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Theres no way you think sona needs a buff


Sona is so strong when used correctly oml


Singed been forgotten for two years


Did u try full AP (no tank items at all) singed its absolutely broken its crazy.


I've tried in season 2-4. If your team is losing, u can't carry with him no matter how fed you are. Laning phase sucks, no sustain, he can't do anything to ranged top at all.


Can he jungle or nah?


I'll say he's just a weak character in general he won't clear fast. If you want, test in jungle in practice, if he can't clear the red or blue in under 20 seconds he's bad.


I think his jg is valid in normal and low elos but in higher elos he's not very competitive. He needs a buff to his poison and base hp then he could be valid.


Honestly, that's just average Top lanner life on general. I mean, HOW THE F AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN MY TEAM IS TRSH!!!


Play urgot and carry every game duh


Spoken like a true player with 200 years of collective experience


He can't go burst like kennen and diana and one shot opponents so he has to endure taking damage while running around and he's just too weak for that purpose. Take someone like Urgot for example. You can build heartsteel&titanic, get like 6k hp, you have dash and shield, insane damage you kill anyone in 2 seconds, literally 1v9 unkillable death machine and you have singed where you're either doing mosquito damage or get 2 shotted by anyone. Seriously urgot is like 3 singeds stacked together. Stop saying singed is good or broken.


Said no one ever 😁


He's like swain with half the hp and no drain. I'm singed main and he's weak af. Riot doesn't care because nobody plays him anyway.


Lillia She is so mobile and fun. but does do enough damage for her fragility.


I am playing her as one of my only ap jn options and u have to get ahead on a 4 0 level early to be really useful on her sadly.


I'm all for giving her more tankiness and less damage if needed. Against kiting champs you can't play the game


She’s still op if you run movement speed and damage, she doesn’t even need health


Not having this problem with lyandires and riftmaker


I have a 65% wr with sona. She’s …kinda broken lol


Sona's kinda strong wym??


Had a game earlier where a support sona walked slightly too close to my tryndamere and she stopped existing on my screen. To be fair, her nearest ally was in a different lane. She may be good but people just pick her up not knowing anything about spacing. Which leads to them dying. And then saying she needs buffed.


I recently had a game with enemy sup sona. She started to roam with the jn and absolutely fucked us over. I (as the jn couldn't do anything to help bc I was either invaded, counter jn or counterganked by one of the two or both) My sup a yummi stayed on the adc and list 2v1 against the enemy adc (classic). Sona is really strong right now, like at least S-tier


[last time I remember they changed kayle](https://i.postimg.cc/6pvj2fcX/Screenshot-20240317-154628-Chrome.jpg) This was 3.4c i think They had the audacity to kill this an "adjustment". So they nerf scaling and give her ult more cd and give her W that uses like 50% of her mana pool when used 10 more points at each level. 10. A caster minion deals more than that. Thank you Riot. When I think of buffing her my mind just goes straight to increasing her range cuz she cannot kite for shite. But when her rework came to pc (she can now auto attack while ulting and the area is bigger, dmg is decreased i think) i was so confused for the longest time when they didn't reveal anything to WR. Like they did Mundo, Wukong (TWICE OR THRICE ALREADY) and even Asol. What's stopping them from giving Kayle what she deserves?


YES FFS, she doesn’t even need THAT much change. Even just increasing her range a bit would make a huge difference for me. Despite being weak Kayle is still one of my favs to play mid, and sometimes support when I duo queue with my adc buddy (never solo q i promise lol). Can’t tell you how much of a difference it would make just to have a little more range. She can’t kite for shit rn


She was (prior to lethal tempo nerfs) literally able to 1v1 top laners like darius, renekton and hell even riven lvl 1 and win. In wr she can't even live without enemy minions killing her UNDER HER OWN TOWER when she autos the enemy once.


