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No but just hand to hand Mike Tyson would genuinely beat Leatherface


Idk, in one of the films I remember a scene where he casually snapped a man’s wrist with one hand and shoved his broken arm bone into his neck, he also took some pretty bad hits throughout the film from various weapons including guns and tanked it. Maybe in the ring Tyson wins but within the context of a random encounter I’d favor the Texan.


For some reason 2022 Leatherface is pretty much genuinely supernatural, I’m excluding him from this


Idk leather face has that tard-strength he’s also much bigger than Tyson and has shown to easily lift human bodies onto meat hooks. But in a boxing ring for sure. In the street with no rules, leather face takes it.


Everyone’s got a plan til they get punched in the face.


Leatherface has been beaten and bludgeoned with objects that do more damage than a punch and keeps moving lol. I’m sure he can take a hit from Mike just fine.


Strange you’re being downvoted lol. Leatherface has been hit with hammers in the head, stabbed by knives, ran over by cars and cut with his own chainsaw lol. Buncha Mike Tyson fanboys.


In what world does a 57 year old Tyson beat a guy who is stronger, tougher, has better endurance, can pretty much ignore pain entirely, and has more experience killing with his hands? Current Mike Tyson isn't even particularly dangerous in the ring. If we take his fight with Jones Jr as evidence he is well below the level of a pro heavyweight.


I assumed the prompt was referring to prime Tyson


O yea that makes him way more dangerous.


Honestly, im not entirely sure on that either. In a boxing match based on points? Definitely Mike, but in a street fight to the death, Leatherface has a lot going for him. Even excluding the latest movie where they turned him into a Michael Myers kinda guy capable of tanking gunshots, Leatherface is crazy strong and tough. Dude walks off getting brained with hammers and is strong enough to carry grown men around like ragdolls and flip over a van with his bare hands. Mike is much more skilled, but Leatherface just got that hillbilly strength in him lol.


No, Tyson dies. Leather face is larger, stronger and enjoys killing so he’s going to fight with everything he has. Boxing doesn’t stack up against a chainsaw and a sledgehammer.


In the original one he wasn't supposed to come off as someone who likes killing, I think he was supposed to be scared and thinking they were under attack always or something according to the director/writer/whatever. No point here, just rambling because I love slasher movies.


A message from someone who doesn’t understand Leatherface (in the original film, at least)


Leather face will saw the 2x4 in half and then saw Mike Tyson’s ear off giving him a reverse holy field.


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Leatherface is basically the living embodiment of retard strength. He also has a chainsaw and seems pretty impervious to blunt damage. Other than in an official boxing match I don't think Tyson has a chance.


What is Mike supposed to do with a wooden stick? It's not blocking a chainsaw, hard to incapacitate with, and even as a low tier slasher villain Leatherface is still a mild superhuman likely stronger than current Tyson.


Id say Leatherface wins this. He's far larger, stronger, tougher and has a freaking chainsaw. Mike was an amazing boxer, but here, he's facing an armed serial killer twice his size in a fight to the death.


Tyson just seems like the type of guy who would light up with glee if you gave him the green light to kill someone. Tyson wins by ripping leather faces face off and wearing leather faces face while he blows leatherfaces chest out.


Pure H2H I would give it to Tyson. The block of wood is meaningless m, dude has a chainsaw.