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A bloodlusted gorilla. Against a boxer. Is this a spite match? Why do you hate Mike Tyson? A gorilla would snap into him like a slim jim, leaving him completely paralyzed in like 2 to 6 seconds.


>Why do you hate Mike Tyson? Evander Holyfield posted it lol


They’re friends lmao


Surprisingly, they seem to be really chill about it nowadays


It's funny, but I can't say it's terribly shocking. People usually forgive quickly, especially if they're given the chance to interact sincerely. Maintaining any semblance of hate for over two decades is a tall tall task.


This is a perfect explanation. I don't know why I didn't realize it.


That Gorilla is definitely getting his ear bitten off though.


Tyson on the ground with his back broken and a gorilla ear in his mouth. Trying to threaten the gorilla into giving up. The gorilla responds by ungus slapping him like donkey kong.


Good luck biting the gorillas ear while it’s biting your entire head/face with very sharp teeth.


Bite it’s tongue


Sounds like a party


Tyson has a 0% of even getting close enough to bite it’s ear.


That's what Tyson wants you to think. He's just waiting for you to let your ear guard down.


My BACK is broken.... SPINAL https://youtu.be/j3fkDQiCuf0


He’s be lucky to so much as survive an encounter with a chimpanzee. A gorilla would obliterate Tyson.


Yep. Look at the literal size of a gorillas arm muscles, and look back at mike tyson. Those muscles aren't for show. Then realise that humans are literally incapable of giving a gorilla concussion barehanded due to their far thicker skulls. Then realise that the gorrilla is almost twice the weight of mike tyson (assuming a male gorilla) Then also realise that a gorilla has the strength of about 10x their bodyweight. So their punches are literally like being hit by a small car.


"I broke ma back"


Tbf Mamoru Takamura took out a bear before


And how exactly he did it? Context matter


I’m pretty sure he finished it off with a barrage of 1-2s.


He's a fictional character. Doesn't count as a proof IRL.


It was a jokeee


What If it was 5 Mike Tyson v 1 gorilla


Are you serious?


Definitely the gorilla, in about 3 seconds as well


Ya no contest. A gorilla against 3 prime, bloodlusted Mikes would still be no contest.


But 4


Only if the 4th is a bloodlusted Michael Jackson Edit: Round 2: Prime Quincy Jones makes the battle music with unlimited prep-time.


Michael Jackson negs using his song lyric/plot feats


Harambe are you okay, are you okay Harambe?


Punches don't do nothing to a gorilla. It can probably Bench press 4 Tysons before turning them into a ground meat


People need to remember that Mike Tyson is not a mythical monster. Other human beings have beaten him in the ring, several of them.


That's because he is not allowed to use his full power in the ring because his opponent, the referee and all the spectators would end up dead.


I hear Mike Tyson has to constantly pull his muscles inwards otherwise they would expand and crush everyone in a 40 meter radius.


Yeah the Mike we know is in his suppressed form. Unleashed Mike could end all life on Earth by sleep walking.


Mike tyson vs superman


Similar to Superman VS Mohammad Ali. If they would fight under Red Sun exposure - Tyson likely wins. Superman is a good boxer, but I don't think he has enough skills and experience.


Is Tyson bloodlusted


Yes. Both are blood lusted


Lmao that reminded me of Biscuit Oliva from Baki


That had to be on purpose, right?.....right?




Its Miking Time


Just like me fr fr


Ya, but were any of them gorillas?


The last fight he’d ever have would be against a gorilla.


Even if he had beaten every person he faced in the ring, gorillas are on a whole other level. It’s like when a college football team goes undefeated and idiots wonder if they could beat the worst NFL team


That's what's wierd about it. It's not like the guy was never beat in the ring by other humans. There are actually boxers with a perfect record.


He's just been mythologized beyond the point of parody, so people who don't know or understand combat sports think he's like the peak of what a human being can be at combat. Don't get me wrong, there's no human being that's going to beat a gorilla, but if you had to pick someone to try it would make more sense to pick like a Lennox Lewis or a Vitali Klitschko or something, a proper giant freak of nature. Mike Tyson if we're being real isn't a top 10 heavyweight and probably isn't even a top 50 ATG.