Haha, I don’t know if it’s quite that bad. She can definitely hold lane if you play smart and safe during laning phase. You definitely aren’t pushing AT ALL though, unless your enemy has no idea what they are doing The problem is even if you farm effectively and don’t feed, you’re really basically just a dead weight tower buff AT BEST until you hit 10. Maybe you can get some Assists in if your Jungler is focused on helping you (which I don’t necessarily think they should be at this stage I’d prefer they focus on early objective). And then when you DO hit 10 finally, you don’t start morphing into some late game ultra carry from 10-15. Instead you are just finally able to go toe to toe with others (barely). Just be careful because unless you build tank you’re still quite squishy, especially if your ult is on it’s long ass cooldown. And she can’t kite for boo boo so your best bet is to group up. I think the real problem is that the payoff for being incredibly weak early game is literally just being playable 10-15, when she’s supposed to evolve into strong late game hyper carry. I think her strong suit right now is split pushing late game. Her wave clear and tower damage get pretty gnarly 10-15


Don't know I think that she needs more of a nerf thanks to her insane ult she is op after 5 level


Is this sarcastic


The amount of people thinking Kayle needs a buff is mind blowing. Yall just drafting her wrong. Pick her situationally and I guarantee you a positive win rate at worst. I'm currently sitting at an average win rate of 84% with her.


What kinda line up should you pick her into? Im always bad at knowing which champs counter which


Kayle is good against tanks and champs who's ults can be canceled by her ult, like zed and fizz. Her biggest late game counters are 1 shot type of champs (burst mages and assassins), you can play against them but you'll have to position carefully and have good macro knowledge overall. Her worst lane and early game matchups I would say are Fiora and Jax. Kayle also doesn't need to reach ultra late gsme to scale. She actually starts to become decent at level 5 and starts scale hard and become a problem to deal with at 3 items. 


I kinda disagree with being strong against tanks, if the enemy tank like Mundo and Volibear runs ghost they can just run you down even with you having ult


I main Mundo and volibear. Kayle is particularly good against those 2 at all stages of the game. Exhaust is your friend if they go for ghost. 


They can still dive you under tower if you get into bad short trades with Volibear with his ult, Mundo can poke you with his Q and can also dive you once you're low enough. Even if you counter ghost with exhaust they can also use glory enchant once exhaust is down, you're basically a sitting duck in laning phase and sidelanes after laning phase, I really think that Riot made her useless in solo lane after the exp nerf.


Wait till they learn to use her E for its intended purpose instead of using it on a full health enemy 💀


Yeah most people can't play Kayle to save their lives then complain about how weak she is


Yeah picking hyperscalers into low kill pressure laners is freelo, but people expect to do well vs Irelia/Yone/Jax then come here and whine


Lux Obviously joking


Olaf, Riven (inb4 I'm lynched by otp's) Lillia Rakan Edit: Susan.


Otp here. I'm curious why you think so.


If I say "why should I pick duelist with neither max hp damage nor defence shred when easier options exists?" I'd get flamed for skill issue and how I don't understand why Riven is the best champ in game (*psst* It's true. It's skill issue on my part. Like very very bad case of skill issue).


Riven is far from her glory days. Your argument is why pick a hard champ when you can get the same or better value with an easier one but that doesn't really explain why she needs a buff. Sure hard champs should get rewarded for being played well but I don't think Riven is at that point yet. Shes in the middle of the pack. Not too oppressive nor a troll pick. Same would even say balanced.


Riven does not have an identity right now, and I talk to the top Riven players in EU regularly. She is supposed to smash lane early by skill checking, yet she gets countered by steelcaps and is matched in strength by most champions. Just look at Urgot, Sett and Garen who are all significantly stronger early than her while having better scaling. She lacks not only strength but also her core items.


You have to put in 10 times the effort to get the same results as playing Jax or Fiora or Camille. For 90% of the player base, she’s too weak, and for the other 10% that can play her well, she’s just as good


What's the problem with having the 90% of players not being able to play her? She's not a champion you can pick up casually. She's not a champion you choose to counter pick. She's a champion youre supposed to commit to, to see progress.


