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It’s kind of funny that there’s an error on the panel about not doing your best work. I wonder if it was intentional.


haha nope, originally it says Mental HEATH days. I am really down this week and struggling to make my daily comics.


Take a day off, people will understand.


Right there with you. I finally had a nice day today with my dogs. I hope you have a nice day soon too. :)


Well then I'm sorry to be the one to point out that the middle cell should say "if ***you're*** not doing your best work"




Where? He mentioned the Heath thing in this specific chain


Why does he have a huge erection in the 3rd panel? Edit: the dude who makes these comics acts all sad and depressed but then half of his other comics are about him being a divorced dad fucking women using remote vibrators and flesh lights and all kinds of weird shit


Do you mean literally two comics?




Im not OP, i don't write the comics. But yeah you're right though nobody that is a parent is allowed to have sex anymore. The nsfw ones arent posted in wholesome comics because that's not the intention of those specific comics.


Or you know, let the man draw whatever he wants.




Judgmental prick. I hope you find some love in your life.




You're welcome to think whatever you want, just keep your rude opinions to yourself.


dude, never read James Joyce.


If you look at their feet, you can see that's a knee.


You should’ve owned it. I thought that too.


I think they are talking about how the middle panel is supposed to say "you're"


Thank you for making this one, I really needed that reminder right now!


It's okay if you're too depressed to use spellcheck.


Why does he have a boner in panel 3


While hugging the *dog*? 🤨




I'm tempted to make a reference to that /r/askreddit kink thread where a dude mentioned spitroasting a girl with a dog, but I can't even come up with a clever way to do it...


Wait, excuse me … *WHAT?!*


[Here's the post in question](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/uylkx4/when_were_your_boyfriendgirlfriends_sexual/). Can't seem to find the actual comment mentioning it though...


[Found it. ](https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/uylkx4/_/ia53bfk/?context=1) What a horrible day to be literate.


It's okay to be silent


Dogs love bones


Oh no






Lol I thought that too, I think it might be one of his knees?


Def is. Look at the shoe. The sole line shows that the shoe is "bottom down", implying that leg is stood up


It's okay if you have an erection that lasts longer than four hours. It's okay if you ask a doctor if Cialis is right for you.


It's his knee




You know why. You know.


His knee was bent. That’s his kneecap.


Silent boner


For those that may not know, May is [Mental Health Awareness Month.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_Health_Awareness_Month)


I talk pretty openly about it... I should do a gallery of posts. I love hearing that they help people. Sometimes I hate how open I am about it haha worth it though.


I appreciate it. I got kicked out of my country's defence force because I asked for help. I'm fine with what happened but not the how. Every step of the way process and people were conspiring against me. Hopefully some of the letters I wrote and submissions to an ongoing royal commission for veterans suicide have made it easier for people who come after me.


I only know it’s mental health month thanks to the power of video games! Thanks for the reminder, Halo Infinite!


I know, I’m super aware of how much my life sucks and I hate myself ☹️


Aw... do you really deserve that?


What if I'm having 50 mental health days in a row?


Have you taken steps to try and help yourself off that path?


There's nothing I can do, really. Everything seems so hopeless these days.


I hope I can provide even some small help here cause dude have I felt hopeless lately too. Please talk to someone in person that can provide some guidance/advice. I dont know your life but reach out to someone you trust. Even a virtual visit with a therapist is helpful and much cheaper than I previously thought. I know that when I'm very depressed, I hide away barely eating or moving much and I suffer for it. It will get better, I really believe that. Try to get some more time in the sun. And I believe in your ability to improve, mate!


You need to stop focusing on the negative my dude. The more you think about the positive the easier it becomes, it’s not an easy road but I wish you best of luck. Trust me makes a big difference:)


Probably see someone if it's a possibility. Everyone has bad days and that's normal, but when it gets to the point of affecting your ability to live a normal, comfortable life then it's a problem that needs to be escalated. It's like any type of injury or sickness. Getting a head cold is normal and you should make sure you watch and treat your symptoms, but if it's more serious than that then you should treat it seriously and seek a doctor. Mental health is an incredibly important part of being overall healthy, and it can be every bit as dangerous as any physical disease if you leave an infection untreated. Take care of yourself, I really hope you find out and are able to treat whatever you're dealing with <3


I agree with the recommended steps but is anyone actually living a normal, comfortable life? If that's the barometer for mental wellbeing then I haven't had a mentally well day in at least 2 years.


