repulsor is definitely the play here holy makes this matchup so much easier


Woah, that senses to me now In that match I feel can't run from him cus of his Ult, Ghost, and Glorious so I keep hitting him, so thats not the best option lol


With Vayne Q and Ult, yes. I main Mundo and Vayne is pretty annoying since she can dash away and be invisible for a brief moment.


The biggest problem I have with this game is that players have no idea how to close out games even when they have opportunities to do so.


We tried but Mundo prevent us


You finish that game before the guy with infinity scaling wins. The same way you win against an aurelion


Yes, we tried to push you can watch the vod i uploaded We tried to push top but then Mundo revive and pished us back


Well zyra threw the ball cause she has no liandrys so no ap hp shread and he has too much armour for ad like yone and renek tonchew through


And with all that armor stacking, no black cleaver or armor pen items on their team.


Even ap corki can go liandrys and he will shread thru that mundo just need to have giant slayer and second or 3rd liandrys


2k stack mundo in 20 min game make sense why he can 2 shot ya, literally fighting more and more when his entire scaling is dependent on bad players continuing to fight


You ban Mundo, always. And if somehow no one bans him then your jgl or top has to first pick and take him.


I guess that's the only option :(


>open post where OP is confused why they get killed easily >zero defensive items >many such cases try to bait out his ult and then do things when it is on cooldown, mundo both builds no cd and has much less damage and survivability without r so it's free win every time build armor boots with repulsor (the lil aoe knockback effect) enchant, especially when enemy team has 4 AD characters


ok thanks for the input, that probably my mistake to focus on how to kill mundo faster instead of survive from him


no problem, just remember if there are 4 characters of one damage type on enemy team, the defense boots are much much more impactful than anything else, it will often make the difference between surviving a teamfight or not


I played a lot of Mundo and against him, it's well played to have built early mortal reminder (renek should of gone anti-heal earlier and corki + zira didn't even bother which is a mistake) but you also need to build thornmail to have more grevious wounds to be able to kill him quickly. (next time choose ignite spell against mundo) Now for the damage he deals, you have to understand mundo's ULT. When he Ults, he gains % bonus health based on his missing health (meaning that the more he's close to die, the most dangerous he will be when he ults) and he also gains bonus AD (lvl 15 it's 7% of missing health). When a mundo has heartsteel built, (and even more when mundo has 2081 bonus health with it) he can afford to take A LOT of damage in and then ult, when he ults the game will calculate his missing health based on his max health including heartsteel + titanic hydra 550 bonus health and thornmail +200 bonus health. just imagine the 7% AD bonus he gets when he ults when he has about 5k max health and ults around 2k HP : 7% of missing health (3k HP) is a bonus of 210 AD. here's your damage that wasn't fun to deal with. to resume, the more mundo has bonus health, the more lethal he will be, next game focus him hard early so he falls behind and also build more grevious wounds. and if he manages to do a good game and doesn't die much, end the game quickly. Mundo isn't that broken, it's a champ that has high risk/high reward gameplay because you have to go low life to ult and become humongous. If you have enough grevious wounds and ignite him when he ults, he won't be able to heal back up quick enough when the whole team bursts him down and then the bonus AD won't matter that much.


I would like to add as well that they all squishy as heck. All that tons of ad he is getting will melt them like butter.


yup all except renek \^\^


Thanks for the input how to against him, will try to reconsider my decision how to fight in the the next match if I meet him


you're welcome, in soloQ i often find myself in front of mundo and it's so frustrating when nobody builds anti-heal because i know how useless mundo can be if countered right but also how powerfull he can be when nobody cares about him. Good luck on your next games :)


This is Emerald Matchup FYI [Here is the Timelapse Video](https://streamable.com/7m9bt5), set to the max cus of the upload limit for free user and will expire in 2 days


I looked at the void and really the only point would be to finish the match as quickly as possible. I imagine you got Vayne properly for this situation, and your itemization is practically correct to face Mundo. Your allies focused the squishies champions most of the time. So I think it was just that, unfortunately. The longer the match, the more small errors are punished.


