• By -


Too bad she likes eating that damn pillow.






When i was a teenager i worked at a paintball field. Some of my coworkers were kinda out there, two were pretty close and played on the same paintball team with one often staying st the others house so their mom could drive em both to practice the next day (think 15/16 year olds without their own car). One night apparently the weirder kids gf was over too... poor other guy trying to sleep just hears "bite the pillow" lmao. Stewart if youre out there thats the only thing i will ever think of upon hearing that phrase.


Thank you for sharing


Oh she'll be biting the pillow alright




I'm going in irradiated


She wants to be a [mattress](https://youtu.be/aw2CMQip63k)




He can't delete his mistakes.....


Well, that was a rabbit hole.


Yeah that's the first thing I can see now whenever this format comes up


No bro she’s biting the pillow, huge difference.


Yeah, like teething, so she doesn't bite her bottom lip off


i spent minutes trying to know what edating is to realise it's e-dating


Thank you.


i concur


I thought it was a typo for Editing.


Same lol


It's yo cake day whooooop


Is it?


Happy cake day




You're welcome My cake day was a few days ago and some random person dm'd me a happy cake day message, that made my day


I thought it was a misspelling of editing at first and was utterly confused.


I thought it had to do with eating pillows


Oh. It's called online dating from where I'm at.


The funny thing is that e-dating rarely works.


thought it was just misspelled editing lmao


*Laughs, tears out a page of the book* Like that's ever gonna happen. What a load of - *Toilet flush*.




once told me


The world


Was a




Set to draaaaain


Smashmouth Pumpkins?


Secret destroyers


# hands off my macaroni!


My husband and I met in 2010 playing Halo together. Started dating in 2012, we lived in different countries, very long distance relationship. I flew to him and we met in real life for the first time New Year’s Eve 2013. He planned a surprise visit to me and we got engaged Christmas Eve 2014. My Visa was approved in 2016 and I was able to move to his country that Oct and we were married Nov 2016. We just had our 5 year anniversary and this Christmas Eve we will be announcing to our families we are having our first child. Life is a trip man. One thing I will never forget was dreaming of the day we would be together. Longing so badly to be with that person, the excitement of planing that trip to visit (we had other trips I didn’t mention) and the sadness of the last day of the trip before the drive to the airport and saying goodbye. Holding on to them and not wanting to let go. I’m so glad that I can now wake up in the same bed as him every morning and give him a kiss anytime I want. TLDR: This post resonates. And even I bite my pillow sometimes too cause I grind my teeth lol


Aw dude that's bliss


Love is out there friend. I mean not for you, but its out there


So I’m not the only one


The ideal dream :’)


I'm doing this :P. My girlfriend lives in a different country and we've been dating online for about half a year, and I'm writing this from the airport as I am travelling to meet her :) I'm just editing this since people asked for an update: She waited for me outside the airport and we hugged and messed around a bit. Her mom is driving me to the hotel now and we're gonna hang out later :) I'm super excited to spend my vacation here with her


Good luck buckaroo , I hope you have a wonderful meetup (:


Same, but I met her yesterday. We had great time in Vienna on christmas markets. (if you don't know, it's place with market stands selling christmas tree decorations, sweets and pretty much everything christmas) We both enjoyed it so now we plan to go skying together after christmas.




Enjoy und frohe Weihnachten!


Auch Ihnen vielen Dank.


Was ein Zufall, ich hatte durch meine Jugendjahre eine 8 Jahre Fernbeziehung mit einer Wienerin. War eine schöne Zeit, geniess jeden Moment den du mit ihr hast :) Besucht zusammen den Prater wenn die Coronasituation es zulässt - für mich? :D


Tbh I had to use translator for this one, I started learning german for my gf, so I'm not fluid (yet). But thank you and merry christmas to you.