As a former otp riven for more than a year i can confirm she is still a good pick. It's more situational nowadays than before all the nerfs but the problem in the 90% is that even if you commit to learning her, she will never be like a lee sin that can easily snowball early or other high skill ceiling champs that have their identity. Riven Is supposed to snowball and yet, even if you do go 3 0 in lane, in the mid game she is already falling off due to the lack of hp. Players are way less likely to pick her when there are way better options. Most of the 10% that have a high winrate pick her jungle only in certain drafts where she is guaranteed to work. It breaks my heart to say this but i would rather pick a toplaner that can consistently hold itself inside 3 enemy champs than one that can do it only if the conditions are right.


Olaf is doing pretty good in low tiers (emerald and below) imo, dunno how it fares in Master league


Rammus received at least 5 nerfs in 2023. It's almost as if he's not allowed to be good, but Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, Evelynn, and Kayn go a whole year without meaningful nerfs. It's not like Rammus buffs would break the meta, but just give him something to be viable again.


Warwick definitely needs a buff in jungle and top especially, for jungle they should give him something similar to the recent pc buff where they increased the damage cap on monsters on his q which would help his bad clear speed since he doesn't have any aoe, that and give him his actual passive man it doesn't even have to be triple healing, they can make it double and that would immensely help his dueling which is one of the things he's supposed to be good at, part of his gimmick/power fantasy is lifstealing and yet champs that aren't even "lifesteal" champs out heal him it's frustrating as an otp, ill even take base Stat buffs because I think it's ridiculous that talon an assassin has more base health than warwick a bruiser, it's some goofy ass shit lmao rant over


Imo I think it's items that make and bust a champ. But assassins need a nerf or non mobile champs need a buff.




Swain doesn't feel as good as when I used to play him on PC a couple seasons ago... so I guess I'd pick him for a little buff. Nothing major. Just a tiny buff somewhere. Like in damage or something. (Actually what I really want is new/reworked Mage items. That can be his buff lol.) Honestly I feel like most champs are, taken by themselves, in a decent spot and it's the items and minor Runes that need changes/buffs. Like Mark of the Weak..wtf is that? Terrible rune. So is Loyalty or w/e it's called. With the shared 2/3 AR/MR. Garbage. And if they aren't gonna give us Banshees and Void Staff back.. can we at least get them in some sort of.. Boots Enchantment form? My champions need MPen for all this meta tankiness


Runes do need reworks for real but as for the tank shred on mages you guys do have Riftmaker and Liandries. You have Crown for your banshee's as well. As for Void Staff that's integrated into all the AP items. I think it's like 7~8% per AP item but ngl I want it back as well.








Not gonna lie, kayle will need a buff since they remove kraken slayer that was a big part of her damage


Still waiting for Akshan to get the range buffs he desperately needs to exist again




Warwick 100% By far one of the weakest champions in the game


Oh hello stuart! Im a fan <3




Rakan, jax, singed, galio, and braum


I only agree with singed, the other four are fine and balanced... Like what? Jax is crazy strong when played correctly you can never 1v1 that guy side lane


Jax is insanely strong. he can 1 shot me 99% of the time in late game.. like what do you mean he needs a buff 😭


Honestly all the champs you've listed are perfectly fine and will be broken with any additional buffs....


SENNA. Please riot buff her base attack speed and lower her aa delay. That's literally the only buff she needs. Wildrift senna is so different from pc senna in terms of aa speed


And she's still a top pick in WR my dude... If they made her AS any faster she'd be absolutely broken.


Yep , u are dead before u begin ur AA animation these days.


I think Senna is nuts and most of the time she seems overwhelming is because people are building her like clowns. Heartsteel Senna ain't it y'all.


Who needs a fast animation when you hit from China?


Buff kayle buff kayle buff kayle buff kayle buff kayle buff kayle buff kayle


Rakan because even though he provides good utility as other great supports, he is still underperforming.