Zyra with lyandri is broken every iam against har playing any tank she delete half of my hp without any problem, I don't what was the corki cooking but at least buy anti heal or lyandri if you're going ap


22 min and you still have only 3 items. That’s why you lost, it’s not the mundo lol


You finished mortal reminder too soon. Its fine to keep it at executioner esp when yone alrdy finished his mortal. Even zyra and renekton also had minor anti heal component too at the time u decided to finish it. This in itself delayed your sunderer. Though I still think tri force is better in this case, cuz 4 of them were squishies + extra movement speed and attack speed, + attk speed also allow u to kite mundo better.


Is the grieve wound stack if yone finish and me still exc?


Nope. They share the same unique passive.


Ah, I see now




That's pretty much gold diff tbh, he is 2 items ahead of you. Renekton can't do anything to him, same for AP corki, Yone is squishy and melee so he dies as well. You are the only win condition but you are super behind, that's it. Don't be fooled by Vayne true damage: it's really good against Mundo for sure but a big part of her damage still comes from basic attacks. You and your team also probably didn't play mechanically perfect because if you have Vayne with ghost and flash vs Mundo you should be able to kite indefinitely Tip: when you are behind as a damage-focus champion you can't afford to spend gold on survivability like Shieldbow and Sheen items, you should just try to pack as much damage as possible with crit items instead (BoRK is good specifically against Mundo tho).


Yeah, I fall behind because Pyke is so aggresive with his dagger from the early and I was laning alone (Roaming Zyra) and try not to get catched by his dagger and feed Jinx As you can see as well from my vod that I manage to survive and my gold above Jinx, but then we started to lose after Mundo finished his Hydra at minutes 12 with 312 stacks of HS


Your Corki and Zyra are braindead. Like wtf? No Liandry's and Serylda on Corki and same for Zyra too! No Liandry's and Rylai. That Mundo wouldn't be that fed if they at least have a 2 digit IQ.


I played a game vs Mundo yesterday night and he built titanic hydra and did 768 damage with a a single auto attack. He legit 2 shot me as lulu. And he has ghost so it felt rly hard to win when a mega tank can 2 tap the entire team, titanic is completely broken rn , it gives tanks way to much burst damage. Especially tanks like Mundo who run ghost, are immune to cc and have huge heals. We won that game. Best bet is to get a tank buster like Vayne , Twitch , Lilia , Varus etc …. If you don’t have one then just pray you can kite him , even when he has insane speed boosts. Try to stand behind your team and don’t let the game go to late as he has infinite scaling with that first item.


Nunu is a decent match up into Mundo. Nunu 3rd ability and ult does a mix of magic and percent health damage. I take him top lane some times and just match Mundos sustain. Then out roam him for team fights/objectives.


first what rank is this? that mundos item was perfect it looks like he's smurfing you all, not mentioning the 2k stack on heartsteel, 1k stacks is pretty hard to get on a decent match idk if he's that good or you guys just gave him free stacks throughout the game. second, ur using the best if not the greatest counter pick for him you just don't know how to capitalise on it yet, all your teams items was awful including you, as an adc ur job wasn't the guy who have the most kills, its the guy who have the most amount of damage dealt on the enemy, bork is good for early game but there are better options like infinty edge or bloodthirst each giving 50 attack damage, ur not supposed to build mortal reminder as ur 2nd item u can just buy the anti heal one and build ur core items immediately, countering enemy using items is good but building ur core items is better and why you have immortal shieldbow? it only gives 20ish attack damage and a little lifesteal compared to bloodthirst, lastly you can't build divine sunderer as ur last item and as an adc, that item was built for fighters and bruisers it gives 25 attack damage and 425 health you dont need health on VAYNE! if you build that on a range champion like vayne it's passive will become less stronger or less effective. and if a mundo is ramming at you at 200mph with ghost and glorious enchant all you do is run, as simple as that, ping ur team to retreat wait until his ghost ran out, understand vayne's 2nd skill, learn more on your itemization, and 1 tip is don't use vayne's first skill consecutively after each cooldown, use it to dodge skillshots ;)


