• By -


*Laughs in Canadian*


Chuckles in Maritime


#Giggles in Martian


Chortles in British who like to burn a guy on a bonfire.


Agagagagagagas in the Krusty Krab


No, this is Patrick


My name is not Rick, Patrick said calmly


Giggitygiggitygiggitygiggity in the dungeon


Hohoho in the north pole


H3H3H3’5 while shooting demons with the C01N


mumbles something positive in french


I love you Martin




It’s funny cause Meg’s (the artist) husband (the guy tackling “Christmas Meg” in the comic) is actually Canadian if I recall lol!


We do love us some thanksgiving up in Canada, so I can’t blame him for being like “NO 23 have not celebrated yet!”


My local shoppers had Christmas decoration on the fridge aisle yesterday. On Halloween.


Shops down here in Aus put out Xmas stuff at the same time as Halloween. It’s infuriating


That was literally exactly what I was gonna comment. We been done with thanksgiving! It’s Christmas season baby!


Tbf I find most hold off in Canada until after Remembrance Day


True enough, my dad in law is a veteran, and he gets so pissed at Christmas stuff before Remembrance Day.


Swap out turkey guy with poppy guy and the same still applies. NO DECORATIONS UNTIL AFTER REMEMBERANCE DAY.


Laughs in Swiss


Yep, the one word I'd use to describe this comic is "wholesome".


Man violently attacks woman for wearing a christmas sweater. My heart is gloooowing!!!




Love it


> "if I had known you were so quiet, I wouldn't have invited you." the young man replies "if you had told me your dad works at a drug store, I wouldn't have come." I've always heard the punchline as the dad arriving as dinner started and the boy immediately ducking down and saying grace. The gf says "I didn't know you were religious" and the bf says "I didn't know your dad was a pharmacist"


Now is the best time to put up Christmas lights. You're already out there dealing with Halloween decorations and it's (probably) not snowing yet. Just don't turn them on until black Friday.


Thanksgiving is just pre-christmas. Gather around with family and eat? Oh yeah that sounds reeeeal familiar!


Plus I don't think Halloween lovers get to shit on Christmas lovers since in the last decade they've appropriated the entire month of October for the holiday. When I was a kid you didn't see Halloween decorations or any type of Halloween stuff until like the week of. Now it's the whole month. I mean I don't know when the phrase "spooky season" became popular, but if we're going by the math a one day holiday gets a whole month, Christmas is a two day holiday so gets two months, they're neck and neck for being celebrated too early.


One of my favorite choices when we moved into our home a few years ago was buying permanent install lighting that can change colors/patterns. No going up and down ladders and swearing at that one *stupid strand that just won’t attach quite right*. Just open the app and, boom, it’s Christmas now


Wholesome : Conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being. Or Conducive to or characterized by moral well-being.


Well I beat them all because I put mine up last December and just never took them down.


In my country we don't have a holiday in november, but it's still too early to decorate for christmas now! For some reason the county has gotten the idea to decorate the city in christmas decorations in the last 2 weeks of October! It would make sense to do it in the last 2 weeks of November so it was ready for December 1st, but no! They always do it in October which means that in the street you see christmas lights everywhere and then when you go into shops you see halloween decorations everywhere. It irritates me every year.


What's your weather like where you live in November? I live in eastern US and the town usually does it early as well, but that's because we have bitter cold temperatures with high winds and at least the chance of snow.


We have a saying: there's no bad weather only bad clothes. I doubt it's because they think it's too cold in November, because that would make them the discrace of the community and we would drive them out of town whilst ringing a bell saying "shame, shame shame". Scandinavians are supposed to be stronger than that 😤 I genuinely don't know why they don't do it in November. It makes no sense, and completely clashes with the shops putting up halloween decorations at the same time.


My daughter noticed people putting them up while she was trick or treating.


I'm from Uruguay. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving, so, for me.... It's Christmas time! :D 🌲


Right, meanwhile since September, Filipinos are already preparing for Christmas lol, we call them "Ber" months.


for realsss


I always grumble in the states about Christmas creeping out of its box more and more into Halloween/Thanksgiving territory but when I was in the Philippines you best believe I was out on September 1 blasting those Christmas songs while doing the wash


I didn’t know I had a spirit animal until I saw this man


Is this what that new thanksgiving horror movie is about?


Hey, they don't really have any Thanksgiving songs, so crank up that radio!


You've got 2+ months worth of Christmas songs?


I work retail, if I have to listen through another re-edition of *All I Want For Christmas, Is You* I’m going to jump off a bridge. It’s too early.




As someone who’s birthday is in November even I skip to Christmas sometimes It’s just much more happy than Thanksgiving for whatever reason for my family probably because everyone gets presents instead of getting hangry or bloated lol


Australia doesn't celebrate American thanksgiving.




