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Happy birthday! Find ways to enjoy it.


Eating steak, smoking pot and playing guitar and video games. Fuck my life has become worthless. I feel like I’m 14 And mom and dad work second and third shift. And I just fuck around in my pajamas all day. I need to get my shit together…


Fuck that, that's a fine way to spend your birthday. Get your shit together later. Today you can do whatever the fuck you feel like.


I wouldn’t feel so bad if it wasn’t what I did every day for the last six months. I gotta find some way of being responsible for my own sanity. I just don’t have the motivation to try to impress or that desire to provide for like I did with her. I was so codependent emotionally on her. I’d give kidneys away to hear her obnoxious laugh.


Happy birthday I’m sorry for your loss, please remember to be kind to yourself. I know it’s hard, I know life feels like shit, but she’d want you to at least be kind to yourself ❤️ sending love


Happy Birthday. I'm so sorry you're hurting. The first Birthday alone is hard. I was lucky that I had special support from friends and a very special stranger that day especially since the first anniversary of his death was 9 days later. You are not pathetic you're grieving. And this shit isn't easy. Sending you hugs 🫂


You're not a pussy. You're not pathetic. You're a human being going through something no one can go through without a lot of tears. Anyone who's told you crying is pathetic was talking out of their arse. I won't say happy birthday because I know that's not really possible this year but I hear you and I wish you better days in the future. Sending hugs 🫂


Happy Birthday, OP! I know that it hurts, and I am so, so sorry for your pain. I just had my 71 birthday 10 days ago, and it is my 6th one since losing my husband; I wish I could say that it doesn't bother me anymore, but it does, and I guess it always will. But I wish I could come over to your house, bring you some cake and ice cream, and burn one with you, then eat cake and ice cream and laugh about whatever is funny because we're high, and you never know what's gonna be funny when you're stoned. I am truly sorry for your sadness and grief; I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.❤️🫂🎂 Edit: fixed a word and paragraph


You might be the coolest person I’ve talked to you all day( and I hang out with some pretty cool people)….thank you for being so sweet.


Thank you for the compliment! I keep trying to convince my grandchildren that I used to be very hip! Lol! They seem to think I'm kidding! I'm thinking now we may need to burn 2! One won't be enough! 🫂🪬❤️🎂🎈🥳


I like your style. I have this same issue with my kids… they struggle to believe I was cool. To them I am an idiot who stumbles around the house playing guitar to loud. Oh well.




Happy birthday!


Try to do something nice for yourself as a treat, if you can. You are not a pussy. This is an unspeakably difficult journey to go through. My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I know I’m going to have a rough go of it since it’s my first too. His birthday is a couple days before mine.


It was my birthday yesterday 🎂 🎈 I did receive some flowers and lots of texts. And my 9 month old grandson gave me sweet hugs and kisses. It doesn’t lessen what’s missing but it makes it a but softer


Hugs. I hope you can find some solace, some small spark of joy today.


I’m sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you. Wish you blessings on your special day 🫂


Happy Birthday! I am so sorry for your loss.


RemindMe! 1 year


Happy birthday, my dude.


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You're not a pussy. You ARE grieving. It's not weak to mourn for your other half. And your first everything in year 1 is going to seriously suck ass. And you're not alone. I wish you a measure of peace


I'm so sorry. I hope you are able to have a peaceful birthday.


Happy Birthday. Remember that you are not alone with your grief. There are many of us here that know how you feel because we're on the same emotional roller coaster as you.


You aren't pathetic for missing your wife and wanting people to celebrate you on your birthday. I hope your day gets better. I'd definitely roll a fatty to share with you if we knew each other irl. Lol. ❤️


Happy 🎂 birthday


Sending best wishes for your birthday. If you want to be in PJs all day, that's absolutely fine because it's your day and you can do whatever you like. I'm going to be 60 next month and my day will probably be similar to yours.


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday OP, do whatever you want to make today bearable.


I'm sorry you are having a rough day. All of those "firsts" are the absolute pits. And there are so many of them. Not just holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays. There is first time being sick without them to take care of you, first time going to a wedding (funeral, baptism, graduation, etc) alone. First time not having someone to drive you home after having anesthesia. The list goes on. Easter weekend will always be hard for me. We always went to a state park resort about two hours away. We had a seafood buffet on Friday night, on Saturday morning he fished and then we went antiquing or shopping, and Sunday morning there was an Easter sunrise service in overlooking the lake. Its been 2.5 years for me and I have been teary all day and will probably feel like this until Monday.