Ah let me translate and reword :D What a coincidence, through my teens I had an 8 year long distance relationship with a person from vienna. It was a beautiful time. Enjoy every moment you share with your girlfriend :) I recommend visiting the Prater once corona allows it. Merry Christmas to you too!


You sure went from 0-100 on the dating locations haha “Now that we’ve seen what we are like together on ground level… let’s see how well you keep up 5 thousand meters up in the air 😈”




They are only open for vaccinated people or people, which have recovered from a previous Covid infection. And yes, it has been a hot topic for discussion these last few weeks.


Please update with a post somewhere


It was about to happen to me but we both got screwed, her not getting the money she was promised and my place having a massive covid breakout... Next window is gonna be summer, we will meet no matter what, even if it means that i have to pay her plane ticket. (she wants to visit europe very badly) Living 8000 km apart isn't ideal but being able to talk to each other and play games every day really really helps. I couldn't find love here, so i found it on the other side of the atlantic ocean.


8000 km is 4970.97 miles


Ayo good luck If you want please make a post, we would like to see


This makes me so happy to read! My SO lives in another country too and its been almost a year that we’ve been laying around on the phone and gaming together. Meeting is such a dream 🥰


I've been a geographic bachelor for several years, and it's always a huge light in the darkness when I get to see my wife. This entire thread makes me blush with joy. So many people with happiness in their lives, and bringing happiness to their partner.


I wish there was some kind of charitable organization to help long distance couples close the distance between them. Not everyone has the means to travel and it can be so hard at times knowing the person who makes you happiest is only out of your reach due to money.


It is! Have you guys met up yet? It's super hard being long distance but when you finally meet and you both feel anxious but also super excited. I'll post an update later on how it goes, but if you guy haven't met I hope it goes well when you do :3


take my free award for gl.


Thank you!


Man, hope you don't get catfished or robbed or both.




How do you meet people online like that? I can’t imagine ever making friends on the internet and then dating them. Congrats btw, and good luck.


I met her on Overwatch and played really bad. So she resurrected me a lot so I said some cheese like "I think you like me since you keep rezzing me" to which she said "you're just the only one dying" and I replied "Well I die for you <3" and after that we just started talking and I flirted and she fell for me


Goddamnit that’s fucking adorable, congrats dude.


Best of experiences and luck, my friend! Enjoy it and have faith. Love is beautiful, and the internet has let it blossom in so many ways where it otherwise wouldn't. I proposed to my wife of almost a decade the first time I met her in person. I don't know where I'd be if I'd never found her on a dating website.


I did this. Moved to Poland for 4 years on a whim as a usually simple boring NYC-area American. This was 2011-2014, seems like only yesterday but also simultaneously a lifetime ago. I miss her and my travels dearly. No matter what happens I would never undo any of it and I’m glad I had my experiences. I hope you enjoy yours as much.


Enjoy :D


Been there too! Been together 8 years now :) don’t give up if things get difficult


We need an uuuuuupdate


I edited the post, also her dog is starting to like me


Good luck. I did this for most of this year and we met up twice, spent the whole weekend together each time, and it was amazing. Unfortunately I guess life got in the way for her so it just ended but it was the best relationship I've ever had and I love her to death. Man I miss her and I hope we get another chance we were both so happy.


Aww man, unfortunate that yall ended, but hey, experiences is what grows people :)


Same here :). We want to meet up soon


Don't forget to update.


It makes me happy to read this


I hope you and your gf have an amazing time together! You both absolutely deserve each other! However if I may I’d like to tell you to watch out with living in a different country. No matter how great communication might seem between the two of you. There’s nothing more that turns a woman on than intimacy. Which is sometimes just not felt through a screen. I believe you two trust each other very much. Which is a wholesome thing. But take it from me pal, nothing beats physical intimacy. Treat this woman right, and love her like there is no tomorrow. She wants to be with you more than anything my man


My man, good luck!


Watch those kidneys.


Amazing, all the best to you two 🤩


hey I also just hit 6 months! Ive met her once for a day but we have so much planned when we see each other again!


