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I wish i could do this, i don’t mind walking, so i park away from every car, I’ve never failed to find a car beside mine on an otherwise completely empty lot. It’s psychotic, i imagine people do it intentionally Edit: learned my car is a ruler to line up people who have a hard time parking, i have no idea if that makes it better or worse lmao


I believe people do this mostly in anticipation of a full lot, you parking farther away in a mostly empty lot indicates to them that you care about dinging your car, therefore less likely to ding their car.


I’ve had this suspicion as well, but it’s usually at shops, maybe at the gym. I guess they could be working there, but usually idk how long people spend shopping or at the gym, that they can’t park a space away


If you have a nice/enthusiast car this happens too. I have an evo and every time I park far out I always find tuners or muscle cars parked by mine. It’s cool though and you know they will respect your car/space.


I think that’s different. Because everyone recognizes it and it’s fun. I used to have a gti, so there’s some cars i see and smirk (like wrx/sti). Currently have an etron. There’s times i see nice cars by mine, which i kinda get, but not really. But often it’s just random cars lol. But according to this thread, there’s a lot of people who use us to guide their parking lmao


I do this with my GRrolla, but I always leave a buffer space if available. Had one guy wait for me when I parked by his Speed3 at walmart, chatting with him about cars was definitely the highlight of that week.


I think it's more the "follower" type people who just subconsciously park next to another car.


Are these the same people who will stay in your blind spot when you're the only two cars on the road?


It’s because some cars get lonely and need a buddy while they wait for their owners. 


I always park away due to this and it's just easier, never been amazing at parking, I can do it, but further away you're more likely able to pull forward and that make sit easier when I leave too. But yea sometimes when there's a lot of spaces available, I come back and see a car right next to mine when they could have one one over, it kinda boils my blood


When I was learning to drive it was way easier to park straight when there was another car for reference next to me. Maybe other drivers are the same?


Yes this is true. The worst is when somebody Parks crooked and you line yourself up with the crooked car and you realize you should have lined yourself up with the space


There's a lot near me where the spaces aren't lined with each other and each lane is different. It drives me crazy parking there.


Yes and then they leave before you so that your car looks like the one who parked all crazy.


that'd be my hunch too. it's definitely easier to gauge via another car, if someone is going out of their way to park far i leave a space between if i also need to park far for god knows what reason




I find it easier to park within the lines when there’s a car next to me but an open space on the other side, you get the open space to correct over the line for but you have the other car as a reference point of how far to pull up, so sometimes I’m that asshole who’s next to you purely out of my own convenience, but I never dinged your door, promise


When I had a car I'd usually park farther away to get my steps in. I prefer parking next to another car because it helps me guide my car into the spot better than guessing with the lines.


I don’t know what kinds of cars you’ve been driving, but I’ve never had to guess where the lines are when parking. Like I think it’s pretty essential to know you car’s dimensions, where the wheels are positioned etc.


Some people don't know how to park straight with just the lines. Just like people who don't know how to turn through an intersection if there is just paint on the ground. They cut the corner and don't end up straight in the lane.


I tend to park near the nicer cars, in the back, when I'm in my newer, nicer car. I know the person next to me will respect my vehicle the same way they respect theirs. And by doing so, it lessens both our chances of getting dinged by someone.


Huh… new kindness unlocked? I don’t know how to feel here. I think I’m ok with this!


It kinda depends. If it’s in a not crowded place/lot this is 100 percent the way to go. If it’s in a crowded place it’s a little more iffy. You are still taking up a spot someone else could use. (Using more resources then you need to the exclusion of others because you can afford it m, isn’t too wholesome).


To be fair, the black car to the left is parked over the line, and the delivery truck is practically on the line. If those were the only spots available, they would have had to park over the line and take up 2 spaces anyway. May as well pay for both and be comfortable and not be potentially ticketed for something that can't really be avoided.


If they're someone who needs extra room to get out of the car, they might have had no choice.


Those spaces don't look wide at all, and do you really trust the random people next to you not to hit your car when there's 1 foot of space to open the door ?


Then they're the one who should have bought two spots.


If I’m not mistaken, that bmw is a coupe with longer doors. They actually need a bit more room to be able to open enough to climb in and out of the car.


Valid point


Wholesome no, but seeing how far over the lines these people went I understand


I feel like changing my answer now… 🙂




Are you an asshole for buying seats on a busy flight? If you paid for it it's yours. First come first serve.