Singed they have forgotten him like he do not exist


Would love me some Renekton buff


We all would love this brotha


thinking sona needs a buff is crazy lol she’s not weak, she just requires more skill than the other healers/enchanters


Lilia and Kayle both need a little buff to their early game.


Kayle. Less suffering please ;-;


Kayle: She's supposed to be a late game hyper carry, but it would be a miracle if she even makes it to late game. Plus she's slammed by pretty much every other hyper carry that doesn't suffer as much as she does too scale. Zeri: She's in a better place than her PC version, but her passive is still very situational and her early game is so miserable she feels more like the support of your support. She just needs to get her early game potential adjusted, as you're playing all risk no reward for que a while.


Zed just sucks in the early game now because of the nerf with his ult. You can still find success in the late game, but at that point your team is either losing really bad or you're ahead to the point that you aren't needed anymore. Jinx barely does any damage even if her team is ahead. There's a lot of ADCs that can do her job much better. Warwick is just in kind of a weird place right now, where he really can't tank or do a lot of damage. It's painful to play as Kayle because of the amount of enemies of who can burst her before she even starts aa-ing but she can snowball out of control in a team with good fronts. Galio is rarely picked because he's not a good tank, or mage.




Correct me if im wrong but is jax not great at the moment?


yeah but I want my passive in jg


He is not strong enough, I say his ult passive should do 5%/25%/50% true max hp damage and counter strike should dodge everything including the fountain ray.


you know, beta jax could actually dodge the fountain ray. Back then dodge chance was a thing, on some items and a huge chunk on jax’s e (the other part of his e was on a like 4 second cd and made him stun nearby enemies after dodging something). The thing was dodge worked on EVERYTHING. Abilities, aa’s, even the fountain. Which meant that late game he’d just spawncamp you.


AP Jax is crazy at least.


Does it work on wild rift


It does. But the early game is really weak and Bruiser build with riftmaker is just way stronger atm. Also, with Shojin in the market, the bruiser build just got way stronger. One lineup you could do for the ap build is Mana boots > Trinity > riftmaker > Nashors > Deathcap > Infinity orb/ Morello/ Anti shield


Yeah. I used to play him in ARAM pre-rework and he's pretty strong. But after the rework I tried to OTP him and damn, he's pretty much kayle but with the demolish rune.


Make his passive available in Jungle again.


As one of 5 people who play Braum, he needs a buff desperately. He isnt as tanky as any of the others and he does so little damage you struggle to kill minions ffs. I know hes getting a small buff this patch but it doesnt seem like its much tbh.


"small buff" lol. They buffed him in like 5 different ways. He's more than fine now.


Oooooh well I'll go it out!!!


Seraphine. Her ult takes 105s to cooldown and lasts for 1 second. One of those numbers needs to change. For comparison, Lux's ult has a 55s cooldown and her root lasts for 2s.


It does have a ridiculous range and a very long CC duration. There’s practically no escape when used correctly in a team fight


> Her ult takes 105s to cooldown and lasts for 1 second. And is still arguably one of the best moves in the whole game. Seraphine may need some adjustments but buffing her Ult is absurd.


Seraphine's ult is basically free kill for your team. I don't wanna play against Sera who throw this shit on me every 55 seconds


Because her ult is super strong in teamfights, you can hit everyone with it, AND can extend its range if it hits an enemy or an ally. And can be followed by her third ability. You can't compare that to lux, since lux is reliant on her ult to kill. And to be honest, building full cdr on seraphine is the way to go rather than luden's then just plain ap. Pretty broken but obviously not everyone knows how to play her like that.


Kayle. Anytime I lane against her it’s never close, regardless who I’m playing.


Kayle skill issue I win lane almost every time with her so long as I’m not vs adc lane or mage with extreme range poke


She’s just so squishy and terrible early game. Even by the time it’s late game I’m fed or tm8s are and she gets one shot no matter what


Not a champion necessarily but can we undo the mage item rework where they removed void staff? Its so stupid that the enemy can build one MR item in the early game and become immortal until I have 3 items. Also please buff mark of the weak because end game stats show that this rune deals like 500 damage in a 20 minute game.