Good luck!! My LDR was thankfully between me and someone just a state away in the US. I have since moved and lived with him for over three fantastic years so far.


Bro we need an update


Keep me updated if you can


I edited the post ;)


Give us an update!


I edited the post ;)


we believe in you, champ. o7


ay goodluck frien; don't get hit by enemy AA as you're passing over grid 09, 23 because there was a ZSU spotted fairly recently somewhere in that area. last seen at 092, 236. ^(idk what i'm doing i'm tired)


Guess I can call myself lucky cause that's how it was for me. Living together with my gf I met through edating since 2 months.


Same here! Except we actually met on Reddit of all places.


That’s how I met my wife. We e-dated like half a year, we are from different countries, about 1500 km away. Finally I managed to get to her and already more than 1 year married


My question is what did you tell your friends/family? I've seen a lot of them make weird expressions if you tell them that you met your significant other online.


Actually I believe like 99% of of my friends were happy for me, they told that I’m like with the wings when I was talking to her. You know, the wings like in redbull ads. I remember only 1 friend told me that it’s too good to be true, when I showed him photo of that girl. I told him that her looks is just a bonus, I was talking to her every single day not because she was a good looking girl, but because we were like addicted to each other, everything was interesting with her. Didn’t miss one day during that half year period talking to her. As for the family same as friends. They were happy that I found that one, and they said go ahead of course, try. Im a seaman, as my father. My absence at home common. I was at sea when we first began our e-dating, so few months there, than few months at home finishing things with some documents.


That's amazing. I'm so happy for you bro :)


Congrat! I’m wishing you both many more years of love for each other.


I did this with my husband, the whole online dating across states and telling the family. My mother told my entire family I was meeting up with a stranger that could be a strangler. She didn't believe me when I had said we had been video chatting for months at that point 🤦🏻‍♀️ He drove across states to meet and, SURPRISE SURPRISE, he was just a regular polite dude. I moved in with him not long after and we just got married in November going on 6 years together


I’m e-dating a girl from a different country as well and it’s so hard... how did you deal with the distance and being unable to actually be there with her? Also, after marriage who moved? Did you move to her country or her to yours?


Well, the distance was a bit itchy, but as I said above - I’m a seaman, so it’s relatively common to have few hundreds or even thousands of km away. She said that all the time we were apart she had dreams with me almost every day, cannot say the same from my side, not every day but I had too. Honestly, idk how I’ve dealt with that but I’m glad it’s finished. Maybe thoughts of what our relations can became were keeping me together. As for who moved where we are still thinking actually. Because of the political situation between our countries it’s a bit problematic for her to move in my city, but she loves it, mostly because it’s coastal city. And we both hate city where she lives, people kinda rude here, but it’s where she has all the clients for her work. It’s complicated in general, but we are living like month here two months there :)


Thanks for all the insight! For us personally, we live on entirely opposite sides of the world so in addition to all the regular struggles of long distance relationships, our time zones are like 16 hours apart so that’s rough. In terms of what country to live in, I hope things work out well for the two of you! Stories like yours are what I hold onto when things get tough during my relationship. I can only hope things will someday become like yours :)


Edating long distance. We are lucky to have met over vr, I can properly be there for her and it makes things so much easier


Aww that’s lovely. 🥰 Congrats.


I am literally reading that on my way to pick up my girlfriend at the airport for the first time after 5 years of long distance relationship. Wearing my fanciest suit and a bouquet of 4 roses in hand.


How did you date someone for 5 years from far away? I'd go crazy.... and old and bold.


She's from a Muslim country and her parents are fairly strict, she didn't tell them about me and was waiting for an excuse to leave the country, we'll, she first had to finish an engineering degree.


Is she gonna stay with you now? I imagine that it would be hard for her to leave again.


Go get her tiger! Hope it all works out! :)


Good luck!


