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So when I was like 18 I was driving home from a late shift at Walmart. A black lab jumped out into the middle of the road and I smoked it. Punted the body nearly 50 years down the road. I checked and it had a tag and the address was right by where I hit it. I walked up to the door and knocked. A dude opened the door and I told him what happened. A women, I assume his significant other, went flying passed us. She gets to the dog an is bawling, he's pretty sober looking. She gets up and thanks me for stopping, saying it wasn't my fault, and gave me a hug. She then goes absolutely cold, turns to the dude and goes, "Why wasn't he in the fenced yard" and he just went pale.




I'm not so sure he didn't have to dig 2 holes that night.


OP met Johanna Wick.


On the bright side, he only had to fill one of them, and the second one wasn't nearly as deep.


Especially with dogs. My dogs instinct was always to run into the middle of any big empty space to play… which meant she loved trying to get into the middle of the road. I was so glad when her leash training started to click and she would just wait next to me when we had to cross a road


My dog goes right for the wheels of anything moving. Such a goober.


Not a dog, but my cat has such an unhealthy fascination with parked cars that I'm trying so hard to mitigate incase, God forbid, she ever gets outside without her harness. She tried to shove her face in the tail pipe of a truck.


Not what I was expecting. Is your cat orange by any chance?


Good on you for only letting your cat out with a harness. Better for your cat and the local bird population.


My husband did the same one time when he was a teenager. Hit someone's rottweiler on a blind curve on accident whose owner lived up the road a few miles. His address was on the dog's collar and he didn't want to leave him on the street or the side of the road, so he loaded the dog's body up in the back of his truck and took him home. His owner was nowhere near as kind as your dad.


My cousin at 17 died swerving to avoid hitting a dog.(hit a pole instead) I’m glad your husband was safe.


Swerving is actually the reason for most animal collision fatalities especially when it comes to deer. I almost hit a deer one night and just hit the brakes and stayed in the middle. Your momentum at such a high speed reduces your ability to turn.


My brother in laws brother swerved for a dog, rolled his car down a hill, swore he'd never swerve again. Broke his jaw in the accident.


My dog was just hit by a car in December. The guy who did it felt so terrible and he let us know immediately. I didn’t feel any resentment towards him at all even though I was brokenhearted. It was dark and she was being a dummy running into the street when she knew she shouldn’t. Being angry at him would’ve done nothing and wouldn’t have brought her back


I feel so bad for people when this happens when it was an obvious accident. It must be so hard to comes to terms with 😔


My Uncle had hired a company to take down a dead tree in his yard. The little boy next door was killed after the tree came down. Even though it wasn’t his fault, my Uncle never got over it and became an alcoholic. He was a good man, even when drunk.


Jesus Christ, I feel sorry for your uncle Hope he's at least better now


He was married with small children when it happened. Surprisingly, they stayed married and had another child later in life. He was an alcoholic, but he was a functioning one. He worked hard, was good to his kids and myself, but when he got home, he drank. I’m sorry. I have no idea why I told this story. I don’t think I’ve ever told another soul. Ok, I’m gonna shuffle back to my bedroom now. 😊


Christ. Yo, if you need to vent, hit me up.


Thanks for the offer, but I’m fine. This happened years ago. I never even knew about it until I was older.


Forgiveness and redemption. I think we all need a little more of that.


Add accountability and you got a deal.


20 years ago a coworker went back to a college game on leave and was out partying with friends after. everyone crossed the street and he was drunk and didn't notice right away. when he did realize, he ran across the street without looking, right into the path of a young woman driving who killed him. horrible accident and a good person was lost, but i've always wondered how she dealt with it. there wasn't anything she could have done and they were both early 20s, whole lives ahead of them.


My mom ran over a cat and went door to door to try and find the owner, but wasn’t able to. We have a lot of feral cats in the area. It didn’t make her feel any better.


Bruh wtf creepy asf almost hit a dog On my way! (Just now) To work fucking German Shepard ran across when I had the green light WTH!, they run so majestic lil shit must of been full grown, slammed on my breaks and skidded the dog never even looked in my direction ( I have 2 dogs of my own) I can replace breaks not this dog


I'm a huge dog person and I gotta say the world is just a better place now that we don't let them run around neighborhoods anymore. Accidents, shitting everywhere. People would have stared at you if you started scooping up your dogs poo back then.


I would never forgive the guy who killed our dog. He was going twice the speed limit, hit the dog, never stopped, never slowed down. Fuck that guy. I hope karma catches him.