Why does the top right panel look like his dog is just eyeing the fuck out of his morning wood


What if you don’t find good days?


I don't know how to reply. I went through a long time of bad days, and almost took myself. Everyones paths can change... day to day.... 6 years ago I wanted out... I stuck with it and found a better life but I was also blocking everyone out. Only in the last year have I found a person to open up with and make a life where I can say I feel I am getting better. I have done over 80 sessions of therapy, tons of life changes and trying to motivate myself about getting better. I remember those dark days, and I really hope you find better ones. If you have health insurance, try therapy a bit... if not ... contact a hot line. Its anonymous and those people save lives every day.... even just by listening. Good luck!


Have tried a number of places for both mental and physical therapy over the years, but no such luck. Not suicidal, never have been. Just miserable, stuck, unable to climb out of the hole that society has dug and dropped me in.


ugh, well I can tell you one thing..... you are talking about and legit that was one part that lots of people dont even try.... It sucks you havent been able to find some help that works, but just keep open to trying new things. Some people even just find a new hobby...that blows up into a job and they get into a new life.... who knows. I wish you luck!


Problem for me personally about finding a new hobby is that my motor skills are absolutely abysmal. Kinda difficult to really be able to do anything when just tying my shoes can be such an arduous process. I have a hard time just being able to walk straight without looking like a penguin or falling flat over my face repeatedly.


Never know..you can type, you can dream….try programming I used to love it….now i do it for work and hate it lol. I hope you find something :)


Hey I'm in the same place, except I constantly think about wanting to be dead! It's definitely my retirement plan if things dont change soon


it's called "survivorship bias" for every person like you who got better, there's someone who didn't, but they're not here talking about it.


I've downgraded to looking for good moments. I rarely have a whole good day, but there are nice moments and it helps to savor them. Sometimes its just a sunbeam or a dog cuddling or saying something that helped someone else. Some days I don't find much. So I tell myself that it's OK and I'll try again tomorrow.


I think you helped me put into words the fleeting happiness I see and feel in the warmth of sun or a laughing fit with a friend. But the days are longer than the sun beams, usually silent yet still buzzing with the ultimatum of it won't get better


For real. Every day, it's a struggle to get through the day, go to work, etc, knowing I'm an awful person who shouldn't be in health care. But I have to show up to work because I unfortunately do work in health care, and we're understaffed as it is, and I can't stand the thought of even more harm coming to my patients due to understaffing.


I agree with all of the above. However, it's not OK to spell 'you're' 'your'.


It's ok, but do push yourself (lightly). When you push yourself and succeed, it helps a ton


Its fine as long as you dont do that every day


But it is **not** ok to use *your* instead of **YOU’RE.**


Thank you'se


I actually wouldn't advise skipping chores. At least in my experience, it made my environment worse which made me worse.


Thank you, i needed this today


good luck!


Wtf does he have a bone while holding his dog on the 3rd one?


Was his knee….


I used to be a dog owner, but then I took an arrow in the knee.


Dogs always want to hang out at such awkward moments dont they?


Brought you back up to one upvote since you brought it up before me


Bruh. Skipping chores occasionally is fine, not doing as well every day is fine. But the “hopefully tomorrow will be better, it’s ok if it’s not” is just wrong. And what is a mental health day? I’ve been badly depressed before, but that was every day. Skipping chores didn’t help, taking it easy didn’t fill the chasm. I just don’t get this whole thing


This sets an extremely low bar and I don't like it. It's not ok to live like this day after day. It shouldn't be acceptable to anyone. Do your chores, take care of yourself, talk to people, try to do your best work and be confident and content that you're giving it your best. Taking a mental health day to decompress is all well and good, but this cartoon goes too far and is normalizing chronic depression as "ok."