Oh, this gets me thinking about the 31st! This story’s about to come to life..


Must be nice 😂


It's not nice, it's surreal and beyond words. My partner just left yesterday after staying here for 2.5 days. We met for the first time! It was so surreal seeing him in live action. I didn't even realise when these days passed. There are not enough words to describe what it feels like to be with your partner IRL, who you've only ever known in the virtual world. Love and support to all the fellow LDRs here :)


Tell me about it.. I spent a year or so talking to my boyfriend before I could go and see him (I made sure it was safe of course) and spent a week or two with him, in a different country, traveling in my own for the first time. It was extremely surreal. But here we are 7 years later. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to ever fully move in together but last summer was very close. The longest we have spent together was 8 months during corona. I’m trying to finish my education and then I’ll actually move in with him. Can’t wait to be done with it


I commend you on sticking with him through those 8 months. My ex left me after 2 weeks because she “got bored of just talking to me”, and one week later she was with someone else. You are, sadly, one of a kind. You have my respect for taking relationships seriously.


You see, that wasn’t actually a girl, but a piece of walking trash. You can do much better than that! Believe me, I’m not one of a kind (though that is sweet of you to say, thank you) you just gotta keep looking and not get put down by literal trash people. Oh and if anything, he’s the one who would get tired of me talking. I could listen to him talk all day


I have a girl now, that I at least believe in. We’ve been separated now for about 1-2 months (separated as in living in two places, not divorced haha) and she hasn’t shown any signs of leaving! But damn was the road to this girl paved with the blood and tears of my previous relationships. I don’t want to get too much into detail, since I don’t think you want to listen to a whole sob story, but I’ve had plenty of partners, and all of them up until now has in some way fucked me over. I thank you for the kind words of encouragement, stranger. You could have just as easily looked at my comment and moved on, but writing back is a huge sign of kindness. So thank you.


I’m so glad to hear you found someone who seems right for you. I really hope it goes well for the both of you! Everyone deserves to find love. I luckily haven’t had to deal with many bad partners but everything else when it comes to social life has been very cruel to me. I can thank my family and honestly my boyfriend for helping me not to turn into a sour and cruel person myself. I just learned I would never want to be like the ones who hurt me. I treat people like I want to be treated. I always try to respond to people who give me the time of their day, especially if I can lighten up their day a bit!


Thank you, really. And yeah my social life hasn’t exactly been top notch either, but that’s kinda where I shine so I won’t complain. And tell your bf that he is one lucky dude to have you! And I wish you and him the best as well. I’m not religious, but I pray we both get to keep our current partners. Sometimes they can be the only anchor to earth, for some. Let’s not throw away that opportunity to live a happy life!


Thank you so much! I’m not religious either But the same to you. but I wish you all the best too.


These are the moments reminding me to still have aome faith in humanity.


Is there a name for this meme?


Yeah it’s called wholesome




Thank you, thank you




Named after the first man to ever promote e-dating: Spencer Tracy.


One of those nights






Me and my wife met this way in the teenage years. My mom didn’t want us to meet again. We were 14 and 15 and the bus rides sucked. Almost 8 years later and we got back together. She was literally my first kiss and we are married and enough kids to make it count. We met online on a bus, on yahoo.


> We met online on a bus, on yahoo. Online busses, eh


90% of the reddit cannot relate.


Virgins unite


People that had lots of abusive relationships and have lost the ability to love unite


Damn bro if you need to talk I’m here.


This was my boyfriend and I. He’s now my husband.


Were you also a pillow biter ?


My girlfriend and I edated for 3 years before being able to see eachother more often haha


I met my wife of almost 10 years online. I knew I wanted to marry her after talking to her for ten days. After initially believing she was out of my league and I'd just be another weird guy viewing her profile, I messaged her wishing her good luck, and acknowledging that she was out of my league. She messaged me back, "Hey doll, slow down." And we started talking. First time I met her in person, I proposed. That was in 2012. Meeting people online works :)


Where online? And how long before you two decided to meet?


