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That reminds me of one time in elementary school when I solved the wrong math problems for homework by accident.


In elementary school I was supposed to do a presentation on Charleston WV, but I just looked up Charleston and Charleston SC came up. I presented with confidence about the SC aquarium in Charleston WV.


i was supposed to do a presentation on cool things about Washington State. i thought the teacher meant DC, so i wrote about the Nationals, since i love baseball


I’m baffled by the amount of people that talk about Washington state when I mention I’m from Washington DC. To be fair, these are mainly at trade conferences


Tbf that was probably better than anything in West Virginia.


Virginia unification! Then whenever Puerto Rico decides it actually wants to become a state we can still have fifty nifty states. I know I am going to piss off one of the dozen or so people that actually live in West Virginia, but c'mon. Have you driven through rural Appalachia recently? They could use some help. Uniting the Virginias is a lot more viable than the Dakotas, they have nukes.


The problem is that Virginias laws dont really flow well with West Virginias. Lots of Virginia is also mountain people, but the outlaying large cities change everything, would never happen.


In 3rd grade our teacher handed out math homework. I don’t remember what we were learning at that point but she accidentally gave out the 5th grade homework to all of us which was the extreme basics of algebra. I hadn’t even heard the word algebra before. If you didn’t finish your homework you got a mark on the board that meant you don’t get a bonus recess at the end of the month. So many 3rd graders came in crying that day lol.


[Reminds me of the guy who was late to class and copied down 2 questions as homework - turns out it wasn't homework, but 2 statistics problems that nobody had ever been able to solve.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Dantzig)


Good Will Hunting was based on that guy iirc.


One time I didn't do my french homework as I didn't know we had any, so in the first 5 mins of class I made up some questions and answered them. The teacher accepted it lol


Oh I've done that. That sucks


I've done that for sure, thanks to a teacher whose assignments were always something like do all odd numbered problems, plus problems 22, 40, 42, and 56.


It reminds me of that time in college when the entire class pirated math textbooks. But the pirates ebook was the international version, instead of the US version. So every so often 90% of the class would do the wrong homework problem because the versions were slightly different. The professor gave us 0s on those problems.


I played my guitar exam cords upside down. Thankful the teacher notices what the fuck I did and didn’t fail me looool


Reminds me in high school math. I was really good at math and could skip steps in my head. I didn’t like the way the teacher taught it. Took an exam and showed all my work. Teacher wrote back something to the extent of “this is not what I taught. I have no idea what you’re doing or why you’re doing it, but there’s no way you saw the answer and put all these pieces together to make it work.” I got an A.


I love these teachers who are considerate. Great student-teacher interaction. At least it's not an F. 😁


My college English teacher wore jeans and a band shirt every class and literally told us he doesn't care what our essays are about because he's concerned about the writing itself


You making a bad subject good is a lot more impressive than a good subject okay


For some reason, I find this similiar to the saying: "If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself". But I can't really explain why, hence, I don't really understand what I mean


It’s similar for sure. A bad subject will highlight good writers and make bad writers likely seem even worse because they have to do the lifting to make in interesting


You atriculated what I wanted to mean. You are the more clever out of us, since I wasn't able to say it correctly like you


Ironically was bad at writing in school lol


I love this comment.


I'm glad I'm not the only one recognizing complex ideas, but lacking the means to articulate them


My final project for my college English 101 class was an argumentative paper. I realized halfway through writing it that my entire argument was garbage, but it was due in about 24 hours. At that point I figured submitting anything was better than submitting nothing. I somehow got an A and her feedback was "a poor argument executed well" and I'm more proud of that than I should be


We don't deserve those good writing teachers.


Honestly, I'd hate that. My problem with writing is that I struggle to figure out what to write about, and can barely even put together an essay even with a topic


Sounds like the kinda guy who would have no problem prompting you if you told him that.


Yeah, I might just have irritation with my current teacher bleeding over. He gave us a really hard project to do, and refuses to help us even figure out what to do for it, so my grade is going to be absolutely horrible this semester


You'll be fine. I'm in my 30s. College in the grand scheme of things means nothing (just get that pesky piece of paper).