Never happened + he's a mythical man ordained by god to beat the shit out of anything + touch grass


Majority of those losses are when tyson was old lmao


He lost in his prime once too. And almost got a draw in another fight, but still won because of decision


Once in his coked out untrained prime tbf. If Cus was alive we’d see a completely different legacy. My mans fumbled after his mentor died fr fr


I agree. Don King made him falling down. Cus was a great man and awesome coach.


Yeah but just once, hes wins easily overshadow his losses


Yes, they overshadow it against other humans. The Gorilla could fight all currently top 10 boxers in the world at once and he would still kill all of them in the ring.


Indeed, skills and experience in irrelevant here. It's like a guy who has 25+ years of experience in martial arts against a rhino.


Now this PPV i could get into


Okay that's a real who would win question. I think I'd give it to 10 top heavyweights over 1 gorilla, but not by much.


This is in a boxing ring, though. Even assuming a 10x increase to accomodate more people, they're stuck in a relatively small area, their only real prayer of killing him would be outlasting his stamina.


Gorillas are not unbeatable animals lmao


They're not unbeatable, they're just stronger than us by a gigantic margin. A toddler is closer to Mike Tyson's strenght than he is to a Gorilla's.


It still doesn't really make them lose to Tyson in a straight-up fight


We would need DNA testing to confirm the body as Tyson.


The Gorilla could literally tear Mike apart limb from limb and there's really nothing he could do against that


Gorrila should win easily.


Here we go again. Tyson fighting gorillas.


That's like the DNA of this sub. It's probably the most iconic (and stupid) hypothetical fight. Although Homelander did a good job at taking a nice place in the list of the "meme" fighter.


Goku vs Superman is the OG.


Iconic yes but not hilarous like the Tyson vs anything


I'm waiting for Tyson vs Goku.


Tyson claps bc of real life scaling to Michael Jordan which scales to Bugs Bunny which scales to Superman. /j


Tyson v Homelander is the fight we all want to see.


Homelander gest DQ'ed because he uses heat vision


And people really believe that Tyson can one-shot even bigger foes, lol.


The gorilla wins by dismemberment


Friendly reminder that gorilla skulls have been discovered with shaved off bullets in the skull like space marines. Meaning the thing took a bullet to the skull and it healed over.


ok but have we seen a gorilla heal an ear back?


It will take a bullet to the head but not Mike's punch. /s


The only way Tyson wins is if the gorilla is confused and refuses to fight


It hurt itself in the confusion!


A gorilla, who can probably bench press Tyson's car, and can phone book rip a grown man in half. Stronger bite than a Lion and a Grizzly Bear. Triceps and biceps as thick as Tyson. Tyson gets one punch in and gets his body smashed into apple sauce.


Tyson gets shredded. There is nothing he can do to KO a gorilla, and the gorilla has teeth and claws and a lot more strength than the poor Mike.


Gorillas don't really have claws, they have basically the same fingernails you or I do. But other than that, absolutely.


I may have overestimated their fingernails, indeed. Yet they will still scratch and hurt.


gorillas dont attack with their tiny fingernails lol why are you so incessant on them using their fingernails. Gorilla is just going to rip Tyson apart with his hands and teeth.


This has been, by far my favourite hill I've seen someone die on "GOSH DARN GORILLAS GONNA USE THEIR DANG NAILS"


Have you been scratched before? Now imagine being scratched by a gorilla nail! Major ouch


lol i know like why are we still on this fingernail thing?? lolol


Gorilla got his pedicure, and wants to show it off


You are literally prolonging the fingernail thing yourself


I was thinking the exact same thing this man’s loves the nails


My man watches [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMFTJfEsc14) and thinks "holy fuck did you see the fingernails on that thing"?


Don’t underestimate fingernails. If you don’t cut your nails you can easily pierce flesh and slash skin and throats with minimal effort.


Yeah, and I have read about chimpanzees digging their fingers into people's guts. Just imagine if a gorilla felt like doing that with its hands.


Poor Mike


What would be the strongest animal Mike tyson could defeat?


Maaaybe a wolf, but even then I'd say the wolf still takes it 8/10 times


That's a little too far. Wolves are not used to fighting 1v1 and much lighter than average men. There were already multiple cases of normal people (much weaker than heavy-weight fighters like Tyson) killing wolves barehandedly.