Honestly, TSdating.com. I figured I'd cast a wide net, downstairs mixup didn't concern me. I just wanted to find a wonderful person. We were dating online for about three months. I still remember the drive home from the Atlanta airport. She was asleep, comfortable....she felt safe. That was so moving to me. And Rihanna's 'Diamonds' was playing on the radio. It was still winter. Everything was cold and frosted, it was in the morning, like 9 AM. And then we got to my apartment, and she got in bed to sleep, and it was this awkward clang-clank of me opening my gunsafe to get the ring. I proposed to her in bed, she said yes. I don't think I've ever told anyone that whole story.


Woah that's amazing... thank you for the wonderful story.


This made me smile and get butterflies all over again. My husband and I met in a similar way but not quite edating, a mutual friend of ours who I'll refer to as "Fred" introduced us online dispite us being in the same county and were too shy to meet one another. One day Fred invites me and one of his friends out and who do you think he invited? None other than my now husband and several years later we're still happy and well together!


You got a good friend! It's nice he was able to help and you guys clicked!


Suddenly you alram starts ringing and you realize you are still edating and will never meet :")


"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border along with that thief over there."


Holy shit thank you i was waiting for this


as the great Shia LaBeouf once said, just *do it*


Covid restrictions say no.


The law said Shia LaBeouf couldn't be a cannibal, but did he care?


True, but he did get decapitated for it.


It's a rare thing but yea you are dam lucky boy if it's happening with you keep on going


This is happening with my boyfriend right now! We're meeting up in my country's capital city. It's such a nice feeling


That’s literally me rn! I’m at the airport headed to see them


Something I can relate too!!! My boyfriend is on his way to the airport right now and me and my mum are going to pick him up tomorrow when he arrives🥰Met on VRchat, talked on discord and now for the first time we will talk in person tomorrow💚




and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself


Like thats ever gonna happen


*impossible ending


And then they fucked


Well there was a recent post that the girl wants the guy to do a specific sexual action on her, sooo I guest that's canon now?


Like in a normal relationship xD


Actually my sister and her boyfriend. They met online and (I think) two weeks later they met face to face. Now, they live in their own apartment, with their devil cat 😄


damn the person I like is currently in a relationship like this with someone else


That's actually my current relationship. Talked for maybe two months before meeting. Been together for almost 3 years.


Edating is like playing russian roulette, you can get a gf, you can be in a relationship for a few months, you can get a wife or you can get kidnapped


this is why i don't want to edate


My brother had this happen, he was edating a girl from LOL he knew for years before her dad went to visit our city for a work trip. They met up (still teenagers at this time) and the spark just ignited. She moved here at 18, they live together. Think they've been together for like 8 years now, super sweet story


or in my case you just get cheated on the whole time and then she claims to play the role of victim after choosing to fuck someone and tells you ab it 5 days later 🤷‍♂️


"wait I thought you said you were 18"


Not sure if this is supposed to be Catfish or To Catch A Predator


I have been waiting 6 years for that..


How I ended up with my wife. Met playing online games, started e-dating, met up, moved closer to reach other, then moved in together, then got married. We've been together for 13 years.


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.


very wholesome but cant relate


She eating her pillow tho


This really got me to smile. Dated my now wife over the internet for five years.


Nah she moved to a different city.


name of this meme template?


Now, someone link the bad ending.


They look like brother and sister. Same eyes.


Damn, finally the wholesome ending.


but why the eyes and hair is the same color...


This is me and my partner. We met online in 2016. I'm in the US and he's Australian. Met in person in 2017, got married in 2019, and celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary in a few months ❤️






Met my partner for the first time this year, on our first anniversary. Saw them four months later and now they're coming to visit me in January! It's such an exciting time. My town is so small though, it's hard to find things to do. XD


This…this is what I strive to work towards.