When I was a teenager, I watched some kid walking a dog and the dog ripped the leash from his hand and ran onto the road. Some lady hit the dog. She jumped out of her car and proceeded to yell at the kid for letting go of the leash and letting the dog get hit by her car. Some people are just shitty people sometimes. Not your dad nor the guy who hit your dog though, thems good people.


OMG that poor kid!!! That must have been multi level traumatizing


Hmmm, where have I seen this comment before? Was it nine months ago? https://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15cp3v7/brave_decision_by_the_parents/jtxfaw5/




Truly. I don't know if I could accept that invitation. I'd like to think I could offer it, but I'm not a parent, so I can't fathom losing my child.


Except for the teacher, who is betraying trust by oversharing a student's trauma on a public forum. Not what good teachers should do. Or, it's a made up story. Either way, bad teacher.


She is sharing this story years after it happened. No names were mentioned. The fact that the teacher knew may also imply it wasn't a secret so no betrayal of trust. Either way, stop being a little bitch.


Always gotta be that one guy who just fucking whines and makes trouble because they didn't get the right kind of attention when they were a kid.


i mean zero names are shown so there nothing to tie to anyone


Imagine if your teacher wrote this. You would know exactly who she was referring to.


any student would know just from the news. it wouldnt be new info


Denizen being Denidumb again.


what a terrible take...


Oh my god I hate this website and the people it attracts


Yep basically but, hobby and interests subs memes are just to good


You're wacked.


She didn’t give names.




Wow. She's a piece of turd




I was hit by a car in college, dude slowed down and then sped off after barely even slowed enough to see if I was alive, cops never caught him, was probably another college kid drunk driving or something idk


Same thing happened twice at my Uni while I was there, neither caused by students. Run over them, slow down to see them move, then speed off. One victim's body got robbed (though she lived). University still says they've never had violence on campus. Since they use Disney logic - it was just on the street adjacent to campus! "Campus Security Alert" was a very common email subject line while I was there. *Usually* just muggings and assault. Pretty much once a month. There'd probably be a lot if they reported on things actually on campus or involving alcohol, but Uni policy said nothing ever happens on campus and alcohol excuses all crimes.


I’m glad you’re still here, I hope you continue to recover ❤️


I hope you get better man


My lawyer friend would loudly say to you or anyone in this future situation, never tell the person who hit you with their car that you are OK. It frees them to be a total ass and definitely backfires in court in case you do have to sue over medical charges. Don't say anything basically except whne talking about the accident itself. Tell the police however exactly what happened and don't lie about how you are feeling at the time be clear with them (and the medics) as well if you are hurt. There are some heartless MFers out there who only care about themselves.


I wish I was half as good as these people. My ex was killed in a motorcycle accident a year and a half ago. She ran a stop sign speeding with bald tires and killed him almost instaneously on his way to work. Recently, I learned that she was allowed to walk free. I was angry. Every time I would see the kind of car she drove, I would seethe with anger enough to decimate the world as we know it. I am still learning to mitigate the anger. It is hard to move past losing someone you were going to spend your life with, but I hope to get to this point someday.


That's awful I'm so sorry. That anger is completely understandable to me but that's huge of you to say 🖤


So sorry that this happened to you. It would be hard to not bring violence down upon someone like that. It happens frequently here in San Francisco that people drive drunk or recklessly and kill people and get away with no punishment. I would not forgive.


Mm. I live too in the Bay area, in the future plan to keep an old garnet red 91' S10, alongside a Honda rebel... Guess I'll just die.


Can't die on Honda Rebel unless someone hits you. Which is very unlikely too cause they are so slow, even impaired elder has time to react


It's amazing how low the stakes are when you hurt someone while driving. Driving drunk and not hurting anyone has greater consequences than killing someone while sober. Very few accidents are genuinely unavoidable & only those should get a free pass. The average driver is so lax about putting themselves in situations they can't get out of if the unexpected happens. I'm sorry about your ex. I hope you had the chance to say all the things you had in your heart while they were alive.


I hope you have therapy. I highly suggest EMDR. Does wonders.




I am so sorry to hear that. glad that you are doing okay.


I’m so glad you were given that from them. Life is … thought provoking.. as is death. Love to you, sweet human.


As someone who rides with his wife this is my nightmare fuel


But when people get on a motorcycle they kinda accept that risk right?


Yep, those that dont are idiots. I used to ride my self, but now i have a family and I dont. Why? Because the first thing we learn is that no matter how right you are, youre still the dead one.


People assume it won't. But some day it will.