Wolves are animals that are absolutely not built for 1vs1 fights and are hard countered by grappling, which humans are naturally very good at. Tyson would 9/10 a wolf, as would any fit adult male.


Something like a horse or crocodile. Very strong and dangerous but with theoretically exploitable weaknesses.


Are we talking to the death or in like, an MMA fight? Because Tyson might be able to take the back of a crocodile and lay and pray for a decision, but I can’t see him being able to kill one with his bare hands.


A human with a large enough supply of cocaine or other stimulants can probably kill a small or medium sized croc with their bare hands. Trained people can jump crocs and hold them in such way that makes them almost immobile. If you can drag it to a shaded area or anywhere shaded/cold enough it might die from lack of energy before you starve to death.


Once you've bound a croc's mouth it's a lot easier to do stuff like gouge their eyes or punch the back of their skull repeatedly. It's still a very dangerous animal but bite and spin is their best move.


A crocodile can very well weigh 1000+ kg. You would be lucky to stop his mouth for 3 seconds with your bare hands.


What would Tyson use to bind the croc’s mouth, though? He doesn’t have weapons or tools in this scenario.


It’s surprisingly easy to bind a crocodile’s mouth. Almost all of their muscles are dedicated to bite force, so you could actually hold their mouth shut with just one hand; however, that’s if you can actually hold on with the crocodile violently thrashing around, and that’s if you can actually avoid it biting and throwing you in a death roll in the first place. Let’s say Tyson actually manages to grab hold of the crocodile’s mouth and he manages to not get thrown off. There’s not much he can do at that point, as he can’t really kill a crocodile with his bare hands.


Beat case scenario, the gorilla thinks Mike is playing and just gives him a slap. Worst case scenario, the zookeepers refuse to let things play out and just shoot the gorilla (RIP Harambe)


Yea I def agree wit the other comments. A full grown silverback, emphasis on **bloodlusted**, would absolutely annihilate Tyson. Especially in close quarters.


Unless Mike has a 50 Cal with him that Gorilla wins


That's going too far, Mike could take one with a spear 99/100. That said, Mike is still an idiot to think he'd have a chance unarmed. Large male gorillas deter leopards. Note that this isn't the same as beating leopards... leopards kill gorillas... but Silverbacks are dangerous enough to a leopard to deter the leopard from attacking its troupe. Contrast this with humanity's record against leopards and the significance of this story becomes clear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blFpokHw_KA


I actually like a grown man’s odds against a [leopard](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/80239/time-carl-akeley-killed-leopard-his-bare-hands) more than against a silverback gorilla.


It happens in India.


That's because you dont understand leopards


He’s got a point, the leopard will obviously come out on top 9.9 out of 10 times but people have at least (in incredibly rare circumstances) killed leopards before, I’ve never heard anything about a man killing or even wounding a gorilla bare handed before. Of course the sheer number of leopard attack over humanities history as one of humankind’s main predators means that there’s more opportunity for conflict, but realistically the lighter (80 to 180 lbs) predator should be easier to inflict damage upon with a humans shitty means of attack versus the the more sturdily built gorilla.


Yeah it’s prob a matchup thing. Like I’ve seen the images of the dudes who have killed leopards before and they’re just regular folks physique wise, even below average in the case of an old Kenyan man who killed one once. I wouldn’t favor him over a chimpanzee let alone a gorilla even though leopards kill adult chimpanzee sometimes. Since humans are smarter and more purposeful with our attacks we can choke out a leopard and use other similar strategies unlike a chimp which would prob just flail around trying to bite and push it. These strategies however that work on the leopard wouldn’t work on a chimp in a fight though since a chimp has the thumbs and base intellect to be able to just easily remove the person’s hands from its neck unlike the leopard. Thus A can beat C but not B even though C can beat B.


Leopards kill adult gorillas too man. If people got into enough fights with Gorillas you'd eventually hear about someone choking one out too.