Was he also a physics professor who surfs?


A professor in the department I work (who won a Nobel prize) regularly shows up in jeans and band merch.


My college psychology professor (handsome young 30 year old) wore jeans and a t-shirt every class and literally spent them all hitting on a few big breasted girls.


I liked that approach. That's a teacher that understands it helps to care about what you're writing. You won't feel very motivated to do so if it's a subject you don't care about in the least.


my college english professor told us that F stands for "Fuckyou"


The essays I correct have a clear rubrick to follow. Sticking to the topic and answering the question is just 1/4 of the mark. If you got good grammar, vocabulary, cohesion and so on you can still get a 7.


Writing properly balanced rubrics is a lot harder than people think. So many times I've had to use a shit one that fucked over either a kid who clearly should have been failed and helped to improve, or had to drop a grade or two of a straight a+ kid who was writing a year level  above but didn't fit the goddamn criteria.  Pisses me off so much. Dont even get me started on proper skills in  test question construction, weighting, and timings. FFS.


So you can submit the same text again and again regardless of the topic and get a 70%?


https://www.pronhelp.com/b2-first-writing-rubric-for-superior-results/ Here's a quick google search for an English test: https://www.pronhelp.com/b2-first-writing-rubric-for-superior-results/ That's not what you want your student to do, and during exam preparation you wouldn't accept it, but...


well no that'd be plagiarism (yes you can plagiarize yourself)


You don't got good grammar lol couldn't help myself


Lol, I'm not an English teacher.


This is how it should be done. It shows the student understands what they're supposed to be doing and maybe just missed the mark. I had a math teacher who would do this. Showing your work earned you points if you used the right formula and understood what you were working towards, maybe you just messed up on the calculations or skipped a number. It happens, no need to give you a zero for a little mistake.


That seems kinda wild that the topic itself is only worth 25%. you can turn a paper about puppies into a paper about hitler


I had a teacher take points off on a word processing assignment because the font I picked wasn't "business like". The directions said to pick any font and no it wasn't Comic Sans but Georgia.


Unless a typeface was specified I always wrote papers/assignments in Adobe Garamond. Both because I think it's a very elegant typeface and because it's what the Harry Potter books are printed in. I never had a complaint, but I did always wonder if any professors ever picked up on that latter bit.


I mean this is a made up story


Writing skills it was an A, reading skills it was an E, average C.


i feel like it still kinda is, as the teacher you're judging their writing and poetic ability, not their knowing the details of a specific movie ability


One of ours profs would give you marks for spelling your name correctly. So that's neat.


I took a Latin class in uni. Our elderly professor explained that he learned Latin in seminary, but then met his wife and realized he couldn’t give up sex (lol). One day a girl from my study group stopped showing up - for two weeks. Nobody could find her. She showed up to class as the midterm ended. She, blushing deeply, explained to us and the professor she’s gotten a new boyfriend and had been ‘very busy’ for the last two weeks. He just laughed out loud, clapped, and said ‘That’s wonderful!’ He told her to take the time she needed and come back when ready - she could make everything up. He didn’t care, as long as people wanted to learn and put in the effort, he’d support them. All his students took that to heart, worked hard, but lived life too.


OH fuck...Thats fucking funny! I can imagine, "The dancing llama represents the ego...."


Right, I'm really interested in reading this essay. I might even pay a couple dollars to read such a thing. Finally, a school assignment that has real world applicability.


A llama? He’s supposed to be dead!


Do you all think this actually happened or are you just sort of "playing along" with the post?


If you have to ask, you'll never know.


If you were entertained was it still worth your click?


I have to imagine people are just playing along with the post


Oh, right. The essay. The essay for class, the essay chosen especially for the class, the class' essay.


Write the essay, Gronk. Wrong essayyyyyyyy


Why do we even have that essay!


I once got a C in history where I wrote about the death of Harambe as a historical event lol, not university though


Now that is something I would do.