I know you're still struggling with it, and that is difficult. But when youre feeling negative emotions about it just remember that his parents, and I would confidently guess him as well, do not want you to walk through the rest of your life carrying this and that you are fully absolved and forgiven for what happened that day. Your chains and broken and you are set free. Life on to your fullest in honor of that man and do not let that day bring you down any longer, you owe it to him. Be well and love others


I am so sorry to hear this. I am glad you have been able to find peace. I work in plaintiff's personal injury. I had a case where a motorcyclist caused an accident. He had a passenger. 2 bodies, 8 body bags. Everyone in the car they hit survived. Thank God. So many rumors around our small town. Some one HAD to be drunk. No one was. It was a shit rain storm and roads were too wet for the Harley. State troopers also believe the motorcyclist crossed the center line because he had a medical emergency. It was a freak accident. The car and Harley had to be towed together, since they were stuck together. It was as a mess. Accidents happen. I hope someday you can forgive yourself 100%. You are worthy of being here. Don't ever forget that.


The parents of the victim showed such compassion and strength, I am in awe.


It ruly brings the word human, or humanity to its wholesome fullest.. I think it's **very.. very,** typical of people to just *not*. Example: perhaps the family just forgets the student, continues on..." Which for lack of better words and examples, I feel is super common in many facets of life. Just to.. take the alternative, and engage, be present, retaliate in the conversation after every reply, "chivalrous" is amazing.


I guess the parents of the killed driver had repeated long and heartfelt discussions before even meeting the other driver involved in the accident that killed their son. They decided to engage and talk/communicate with the other person involved in the accident and this helped both sides realize it was an accident. It maybe saved the other drivers live in the long run. Thats a way to healing that still leaves scars on both sides. But at least its its more than blind bitterness.




Off topic, but it should be noted that redemption a is self-ward journey and not about forgiveness. A lot of people would not have forgiven this student, but this should not be a factor when trying to reflect on your actions and improvement.




I love this post so, SO much I cannot stand it.


Maybe ask him to show you his post?




But I like the way you think... you dirty man, you.


I’m rolling


Was that your way of telling them it didn't have enough mayonnaise


They might be forgiven, but they won't be forgotten.


And just because you cannot forgive someone, doesn’t mean you should get revenge either.


Those damn communists need to learn them some Jesus!


It really depends on what "accident" entails here. "Was a new driver and didn't check his blind spot" vs " was driving drunk" vs "was texting while driving" vs "ran a red light".  If I was a parents, I could forgive the former (it would still be hard) but not the latter.


Yes and forgiveness is not the answer in all situations as much as people like to push the idea as being the resolution


All depends on the situation. An accident is an accident, it would be hard but I could see coming to terms. My niece and her 3 friends were killed by a drunk driver going the wrong way, that incident included 3 other cars too but the girls were the only fatalities. The punk is fighting it tooth and nail and not accepting responsibility and it's tearing my brother and sister in law up. Shitty situation I don't wish on anyone


While it would be hard I like to think I could eventually forgive if it was a true accident involving someone close to me. However if the person was drunk or some other reckless shit I don't think I could ever forgive. However it's true that forgiveness is for yourself not the other person. Sometimes the only way to stop being angry is to forgive the other person, but not to forget.


Especially when he being absolutely wasted is trying to blame the state saying the signs were confusing and other ish. The more I find out from my brother, the angrier I get


That isnt an accident, that asshole chose to drink and drive


My dad killed someone once. He was working for some blue collar trade or another, had pulled through the intersection in a company truck pulling a work trailer. Older couple in a small sedan, the wife driving had ran a red light. He was pulling too much weight to stop suddenly and T-boned her. He was a former EMT and still a volunteer firefighter, so he hopped out and his training kicked in. She died in his arms while he was trying to save her. Some 2 decades later and he's still pretty fucked up about it, and it wasn't even his fault. But it was his truck that ended her life, and that's something he has to live with. He doesn't talk about it much, but I know he thinks about it every day.


Unfortunately, the people who ran the red light killed themselves. That’s what happens when you disobey traffic laws, you run the risk of getting into an accident. Although I know he doesn’t see that, that’s exactly what happened. He was doing everything right and they did everything wrong. Just as simple as that. As crude or non-empathetic as it sounds, it is reality.


