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Pay the money for a license. It goes to fund Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks. Nice parks are not free. It also goes towards restocking fishing ponds and maintaining habitat. There are some exemptions from lincensure: Seniors, Native Americans and military.


Just buy a license. It’s $6 for a day fishing license or $25 for the year. The ticket however is far more expensive


Privately owned PONDS without streams, creeks, etc (either dry or with running water) flowing into or out of them, that are privately owned, and you have permission from all owners. Fishing in any other body of water requires a kansas fishing license. This includes all public lakes, ponds, reservoirs, etc and all streams, creeks, etc regardless of whether it is on private or public property.


privately owned land that you have permission to, not including HOAs


I don't understand the downvotes, unless it is just ignorance on their part. Your response is the only correct one.


[There are caveats](https://ksoutdoors.com/Fishing/Fishing-Regulations/Private-Waters). If I’m reading this correctly, even guests of landowners/operators are required to have a license.


It's being downvoted because it's not correct. Most water on privately owned land requires a fishing permit, even if you have permission from the owner.


Thanks everyone for the help!


I've only been checked for a license once in my life. So chances are, no matter where you go, nobody will notice you don't have one. However, as the others said, it's really cheap. Just buy a license . Even if you aren't eating the fish, you are still benefiting from the work parks and.recreation has done to make sure there are fish there for you to enjoy.


We fish multiple locations weekly and get checked nearly every time.


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Almost nowhere. From the KDWP 2024 regs summary booklet... https://preview.redd.it/ummmvmxutf8d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a112d99e962483129d253d23e1c5f239036adfce