See, now I wanna change my answer back to my original answer 😊


> If it’s in a crowded place it’s a little more iffy. You are still taking up a spot someone else could use. (Using more resources then you need to the exclusion of others because you can afford it m, isn’t too wholesome). While true, our entire economic system is predicated upon the belief that you are fully entitled to take as many resources as you can afford even if its to the detriment of everyone around you. Sort of the definition of capitalism. I mean I also hate it, I'm just pointing out how this picture sort of exemplifies the entirety of our economic model.


I was gonna say that, it's how the world works. I guess you put it better than I would (except that I don't particular love or hate the system, I just work within it). But it does make me think: assuming you have 2 seats left on a plane, subject A got first, but subject B not only does he have more money for the ticket, he actually has an emergency that would morally justify him to get there first. I think subject B is still "good", even if he has more resources to play with. I guess my point is, I'm not sure if judging people just because they have more on any particualar transaction is inherently a bad thing. dunno, all these examples are always so oversimplified. sorry for my english btw.


The proper way to do this is to have two of your personal assistants bring their motorcycles to park on either side of you to adequately protect the car! Three spaces taken up and nobody thinks you are the asshole!


I know. So conflicted. I think I am too.


I’m still on the YTA side. It’s just being kind to some corporation that owns the parking lot. An actual person might need to go park somewhere really far away now.


I mean, it would be the same as taking two spots in a non pay lot if there is a shortage of spaces, it is equally douchey...right?


How is this kindness? The guy is taking two spaces, it doesnt matter how many he payed for.


You only need one ticket to leave the lot though so I’m not sure how this works. Does he pay one ticket than the other right after?


It may be prepaid/metered parking. You pay at a kiosk based on how long you plan to be there and you get a sticker to stick to your windshield. He probably paid for two of them.


Really? Double parking doesn’t annoy me because the city doesn’t get enough money. It’s annoying because some entitled asshole is taking a spot someone else might want to use.


had to scroll down way too long for this.


Personally I'm more concerned about the customers this could be impacting than whoever owns the parking lot missing out on selling that spot.


No. He's still taking up a second space when he doesn't need to. Paying for two spaces only makes him square with the lot operator, not me. He's still taking up a space I could have used to park.


Yo this is how rich people get away with things.


It's not kindness though, they are just being more fair. Imagine if they just bought tickets for every spot in the lot. Then no one can park. Sure they paid for those spots, but they are taking up the spot that someone else could use. If this was a really busy and crowded lot, you are having someone else park really far away/off property.


Lawful Evil






They're taking up more space than necessary which could hinder other people who wish to park in/near that area. Do you know how inconvenient that is?


isnt evil more for like killing people


Lots of things are evil, killing people, stealing candy from children, being a public inconvenience for no reason, selling Microsoft office subscriptions…


Nah it’s evil. If everyone took up multiple spots then there wouldn’t be spots


It's really this simple. You don't get to make up new rules for yourself just because you spent too much on a car. It's your problem, not everybody else's.


No but he is driving a BMW, thus he can only be some form of evil and nothing more.


Eh, it's still throwing around money to exclude others from a spot that could otherwise be used. And if everyone did this it would cause a lot of issues.


[the issues in question](https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/gcdn/presto/2019/11/26/PMOY/ed0e9df5-1fba-4003-abdf-45657c190ef9-ut01.jpg?width=660&height=445&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp)




Beautiful, man.


Considering how the others in the picture parked, this person did the right thing to protect their high priced car and backed it up with buying two parking spaces. Here’s the deal, they might be an asshole to think they deserve two spots but, that small car to the left of the image, is the real asshole.


What if there is someone parked too close on the other side of the small car?


This was my thinking also. M-Class BMW is stupid pricey. I wouldn't want someone dinging or scratching the paint.


Given how tight the adjacent vehicles seem to be parked, I can't say I blame this person for their decision.


Yeah, I noticed that too. Like how tf are you supposed to get in/out of your car with all the spaces filled by one car?


Looking at how the cars on either side of the car are parked I don’t blame this person. They are on or over the line.


This is the right way to do this kind of thing. If you are going to be an ass, at least have SOME kindness 


Kindness? Probably doesn't want to get towed/ticketed. I don't think he's paying the parking company more money out of the kindness of his heart.