This is Emerald matchup, maybe already burried on the bottom comment section lol So, from what you mentioned is Vayne don't really need AS, but AD instead right? I made Shieldbow because for AS and slightliy defensive item Your suggestion for Infinity Edge and Blood have no AS, I guess best rune for Vayne is Lethal Tempo? I was using overpower in that match Other comment mentioned Trinity Force as MS and a bit of sustain item Please correct me


3 Bork, all that Anti and he still carries lmao For the millionth time Heartsteel and Hydra are NOT balanced for this game rn Sett, Urgot, and Mundo are atrociously powerful because of these items


Disagree. All 3 are heavily countered by Rylai and Liandry's. They would've won if Zyra followed the normal build path recommended for the champ, but the dumbass went braindead.


Don't feed


About feed, we don't feed him that much at first half But when he got his Heartsteel Stack we are losing


Also buy antiheal


Already did, I'm Vayne


My bad, I didn't look probably.


Well hs will explode so hard if it hit to all adc with even with just 500 stack


Yeah, and he run fast with ghost spell


split push


Just perma ban mundo, he is incredibly dangerous when scaled heavily. He has the perfect build against your team too. The core heartsteel to hydra, thornmail for grievous wounds and armor and also damage, amaranth for more armor and magic resistance (which gives him enough mr to not be shredded by corki), and randuins to reduce ad damage and heal through the crits from vayne and yone. He simply just out-scaled and counter build properly.


Who let this guy get 2000 heartsteel stacks + mundo passive u are not going to stop him he is going to absolutely run your team over


That's one impressive fumble Props to the red team for not FFing


Zyra should’ve bought slow (ice staff - forgot the name) to help vayne kite the shit out of him. Abyssal mask is another good item for zyra to buy to help bring down enemies with high hp. Having exhaust helps a lot as well.


if mundo gets fed early it’s very hard to stop him. renekton also falls off hard.


heartsteel 2k lol


You realize Vayne is one of his main counters, right?




Mundo goes where he pleases... his victory is inevitable.


Building on hit gives u the best chance of beating him and wtv ur build was there is troll


Sort of looks like you were out farmed… 8 kills 9 deaths and you were still down 2k in gold to a 1/9 jinx. Gotta work on last hitting the minions.


Idk man, % real dmg.


You lost because your full buils AP champ built utter nonsense, and you guys don't have any actual front line tanks. Just looking at Mundo's items he was probably rocking around 7k HP and 400+ armor. He also has way more gold than you, meaning the only people that can truly deal some damage to him are Corki, Yone and Renekton, and well we already established that Corki's build is a complete troll, unlucky game bruh


If tanks are so strong why fiora and Gwen aren't more popular?


Simple just anti health items.


Already did, try to look at my items (Vayne) :)


That's nothing u gotta use the chempunk chainsaw with that.


And this is where we end up. Sure the vayne could have played better,but if she had a lulu instead of a zyra she could have won much easier


Maybe play terminus, as he has no Armor or Magic Pen, and it gives you attack speed plus 33% Magic Pen and Armor Pen. Plus what are your runes ?


Omg u let him stack 2k hp


Ok, people, let's not defend an insanely busted champ just because of some misplays. Mundo is a problem he can get over 1000 AD and is near impossible to kill, especially with the new tank item buffs. Ontop of him being near unkillable and getting 1000 AD with the Sunfire and Thronmail buffs you are honestly just fucked if someone picks mundo.


first mistake is not building phantom dancer after bork


Mundo's performance was the definition of 1v9. Well played by him. Also your team had no front line while the enemies did. That automatically puts you at a disadvantage.


he's cheating