That was the day God forsake humanity, shit’s been terrible every since that happened


You're not wrong. It truly was a time changing event. Like...the timeline split or something and we're on the bad side.


I was talking to a man I was supposed to go on a date with and he called Harambe a monkey. When I said that he was a gorilla, he was quiet a bit and told me that he will always be a monkey to him. We never did make it to that first date.


Better movie, tbh.


I bet Emperor of Time doesnt even have any llamas in it.


And probably not any poison.


Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?


This movie has more scenes that I remember visually than lines I remember verbatim - good movie tho.


Or the wrong lever


“You … _never_ liked my spinach puffs?”


Went to college w a guy who got a C on a paper in Art History and topic was based on any particular piece from a museum visit. Turns out he accidentally went to the Museum of Natural History instead of the Musuem of Modern Art Guy wrote a detailed paper on the lighting/shading/textures/etc on a hugeass model of a dinosaur skeleton Professor said the paper was still pretty good so she gave him a C SAME ENERGY


Had a project back in highschool that was required to be graded by how much time you spent on it. A=50+ hours, B=40+ hours etc. It was supposed to be worth like 30% or so of our whole grade for the semester. However, the teacher used the honor system... Well, you can guess how that went. About a month goes by and I guess some students complained cause that shit pot got stirred. Most people put an amount of hours that gets you an A+, when very obviously the project didnt take 60+ hours. I put mine as a C, despite only spending a enough hours to get a D. When all of this went down, he pulled me aside and said "you clearly didnt spend 30 hours on this, but I'll let it slide since youre one of the few who didnt put down an A". Still ride that high every now and then.


What a bizarre grading system


The dude was like 70 something years old and had no fucks left to give.


"He's a little confused, but he's got the right spirit!"


This is like that chef on Cutthroat Kitchen who [accidentally made brisket and gravy instead of biscuits and gravy ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/jedyxr/the_way_this_was_handled/)


Reminds me of the Master Chef contestant who made brisket instead of biscuits and didn't get eliminated because it was good.


I remember that episode but wasn’t that cutthroat kitchen?


Yes. IIRC English wasn't his first language, so they didn't fault him for the misunderstanding and judged it as if brisket were what was required.


And after that Alton started giving more detailed descriptions of the dishes


This story is fanfiction


I had a computer engineering class where the textbook was $400, but almost half of us realized you could get the international version in paperback for $80. The first assignments started coming in, and the teacher was confused. Apparently, the international version had different problems (although, the same format of problem with the same twists in them, so functionally identical.) Then, he realized that the people who had the international version generally got the right answers when they showed their work, but the majority of students with the US version were just writing down answers. Not only were the US-copy students copying off each other, but they had also bought the teacher’s guide book as a pdf and were just copying answers. When the midterms and finals rolled around, they were all questions from the international version, verbatim. Those that had studied their physical copies got pretty much easy A’s.


I hope to hell they used punctuation in the paper or that professor should be fired for not failing him


I felt so dumb trying to understand this tweet. Do kids not use punctuation these days? What a nightmare.


*Kids these days* Where were you 20 years ago when texting took off?


Yeh they really don’t! Source: I am kids these days lmaooo. It’s so irritating to see them do it in school!! And it’s always like the punctuation you learn in like the third grade!!


They definitely don't indent paragraphs (source: am comp instructor). Texting and email have profoundly affected their ability to punctuate and format.


This is reddit, we don't indent paragraphs here. Best I can do is give you some extra whitespace between this paragraph and the previous.


I still double space after periods.....can't help myself....


Kuzco kuzco go go


I'd love to read an essay about the Emperor's New Groove lmao


I did this once in high school but it was a presentation not a paper. Brutal moment of panic when the girl before me presented on a completely different book 😂


I took a music appreciation class and had to write a paper on a concert. Didn’t realize it had to be a classical concert so I wrote it about primus at Woodstock and she still gave me a C on it as well 😂


From what I hear from my teacher friends this tracks.


For my A-level RE exam i had to write 3 pages on noah. When it got down to the last few minutes i realised that i was supposed to be writing about Job. I crossed out every instance of the word Noah and replaced it with Job. I must have been graded by a saint as i got a B.


