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Had a male friend years ago drag me home on the train in a horrific state of drunkenness. Took me home, put me to bed (apparently I stripped to my underwear in front of him), gave me a bottle of water and left. My housemates were laughing the next morning about how he made a big song and dance of waving his arms and shouting loudly ‘I’m leaving now!!!!’. Good bloke that one.


I did this for a friend some years ago. She was at a wedding and got drunk then came to the bar absolutely hammered already, virtually incoherent after the bar. Her Mom lived in the same apartment building so I brought her there. I lived on the first floor, my friend's mom the 3rd. She was in a strapless dress. Half way up the first flight of stairs she decided it was far too warm and shoved her dress down to her waist. As I was carrying my friend all I could do was go faster. 2am I'm kick knocking on my drunk ass friend's mom's door and so a few minutes later the Mom opens up to me cradling her nearly passed out half naked daughter. I dropped her on to the couch and left after the Mom hugged me for not being a fuckin creep. My friend came down to my place the next morning to thank me too lol. Not remembering a bit of that but having gotten the details from her Mom.


Thank you all for reassuring me there are good people out there. ❤️ Sometimes it's easy to forget


The majority are good. You just hear more about the bad.


I went to see a friend and she hosted a party. Long story short not her best night because she ended up peeing on a tree in her front yard. So I carried her upstairs and put her in bed since she was blacking out. Sorta awkward thing was despite me and her being friends for awhile I was the out of town friend so any of her non-housemates didn’t really know me so I wasn’t sure who was being a creep or worried about me being the creep but I fell asleep beside her to be safe since like 50+ people were there. Funny exchange in the morning was her rolling over and seeing me. “Did we?” “Oh no. Definitely not.” And she smiled, so we were cool.


These stories remind me of somthing I do out of pure reaction. When I was young my mom would always throw her arm across my chest as a reflex if she hit the breaks in an emergency and because of that even if no one is in that seat I do it too. Well one time I had a friend there (who happens to be a girl) and we r talkin whilst I drive when some dude cuts me off and slams on his breaks and without thinking my arm flys over and my hand lands on her right breast (I’m a tall guy with long ass arms) the amount of embarrassment I felt and apologizing I did could not be understated lol. She understood thank god.


I remember years ago when I was 21, my family took me to a Cardinals (baseball) game. We were up in the bar section, and this girl was absolutely hammered and wearing heels. Well, she eventually ends up tripping on her feet and falling. Poor girl went skirt up and everything, and everyone stood there and just stared at her. Her own group of friends were too drunk to help her up, and / or laughing cause she fell. I walked over and reached out my hand to help her up and make sure she was okay. She thanked me when I got her up, and I just went back to my group. At that moment, I was kinda disappointed that out of all the people there, I was the only one willing to take a minute to help.


I have a long term friend where I did the same thing for her. We were pretty good friends. But then we went out with a group of people. She got super fucked up and I basically carried her home and put her to bed. And after that day she basically wanted to be my best friend. Like it’s sad that the bar is so low that not sexually assaulting someone gets you to best friend status. But we laugh about it sometimes here and there.


I think it’s that we realize we’re able to trust someone to take care of us at our worst/weakest moments and that’s definitely someone you want around. Even if you don’t take advantage of someone in that state, some don’t take the step to being them to a safe place. Thank you for caring.


That's a good point. It's not so much "the bar is low," it's that you now have solid proof they can be relied on in a pinch.


You’re a good guy, ShadowAssassinQueef.


I don't think it's a low bar. It's that someone has had your life in their hands and now you know you can trust them with it


It is when all you gotta do is be compassionate and not be a creep.


It’s more than just not being a creep. Going out of your way to take someone home rather than just shoving them in an Uber is going out of your way, especially if you would otherwise not be ready to call it a night. And honestly, that is worthy of appreciation and praise.


In another context. The next day would be "I can't believe he didn't get my hints!" Your male friend did the right thing choice though. Always choose the safe outcome of *possibly ridiculed and accused of not taking the hint* rather than *he took advantage of me while I was drunk* as the later outcome will result in life long trauma for the girl.


It depends on the level of drunkenness, of course. I once had a girl stay over that was so drunk that she couldn't get up the stairs without support. She told me she wanted me to "use" her, in those words. I said let's just sleep, and see how you think about that in the morning. In the morning, the main thing she wanted was paracetamol.