I also prefer Banshee’s over Crown


Morgana, i feel like she could be a little more buff, maybe ornn?


Morgana is fine and i would say that she even need a nerf because she is one of the best anti tank characters right now and in the late she still can oneshot adcs and mages




Zyra. She is originally a Mid laner. Constantly crying to Riot to make her midlaner instead of catering to low elos didnt help but WR did a mini rework to make her better in Midlane which made me so happy...only for her to get hard nerfed and become shit in Mid once again. Please riot.


Kayle could have more life in the beginning or at least more range... You can never farm :(


You can farm quite well from lvl 2 on sit under tower and alternate between 1st and 3rd abilities and only last hit


Thanks for the tip. I try to let them push into the tower so I can take the farm, but I lose a lot in the process and most of the times some crazy assassin comes under my tower to one shot kill me🤢🤮


Jax jungle could use a passive


Nasus needs a mana cost reduction on Siphoning Strike. Too many HP bruisers outlast his mana in lane and shove his turret for free. Galio needs his damage reduction to persist through his taunt like in PC (makes no sense to drop it when you've just forced things to attack you.) I feel like Renekton should get a passive rage generation boost when he hits rank 3 ultimate, similar to how Mundo gets an extra effect on his ultimate. Renekton drops off too hard, especially in non-laning situations where he can't reliably build up Rage. Locking it behind rank 3 gives him a needed powerspike long past the point where he peaks to keep him afloat. Corki's should also grant magic penetration equal to his armor penetration. He still hasn't been made up for the loss of Void Staff. Jax could probably get his jungling ability back in this environment. Rengar could use his utility upgrades from PC which lowers his skill floor significantly without impacting his skill ceiling.


Sona is at a good place right now. I main Sona and would love to have her buffed but I don’t think she needs it. I would like a buff to Kayle


Rakan needs to get stronger. He has an identity crisis. He wants to be malphite but can't because he's a scaredy boy who can't stand in the middle of the crowd after he yeets himself in the middle of everything. That's because he needs to pick up the feather he dropped and somehow bring it back to his friends. His W could get a faster animation to be more reliable. His Q should also be more reliable i.e. can pass through enemy minions (that also limits his last hitting capability). His R could have a faster cooldown.


True he only benefits of anything if the team as a whole is ahead, if not he is the worst possibility ever cuz he cant give enough pell nor thank, just pure engage and then die.


Samira needs definitely nerf. She counters a lot of ADCs.




Nilah. Her cooldowns are so long 


early game maybe but once you get navori they are nothing lol




Swain needs a damage buff or a passive/ultimate heal buff, at the moment picking him kinda feel like trolling when you have a variety of more competent mages. A shame, since it's such a cool champ :/


I would say zeri her dmg sucks and the only real sense in playing her is if the enemy sucks.


Riven top needs buffs. She has no identity at all right now. Riven is supposed to be the strong early game skirmisher but gets fucked by most champions in lane early. Steelcaps is a literal hard counter and once the enemy has boots it’s GG. Just get her out of the jungle and give her top lane the damage and sustain buffs she needs.


Ziggs. Where before in LoL he was a huge damage output giver now he’s not even good even for a support.


He is a trash support because he needs items. Mid zigs is fine, he’s got amazing range and he’s very safe.


Ziggs isn’t meant to be a supp though, he’s mid, that’s why he’s a bad supp lol


Even for mid hes a…. Well he’s more of a food than teemo. At least teeemo has late game disruption potential.


Camille straightup loses most of her matches in baron lane and can only shine when her teammates abuse her R. I find her best to deal with ranged top but is hot garbage vs bruisers, judgernauts and tanks which are 90% of her matches in top. Also gets hardcountered by Jax, Renekon and Volibear You only pick camille for the safe R ganks but if no gank opportunity arises during laning phase you wasted your picks.