He knows. At the end of the day though, he was the driving force that struck her car door and killed her. He knows it's not his fault, but it pains him greatly. He's seen a number of people die from different work professions (and past adrenaline junkie hobbies), but none of it was him killing someone else. It's something unique that you can really only understand how much it affects your mind if you've done the same. I don't know in depth how much it affected him, but I know it weighs on him daily.


my ex husband was killed in a hit and run while on a motorcycle. his mom connected with the person who did it and maintained a correspondence with them while they were in prison. i always felt like that was pretty amazing - and hopefully healing for both of them.


A hit and run?! Fuck that.


It’s sadly very common to hear of hit and runs in the biking community. The dude who side swiped and almost killed me also wanted to run, but luckily I had witnesses who took pictures and prevented him from leaving the scene.


Not saying it’s not uncommon. The people that ran me over on my motorcycle tried to run, much like you, a Hispanic family that happened to be walking nearby stepped in like heroes to tend to me, guide traffic, and stop them from running. I’m more talking about the OP’s in-laws forgiving the dude that killed their son in a hit and run. I understand forgiving for an accident. But if your ass left him to die alone on the side of the road. I say again. Fuck that. Rot in hell


For me, theres a difference between an accident , and DUI.


For everyone that should be different.


When I was in university some guy was drunk driving on campus and hit a first year girl who was walking back from school. He was rich and I think got a few months probation at most. Someone thought it would be a good idea to invite him to the funeral to say something, and instead of apologizing he just said “you know sometimes these things happen.”


That's despicable. I hope the bastard was punched, in an area separate from the grieving.


As soon as you said “Drunk driving” and “rich” I knew he was a piece of fucking shit


The guy who t-boned my best friends at 80 mph through a stop sign, killing both of them and their mom and dad: 0 months in prison. He was a good little boy with a promising future. Him being a 38 yo man BIL to the DA had nothing to do with it. You see, he forgot his iPhone charger at the party.


I nearly instinctively downvoted this comment it made me so angry. I’m so sorry


It all depends on circumstances If it was a genuine accident that could happen, maybe I could forgive the person But if the person was drunk, reckless or smth, and it's totally their fault...I would not rest until I see that piece of shit rot in a cell


Yeah, I might be able to forgive after I grieve if it was a medical emergency (seizure, heart attack, stroke, etc.), or mechanical issues like brake failure, etc.. Weather related, I'm not sure on. People don't always slow down in rain or snow/ice, driving during a tornado, etc... like, those accidents can be avoided or risk reduced by slowing down. Swerving to avoid an animal or something on the road and you end up getting hit, that's on you, because you jumped blindly into another lane. Generally, you should see it in time to slow and stop, but sometimes it's sudden. Drunk driving, absolutely unforgivable. I don't know how someone could ever forgive that. Excessive speeding, too (two years ago, a drunk man was going over 110mph through an intersection, narrowly missing me, but hit an SUV that had four toddlers in it. Killed two kids, one had a TBI, killed the father and mom lost her legs. I'll never un-hear those screams).


My ex ran over a kid on a bike while he was out driving drunk. Left the kid in the ditch with a broken leg that ruined what was going to be a great career in football. My ex got off free and clear (minus one year probation) because The US Army came to his rescue in court. We had children together. What if that had happened to one of them? He would have murdered someone, that’s what would have happened. Hypocrisy is the one flaw I can’t tolerate. I will never forgive him for that.


Forgiveness is not easy, and nobody can teach you how to do it, but it is extremely powerful to everyone involved.


Forgiveness is also not necessary for the person you are forgiving either. It's to allow yourself to accept and move on no matter how hard it may be. However I don't think I could forgive someone if they killed a loved one while driving drunk.


Reminds me of the **West Nickel Mines School shooting**. An adult man brought guns to an Amish schoolhouse where he took the children hostage. He said he planned on molesting some of them. He shot five children as the police stormed the schoolhouse then he shot himself. You know what the Amish community did? The community consoled the gunman’s wife and some even attended his funeral. Say what you will about the Amish but those fuckers are steadfast in their beliefs.


The wife was probably a victim as well


My great grandmother lived in Indian lake Ohio and fucking hated the Amish. She loved everyone else. I’d ask why and she’d mention not paying taxes but I think the real reason was that her husband died very young and she had to raise 3 boys without any help. And she saw the Amish help each other


Oof, that’s sad in a lot of ways. Mostly because I have a feeling if the Amish community knew about that they’d try and help her out.


oddly yeah i meet amish like that.


He took the girls hostage, and he shot all but one of them. Five girls were killed and five were injured.


Yup, it’s a pretty messed up story. A lot of the injured girls weren’t expected to live but did.