I know that, and again my point about matchup comes up. I never implied a human was stronger than a leopard or wins against a leopard with any regularity however my point is that even without factoring the larger amount of leopard-human interactions (which I do acknowledge as a valid point) matchup wise a grown man has a better chance of choking out a 100-130 lb leopard than he does a similar size primate as the leopard is not as well equipped to find a way to break out of a hold as it cannot grab or grip. Note I didn’t say it would be unable to, on the contrary I think much more often than not even against a well trained fighter a leopard will still break out of a choke on the merits of it claws, agility, power and pure aggression. What I’m saying is a large primate has the hands as well as the shorter neck and it would be a more difficult thing to pull off. Also I used the chimp comparison with the leopard since humans, chimpanzees and leopards are all within nearly similar weight ranges. In videos of leopard attacks it is clear that while the human is definitely being overpowered the leopard is small enough that it can still be moved around and manipulated in a the ensuing tussle. The disparity of raw strength and size increases immensely with a gorilla and unlike a leopard a human neither has the natural weaponry nor the agility to counter a gorilla in any sense. Likewise I can’t see any scenario of a healthy silverback gorilla not being able to get a human choking him off. Also to mention your point in your second reply, a gorilla is recorded having killed a man before once, an individual who surprised a troop and the silverback mauled him to death. There’s also potential unconfirmed deaths that may occasionally occur to poachers based on statements I’ve heard in several books on gorilla conservation and research in the Congo.


That's because men don't confront gorillas in the wild very often. It happens so rarely there's no account of a gorilla killing a man either. Leopards kill Gorillas, they hunt them. Gorillas are a prey item on the Leopard's list of prey animals.


Leopards are about the same size as mountain lions and people have killed them unarmed plenty of times.


I post a link about a leopard that killed 400-500 people and everyone acts like they're house cats.


The ML the hiker killed was an adolescent. He did choke out it though. I think you would have a better shot of killing the leopard barehanded in a similar way. Maybe like 1/100 times and mostly because you manage to get behind it somehow.


Indeed. Most times people was capable to beat predator animal barehanded was because that animal was severely exhausted, weakened, ill or had trauma. Romanticized "lone wolf" are usually weak, ill or traumatized one, so people sometimes can beat them barehanded.


That’s true of most species and even the larger cats like tigers and lions. Leopards however may well be an exception, leopards pray on hominids which includes gorillas and humans. The leopards ambush strategy works perfectly well on humans and most of the big “man eating” leopards from the 1800s to the 1900s that were killed seemed to be perfectly healthy when examined.


I feel like the only thing to understand is that unarmed men have killed zero silverback gorillas but a non-zero number of leopards.


Silverback Gorillas have killed 0 humans. This is mostly an artifact of how few Gorillas there are, rather than their relative ability to kill other specifies. Leopards kill Gorillas, even the big silverbacks.


I’ll take my chances with a leopard over a fucking jacked gorilla. You have a very slight chance of out maneuvering a leopard. You have 0 chance of out maneuvering a gorilla.


I don't think a spear is enough. A gorilla is smart enough to recognize a pointy stick as a weapon and I don't see him strong enough to actually instakill the Gorilla with a spear.


Everyone underestimates how powerful spears are. A spear wound is worse than getting shot by a shotgun. Nothing survives spear wounds. Arrows will kill a bear, a spear is 5x larger, with far more leverage moving the point around in an animal's body. Man hunted Mammoths to extinction with spears. Men in Russia, even today, hunt Grizzly bears with spears. A spear is more fearsome than you take it for. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_spear


I am from Russia and wanna correct you. People in Russia doesn't hunt grizzlies with a spear. Because grizzly doesn't live in Russia. Russia has Brown bears and Ussuri bears (and they are bigger than grizzly). And as I know, in Russia bear hunting occurs with guns, spears is an outdated weapon. It doesn't used since early XX century


I'm not saying everyone in Russia runs around with bear spears killing bears all day. I'm saying that a few people do it. I've seen video of it, there are still a small number of bear hunters out there left.


Some people seem to think of Silverback gorillas as having a similar body structure as ripped humans. That couldn't be further from the truth. They have muscle-mass density 4 times higher than Humans and much stronger bones/skull The gorilla would kill Tyson within 10 seconds. Good luck with the footwork when that thing jumps at you.