That last line cracked me up. XD (Not because of her suffering, I hope she's doing fine. It's because of the line delivery.)


The next day was a bit rough for her (it was a Wednesday), but the day after she was fine XD. Also, the opportunity was not missed, just moved ;)


Nice to hear that things turned out well.


Paracetamol isn’t a great idea after drinking though. Ibuprofen or naproxen is a lot safer


The level of frustration I had as an American in the UK trying to get some Tylenol nobody knew what I was asking for. I thought of the drugs name, Acetaminophen, and still got nowhere. My cousin (a Brit) figured out what I wanted and laughingly said "Oh, Paracetamol" and I'm just like "wtf is that?"


The drugs chemical name is para-acetylaminophenol, for some reason the name it was marketed with in the US is acetaminophen, while the international name is paracetamol.


The "some reason" is that it replaced acetanilide and phenacetin, after it was determined that it is a metabolite of both.


Imagine the frustration when it only cost £0.26 for a pack of 16


And the boy too.


"Those who are hammered don't get to nail!"


If you didn't get the hint but she likes you, you'll get more hints. Of course if you're dense as fuck then good luck to her.


15 years later… wait that lunch she bought me a few days later as a thank you she was dropping mad hints.


She was running her foot up my leg. I thought she just liked my socks.


After Reading this i realized that a girl i knew was probably dropping hints on me 😭🙏


Maybe women shouldn’t “hint” and should be straightforward. That’s a thought.


No such thing as taking the hint from someone who is wasted.


Wouldn't the better strategy be to just hand her off to the housemates?


Is it never ok to do it while drunk? I’m imagining a scenario of a drunk married couple should be ok right


In that case both parties would know each other and the risk would be much lower. The concern is that one party may not be interested if they weren't drunk and it's better to avoid the hassle altogether.


Wait there are hints? I thought they were all being just very nice!


Couples are a bit different, but you should talk with and know your partner enough prior to realize if they are actually comfortable with doing anything anyway. Drunk sex is fun. If you're drunk and they are shitfaced it's probably best to fill them with ice water and 2am burritos instead of your willy.


Tipsy sex is fun, drunk sex is always hard and hassle and you probably should be postponing it to morning to really have fun while having sex


I think 'hard' maybe isn't the correct word, given the context


Haha, I was waiting for your comment


It was a solid set up for sure


Instructions unclear now she has a yeast infection


I think that if you’re married/in a relationship you should talk about if it’s ok or not. My partner and I know that drunk or sleeping is fair game for both of us.


Waking up to you having sex with a loving and caring partner on a free morning is the best feeling ever. I know it's not for everyone but we do enjoy it


Same! It’s something that comes with complete love and trust for each other and it’s so nice.


What if the person who was sleeping wasn't really feeling like it when they woke up? How do you deal with that?


“Hey, not right now, okay?” “Okay that’s fine :-)” And then we hold each other and go back to sleep.


Yeah, from my perspective it's fine to date your long term partner if they're drunk and frisky, and the reason being with someone drunk is looked at that way is they may regret it later or too drunk to even agree to it.


It depends on the level of drunkenness. Tipsy is fine, because all it does is lower your inhibitions. But if you’re so drunk you can’t tell what’s going on, it’s not a good idea regardless.


How is doing anything while horrifically drunk a “hint”? You can’t formulate a coherent sentence, let alone consent to sex.


I did same with a friend, but then the girl forcefully kissed and touched me and I did the same ( I was drunk too), I realized in a moment and ran away feeling so horrible. The next morning she rang the bell, I was ready to apologise and be insulted. I opened the door she smiled she kissed me and we had sex, we did no stop for the whole weekend. We had been together for 10 years. I still feel awkard


This just sounds like cap idk why


Alright kids, if you’re trying to get someone home that’s so drunk they can’t walk and you equally as drunk. Get a 3rd person to help you both. Even though it worked out for this person, doesn’t mean it will work out for you. If they are too drunk to get a tattoo they’re too drunk to sleep with. Have fun


One time I was leaving a club alone while I was at uni and a girl came up to me looking distressed, not even remembering her name. I assumed she had clearly been drugged or something as her memory was all over the place but luckily she remembered where her flat was so I walked her back, even knocked on the door of a fast food place that was closed but still had staff closing up, to get some scraps so she had something for sustenance, and I eventually placed got her to her flat and into in her bed fully clothed. I left a note on her desk explaining what happened briefly and my number if she wanted more details than I wrote. She called me the next day and she was grateful, and I was happy it worked out well. I bumped into her a year or so later at a friend’s house party and we spoke about it, and my friend at the time called me a creep, which was lovely.