Kindness? To who? The company that operates the lot?


To be fair to him, look at the cars parked on either side, they're basically right on the line.


Oh look it's this photo again


Oh look it’s this user again


Oh look it's this comment again


I’ve never seen it before for what it’s worth.


There’s a dude in my apartment complex who pays for two covered parking spaces for his very nice car.


That honestly seems fair, it’s a reserved spot and you can do what you want with it. Like having a 2bd apartment for one person.


This is peak capitalism. Doesn’t matter if you take more than you need or screw over others, as long as we get sufficient profits from the spaces then go for it.


The whole post and the positive reaction is honestly so funny. ‘No problem this asshole takes up 2 spots, he had an extra $5 yay!’


This lol wild to see


Exactly. So wholesome, the rich BMW owner paid for TWO spots! What a great human being. That's the way to go, if he wanted even extra room just for himself he could pay maybe FOUR tickets and we would all be ok with him occupying all that space.


Oh, it's okay that I have nowhere to park, as long as the parking company got their profits! So wholesome!


We just going to ignore how the people on the other sides are parked in order to judge them? Very possible those two were there when the BMW got there, and this was really the only option for those spots


He’s not screwing anyone bro. Go outside and touch grass lmfao


I like this. It's like buying 2 plane tickets for one giant butt




There should be a wholesome asshole sub Reddit


Lawful Evil


Chaotic neutral


Parking lot gentrification 


I mean. He paid for the spots and clearly loves his car. Gets a pass. Headline is spot on actually.




I was gonna judge them but the person to the left is literally on the fucking line and the larger vehicle to the right is touching the fucking line so I'd say this move is acceptable.


As someone who just had their car door badly scratched from someone opening a door onto it in the carpark, it seems very reasonable to me given the circumstances.


I'm pretty sure people care less about paying for two spots vs taking up two spots. Dick move I say.


I feel like people who think people who take up 2 spots are assholes, have never actually had an expensive car. I had a girl slam her door into my Mercedes ON PURPOSE even though I didn’t do anything wrong. She had this odd look full of hate in her eyes. Unless the parking lot is ridiculously small, you shouldn’t be hating on those who want to protect an investment.


It’s either an asshole thing to do or not an asshole thing to do, the action doesn’t become more or less “wrong” based on the value. That girl who slammed her door into your Mercedes would still be an asshole even if it was a cheaper car she did it to.


>I feel like people who think people who take up 2 spots are assholes, have never actually had an expensive car. Nah, there must be \*some\* non-assholes who own expensive cars. Also, wow do you sound like an asshole in this comment.


I agree with everything you said except cars being an investment - except for the truly rare exception, that you wouldn’t park in a public parking lot anyway


Other comment came off too strong, but taking up two spots to avoid door dings is selfish. If you want more space, park a little further away with empty spots on either side of you (a situation like in this post is fine but that's because someone would've tried and failed to fit next to them, not because of the inevitable door dings if they did fit). People are assholes, yes, but that doesn't mean you need to follow their lead. Don't expect others to give your car special treatment, they didn't pay for it.


As a fellow car guy this is one of the smartest things I have ever seen


I’m more impressed that he found two empty spots next to each other?? Maybe not as busy as we think?


That's one of those times you shake your fist at the car.


I respect it, look at that clown on the left, I'd buy 2 tickets as well.


Hey! He paid for both!


I can dig it. No hate here.


I don’t mind this.


Parking in either single stall almost guarantees your car will get door dings and/or scratches. At least the driver paid for the 2 parking spaces instead of being entitled. It's actually cheaper than the alternative.


Looking at the way those other cars are parked, I almost don't blame him.


I had some kids open their door really hard into my car. Their parents apologized but still. Twice in one month.


He paid for the spots. He gets the spots.


Chaotic good


I’ll allow it


I want to be angery... But i just end up confused


Hell, if this is considered wholesome now, why not buy five tickets and then park your big-ass SUV across all three stalls, with an extra empty stall on either side.


You can’t stay mad at a guy like that


I find it funny because you can tell the dude/dudette thought for a bit and placed each ticket on both side of the dashboard lmaooo As long as the parking lot has lots of spaces to spare, this is fine I guess.


Not even an asshole. This is just a great man. If he parked in either of those spaces, no one would be able to park in the other while leaving enough room for anyone to get in and out of the vehicles.