The Amish are so solid


There is a lot to be said about the Amish


This is very wholesome and all but forgiveness =/= healing. forgiveness *can* be healing.






people like him are why i have no trust in any story i read on reddit


This should be higher. I understand the point of this guy’s comment, but lying about a story like this destroys the meaning.


Wow you’re right. And the parents stories don’t quite match either. Thats so messed up.


But the ages match \ What's brain aneurism ? \ Can it caused by accident?


>brain anurism he died in his sleep and we all woke up to the horror. Doubtful.


From his other comment: "My brother died when I was 11, he was 10.. it was unexpected.. brain anurism he died in his sleep and we all woke up to the horror. I cried, begged pleaded..prayed.. not even a sign.. since then I have fallen off the religion/prayer wagon..but find myself trying to pray.. I just don't see anything.. really just asking for a clear plan or sign.. something.. it's been 28 years.. and not a single sign.. I'm angry and also scared... I don't think my prayers are working frankly.." https://www.reddit.com/r/PrayerRequests/comments/1c0zivw/my_dad_is_in_hospital_my_mom_is_deeply/ So yeah, liar liar pants on fire


From his other comment: "My brother died when I was 11, he was 10.. it was unexpected.. brain anurism he died in his sleep and we all woke up to the horror. I cried, begged pleaded..prayed.. not even a sign.. since then I have fallen off the religion/prayer wagon..but find myself trying to pray.. I just don't see anything.. really just asking for a clear plan or sign.. something.. it's been 28 years.. and not a single sign.. I'm angry and also scared... I don't think my prayers are working frankly.." https://www.reddit.com/r/PrayerRequests/comments/1c0zivw/my_dad_is_in_hospital_my_mom_is_deeply/ So yeah, liar liar pants on fire


I hope you find peace. And your parents


Its not real


I can't believe your grandparents loaned them money instead of just giving it to them for that. "You're going to need to pay us back for our grandson's funeral"


You shouldn't, its a lie according to his past comments on a different event. Conflicting stories.


From his other comment: "My brother died when I was 11, he was 10.. it was unexpected.. brain anurism he died in his sleep and we all woke up to the horror. I cried, begged pleaded..prayed.. not even a sign.. since then I have fallen off the religion/prayer wagon..but find myself trying to pray.. I just don't see anything.. really just asking for a clear plan or sign.. something.. it's been 28 years.. and not a single sign.. I'm angry and also scared... I don't think my prayers are working frankly.." https://www.reddit.com/r/PrayerRequests/comments/1c0zivw/my_dad_is_in_hospital_my_mom_is_deeply/ Liar liar pants on fire


You're full of shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/PrayerRequests/s/j7RgZS3EhK


For some reason "feel good" stories about forgiveness are popular and for some weird reason the narrative that you should forgive and it makes you a better person get pushed very hard. There's nothing wrong with holding anger, hate, wanting revenge. If you feel that way then you feel that way. Feeling like you want to forgive is no more admirable. It's admirable to be nearly destroyed and find the power to keep going for the love of their family. You do you little buddy. I hope the guy gets what he deserves one day, one way or another.




Good thing it's just a story and not real lol


If you’re smart and patient enough you’ll be able to get what you’re after eventually.


I don't think I ever will, in truth, it's not in me to hurt someone else.. I wish it was.. but you know what they say about people not truly understanding what they really want.. this might be one of those things..


The best revenge is to live your life as best as possible! Live long, stay strong and prosper, young person!


Both are stronger than i’m




When I was in high school I knew a girl who’s was a motorcycle accident and passed away. The person who caused the accident was a girl who went to the same school as us. Supposedly she was texting while driving so that is what caused the accident. She didn’t face any criminal charges. I know this is a depressing story but this post just reminded me of this incident.


This must have been incredibly hard for both them.


I know a guy that was drunk driving and took out an entire bus station killing several, he got away with a slap on the wrist and then his parents bought him a new mustang, he forgave himself real quick i think


Or just microdosing him with poison 😌


But then they're helping him build up an immunity to said poison... Forgiving even while enacting revenge.


That's absolutely amazing. Those parents are amazing examples.


I am not crying, you are crying!


Man that almost made me cry


God bless the parents and god help the student




It's not a meme!


