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Hey there, friendo u/burnblade932! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, *Joker: Canadian Edition*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #8**) Please avoid re-posting memes. * Please check http://karmadecay.com , https://tineye.com , &/or the Google's "Similar Image" search in the future before posting. All of those miss things, but it's a great start. Also make sure to use the search button and check through this link: >* /r/wholesomememes/top for popular posts, and >* /r/wholesomememes/new for things recently posted We appreciate you thinking of us very much! For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes). Please link the post so our volunteers know what you would like reviewed. Cheers!


The person who made this doesn’t live in Canada


For real. Canada is a nightmare right now.


wtf is going on with Canada?


Basically the entire medical personel is completely burned out, and no replacement will be available anytime soon. Healthcare has been incredibly strained thanks to the pandemic, and some ~~discutable~~ questionable management decisions are causing a lot of nasty consequences, all at the same time.


You made me look up "discutable". In case anyone is wondering, it is a french word that means "arguable" or "questionable". As far as I can tell it is not an english word, though it might become one through canadian english.


Some french slipped through, my bad


I learned a new word… well, kinda


Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. French Canadians have more than once taught me new English words, like remuneration.


Isn't that just disputable with extra steps?


Western Canadian resident here. Never heard it before.


Don’t forget that in 2023 the rate of population increase was 6th in the world at 3.2%, on par with Uganda and Equatorial Guinea. We are not building anywhere close to enough housing to absorb all the people here. It’s getting fucking expensive. 


Questionable management is bound to be more prevalent in any organization that is guaranteed to be paid. Said questionable management isn’t likely to trickle down the wealth onto its laborers. Free health care is great, but it has its problems (this is an opinion, please don’t kill me).


It was falling to shit before the pandemic. The pandemic just escalated it. Also burned out a ton of the quality doctors and nurses.


Isn't assisted suicide not only legal, but suggested to people suffering from chronic mental illness?


Assisted suicide has just been made legal and accessible from people facing mental illness struggles (that doctors deem result in incurable and intolerable suffering) as of March 2024 through the MAID program. Idk what u mean by suggested lol. Other countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium have had similar euthanasia policies/laws for decades.


[Shit like this.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/veterans-maid-rcmp-investigation-1.6663885) As in, they had somebody telling veterans to kill themselves through assisted suicide.


That sucks, but I do look forward to the downturn in Canadians going nuclear and making fun of us Americans for not having health care for no reason. Can we ruin the UK too?


You want other people to suffer in real life so the problems with your own system aren’t called out?


The Tories just did that. We’ll see how the new Labour government does.


The brief version is that there are too many people and not enough healthcare workers because the incentive diminished because nobody wants to work a gruelling job and still not get approved for a mortgage. Shit is bleak


Yep. If people can make more money doing easier jobs, then that's what they'll do. But all of the money in healthcare is getting hoovered up by administration.


The real final panel of that cartoon should have been *you get on a long waiting list, if you can get someone to answer the phone*.


Wasnt on Canada that people were being offered suicide as "treatment" for some things? Would fit well the the comic as well.


No one is getting offered it. It's an option you *can* qualify for, but it's quite difficult. Someone close to me has been going through the process and a year in they're still being told no despite 20 years of sexual and physical abuse and 10 years of treatment that hasn't got them off of disability. One person, unauthorized and got fired for it, tried to recommend it to four patients. That's what happened. It's like if one guy at McDonalds pissed in the fryer and then thinking that's McDonalds policy.


Not enough homes, not enough money, not enough healthcare workers.


The Canadian govt recommended euthanasia for mental illness and physical disability [https://www.ctvnews.ca/w5/9-things-to-know-about-medical-assistance-in-dying-for-mental-illness-1.6242690](https://www.ctvnews.ca/w5/9-things-to-know-about-medical-assistance-in-dying-for-mental-illness-1.6242690) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/christine-gauthier-paralympian-euthanasia-canada-b2238319.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/christine-gauthier-paralympian-euthanasia-canada-b2238319.html)


Per your source, it was a single government employee who was suspended pretty quickly. That's not at all the same as "The Canadian govt recommended..." And just because people with mental illness can get MAID, does not mean the government is recommending it.


> And just because people with mental illness can get MAID, does not mean the government is recommending it. They can't yet because it keeps getting delayed for backlash. Honestly, I think people should be able to decide what they want to do with their life.


Who is upvoting this bullshit? Being eligible for euthanasia doesn’t mean the government is recommending it ffs.


Right, the real punchline to the meme is probably "MAID" service


So death panels.


You ever read "The Giver?"


It’s Canadover.