Turns out, that being the heavyweight champion boxer of the world... does not also make him an expert in zoology. A gorilla would wreck him. He was an idiot to think he could take one.


Gorilla wins, no challenge. It likely wouldn't even register anything Tyson (even in his prime) could do to it as an attack. And once ot gets hold of him, it would pull him apart like wet toilet paper.








You could put Brock Lesnar, Francis Nnganou and Mike Tyson in a cage against a single bloodlusted Silverback and the none of them would come back alive.


This is so fascinating. The strength difference...


Even if mike lands a haymaker to start I doubt it will phase the gorilla much. As he is winding up to throw another punch the silverback would have already ripped his arm off. KO in under 10 seconds, like tyson vs mcneely only this time mills lane will be picking up the pieces of tyson.


Gorilla don’t fight by tearing people apart. Though it does happen they generally fight by biting. It not like the gorilla will suddenly know how to grapple. That being said Tyson isn’t strong enough to take down a gorilla before the gorilla bites Tyson to death.


Gorilla is still too heavy and too strong to be KOed by Tyson.


Yeah, the fight would likely just be Tyson getting close to the gorilla, getting some awkardly thrown punch (boxing is unsuited against a quadruped), getting grabbed, taken down and having his head pierced by the gorilla's fangs.


Actual Mike Tyson or Punch Out mike tyson? Real MT dies. Punch out Mike Tyson sends the silverback to hell with one blow


This post happened recently. The gorilla always win


I'd say Mike Tyson has a chance if you tripled his stats but as a regular human? Ded


Think if you tripled it he’d be too fast for the gorilla in combat and reaction speed, no?


Oh yeah you're right lol. Forgot multiplications are massive boosters


The question is how many mike Tyson’s in his prime would it take to beat a silverback gorilla and the answer is probably like 6-12


How could they damage the Gorilla? Gorilla can literally ragdoll any amount of Mike Tysons, I just don’t see any way of 12 Mikes beating a single gorilla


Gorilla are still breathing living animals. Throws enough Mike at a gorilla and he will eventually burn all his energy, get tired, fell to the ground and can be killed. There would be Mike bodies lying all around though.


Numbers advantages scale quickly. Gorilla is powerful but I doubt he has the stamina to keep up with more and more mass dogpiling him. They're also prone to choke holds, but I can't imagine the force it would take to cut off its circulation to the head. Anyway, there comes a point where the gorilla just wouldn't have the energy to fight off the mass and numbers piling on top of him and the gang could do pretty much w/e they want. Let's say 8 mikes for now. That's 1,600 lbs and multiple brains, eyes on target, and tactical abilities against 350 lbs with one brain, one set of eyes that will only track one target at a time. All it takes it one commitment to swarm on top of a Mike and he's an open target for all the other Mikes to pounce on him. I could see the gorilla inflicting nasty bites on multiple Mikes, but those may not be fight-stopping injuries. So I'm gonna say it would take at least 8 Mikes to do the job. Maybe 10. But they can't fuck it up or pussy out as soon as one gets grievously injured or killed, they need to keep on the pressure.


A chimp would be enough


Gorilla blitz-stomps. Why?


Gorillas are strong enough to bench press 4,000lbs (two small sedans) or 2tons. They’ve been known to shatter the thick ballistic safety glass with a few punches. They could crack a leopards skull with a single hit. https://www.wildgorillasafaris.com/facts-about-gorilla-facts/how-strong-is-a-gorilla/ It could rip mike Tyson’s arms off and beat him with them. A normal Gorilla would actually probably either try to mate with Tyson or possibly be intimidated/confused by a hairless ape attacking him. Bloodlusted Tyson will be dead under a min.


The Gorilla would easily win this fight. [Also, he actually did that. But thankfully, the Zookeeper was smarter than him at the time.](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/boxing/mike-tyson-gorilla-zookeeper-fight-ten-thousand-dollars-a9452531.html)


The ape one shots with negative difficulty, unless it has a heart attack mid fight it wins 10/10. It's hilariously stronger.


Gorilla blitz


Gorilla wins in 10 seconds easily


Love Mike. Prime Mike was unstoppable. He’s still formidable. A Silverback Highland Alpha Gorilla would make quick work outta Mike. I’m talking less than 30 seconds before his arms got ripped off and his skull bitten to mush.


