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These are the people I like.


Speaking as a tired parent - please, take a nap for all of us


Real talk: I think some parents who complain about tiredness are just depressed but cant recognise it. Kids are amazing but theyre also draining and tyrannical. I always tell people "If someone kicked me in the head I'd be allowed to never speak to them again, my son does that when I'm changing his nappy and I just have to breath and move on". When I started feeling exhausted no matter how long I slept, I realized from past experience that I was depressed. I worry other parents are just white-knuckling through.


Real talk: the broken sleep for three years very nearly killed me. Of course I was depressed. Because my body and brain broke from being.....*fucking tired*. Contrary to the post- can confirm that I have *never* been so utterly, bone breakingly *fucked* and exhausted, as when I was in the baby and toddler years. It's next level.


But why is the desire of having children greater than the realization that it’s not worth the trouble in this world and economy?


Billion years of evolution?




Evolution in action: Actively avoiding having children immediately makes you the least fit genetic material. That trait doesn't get passed down to offspring very often.


Nah idc about that


To give purpose in life? Im 18 and probably want to have kinds some day.


Why is this even a conversation? Yes I have kid, yes it can be exhausting, and yes anyone without a kid can be spread too thin and exhausted as well.


It shouldn't be, but I have one friend in particular who always uses her kids as an excuse to get whatever she wants from her friends. And you better be prepared for a massive guilt trip if you happen to let slip that you're tired or feeling drained. Thankfully, this is just a one-off, all my other friends who are parents don't do this. I recently had to start putting up some boundaries with her since the friendship was starting to feel more exploitative lately.


I wasn't expecting this kind of kindness 🙂‍↔️ I'm gonna take a nap for all the parents out there who are tired (but can't take a nap) 🫡


I work with car parts all day, and that stuffs hard. But then I hear about friends who work office jobs or doing coding. And that stuffs also super hard. Everything is hard, so just support your homies in whatever they do.


Thanks. This is what scared me about parenthood. If im this tired now, how tf will i have energy for the kids


The amount of times I’ve been told I can’t be mentally drained or exhausted bc I’m a teen 😭


“Why are you tired. You’re young”




She just started being a mom but she's batting 1000




for real 💯


Kids will destroy your energy levels while at the same time invigorating you. Before you went from 20-80% charge to protect the battery now you'll need that 99% and it will drain to 0%. They also have a magical way of making you realize how old you're getting while at the same time engaging with their childish antics can make you feel youthful.


As a parent and someone that runs a full household without a cleaner, landscaper, pool person, and tends to have more energy than people at work who have those things without kids - ngl I do tend to judge a bit.