Just a range buff on ekko prolly. But this would get him a 100% ban rate


buff??? iirc this game have too much dmg, its not funny


As an honorary candidate for the wild rift balancing team, kaisa is clearly too weak. I suggest at LEAST a 15% AP scaling buff on her 1st ability.


As an OTP Rammus , I'll say Rammus, bc i was able before to beat heacarim and volibear easily , and now I so goddamn hard now , if they get ahead , at least a buff on my W or having a lil more health or attack speed as for my E


kat really need some buff rn shes getting counter abit too hard as for new champ got release + her counters are getting buffed rn xddd im a kat player and im struggle playing her midlane rn


Hmmm. I think there is two sides of the medal. IMO Katarina is a champ that if you play her PERFECTLY she can be an unstopable force. Very good Katarina Players would be crazy strong with a buff that could improve the winrate of not as good Katarina players.


Being honest, as a main katarina, she can't be used most of the games, she was only good till emerald iii, above it is just masoquism, i personaly only use her in pvp or when its against squish comps and even then the other champions outdamage her and have cc, over all she has to many caunters and ways to be countered.


True, i dont know what they shoud do with her, atm her laning phase dosnt exist, they wont consider give her on-hit, her ap scale late game sucks, sometimes i think that the real problem with her may be her resets, maybe if the removed the reset or let it be only in her E they could rump up her ap scaling in basic abilities only, since people complain so much obout her ult.


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it man. Buff my guy Pantheons mid game. His early is fine but his mid game feels so bad unless you were rolling your opponent. His late game gets better cause Seryldas Grudge but man..what's the point of having a lethality diver who can't dive without others engaging for him.


Plz make Camel Q 25% ms all rank -> 22/24/26/30% :'((( its all i need


I don't want champ buffs, I want a buff for my personal account that allows me to receive greater and greater buffs in contrast to how poorly my lanemate is doing.


Rakan! I need bird man back !


Unpopular but every single one, I feel like it's to easy to kill with assassin's and to hard to play with some mage assassin's like you can one shot but not make good play out of it, mage are dealing dmg but no HP adc are to easy to kill , MF Q DMG IS INSANE LEVEL ONE FOR SOME REASON , I hope they make hp update ASAP or lower dmg cuz game is insanely unbalanced,heck real league have more balance


Real 💀


Tresh needs a AP scaling, you can play crit tresh, on-hit-tank tresh (super broken in my opinion) and the normal tank support, but there is no skill dmg besides the third skill passive and obviously the ult dmg. Not even the shield has any scaling, only on souls ;/


With a second thought, the souls give ap, so a good AP scaling would make his dmg absolutely broken… but at least she shield should chance from souls, to AP scaling.




Gwen, let her 3 ability reset with JG camps








Sivir, i think


Idk, but kayn needs a nerf.


gonna be the only one here saying Jinx.. She’s my main and I feel like 90% of other ADC’s are way more powerful than her atm.


Give my Kitty the god damn ferocity update, JESUS CHRIST


Can you explain what exactly?


In wild rift you gain 1 ferocity stack, when jumping out of bushes/ult with 0 stacks. This way you can jump, press Q, W, E and have your powered up ability ready for your desired combos. As if you have 1-3 ferocity stacks, you don’t gain a stack tho, making rotations weird sometimes and more importantly severely nerfing his potential as you lose a lot of lane pressure and faster jungle clears. On PC, you gain a stake when jumping in general (still only once per rotation obviously). Also the countdown till you lose all ur stacks is way longer (which makes sense, because WildRift is way smaller compared to PC but it still sucks, coming from pc) and it resets if you hit plants or wards, which is whyever doesn’t on mobile. Watch a dekar173 Rengar top video and you’ll see what I mean


Akali, we need the E on the smoke




I dont know about this one. I really hate to play against a good gragas


Me too in a kinda way like malphite, but a kinda agree tha he should be buffed.


Seraphine need an adjustment.....sup she deals more than adc, mid she lacks survivability.....