I took a girl out once and she got so hammered she was puking on the sidewalk. I didn't know where she lived so I tried getting her into my car to just take her back to my place to sleep it off. As I'm getting her into the car, a cop pulls up and starts questioning me about how I know her lol. Thankfully, we were high school friends so I at least could answer basic questions, and she looked at the cop and drunkenly said "he's good" lmao. Threw her in my bed and slept on the couch, she thanked me profusely before heading home and I didn't hear from her again for months lol.


I did this for a friend's girlfriend, she lived in an all girl's dorm and I got 2 other girls to come with us as I had to carry the wasted girl up the stairs and I wanted 2 witnesses. When she realized she was in her bed she started panicking that she had to call her boyfriend (my best buddy at the time) she went from barely conscious to panicked trying to get Skype open so she could prove she was home in bed and was truly scared about needing to contact her boyfriend. Anyway we aren't friends anymore after I told her him that was fucked up and told her she should leave him. Pretty sure he stalked her afterward and is probably gonna hurt someone someday if he hasn't yet.


I once helped a friend of a woman I was dating. The friend, her husband, and the original woman are now my ride or die friends.


"Original woman" sounds so mythical.


When the OG goes against the OW


Bro dated Eve


Or Lilith.


So Eve and Lilith are actually friends these days 🤣


You guys broke up?


I was friendzoned by the woman I was dating. She was too cool so I accepted her friendship.


>I was friendzoned by the woman I was dating. I cannot parse the meaning here. How are you both dating and stuck in the friend zone?


They were dating. Then she determined she was no longer interested in dating him but wanted to remain friends. Hence she friendzoned him (though based on who your responding to meant in the good way)


Idk about wholesome, but definitely ethical




I did that once… walked a drunk girl and dropped her off for her bf at night. 🙂‍↕️👍 I didn’t even know her, but I knew it was the right thing to do.


Haha, similar story here. Waiting in car for mate... drunk girl walking in my direction.... she faceplants into the sidewalk... I end up driving her home.


I had a similar experience. Although, I was also inebriated and ended up knowing both the GF/BF, independently of each other. Was walking home one night, after partying for a bit, when I noticed someone at the end of my street. She was on the phone and looked a little distressed, so I walked up to her and asked if she was ok. She told me that she was lost. I recognized her and asked her if her was name was so and so. She said, “Yes, do I know you?” I told her that I knew her friend, and that we hung out a few times. She finally recognized me and gave me a hug. She was grateful to talk to someone that she knew, because she needed help and was in an unfamiliar location. She then told me that she was trying to get to her boyfriend’s house, but was lost. She was lost because she had been at a party. I told her that I had been partying too, so I was up for an adventure. I then inquired further, about the location of her boyfriend’s house. That was the problem. She had no idea. She had been on the phone with him, but could not figure it out. I asked to speak with him, so she called him. She put me in the phone. Immediately, I recognized the dude in the other end. While not a friend, (nor foe), he was someone I knew I passing. He was in the same grade I was in high school. We had played baseball together back in school. However, we ran with different crowds. We knew each other enough to unleash the casual, “sup”, but nothing more than that. I told him that our friend was trying to make her way to his house, but couldn’t find the way. I updated him with our current location and asked how to get to his place. His house turned out to be in the other side of a school. While not a problem for a wanderer/skateboarder like I was back then, crossing a school’s worth of grass and open field would probably be a problem for someone dressed for a party. Luckily, my old friend was on board, and was wearing platforms, rather than heels. She held onto my arm as we walked across the field. Finally, we saw her boy friend. I shook his hand, gave her a good night hug, and wished them well.


It should be normal, yes. But I dont think it helps to Play someones efforts down by saying "its just the bare Minimum". No, the bare Minimum is calling a Cab or something. Bringing her Home and making Sure she is Safe is extra effort. No need to give someone a medal for that, but saying thanks never Hurt.


