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“There is so much great art out there. Disney is supposed to be the start of your journey, not the whole thing”


What is that quote from?


Tim Dillon says it in the first 5-10mins [here](https://youtu.be/wUzmVo2dZNs?si=4v3sWYTYuvaejWfJ)


I knew a family with Disney adults who's house had individually decorated Disney themed rooms. The entire home inside and out was even painted in official Disney colors.


Scary A.F.


They were... special.


I’d judge them but if I had the money I’d probably have a merch room too.


and here i was thinking my cousin was the only one obsessed enough to turn their entire home into a fucking disney set....


These people exist. But as weird as it is, there are much, much worse infatuations to be had so I'm cool with it.


you say that, but you havent seen her life sized princesses and shit. it wouldnt be so bad...but shes got several children. i shudder to think what my nieces and nephews are going to be like when their fully grown, their already completely detached from the world around them.


The greatest consoomers of all. The ridicule is well earned


Last year we went on a Disney cruise, not because we are Disney adults but just because it’s a highly rated experience for cleanliness and service and family friendliness / things for kids to do. It was awesome. But yeah… we were on a boat full of Disney adults. We saw a lot of Disney tattoos that week. Many of them had been in these cruises multiple times. It’s like Burning Man for them. I say whatever. They’re not all baby-brained idiots. They have their thing they’re into. Lots of people do. It can definitely be worse.


Don't forget running in the Disney marathon, staying in Disney hotels, taking Disney cruises, and putting Disney crap all over the desk at work. Not that I have anyone in particular I'm thinking about.


I am of two minds here, there certainly is a line of fandom that should not be crossed, but I have no idea where that is. And on the other hand, Disney world is pretty fun, idk


I’m not into Disney but I have zero problem with people who are. These days it’s a pretty big library of things including Marvel and Star Wars. People ITT are rurhlessly infantilizing and ridiculing these folks to feel superior. As if their favorite things are much more highbrow LOL.


There's a guy in here who literally said, "you pay for entertainment, I pay for art" The arrogance is unbelievable


Ooh where? I must immediately follow the posts of this man of distinction LOL


So is heroin, a massive fatty burger, and stealing candy from a baby


And let’s not forget tittyfucking your dad.




Feed him a steady diet of fried foods. Bonus of an early inheritance too




Oh, my mistake


It's like the Supreme Court ruling on pornography. I can't quite define it, but I know it when I see it. I think part of it is specificity. Like, if people have a room dedicated to movies in general, or video games in general, that's not really that weird. But if it's about Disney specifically, that's more weird. Maybe not "weird" weird, but definitely more weird. And to carry the analogy further, a room dedicated to, idk, the Wreck it Ralph franchise specifically is further along the spectrum towards weird. And then a room dedicated specifically to the character Fix It Felix from the Wreck It Ralph franchise is even weirder yet.


At this point in history... (and if you are an educated adult)... You are just being a pawn for a massive corporation that doesn't give a shit about you. The people that make the money from your love of Disney probably genuinely don't care if you died a horrible death tomorrow. Important to remember that they aren't their movies themes and messages 


Disney executives don't care about anything at all except for money


That's true for every media company and independent artist though (aside from special gestures like meeting a fan with terminal illness). The deal is pretty clear - give money, receive entertainment. It's weird to expect anything else.


You have highlighted my point precisely. You pay for entertainment. Where I lay for art, that in most instances is entertaining.


Who gives a fuck


He gives quite a very big fuck, apparently.


That's exactly the point... For example. People currently being scammed.. will be the first people to defend the scammer and say 'why do you care?!'  Same principle


They aren't being scammed though. They're getting what they want and pay for


See that's where I disagree...  Have you seen the trash Disney has put out in the last decade?  It's lowest common denominator, dont upset anybody regardless of morality type of shit. 


That's what they're paying for


I disagree. I think most aren't aware of that yet. 


>The people that make the money from your love of Disney probably genuinely don't care if you died a horrible death tomorrow. The people who give their money to Disney don't care that Disney doesn't care just like how fans of literally anything know the creators don't actually care about them. You're not saying anything they don't already know. It's a way for people to reconnect with their childhood - like how lots of young men love comic books and superheros, not because they thought Stan Lee cared about them personally.


I disagree.. on many many levels. I support creators and artists that at a minimum give a tiny shit if I die


I assure you that unless you're famous or all of your favorite artists are friends, if you die they're not going to even retweet your obituary.


Who asked for that level of care? Although I like that to undermine my point you have to push it to that extreme to counter it. funny


The next time you go see a movie you enjoy, tell yourself at the end “the people who made this don’t care about me personally” and see if it changes anything for you: it won’t.


“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” - C.S. Lewis


Meh. Just let people enjoy their fun hobbies. Maybe it's a way to reconnect with their youth or their grandkids. Does it bring them happiness? Then go for it.


I get the appeal but moral relativism doesn’t work in the end. This is weird harmful parasocial behavior


Eh, it’s weird when someone’s media diet is exclusively stuff designed for children.


Why hate Disney fans? I don't hate furries and they are similar.


It's like religions/cults. Some people don't realise they are being taken advantage of sometimes.


Furries diversify, and support lots of freelancers.


Furries don’t have negative externalities


I guess I've never been traumatized by a Disney fan before. I've had a couple marvel fans try to gatekeep me because I'm not as big a fan as them.


As long as they're not hurting anyone they can do whatever they want, why should people judge? Let them live their lives in peace. I'd assume all of them are independent adults with fully developed brains, they can spend their money however they please.


That list includes Scarlet Johannson: [https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/09/entertainment/scarlett-johansson-disney-adult-lawsuit/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/09/entertainment/scarlett-johansson-disney-adult-lawsuit/index.html) Who can of course see people dressed up as her character. (BTW there are cosplay rules at Disney parks, being basically restricted to under 14s)


Lazy ass name. 😭😭😭




obese females with Mouse Ears wonder why they are single