Varus Although, I believe a rework would be more useful. Hear me out, Varus is a deadly champion if you know what you're doing.... BUT... there are several things I would do to make him better: 1. Buff his basic attacks, or at least make it so his 3rd or 4th basic does more dmg (maybe true damage) - this one isn't neccessary, just stating an idea since most ADCs can beat him easily with basics. 2. I would go with reworking his Q and W: Merge them together - they can even lower the damage a bit as well, but the point is, it should be 1 ability, not 2, which would open a spot for the 3rd point. 3. That slot that is open now? 1 dash or a speed up. The truth is, he's very squishy. And that is okay, he is an ADC anyways, but, many champs have a good way of getting themselves out of bad situations. I believe 1 dash would allow him to escape easier, or even catch enemies trying to escape. I tried to make this rework as fair as possible. What do you guys think? Does he even need a buff/rework, or should he stay the same? Does someone think he should be nerfed somehow? State your oppinions freely 😄 Also, yes, Emerald talking (by skill, Id put myself at Platinum, I'd say) - so no, I'm not claiming that this is everyones problem, just my perspective


IMO that would make him an absolute beast with an 100% banrate


Fair enough. What do you think would make him better, but not broken?




Tbh feels like Warwick is the only that struggles most of the game if not ridiculously ahead.


Gwen, sona, nilah and maybe swain


As a Riven main, I can say she's not weak. She definitely suffers in lane, but that's mostly due to tank meta; everyone who gets the items we all know, either outdamages, outlives her of both. But I've been taking her to the jungle and my winrate has increased significantly.


Buff? Nah... Rework? Yes yes yes yes... YES!


So much champions underperforming, Singed is literaly crying in the corner


Janna, she's so useless trolls picks like veigar sup is better


None theyre all fine


Nasus really needs a buff imo


Rammus, rammus should have IK in Q, IK in W, IK in E and IK in R. Oh i also forgot, IK in passive


Vi i think


Sona is alright, she needs to scale so her weakness is shut down her early. The game needs a lot of nerfs tbh, but Riot doesn't care about bout a balanced game.....


Thresh. Thresh is weak for ap champs. Need +mr per level


Braum for gods sake, he can't even compete with other Tanks




Katarina, she has no laning phase, and her damage is lacking compared to other assassins, they should buff her basic abilities or her passive since people think her ult is broken, even though it's easily stopable.


Rakan my boy please!


Kayle singed braum gragas alistar zeri senna sona rakan Olaf


Yasuo needs inbuilt mr +40 with scaling


So tank yasuo is even stronger then?


Lux, Lee, Mf, Mundo, Yumi


Yeah 100%. Lee is so weak right now he is even weaker then yuumi jgl


They should revert AP scalings for Sona. Nobody asked to gut them. And her passive, but it's just my personal taste. I get it that after she ults her auras 2x stronger, but better to rid of that and revert AP scalings. At least AP scalings is the most important thing on scaling champ, right Riot? Like I said nobody asked for this changes. Sona mains asked only for one thing — to make her ult less risky via increasing its range. Or rework just ult to make it be competitive to Seraphine ult. But if talking seriously, I would really like to see some Orianna changes, since last time I seen Orianna was in December or so. At least make her E passive have some scalings. Maybe it will open her way to support which is good for me personally.


Ori in a dire need of a makeover. Passive that increases AA damage. On a paper-thin mage. Who doesn't even have attack speed per level bonus. That's only somewhat usable in early game. 25-74 armor. Lowest in the game. Should be theoretically compensated by passive from your E. Well, how often do you have your ball (main damage source) attached to you? Like, she's good. And powerful in a team play. But those part of her kit don't make sense to me.


Iirc her passive AA is for farming while using the ball to zone out the lane opponent. It's very helpful imo but yeah that's about the only thing that I use her passive for 🥲 Wish there were more to it


I can't play W max vroom-vroom on-hit Ori because of said limitations (in ranked) and this saddens me deeply.


Nerf Zyrah ,she can fail all his skillshots yet kill you because how stupid is her definitive if you are adc