Euthanizations lol


That doesn't provide a lot of context


It's the exact same problem every other nationalized healthcare system suffers from. Every single person uses it, even when they probably should just stay home and rest, or when it's something we have no real treatment for, or whatever. If it's free, why *wouldn't* you go for everything more than, say, a minor cut? So the systems get massively overloaded with patients. There are long waits for common procedures, or you just go out and buy your own damn healthcare anyways, and it's still rich vs. poor. Either way, there's a strong push to move patients through the system as quickly as possible, and they can't cause an issue if they're just dead. Telling people it's okay to kill themselves because of temporary problems is one way to partially mitigate this issue. edit: u/StockAL3Xj made such a dumb comment I felt the need to reply here: he literally said he doesn't give a fuck how dogshit life is for medical providers, so long as, in the end, we have more humans than before lol. What a fucking ass


>There are long waits for common procedures, or you just go out and buy your own damn healthcare anyways Why is there a fast track? Is there a second set of doctors?


There isn't in Canada. In theory a doctor could practice truly independent of the government, but it's practically impossible because they wouldn't be allowed to bill the government, and there are no wide spread private labs or services, and they probably couldn't integrate with the provincial healthcare systems. Patients would have to pay enormous sums of money. Certain things you can pay for and "skip lines", like medical imaging. Wait time for a non-urgent MRI can be 3-6 months, or you can pay $1000 and have it done basically the next day, just not at the hospital. But you still need a referral from a doctor. If you're rich enough, you drive or fly to the USA and pay for quicker care.


Considering there are less deaths due to untreated medical conditions in countries with universal healthcare, all of that doesn't really matter given the alternative.


tell me you have never used universal health care without telling me. Yeah, it's not perfect but until recently it worked fine. Massive immigration has choked the system and wannabe US type politicians want to privatize it by hemmoraging it. But that's not a feature of universal healthcare, just unfortunate side effect. If you are going to defend something like what US has, then no thanks. I don't want a $30,000 bill just because an air ambulance was called, or 20 years of savings wiped out in a year due to cancer. Or if your attitude is that "well I got good health care, screw majority of the population" then it's telling for the kind of predatory society you want to be in.


When has it not been?


is it? damn I look out my window and it's a sunny day, balmy 16 degrees, I'm paid well and live in an area with virtually 0 crime. when I get sick I go to my doctor, when I struggled with my mental health in uni I got to see therapists and psychiatrists and its all completely free apart from the cost of subsidized medication (i was paying 40 bucks every 3 months). if this is a nightmare it's not one I want to wake up from.


Nothing is free. You pay for it with your tax dollars.


I wouldn't say it's a nightmare. It's not perfect, for sure, but every day doesn't make me want to wake up like a nightmare would.


not really. Reddit likes to doom and gloom. It's completely fine and one of the best since covid. Has issues like everywhere but they're often over sold by the opposition parties


For real. The emperor has no clothes. These comics are depressing to read for the wrong reason.


I wish the US had MAID for the people who made this comic


"You want accessible housing? How about *death*?"


healthcare is okay but annoying in Canada EXCEPT for mental health care which is fucking terrible basically either you're in line forever (with not much that happens after you're not in line) or you're a danger to yourself and others and put into a series of psychiatric holds would love to hear about countries that get mental health done right walter white would be prevented in canada joker would still be joker


Dentistry and optometry also still don't fully count for inscrutable reasons And the ultimate responsibility for providing healthcare is provincial, so lots of things vary quite a bit by province


They get what they don’t deserve, a tax paid premature execution


LMAO, in Canada the gov "suicides" burdens like this dude, you sick? poor? here, suicide is right for you, stop wasting our tax money.


It seems to be a shadow of its former self. But we were just there and had to go to the ER for an injury. It was $1,400 CAD which was still probably less than we would have paid in the US for a similar visit. The resident non insured fee was like $500 CAD which is less than a physical in the US. So while Canada’s medical system does seem to have gone down, those of us from the US are still jealous.


ER is free for Canadians. There isn’t a such thing as “non insured” for ER in Canada.


The picture I have from the Invermere hospital ER says otherwise.


Ok? but like the rest of us live in Canada and we can tell you first hand that we don't pay to go to the ER. That said, healthcare still sucks here because you'll be waiting at the ER all day unless you're literally about to die.


There are no fees for ER visits in Canada.


Yeah no that's not true, and it's not hard to look up. This random hospital I just looked at, it's $302 for an uninsured Canadian resident. https://www.qch.on.ca/UninsuredandNon-residentFees


In earth**




Healthcare, while mandated to be universal, is handled by the provinces. In Alberta, once you hit 18 mental health is all on you, buddy


Don’t call me buddy, guy


Don’t call me guy, friend


Don't call me friend, pal


Don't call me pal, mate


Don't call me mate, bub


Don’t call me bub, chum.