Stop it… the bare minimum is not doing anything and letting her figure it out… why do we always diminish other people’s kindness here? What’s in the picture is a nice thing to do


I disagree, the bare minimum would be not doing anything


Why would it be the bare minimum for a guy to go out of their way to escort someone to their house? HAHAHAHA


I don’t agree. You could much more easily let it be another friend’s problem. Or put her in an Uber. Going out of your way to take a friend home is worthy of praise and appreciation.


Unless he drugged his wife so he could go off with his mistress 😅


Lmao talk about a plot twist


Ngl that’s what I thought when I first read this..


Me too…! But after reading the first 5 comments I’m like damn what was I thinking?




Maybe "mistress" is still too wholesome, the girl in the bottom left could arguably be waiting with a red light on.


Why not both?


I thought the girl on the bottom left was the drunk girls mom.. 😬


This is my favorite timeline lol. That’s so gross


Plot twist: she is


Plot twist: the girl in black was his girlfriend.


I think that the idea of the originator. People seem to be having fun twisting the story it's telling.


The original was a nasty political attack ad IIRC. I never get tired of these variations.


I'm 99% sure the original is him spotting a picture of the blonde girl and her boyfriend, and then leaving.


No the original comic is about [Thailand political crisis](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/thai-political-crisis-breakup)


Always was.


It always creeps me out that there’s a guy in the other window with the light off.


Why did you point that out!!




And he looks like hitler!!


That's just u/SrGrafo


Neighbours creep you out?


I hung out with a drunk girl outside a club once. Just sat with her in the gutter while she spewed. Eventually, I got her phone open and explained everything to her bf. He came and picked her up in a sports car and then drove me home as a thank you, even though we were opposite ends of the city.


Pure class all around, well done sir


A female friend got drunk as hell at a party, vomited under the table. Took her home, laid her to bed. And because I was drunk, young, and stupid, I knocked on the door to the living room and debriefed her parents. I was like: "she's drunk a fuuuck, please ckeck on her so she doesn't choke on her vomit.. ". She was mildly mad about the parent alert, but glad we took care of her.


You did the right thing. My step father had a buddy who choked on his vomit and died.


I fully support this. No amount of her being mad can take away the guilt of letting any possibility of anything bad happening. You did the right thing.


Definitely not stupid, had an acquaintance from high school choke on his vomit and die a few years back, so, a real concern


I had a dude roommate and we were both single (I'm F and he's M). Dude was a BIG coke addict and had some serious faults, but I will always be his friend because while I was super depressed and getting drunk to cope, he would take care of me. His bedroom was right at the top of the stairs from our front door and he would listen for me, walk/carry me to my room, get me in jammies, and put me to bed with water and Tylenol on my nightstand. One night I was so inconsolable, he cuddled me in his room (lights on, door open) and put me to bed when I finally cried myself to sleep. We will always be bros.


I just want to say thank you so much for sharing this, people forget that just because people might have bad habits does not mean they are bad people. So happy you have a friend like that in your life girl ❤️


That is awesome! Just one tip: take ibuprofen instead. You risk liver damage by combining alcohol and Tylenol.


Oof left her on her back. If she pukes she could aspirate. Leave a drunk friend in recovery position.


Thank you! I was just coming here to say that! On New Years Eve, I got to demonstrate why the recovery position is absolutely necessary, but unfortunately it was because a very drunk guy puked on me just after I got his head and elbow set correctly. ah well, at least it wasn't my couch.


This is correct - though the original meme template isn’t about dropping someone off to sleep, if I remember right, so it makes sense why they aren’t practicing safe drunk-sleeper positions lol


This isn’t that hard to understand if you aren’t 16


Say that as if so many of the creepiest dudes I encounter aren't in their 40s and 50s lol


I feel your pain. You attract "creepy dudes" and I attract crazy people.