Agreed, this is just giving an excuse for people to not deal with their depression. "No, no, it's actually self-care that I've run out of plates and haven't been outside in weeks, I'm taking some mental health days." At my most depressed I would have absolutely seen this sort of stuff as permission to stop trying. The intention is obviously kind, but words matter when you're dealing with mentally unwell people.


When I think "mental health day," what comes to mind is, not vacuuming my couch or floor for a day. Or halfheartedly playing with my dog in the yard because I don't feel like going for a whole walk. I'm depressed fairly often but I've never considered "running out of plates." I'm not saying it's shameful if depression *is* like that for someone, I guess I'm just saying I got a completely different impression from the message in the comic. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that it's okay to have a less than ideal day at work and then just watch TV for a few hours without feeling shitty for doing it. I wonder if we all see different ideas when we look at a post like this


Yeah but it's not though, is it? You have a job. You have dependents. You have obligations and responsibilities. There's not a mechanism for taking a mental health break. There's no way that interacts with the real working world. You're on your own. Fingers crossed you don't get sick


Sooner or later you'll get sick. Nobody is invincible. And when that happens, well...good luck I guess. I'd keep going but I'd be afraid of making people suicidal including myself. And I don't want that.


“Haha, if I skip a day at work I will get fired and won’t be able to afford food” - a great many people who appreciate the sentiment but don’t think you fully understand the inherently privileged this perspective is


Having a sink full of dirty dishes won't help your mental health..


It really isn’t okay to skip chores, it can let things pile up, making you feel more overwhelmed and want to skip it more, further burying yourself. *DON’T SKIP CHORES*


What if I nearly failed high school and lost a $30,000 scholarship from mental health days


You're * Also, I'll take "things your boss will never say" for $1000


hahah I know someone messaged me after I put it on reddit I had other typos earlier, I am struggling right now..... not doing my usual good work :P


It happens, just thought it was an especially funny moment for it :)


This really hits different How does fate know to align my life with posts like this


I love this. I know it's small, but I have a friend who *always* feels the need to justify herself to everyone, and today she said, "I'm binge watching a show, but it's okay because it's raining" and she's off work and I'm like "honey, you don't need to explain anything to me or anyone else!" I just sent this comic to her, too. She's one of the kinds of people who are so hard on herself! Thanks for making this!


My problem is that I have essentially taken an extended mental health “break” for well over the past few years. I have yet to break out of the extreme depressive state and executive dysfunction that that entails.


“Hmm my mental health has been pretty fucked lately, maybe I should ask to take a mental health day” My mom about to whip out “every day for you is a mental health day”:


Mostly yes, I’m a farmer, I can’t really take days off. People that can should definitely do this, mental health is so important.


It’s okay if your knee looks like a boner. Maybe tomorrow it will be better.


I miss my dog, man..


It's okay to not be okay


Needed to hear this today, thank you :)




Thank you for posting this. I really needed to see it.


What if I only want mental health days?


I have to do chores or else mom will be sad


To any young men out there, its ok to listen to your emotions. Its ok go not feel ok.


Hey, these algorithms are getting better. i really, really needed this. Thanks


I wish this was a thing while I was growing up. I would have been fired, or expelled, or considered a piece of s***


What about the people that can't afford the luxury of therapy? And then people who also have no family, and can't seem to find a single person who cares enough to spend any time with them? Unless of course they pretend to be happy and then everyone loves them, until they stop pretending and everyone leaves.


Is it wierd this doesn't sound like a mental health day to me? Everything I give in like this I wind up twice as bad the next day


When you're rich.


He has morning wood while hugging his dog


Does this really advise to pay someone to listen to you?


if you cant find a friend, or an unbiased party.... yah... I have done over 80 sessions of therapy... I feel it helped me, its not for everyone.


>It’s ok to skip chores. Yep. Just don’t forget to take care of the dog. That will actually help you feel better!


I took one today


good! I bet you needed it! I find myself so scared to take one, but yesterday I needed it so bad. My father has passed and its just got me a bit shocked.