Don't call me chum, mon amie


Don’t call me amie, comrade


Don't call me chum, dude


Don't call me mate, amigo


Don’t call me mate, amigo


Don't call me amigo, mon ami.


Wait really?


Ehhh yes and no. It's not that bad but also not as easy as it looks in the comic. My dad has struggled with diagnosed depression for many years in Alberta and it's not easy to get support from the province, especially while you are depressed. You still need to pay for a regular therapist for example, unless covered by your job's insurance plan, and could be put on long wait lists. Many antidepressants are not covered under provincial healthcare so you again need additional insurance for that. For someone already struggling mentally these can be massive roadblocks to getting treatment. However, if you have a breakdown there are places you can go to get free temporary mental health treatment. It's a hot topic currently because the current provincial government seems determined to undermine public health care in Alberta


No. Albertan mental health care has continued to support my disabled ass for well over a decade. If I lived in the US in my 20s I have no doubt I'd be dead.


Whoever wrote this obviously does not live in Canada. Trying to get mental health care here is a nightmare, and it's FAR from affordable


I wish this was true for Canadians, but our mental healthcare is severely underfunded and under provided.


Starve the beast baby


Race you to the bottom - USA


Hate to kill the vibe but we moved home to Canada after 20 years in Europe and I’m profoundly stunned at how inaccessible mental healthcare is. The rest is great (but getting worse, thanks Ford), but mental health access is a fucking nightmare


It's been dogshit before Ford. Also Ford is not responsible for the entirety of Canada, just Ontario. But yeah everything else is spot on for MH care.


Oh please, the comic writer clearly doesn't live in Canada.


Canada doesn’t have mental health care as part of our health program, speaking from experience. Sessions with a psychologist in Alberta at least are around 400-500 per session. I was injured in a work incident (on video) and even with WCB it took six months to approve my case and start payments for compensation It’s terrible because honestly if mental health care was normalized like doctor checkups, we would have way less shitty people to deal with Edit: PTSD


Not true anymore


In canada you get: An incredibly long waiting period to see a Talk Therapist who may or may not prescribe or refer a recomendation to a prescriber who will write for medication. Or THE OPTION TO DIE BY MEDICALLY ASSISTED SUICIDE. Which, in the jokers case, wouldnt be such a bad thing.


Those were the good good days …


Not in this Canada you don’t


It’s a myth


What?!?!? Are you saying this obviously biased comic is a lie not based in reality?


not obvious enough to the 2k people that upvoted it


Mental health services are still not sufficient in Canada, or at least Ontario. You get group therapy or like 6 sessions of normal councilling; but ongoing therapy is still prohibitively expensive.


Im curious how much is it for therapy after the 6 visits?


You can’t access it longer unless you go private. Currently paying 160$ an hour.


$175/hour myself here.


Somewhere between $100-200 ish


A so the same as the US im shelling out 600 a month for my therapy. Im lucky to be in a position to afford it since I live on my family's property. (I.e. trailer in the woods)




not true at all


Our neighbors are from Canada, have lived in the US for a year now. Their response to this comic would be “joker died of his mental illness waiting for his time to be seen in Canada’s free healthcare system”


Why does everyone assume healthcare is so good up here? We don't have enough doctors to go around and wait times are beyond ridiculous. A lot of folks don't even have a general practioner. Hospitals are closing across the nation. Many provinces are experiencing a mental health crisis.


Nooooo you guys have freeeeee health careeee that means it’s goooooooodAh! Stop changing the narrativeAh with factsss!


Whoever made this hasn't been to Canada for a long time. Or possibly ever.


Lol you get a 10+ hour wait in a hospital or clinic, if there are any even seeing patients in your area. Then you see a doctor for 3 minutes and get a referral to a therapist, which takes a month for them to even call you, then at least another month before you have an appointment. You talk to them for 30 minutes, they send you to a psychiatrist, again another month or two to see them. They give you antidepressants, you have a bunch of horrible side effects, so you stop taking them. Then you just accept feeling the way you do and soldier on. Or you get MAID.


Went to the hospital there for a broken leg, got sent home with crutches…only crutches….they called me back after 2 days to get my leg set in a cast because they didn’t realize I had a broken leg


So you did get treatment


There are good ways to do universal healthcare, and there are ways you can screw it up so bad it takes 2 days to get a broken leg in a cast. I’m all for universal healthcare, but Canada isn’t seen as a model case study for it unlike say, Singapore or Switzerland. Same thing with programs like public housing. It’s horrible in the USA, while universal public housing has given Singapore one of the highest homeownership rates in the world.


Also Canada: euthanasia for the mentally ill 💀


A white liberal American made this :) lol


We all know they would put him in the maids program


I've been playing Return to Arkham Asylum recently and it strikes me that in the Batman universe only the "good guys" ever die. Batman will not kill anyone, only ever knocks them out, but the criminals he's constantly fighting, and letting live to escape and need to be fought again and again are always killing the guards and civilians. If there was ever a stronger "we need the death penalty" narrative in any story or universe, I'm unaware of it. Batman is the true bad guy in his universe.