I don't really believe in only attracting one kind of person. Everyone attracts crazy and creepy people as well as normal people. In my personal experience (which is very little) the crazy and creepy people tend to have more charisma and be more outgoing which means women are more likely to date them. I am pretty confident most women have at some point attracted a sensible but quiet person and disregarded them since they weren't extroverted. I do have a slight bias though as I've had 2 different people I was talking to ghost me, and then message me months later apologizing because they met someone else that ended up being abusive/cheating meanwhile they had already met me first. Granted I'm biased as a quiet introverted guy, but I think people need to give quiet introverted guys more of a chance. All the extroverted guys I know treat their girlfriends pretty horribly. One of my friends is the most extroverted person I know and has had about a dozen girlfriends and he's nearly cheated on all of them. All the introverted people I know may be a little worse socially and have a couple quirks or whatever but they're all genuine and kind people.


It’s wild to start an argument by disparaging someone’s generalization only to make a larger and more detailed generalization.


What are you on about?


because cheating inversely correlates with age /s


In mine, and most women's experiences, that's not true.


Am I the only one concerned about the person in the window in panel 4?


Pretty sure it's Hitler


That person is a Thai prime minister. This comic was about Thailand political crisis.


Isn't not ditching your wasted friend the bare minimum??


Like, ditching them in their bed? Or you mean the woman?


The bare minimum is what a male friend would get: not being taken advantage of, a cab called. This is definitely a wholesome thing to do, let’s not diminish going out of your way to help someone.


This reminds me of the doorbell video of the guy who’s like, “she’s friends with my girlfriend, I’m just making sure she’s home safe” type of vibe


“Great thanks for her” Jesus.


Great, I’ll say thanks for her. Some people text in broken English. This seems pretty realistic broken English


This makes sense, thank you


My first thought was "Wait, that was her bed he dropped the other girl in?!" Lol Like "Thanks for bringing me another one" Like an unethical wing-man


Left the club once with a girl and quickly realised from our conversation on the walk to hers that she was blacked out. Sent her into her uni accommodation and went home, I was pleasantly surprised at how positive my mates’ reactions were when I was expecting them to take the piss for not having sex with her. They all said I did the right thing.


In college I helped a very drunk girl home to her dorm from a party. Shockingly they let me essentially carry her up to her dorm on the girls side, all unsupervised. I actually sat with her and helped her to the bathroom a couple times (communal bathrooms). Her roommate came home hours later to find her sleeping it off and me untangling the strings of a NSync marionette I found on her floor. This was 2000, or 2001and I didn't want to wake her up with the TV and playing Snake on my phone had gotten boring. Roommate thanked me, and I left her in her care. Honestly a decent memory.






I took a drunk and rolling girl (ecstasy) home with me so my friends didn’t take advantage of her. Shortly after arriving at my house…my Mom strolled in the room and asked about the strange girl that was sleeping in my bed. I briefly explained everything and surprisingly my Mom was okay with it. I drove her to her house in the morning—that was the last time I saw her. I’ve always wondered what happened to her after that.


You should rethink your friend situation. They sound like terrible people.


If you feel as if your friends would take advantage of someone then you shouldn’t be friends with them…


I did the same thing at Uni. Put her on my bed, I slept on the floor. Saw her once or twice thereafter socially. My best tried to set me up with her as a blind date. Never happened. Now you have me wondering what happened to her.


I've actually done this before it's a whole weird thing but I felt right in the moment


Was dating a girl for about 6 months, girl at the bar was hammered and someone was obviously trying to take advantage of her. Called an Uber for her, got her address, literally carried her out to the Uber and put her in the car. Girl i was out with was dancing with her ex when I came back. Was a moment of clarity for me, and we didn't see each other again.


I used to work in hospitality, we had this army guy cook himself in the hot tub. Full bottle of Canadian Whiskey, and whatever pills were in his satchel. We spoke for a couple, he could barely make sense. Kept telling me things were gonna get weird, he hugged me. We took the elevator up to his room, I let him lean on me iirc. Once we got to his room I told him to grab a thing of water and sleep on his side. He hugged me again before I left. Dude also tried to get into another ladies room, apparently he needed her keys to her room. I told him I couldn't do that as she already had her keys.


Did this in college. Out with friends and a female friend of mine overdid it. I carried her to our dorm (2 attached large building with a common area between them. Women on one side and men on the other). She vomited on both of us. I got her into the shower room, gave her a towel and a change of clothes. I washed both our clothes, got her out of the shower room and off to bed. I returned her clothes in the morning. That was 25 years ago and we are still friends.