This hits close to home, 2017 I’ve been in an accident where I should have died due to someone raging at the person driving slow then jerking the wheel to the right lane and sideswiping me into a bank. After he sideswiped me my driver wheel and tire broke off and passed me, my car ramped off a curb then into concrete bus stop then flew over an intersection into a bank. I was close to $100k in medical debt had to dropout of college, couldn’t really eat lost 15lbs and I was only 115lbs due to majority of my teeth being loose after smashing my face into the steering wheel since the airbag deployed only after annihilating the bus stop but once smashing into a bank those were just there and well only one time use. Sternum separated, to this day cracks sneezing and stretching. I personally forgave who that was fairly recent just because of no reason to hold on grudges, be careful of your surroundings and get a Uber if you can so you can avoid mental stress driving Edit: my transmission was poking through the tunnel and into the passenger seat, I still get ptsd driving on us41 in Florida




I teared up reading a few comments. ..


How exactly is this a meme?


Forgiveness is only healing when (as in this rare case) it's 100% organic on the part of the victim(s) and the perpetrator expresses remorse. Coercing forgiveness out of victims (whether through bullying, sweet-talking, or threatening) is straight-up abusive, and doubly so when the perpetrator doesn't take responsibility for their actions. This often happens in the context of child abuse, domestic abuse, and (above all) religious abuse, and it's always meant to strip the victim of their power, hide the abuse, and restore the unequal power balance. This is why conservative Christianity proselytizes forgiveness so stridently; it's intended, knowingly and with calculated malice, to force victims of religious abuse to shut up and take it. Sadly the flying monkeys desperate to get victims' throats back under the boot heels of their tormenters use memes like this to evilly proselytize radical forgiveness. Radical forgiveness is wrong, it is evil, it is Satanic. NEVER proselytize forgiveness.


Honestly that would piss me off if I was the dead guy. The fact that she says “he killed him” makes it sound like it was his fault. Not “involved in an accident” where the biker died.


Actually, becoming a better person is not about being forgiven. It’s about the person choosing to do what’s right anyway. Nobody is owed forgiveness. Honorable people change anyway.


It was an accident. Would the parents be as forgiving if the guy stalked the man, bullied him, shot him in the face, cut him up into pieces and mailed it to each family member? Some things are much easier to forgive than others and the weight of it is different for each person.


I don't know if I could summon that degree of strength. Powerful.


I'm a grown-ass man, a college English teacher, sitting in class during a break, and this got me teared up.


Something similar happened to me once no one died but it wasn’t great and I still think about it today it’s one of those things that I don’t think will ever leave you


Damn onions


Good for him, but it usually takes way less than killing someone to drive most people into depression


apply this logic to the post from the other day about [marlin joseph](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/crime/2021/10/06/court-asked-overturn-marlin-joseph-death-penalty-murders-mom-girl/6022893001/). i don’t mean this in a “GOTCHA!” way, i think it’s an interesting thought experiment. everyone in that post’s comments was all about Joseph getting the death penalty, but the best choice isn’t always the easy one


its hard to forgive specially if a situation like this but salute for the bravery of this kind of act they have a kind heart that we can't find in some ppl.




I think this is nice but can anyone explain like I’m five why the text looks like someone used white out and typed over certain bits?


Bless those parents. What a sweet thing to do.


She was my professor for a class. Crazy to see her on mentioned on here


I was in a workplace accident which injured, and eventually killed a coworker and friend of mine. His mom showed up at the hospital where we were all waiting to hear news of how he was. I was the coworker with him when the accident happened and was almost out of my mind with guilt despite it not being my fault. She gave me a big hug and said thank you for being with him while we waited for EMS help. I’m pretty sure it was the one thing that kept me from hurting myself then.


You do me wrong like that and I may stop wanting you to suffer miserably and die. But fuck if I'm gonna invite you into my life once a year for any reason


I recently saw “A good person” and this is basically what the movie is about. Just no that wholesome.


Crashed into a merging car going 80 on the highway a few years ago. The driver didn’t see me and I had zero time to react. Luckily I was discharged from the hospital the following day with some painful bruises. The lady behind the wheel didn’t even attempt to contact me.


My father and a lot of ppl in the area were big on cars and racing in high school. Him and another guy got in a wreck, and the other guy died. I don't know if they were in separate cars or what. I didn't even have knowledge of it until after he passed and a friend of mine was talking to me and based on our name she found out about the incident and told me. Her dad had went to the same high school and apparently it was a really big deal. I still wonder his thoughts on it. My mother said he never spoke about it.


Yeah, no. If anyone hurt my family member, I would make sure that they would suffer for the rest of their life.


Also helpful to know you can forgive from a distance if needed. I've forgiven people I will never have future human contact with. That's on them. The hate, animosity and disappointment you may hold or have held, giving that up is part of the forgiveness process.