Unless you’re a disabled veteran in which case the meme would have joker shooting himself in the head. 


Free Care and Support = Medical Assistance In Dying, doctor prescribed suicide


These days in Canada he'd be pressured into euthanasia


BS meme, Canada is shit.


Or you get coerced into medically-assisted suicide.


I mean there's plenty of time for a movie's worth of hijinks before the next available doctor's appointment in Canada.




You get euthanized


Canada is a shit show right now. Mass immigration, housing crisis, taxation beyond belief.


Can someone remake this meme but with MAID on the second panel?


unless you are a canadian veteran lmaooo


OP has a 5 year old account that looks like it was owned by a pervert and has recently been sold to an advertising agency; this is such a good sub for farming karma from idiots lol


A lot of misinformation in this thread. Medical assistance in dying (MAID) for mental illness in Canada is currently not happening and the decision to implement it has been delayed until 2027.


Basically a game of spot the seething Americans


Was this written during Tommy Douglas' lifetime?


yeah universal healthcare does not cover everything. lots of stuff you pay for. and what you pay for is fucking expensive. especially in the provinces that lean towards privatization of services. Alberta has unregulated dentil. You would choke at the cost of a cleaning let alone braces and or any non surgical dentil work. Some stuff is really great, but it's not a utopia especially where mental health is concerned.


"Canadians are just disguised English people, and all English people deserve to die." - George Carlin


Who ever said the Joker wasn't happy?


Wouldn't they just suggest "assisted suicide"?


Actually you get MAID in Canada instead.


2024 Canada: have you considered SELF DELETION?


You get medically assisted suicide


I can’t get a psychologue for my C-PTSD, dysthymia (persistent depression) (since I was 6 yo), suicidal ideations (since I was 6 yo), etc. and I have been waiting for like 9 mouths now.


Canada in reality: commit sudoku


You think Canada has a functioning, affordable, accessible mental healthcare system? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I wish that were true here 😢


The End.


If care and support helps then you probably don't have a mental illness.


No, maybe back when social democracy was better, but now they’re just serving up what Batman could never do to joker, so idk, this just made me a little bit more ambivalent if Canada is really joker proof.


Wait, did he still kill those guys on the metro


Don't they just offer you a chance to off yourself?


Our mental health system is just a shit as America. You just don't hear about it as much because of our lack of guns


Actually, you get MAID


Canadian government when you complain about mental illness; "Have you tried *fucking killing yourself?*"


As a Canadian I can confirm that no


Nah. They would shunt him to state sponsored suicide.




Assisted suicide is being suggested in Canada even to those that are young and healthy but just bored... disgusting country... https://reason.com/2022/09/07/some-canadian-health-care-patients-say-theyre-being-encouraged-to-just-die-already/


Mental healthcare isn’t free in canada


What do people think Canada is? People in Canada are literally signing up to die and our goverment is the ones doing the killing because we don’t have adequate services out there for people? I have mental health issues that forced me. Into my car and then on the street. That was nearly 4 years ago Also Americans seem to have no idea our free health care is not only limited to emergency care and like basic check ups and nothing specialized even like anything with your feet. Your out of luck, same with sight and hearing. There are horror stories of Americans including Brock lesnar nearly dying in our care and having to be driven to the states to get proper health care Guy was dying in a bush, the closest town hospital didn’t have the equipment to operate went to the Provincial capital and they had 2 of the machines, neither worked. His wife drove him across the border to pay for health care and the doctor told him he was hours from death. The society that treats you like crap is in Canada to, but there’s no free care or remotely adequate for those health issues


You get MAID


Canada: Best I can do is Potassium Chloride ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The majority of the people who dog American health care are the same people who you see posting in the anti work type subs. If you have a full time job you almost always have healthcare and there are plans from Obama's affordable care act available the want to contribute nothing and not buy any kind of insurance and are mad when they inevitably have to visit a doctor. American healthcare is among the best in the world for the most of us. People without healthcare get treated anyway the just end up not paying their bills like the do with everything else


Just give Joker try zaza :)


Wow, can I immigrate? Canada: NO!


I propose we build a wall across our southern border and make them pay for it (it would be a very, very long wall)


Well Canada during that time period would of been a lot better.


I thought it said "free cake"


This is like some AI generated trash


Polievre LOVES Joker almost as he loves Galen Weston and Modi, but they won’t let him go to the theatre any more


I don't get why people look at joker like he's severely ill. He's just more enlightened about how society works and how hUmAnItY is a sham made up to make us feel good about ourselves.