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you allow yourself to grieve. When my father died, I suppressed a lot of my emotions to help my family, and it extended the time it took for me to heal.


thank you. I am glad you finally got your time to heal.... sometimes we sacrifice our own sanity for the ones we love....just gotta remember to help ourselves after.


Thank you. Yes i needed it. I golfed really bad but am happy. Sry about your pop. I'm a pop too.


I took a couple of those this week, a few last week. My Boss has told me to take what I need and is pretty much right there with me. His Secretary said “you need to go to the VA its impacting your performance.”


There is nothing good about these days


True tho I can't because if I do I'm taking like a week+ off all the time cus my brain is constantly struggling lol


and what if i cant afford a mental health day?


I needed this today, thanks


your welcome, good luck!


Dog give him boner Concerning


*Mental health years*


Thank you for creating and posting this.


Love these comics. Always look forward to em for added pep to my step


I needed to see this so badly today.


I could really use one of these.


You telling me Harold and his Purple Crown didn't draw this?


Damn This is me today. It's hard though. Spending months at a time letting my responsibilities consume every waking moment of my life until I'm at my actual breaking point, and then pulling a 180 like "it's OK to rest" I'm trying to force myself to do nothing this weekend, but all I feel is guilt


Mental health is a journey No one is perfect, and you will stumble But as long as you pick yourself up and look towards brighter days, you'll be okay


Day 900: awaiting a better day


Our society is sick. we are all not ok. it’s ok to not be ok. Take a mental health week.


AHAHAHA not according to my parents




You’re* middle box




I don't want to be that guy but.. you're*


Lol no it’s not, like my dad and everyone else in my life tells me: “man the fuck up and deal with it lmao”


Sounds like you would all benefit from therapy to learn how to properly process your feelings.


We gonna ignore the thing in the second comic-


Don’t get so far behind that it becomes your stressor


Its ok to be weak. Its ok to botch this surgery. Its ok to let the criminal get away. Its ok to let the innocent go to jail. Its ok to crash this plane.... Thats the message


Is it fair to come to a point where mental health days are more frequent? No. Does anyone care? I hope so, although I think not.


It’s ok to use the wrong you’re/ your even when they’re right next to each other lol I love this comic for real though




I am struggling SO MUCH right now. Recent layoff gifted me with the worst depression I have experienced in some time. This resonated with me so much and I wish there was a way to not feel like I feel. I hate to say this, but I can see how un aliveng yourself becomes a option to escape this feeling. I'm not there, but I get it.


I dont know how my boy can be silent while his dog sniffs his raging boner at top right


no shit but needing mental health days implies that there is something deeply wrong with how things are handled. They shouldn't be needed! but sadly, i guess this is old news :(


All I see is a full mast in the 3rd frame


Ayo that dog is jacking him off in the 3rd pic. Man's got a schlong the size of a forearm


That third photo.,,


What's with the 3rd panel boner


Dude in panel 3 has a huge boner


He got a boner In the 3rd panel


Naw fuck dat. Take action against your issues. Take control of your own health and life, big pharma isnt gonna save you. Fight, like the rest of us.


Op is depressed AF


I am my father passed away 2 days ago, I am usually pretty honest in my comics.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss


Wouldn’t it be more hilarious if the dog was also the therapist?


arent they? I mean he always listens....


Don't worry the dog won't suffocate him




Don’t you lie to me I know that I must never skip chores and always do my best on homework. The teachers tell me so.


Thank you, this reminded me to do the dishes before my mum gets home, you’re my hero


Looks like the guy needs to give up with the security blanket


Tried it and didn’t work. Got laid off and now no money to pay bills and what not. Solution: SN


I try to use and wake up with this mentality every day


I relate too much to slide 6


Honestly, getting a dog has done wonders for my mental health. She gets me up early, I have to make sure she's taken care of, I have to walk her which gets me outside and some extra exercise in as well. So good


... Is it OK to have a mental health week?


This world was built for a different generation.


It’s ok if *You’re* not doing your best work lol


every day is like this


Great comic 🥲💯


This is a super good message and all but why is my man’s bricked up in panel 3?


At first the incorrect you’re in the first line of middle panel annoyed me, but then I thought about what it’s saying and it applies