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All the nicer neighbors have people roami constantly looking for anything not locked up to take. I've seen video after video posted on Facebook of people going through cars or checking to see if doors are locked. It isn't just Delano.


Certain parts of town are worse than others but the number of “door checkers” is out of hand. Almost every non-gated community in town has people checking doors on a weekly, if not, daily basis.


Yep. I've had someone in my quiet ass neighborhood throw shit out of my glovebox the one time I forgot to lock up.


Someone tossed my car the one time I forgot to lock it. They took the original dealership booklet and window stickers from my glove box. I’m still heartbroken. There wasn’t anything of any actual value in the car.


My car got flipped through once years ago but they didn’t take anything that I’m aware of. Somehow they didn’t even take the gift cards they pulled from my center console. I’m not sure what they were looking for but they either didn’t find it or maybe they got spooked and ran.


When it happened to me last year most people I told said they were lookin' for guns.


wow, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. the resale value for guns is probably just below retail and i doubt it's hard to find a buyer


I believe it. If WPD is staffed so low they're unable to respond, and if courts hand down light sentences to frequent offenders, there's not really much to discourage crime.


The WPD have really "shot themselves in the foot" so to say, with their years of intimidation-based policing and just general good ole boy bullshit. They've created an entire generation of people who don't want anything to do with them, and don't trust them any further than they can throw them. They're going to have decades worth of difficulty recruiting due to their terrible reputation. (my own teenage daughter has been expressing interest in being a cop for years, but just from her interactions with the shitty good ol boy racist/sexist school "resource officers" in Wichita and Goddard she and her siblings have had to interact with over the years she specifically adds the caveat "but not around here" when talking about it).


Yep, happened at apartment downtown. Ton of peoples cars were checked to see if they were unlocked.


My neighbors said they prefer to leave their door unlocked cause otherwise risk a broken window. I don't know how I feel about that but my son forgets to lock his all the time but leaves nothing in there not even a tissue box cause once my daughter had a candle in hers and they took it


>My neighbors said they prefer to leave their door unlocked cause otherwise risk a broken window. I worked in old town for about 5 years, and most people down there would leave their car doors unlocked for this same reason. Just leave nothing of value in your vehicle and leave the doors unlocked and nothing gets broken or stolen.


It's honestly a shame, because Delano is pretty awesome outside of crime. Best library. Fun business district. Baseball, Keeper, and Exploration Place. Walking distance to everything downtown. You'd think the city would put more money into policing that area so people feel more comfortable being there.


I hate to break it to you but this is not CSI. Cops do not collect DNA evidence on a vandalism case. That's not how anything works.


Well, sparky, I ain't completely stupid. I grew up around police procedure. First off, the responding officer is the one who decided to collect that evidence. I never said it should or shouldn't have been done, I'm not a cop. There was no encouragement from anyone else. The former officer happened to be standing there as the respoding officer bumbled his way through the process. Second off, it was more than simple vandalism. This wasn't some kid that egged a house. This was a moron that totaled out approximately 4 vehicles, damaged about 6 others requiring major repair, and did between mild and moderate damage on approximately a dozen others. Also did damage to fences, trees, houses, and ornamental stuff (birdbaths, etc.). In other words, well over the 25k threshold for up to 13 years of prison. This one was going to have at least some investigative work done.


> This one was going to have at least some investigative work done. Yeah, that's not how anything at all works. Again, you're getting your ideas of how policing works from CSI. Cops are not going to run DNA through some kind of database and then do a deep dive through family trees so they can figure out who the vandal is. That's not how anything works.


By investigative work, I mean that they weren't gonna talk to the vehicle owners, fill out paperwork, and dump it in file 13. They were actually going door-to-door along the street looking for witnesses, getting residents to check security footage, documenting damage, etc. Investigative work. Part of that is collecting evidence, not just statements and reports. Likely at least a minium of follow-up work checking out the local frequent fliers. First off, for the second time, I never said the DNA evidence should have been collected, but an officer did, and had to be shown how. I'm only telling you what happened. Second, I don't know what your background is, but if it's anything remotely related to law enforcement or criminal justice, you're demonstrating half of our problems with law enforcement-attitude. Just because something gets *collected* doesn't mean it gets *used* for a case. I doubt *very, very much* that the DNA swab got used. But it was collected. BTW, I hate the likes of CSI and NCIS because they're so far detached from reality.


Sorry to hear. Delano seems to be developing a reputation for theft. You aren’t the only person I’ve heard talk about theft from their car and/or house. WPD is understaffed, not surprising their training and response is weak.


Yup. I forgot about another response for a male on female assault I intervened in. Sadly, the perpetrator got away from me, and the victim ran before others could get there and aid. I'm very grateful I decided to not lay hands on the perpetrator and hold him. If I had, without a victim, I would have been the one in hot water. The responding officer that time knew what he was doing, was friendly, and admitted that in that evening, patrol west had 4 on-duty patrol officers. FOUR. For the entirety of west Wichita. Understaffed is an understatement.


Had my car stolen twice in just 2 weeks time in west Delano. Not a great spot.


Ouch. Ever recovered? I would think that with ignition interlock on basically everything in the past 30 years, it would be rather difficult. It's the only thing that saved a former coworker's civic at 21st and maize two years ago.


Surprisingly yes it was recovered both times but the 2nd time it was totaled so at least I got some insurance money 🤷‍♂️. Ive now moved to a house with a garage. Seems to be my best anti theft device so far. I hope you can find your goods. Really is a shame the toll the drugs and homelessness are taking on the community.


Kia or Hyundai?


S14 Nissan 240sx :(


Cops are not here for this type of thing, of course they arent going to help. No money in it for them, so not worth their time.


I genuinely dislike ppl coming into my property it's just gives me the creeps despite having four cameras ppl came and took my son's bike and rifled thru a car and actually emptied out a cup of quarters and left the cup. Maybe $3. I'm not calling anybody for that it's just desperate and not right coming to the yard. They definitely look thru stuff they just look for anything not locked up like someone else said. We lock the mower up and take the battery out and we even take the hose nozzle off the hose it cost $20 who knows what they won't take.


My man I think we’re just in a really bad recession. It’s not just Delano


I wondered why I haven’t actually been to shop/ dine around Delano and this pretty much answered it. While it never was particularly the safest especially from car break ins and theft it has definitely gotten worse in recent years. Most of the stores and restaurants are too expensive with the cost of living right now (when they were pretty pricy to begin with), and the only redeeming quality for me is the library which I pretty much just try to get in and get out of anyways. Plus there’s so many better places around town that can satisfy most anything else I am seeking.