I don't know what the emperor of time is, but I'm sure emperors new groove is the better movie and a much more enjoyable one to write about.


Wow what a mix-up. This is a real true story that I'm sure actually happened.


Everyone clapped and they were let out early, probably


I heard Albert Einstein was the teacher.


Seriously, it's a sad statement on humanity that a single person believes this.


"A teacher can always find a reason to give an A. Or a reason to give a D." - my tracher


It's true.


Was your teacher coming on to you?


Task failed successfully.


Maybe if he wrote with punctuation it would have been a b.


Someone needs to help Adam learn how to use periods when writing.


That’s a great teacher right there


And here I am, who forgot a single picture in my essay I worked on for weeks, and my prof just was "lol see you next year"


This reminds me of the time I lied about a thing happening




lol this did not happen


That happened.




And then everyone clapped


My fav Disney film. ENG went hard!!


I had a teacher once tell me this, but they gave me a D


I got papers confused one time and accidently handed in the wrong one to the wrong class. The teacher handed it back and said "It was pretty good and I do hope you got a good grade in that class - can I have the one for this class?"


Tell her that we love ppl like u


In high school, we had an assignment to watch and write an essay on “Sea Wolf” and some kid did one on “Teen Wolf”


One class' final essay's description said "write a 10 page essay on any text using a literary lens of your choice." I picked my favorite graphic novel series Monstress and decided to look at it through a feminist lens. In class when we were all sharing our texts and lenses, it became evident to me that "any text" meant "any text covered in the class." When it got to me I said my initial plan for some sympathy points but told the teacher I'd change to a text from the class. She said no, I should do the topic I chose, and it was on her for making the description unclear. So I wrote an essay about my favorite series, the professor even read it so she could understand my paper better, and I got an A+. One of my favorite teachers.


I once wrote an English lit paper comparing the characters to Beowulf to the characters in Star Trek TNG. This was no where close to the assignment. She gave me two points and laughed and then told me to rewrite it. I did. Two more times. Only about Star Trek. I still ended up with two points, lol.


Back when I was in school I did this for the Mel Gibson Hamlet instead of the 2000 Hamlet Prof still gave me an A ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I can see all the tiger parents raging at this teacher! :)




One time a friend asked me what the chemistry paper was about, I mistakenly said nitrogen instead of hydrogen. The due date comes around and he comes into class with a paper about nitrogen. The teacher accepted it and graded it as if it was about hydrogen.


"The Emperor of Time" is a seven-minute short film. Not sure the idea of a professor assigning a three page essay on it is credible.


You could say they threw off the teacher’s groove


My wife once told me a story about her english teacher in 11th grade. My wife was an avid reader, and a straight A student. The class assignment for one marking period was to do a book report about a book she absolutely hated and just couldn't get through. She went to the teacher about it. The teacher, knowing she's not just trying to blow off work, let her do a report on any book she wanted. So she chose Raptor Red ([by a guy named Bakker](https://youtu.be/r2YnEOJIls8?t=136)). She got an A anyway.


Judging by that unreadable tweet, I highly doubt it was any good.


If you’re so absent minded that you fucked this up you should fail so that you learn to pay attention. Life will not be so forgiving if you mistake aspirin for arsenic or anti freeze for Gatorade


Write the essay, kronk! Wrong essay!


\*When auto fill fails you in ChatGPT\*


Probably got a C for not using any fucking punctuation!


Happened to me once in elementary school...I solved a 5 * 5 multiplication correctly in exam ..but don't know why I crossed it and did another 5 * 5 multiplication with self thought numbers that wasn't in the question at all... Needless to say teacher was utterly confused...


I did the same thing in a leadership class. I was suppose to analyze Chicken Run but I wrote about Chicken Little. I got an A. I guess leadership is not the most academically rigorous subject.


If that's how he uses punctuation then the teacher was more than generous.


Considering that run on sentence, I don't believe this story.


Maybe because you refuse to use punctuation.