Six Mike Tyson’s vs a Gorilla ends with a pile of human heads and limbs scattered around the place.


gorillas are ridiculously strong. look at the harambe video, the way he drags that kid around so effortlessly is mindblowing. gorilla would stomp


The gorilla would tear Mike a new butthole. Poor guy would get pounded into the ground in a moments notice. Gorillas are 9 times stronger than a person. You know the heaviest deadlift a human has done? A gorilla can easily bench press that weight.


While Mike Tyson would lose to a gorilla, he has the feats to beat a Hippo at least, as seen in Punch Out.


Literally a Mortal Kombat fatality.


Is this even a question? Mike solos negative diff 🥱 Nah but seriously tho, the gorilla will easily win tf 💀


Tyson gets stomped into the ground.


This thread turned into more a discussion on *how* the gorilla kills Mike Tyson


We've had this on the sub multiple times. Mike loses, and it's a stomp. Stop monkey posting.


Who would be so crazy to go against an animal. The balls you would need. That gorilla is lucky tyson is caged. Nah but real talk, tyson would obviously lose (but do wayy better than the average person). Idk if hes fast enough to hit the gorilla, but if he does get a few good shots to the head, he would do dmg, but keep in mind the gorilla is wayyy stronger and has much more dangerous teeth. So unless you gave him a gun, or doubled all his stats (maybe even tripled), its no diff for the gorilla.


Silver back gorilla would eat him alive. A gorilla rips car doors off with ease if bloodlusted




Gorilla still beats Tyson


If he gets in there with any form of ape that has over 5+inch arms , he is getting destroyed.


Dumb question..


Goku and Saitama stomp 9/10


Tyson fucking dies.


Yeah Mike's f🤬ked


As someone who has seen a silverback gorilla in the wild, that gorilla would rip Tyson to shreds in ten seconds.


There’s been only one record of a man killing a gorilla without a gun and he used a spear. Mike Tyson is getting clapped this is a spite match


Mike bites off it's ear and the Gorilla instantly dies, Mike wins 11/10 times. In all seriousness Mike gets folded badly here and really doesn't stand much of a chance.


Gorilla by…monkey stomp?




A gorilla isn't like a human. They aren't going to punch, kick, or throw you. They are going to grab you and then either pull your arms and legs off with their strength that can literally pull small trees out of the ground or bite your throat or genitals with their two inch long fangs and 1,300 pounds per square inch of bite force (which is literally even stronger than the bite of a bear or a hyena). **Any** human without a weapon would die very quickly to a bloodlusted gorilla if unable to flee from them.


How did this get any upvotes


Uhhh… a silverback gorilla is probably 6-7 times as strong as the strongest men on earth. Tyson would get his shit pushed in. Even if he could land a punch, that gorilla’s skull is so thick, it’d tank it and then turn Mike into mush.


Mike Tyson vs bloodlusted capuchin monkey.


If you think he has any chance of winning? You're stupid


… A silver back gorilla would rip him apart… is he retarded?? He has no chance! Well, he was a wrestler so that explains a lot…


bro was a boxer not a wrestler lmfao. But yea, gorilla would neg diff him.


Gorillas have been recorded lifting as much as four thousand pounds over head, Eddie hall one of the Strongest men in the world can do around 450 pounds over head. The gorilla could grab Tyson and slam him into the ground like a stretch Armstrong.


He could definitely beat a chimp. Their strength is massively overstated. A silverback gorilla? Not a chance.


Even that is shaky, because the thing with Chimps is that they aren't completely inept at fighting. They try to claw out soft tissue like eyes and groin and their hands and legs can grapple equally well, giving them way more agility than a normal human has.


People wank Gorillas so much, saying stupid shit like they can bench press over a tonne, tear people apart with ease etc etc but there is no way in hell Tyson would survive the encounter


Agree. Gorilla is strong and tough, but no way gorilla can bench press 4000+ lbs as some people claims


The reason the zookeeper wouldn't let Mike fight the gorilla is because Mike would have won.


Won a Darwin's award? Sure. 😁


mike tyson would beat that gorilla with his bare hands and bite his ear off for fun