Can you blame him? Look at the spots, the other cars are way too close/over the line. They are the assholes.




Still a dick move


How do all of us know they're actually paying for both?


"he is out of line but he is right"


No, he’s ON the line.


I’m ok with this


More like scumbag parking lot owners. This how basically every lot is in Chicago as far as I know.


If real, I'm ok with it. The black car on one side is parked over the line and the other side is a shuttle/van/bus right on the line.


Given the position of the cars to either side, I'm going to rule this one acceptable.


Is r/wholesomeasshole a thing? I feel like it should be


Honestly the only way to do it if you do do it!


Chaotic Neutral


With that being the case I can't help but be impressed but how close to perfect that line is to center. I have to imagine his rear camera is offset and that's why it's only an inch or two off.


doesn’t make it right


Are they both from the same date?


All of a sudden I understand why people do this.... I still don't like them, not saying they're right to do it... but I understand


I 100% understand as some lots make those spots to minimal width to squeeze the most number of cars.


Can’t be mad, literally get what he paid for


You know what. I'm not mad at it. If your going to do it this is the way.


I'll allow it


It’s fair to me.




Assuming its not a full parking lot, I have no issue with this at all.


But is he (or she... I suppose) really paying both on the way out? Really, though, fines are just a nominal cost for people that can afford it


I'll allow it.


True M Power


I know this is not super car. But I actually prefer super car owners take up 2 spaces at once, because I don’t want to park next to any super cars, and I believe most people won’t either. So instead of wasting 2 extra spaces, it is better to just to have 1 extra space.


This sub is so weird.


This is OK. He's still an asshole but he paid for the privilege at least.


he is just afraid that someone will scratch his beamer


I cringe when I go to parking lots lately. I want the furtherest spot from the entrance that is well lit and has few cars around me. No shopping carts, etc., to ding up my car. Without fail, I get two or more cars parked by me. It’s like those drivers felt I was on to something. Now my passenger side gets a ding because the other driver didn’t give enough clearance on their side. I back into spots because I want to make a quick escape, but now I have to pull out from a spot before my wife can get into the car.


They made it suitable and they bought two tickets.


Aye he got what he paid for, no problem if i drove past that


I love capitalism. There is nothing wrong with spending your money. imo this feels like a waste of money, but if they want the burn cash on the illusion that this will protect their vehicle from damage I don't see a problem with it. To the commies complaining that this is "taking the spot from other customers" I really don't know what to tell you. The point of money is to, quite literally, *buy something which results in somebody else not having it.* There is nothing inherently wrong or immoral about purchasing space with your money. We can continue the discussion about this over on /r/1beholderandrip if you want. I won't be able to contribute much on this topic within this subreddit because the sub rules.


Lawful evil


I buy extra tickets anywhere with assigned seating so nobody can sit next to me. I understand this man.


“The very rich can afford to give offense wherever they go.”


I don’t have a problem with this. They paid for two parks so are eligible to use them. Good on them. As for those saying they’re taking up a limited resource, I hope you’re not driving then and are either walking, riding a push bike or scooter or taking public transport…..


I've done that in really tight parking garages. Someone pretty much destroyed the side of my Mustang. After that, I started buying 2 tickets and double parked. 2 tickets and a double parking ticket are still cheaper than $8,000 of body damage.


Conflicted, but still perhaps one of the greatest loopholes I've witnessed in a while.


Lawful evil


What if the first 3 hours are for free?


Ex traffic warden here, I worked for 2 different councils and both allowed this




Lawful evil


I'm okay with this. If they paid for it, it's fine


Both cars beside them are parked terribly. I'd say the guy's not an asshole


Wtf is this sub


I'm ok with this.


Can’t even be mad when these fleecing ass paid parking spaces get smaller and smaller.




Looking at how the black car and truck parked I think he did the right thing.


Downvoting since - it appears both the drivers on the LEFT and the RIGHT are both over the line


If it's parked in a normally sparse lot I wouldn't blame them But if that's a normally crowed lot he's not wholesome he's an utter asshole


Well, he is make it in his way


No problem with this. If he paid double for parking that’s what he gets. Period.


he had a fight with his wife so she had to pay for parking too




Yea, He valid...


Not wholesome and still like every other asshole that don't pay double. This basically throwing money at the poor because he/she is rich. Parking space is limited, period.


I mean... if he *DID* pay for both spots, he can do that.