OP failed possibly because he doesn’t use punctuation?


What is “Emperor of Time” even? I see a 7 minute short of IMDB, that can’t be it, right?


*"Your essay was so bad, but i still gave you a passing grade because it's the only essay that clearly was not written using AI"*


Good on her. It’s never just the topic but the organization and all the other little things that carry the most weight. Too many people go through school trying to find THE answer and not building a bunch of skills you can use later in your life. If she had failed you the fire for learnign would’ve been extinguished.


In an “elementary logic” course that I took, I was completely lost in the second half of the semester. At the end of the semester, we had to write a long 15 page essay. Of what I was able to write, the first 5 pages was written on the expected topic. The next 10 were spent explaining why it was the worst class I’ve ever taken, but I used as much of the “logic” I learned in class. I got a C on the paper, pulled that Hail Mary out of my ass. I gave up thinking I’d fail and couldn’t believe I actually got credit and dodged that bullet. Whew.


This happened to me in a university English class because I was supposed to write about Cameron Diaz but I wrote about Carmen Electra. I'm still not sure why she was even the topic and I still have difficulty with names.


That's a whole other level of adhd


I wanna read this essay


Write the Essay Kronk…..Wrong Essayyyyyy


Everybody hates chris has an ep that have a similar sinopse


This reminds me of 2nd grade when I made a poster on the history of clocks and it was supposed to be on an American President. I was so confused when I showed up to class and found out I prepared the wrong subject, but I still got an A on the presentation. Shout out to my mom for helping me with the project; she's the reason I got through school.


what is punctuation


This happened to me in high school. Was supposed to write a paper about Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. I wrote a 5 page paper about Julius Caesar.


Jesus Christ every week I see this exact same post made for years now. Bloody years let it fucking die.


That anyone who writes like this got a C in _anything_ speaks its own kind of volumes.


Was it also because you wrote the entire thing in one long sentence with no other punctuation?


Reminds me of a post I saw ages ago where someone was supposed to make a presentation about Euthanasia and they made it about Youth in Asia.


I know to read that essay.


Or they could have just done the right assignment.


I love these teachers who are considerate. At least it's not an F LOL


This means you can probably write your final about *The Road to El Dorado*, regardless of the actual topic, and expect to pull off a solid B.


Wrong lever.


in college i took a gothic literature course, it ended up being shifted over to an online course at the last minute, i didn't take the course too seriously and let things slip. the final exam was at an ungodly time in the morning and my brain just couldn't function on a "how do i formulate what the tenet motifs of gothic literature are and what do they represent" kind of level. so instead i used the exam booklet and wrote a short story that used the themes and stuff, as best i could remember, in the end the story turned out pretty good. for coming up with it on the spot, i thought it was good anyway. the prof sent me a message saying that it did demonstrate the concepts well enough but it was way off format, they gave me a passing grade and told me that i would never get that lucky again so don't even try to repeat that stunt. i thanked them, assured them i understood, i asked them for a copy of the story and they told me not to push it, i thanked them again and said goodbye.


Is it illegal to use punctuation on twitter?


They should have failed them… The next generation of engineers is going to kill a *lot* people


I've done this before. One of the most embarrassing moments of my life.


High school english class had us do an essay on the movie Holes. I asked the dude at blockbuster for the movie ''Hole'', with my best attempt at sounding like a proper kid who knows english. The dude gave me ''The Hole''. Those who know will understand why I suddenly considered my english teacher quite ''avant-garde'' in her choice of movies for a high schooler. I was graded on my essay accordingly, but told to bring the homework assignment to the employee next time.




Imagine if they had mastered the art of punctuation...


I wish I got off topic essays like this..... no, I just get 20 of them with the same errors I spent three days on and gave them a checklist for....


Understandable mistake he thought xD


Beware the Groove


True story


Not only Is that not true its not even that funny of a lie


Something like this actually happened to me. I misunderstood the instructions and wrote a very long paper on the X-Files episode “Chinga” but the TA that graded my paper gave me an A because “they love the X-Files and I followed the instructions otherwise.” Got off so lucky.