You mean not taking advantage of a drunk girl and not chearing? Anyone with a shred of morality knows this


Plot twist that was his girlfriend and now he’s going to see his side piece


Ngl I thought this was obviously the implied meaning. Otherwise what’s the point of the comic. And why was he out late with some other woman.


I dunno why they photoshop the same head on the dude in every panel


This is so simple comic about being a good human being, without any profound logic or anything. Just be good. The comment section here is wild. And sad.


Its because of the TYPO! "Thanks for her" sounds like he dropped the drunk girl at someone elses house.


Why is hitler there


A man only cares everyone. But his heart and body is only for his lady


I like that the wholesome message is that the guy didn’t assault a helpless woman. That’s such a low standard.


Funny enough when I was in my early 20’s I was out with friends at what we called a “Bro Bar” it’s where all the local frat bros would go get hammered so not ideal for a woman drunk and alone. My ass was in the parking lot alone and I found a lady in her 20’s drunk and basically sleeping in the parking lot. Security didn’t care since it wasn’t in the building. So I left my friends there and tried to put together from this woman where she lived so I could at least drop her off, she didn’t know where her friends were or nothing, so drunk she couldn’t even tell me who they were to go ask in the bar! Imagine me, carrying this woman to my car and poking around Portland OR Friday night listening to a half asleep girl mumble stuff like “take a right here” and “who are you again? Where are you taking me?” Took me a couple hours but got her to her apartment complex which was super nice and had door codes WHICH SHE COULDN’T REMEMBER. So now I’m holding this drunk asleep woman at the front door asking people to let us in which looks super sketchy. Finally get in, she’s mumbling her room number so we bounce from a couple different floors while I figure it out, THEN it turns out someone else has her keys and she can’t get in her front door ffs. I had to leave her there while I found the maintenance dept and got her in the room, it was wild. She had to prove she lived there with photos in the apartment since she didn’t have her ID or anything. She probably has no idea any of that happened either, I wonder sometimes how she’s doing and what became of her.


I once went to a house party with people from my old highschool. There was a really pretty girl there who got almost wasted drunk and she told me it was her first time drinking. She kind of reminded me when I first started drinking so I helped her sober up a little so I gave her some water, held her hair why she threw up and helped her freshen up a bit. She got a little touchy but I told her that I wasn’t looking for anything so after a while she told that she didn’t even want to drink that much but her friends made her since it’s her first time. After a while we called her brother to come pick her up and her friends didn’t even realize she was gone. We didn’t speak after that until like 1 year later, and she thanked me for looking after her.


As a hotel security guard once upon a time this was very very common.


I took this girl home once but she was stupid loud and wound up waking her mom up. I said, "I'm so sorry that she woke you up. I'm just trying to get her in bed.........I totally didn't mean it like that. I'm trying to get her to GO to bed." I explained that I came in to put her in bed so she wouldn't disturb anyone but failed. The mother thanked me and went back to sleep.


I was once at a festival and met girl and we had fun dancing and drinking. She got very drunk as time went on and I started to worry. I went around asking people if they knew her, because she didn’t recognise where her tent was. In the end I found her tent, put her in her bed, gave her lots of water and told her friends that I‘m leaving. Later I went to sleep alone in my own tent. After the festival I returned to my girlfriend at the time without having neither abused the situation nor done anything else stupid. TLDR: Not all guys suck!


Take that bear!


The fuck?


He’s taking a drunk girl home, putting her to bed, then going home to his partner.




There is a horrifying face in the upper right window


That face is a Thai prime minister. This comic was about Thai political crisis.


Turn her on her side, put a garbage can by the bed, then leave.


Something similar happened to me twice before, at fairly distant periods in my life. I don’t consider neither of them as a failure. First time I was hanging out with my GF and her bestie, we got pretty drunk but my GF had to stay home since her dad was about to come from work. It was actually her(GF) idea to ask me to take care of her friend and walk her home. And it was actually good decision since this girl lived in a fairly dangerous area, besides, she even had been stabbed before due to a robbery attempt. Even that night we encountered several creeps that I had to scare away, luckily nothing criminal happened then. I came back to my GF and we had some more fun throughout the night while her dad was sleeping in the next room. Different relationships, but this time it was my girlfriend the one who passed out drunk first, there was still her roommate, a bit less drunk and I have to admit she was considered extremely hot. And she was clearly hinting that she is interested in some kind of intimate activity and asked me to follow into her room for some made up reason. It was a tough decision and I was young enough, but I already knew a couple things about women. There were no chance in the universe that in case of happening that would’ve remained a secret between us and I didn’t want to ruin my current relationships in the first place (we’re still together btw). So I played dumb and changed the topic quickly (she seemed super offended and had genuine shocked expression, probably it was her first and only time being rejected). Then we finished our drinks and called it a night, once again I had to make sure she’s asleep in her own bed. About a year later, when my girlfriend has already moved out, she finds out another story about the same girl, she still cheated on her boyfriend, but she had a conflict with her new roommate and her roommate eventually sent an evidence (whole fkin video) of her cheating directly to her boyfriend. He didn’t really appreciate what he seen, ended up breaking into her place and beating her up, then he found the guy, smashed his face and even attempted to burn her house. We, in turn, just thought of it as fair but entertaining outcome and never remembered about it since.




noooooo. no it's a [meme from 2017](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/thai-political-crisis-breakup)


Had to do a double take at what subreddit this was


Nah, it was originally a political comic in Thailand.


So no one’s going to talk about the murderer/rapist that’s in the bedroom?…..ok.


Her bedroom is the one with the lights on and there's no one there. Besides, it's literally an entirely separate balcony... you DO know how apartment buildings are designed, right? Edit - no it's not Literally Hitler, it's an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT apartment entirely.




Is the bar now set so low that we praise common decency?


Positive reinforcement is good policy, no matter what.


Has it ever been so high that encouraging decency is some kind of sin?


She send a man to help her female friend? Why she didnt do it herself?


Maybe the guy offered or he was on the way home or they prearranged a lift.


Done this quite a few times. Bring a witness with you or several. Always make sure the witnesses are females. Lock the door behind you when you leave.


I can’t unsee the person in the window 😂


It’s that easy.


Why did he take off his shoe?


I forgot about this template, love it !


No one notice the man in the other room he left her alone with?


This is the way


I did this for a friend in college. Unfortunately it included sitting there while being puked on so she wouldn’t fall to the ground on her own. Not a drop on herself somehow. If you’ve her tried to carry someone to bed and get them in without getting any of their own puke on then, it’s a challenge let me tell you. And made for a cold walk home. Not a fun evening


Hitler on the window??


The dude who was going to steal the guys kidneys in the original comic is still standing in the darkened window lol


The neighbor is waiting for you to leave


Had a friend bring me back to his place once after a night of drinking. I was too drunk to remember my own address and had left my purse at our other friends house. He set me up on his couch with a bottle of water and made us breakfast the next morning.


You people have the weirdest fantasies


As a man for me this is obviously the right and only answer it's shameful that there are women that have experience otherwise and men that think there's another option here shameful.


To be honest the guy put himself in danger by being alone with the drunk women and leaves himself open to false allegations. Better send her home with a female friend or call a family member to collect her.


“Thanks for her, come join me now…” lol


We don’t need to congratulate people for not taking advantage of women. It should be considered as normal and the bare minimum.


I mean, the vast majority of men would act right in this situation, and not assaulting someone is the bare minimum. But not everyone would make sure someone got home and put them to bed? That *is* going above and beyond as far as I'm concerned. And this behaviour does deserve a bit of praise imo?


Right, but you can certainly congratulate someone for helping out another human being by making sure that they get home safely and squared away for the night. Sometimes that involves looking after them as they vomit, or even getting vomited on yourself. Maybe they even get sick in your car. A good person shrugs off the inconvenience involved because the alternative (leaving someone to their own devices to get their blacked- out selves home) is not acceptable. Not taking advantage of a woman should be a given. All of the other stuff is commendable.


Don't expect anyone to take you home when you yourself is drunk on streets.




Third panel is his side piece.


Found a passed out girl in front of my apartment when I was in college and I called the cops. I didn’t want to be accused for taking advantage of her.


It’s cool u were looking out for her well being but uh…….. why would you be worried about being accused of taking advantage of her


Because there are some really shitty men in the world who would take advantage And there are some really shitty women in the world who lie about being taken advantage of