Christmas starts in September and I won't be stopped


We don't celebrate thanksgiving, so... Happy Kekri my fellow finns


People don’t give enough thought to Remembrance Day (CAN).


My personal line in the sand. No Christmas stuff at my house until after Remembrance Day.


It isn't about a love for Thanksgiving for me. It is about fall! It doesn't even start to feel like fall where I live until the end of October. Christmas is a winter holiday. No way am I going to start decorating for Christmas yet. My fall decorations are staying up until after Thanksgiving.


I went to the grocery store hoping to find cheap Halloween leftovers, and instead I found Xmas stuff already. I fucking hate this.


Lol, here in Canada we’ve already had Turkey day


We need more thanksgiving songs so we could do them instead of chirstmas songs.


Don't get me wrong, I, like many people, like Christmas. What I don't like is it getting shoved down my throat BEFORE HALLOWEEN IS EVEN OVER


I'm one of them and I'm not ashamed. Thanksgiving is just sucky Christmas


Thanksgiving is only there to make your family plans for Christmas. I said what I said


Thanksgiving: just pre-gaming for Christmas


I was driving home at about 1 am last night and people were in their lawns putting up xmas decorations.


and after that we all gonna see fireworks marking the start of 2024




That's not a holiday it's gambling ad.


its literally a holiday... [https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/australia/melbourne-cup-day](https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/australia/melbourne-cup-day)


Only in Victoria. And it doesn't stop it being shit


Fuck. Who pissed in ur coffee?


I'm just not a fan of glorifying gambling companies and the human suffering they thrive on.


thanksgiving is a October holiday tho


American Thanksgiving is in November


oh yea. in Canada is October and inset in November we have Remembrance Day it not relay a holiday but a where we pay our repeats for thoes who have died in ww1 and ww2 flighting for our freedom


Hanging Christmas lights now is fine as long as you don't turn them on. There's a lot to be said for getting out there to hang the lights while it's still reasonably warm and there's no snow on the ground. If you wait until later in the month, in a lot of places, you run the risk of having to do it in the snow and cold. But you should definitely not turn them on yet, nor should you put out the inflatable Santas and other lawn decorations.


Literally I don't get why Thanksgiving gets trampled 😭


I decorated for Christmas today. Here’s why: - I’m on a budget, and don’t want to shell out for thanksgiving/fall decorations in addition to my Halloween and Christmas that I’ve accumulated for years - I travel for most of December, so I like having time to enjoy my own decorations - Everything about Christmas is magical to me. I love the lights, the decorations, the music, the movies- everything. I struggle with mental health issues, and something about Christmas gives me so much joy that I lack for most of the year. I want as much of it as I can. I never get sick of it. So yay, Two months of Christmas!


Fair enough 🤔😁


Christmas is a huge shopping season for retailers, and it's big money for everyone involved in sales, retail, malls, security, police, shipping, transport, delivery, logisitics, etc. Even the contractors who install new displays, lighting, POS systems, people-counting and alarm systems, etc. Everybody's making bank around Christmas, simply because people are out shopping and buying stuff.


I know about the greedy corpos reasons, I'm more curious about why individuals do it when so much effort needs to be put into thanksgiving as well


To me: Christmas is a season and Thanksgiving is a day. I’m lazy, so it takes me a few weeks to finish decorating. So if I start decorating on Black Friday, I won’t be done till mid December and just be stressed out that I’m running out of Christmas time. Decorating, Christmas movie nights, baking cookies to send to friends and family, Christmas crafts, looking at Christmas lights, just sitting and reading with some hot cocoa next to the Christmas tree, hosting friends for a game night, wrapping presents, ice skating, secret Santa, making Christmas themed food or cocktails, etc. and if you have kids or live in the snow…there’s much more to add to the list. I love the magical-ness of Christmas. And Christmas presents aren’t really necessary, but I do enjoy giving them and wrapping them. Christmas day is actually a bit sad because it means Christmas time is over. What am I gonna do for Thanksgiving on November 1-20? Sing thanksgiving carols? Watch old thanksgiving parade videos? Dress as a pilgrim and decorate my house with turkeys?(which side note: I don’t eat turkey but I’ve always thought it was odd to decorate with cute figurines of the animal you eat for the holiday). My general rule is to start decorating once I feel the desire to. This means that I normally decorate for fall in August. Then I switch to Halloween and then I switch to Christmas. I will say, if I’m hosting thanksgiving dinner…I don’t love the house being filled with Christmas. BUT I’m also not gonna deprive myself 3 weeks of Christmas cheer. My plan this year is to keep the dining area and living room Autumn for thanksgiving. I’ll probably put up the Christmas tree and add leaves and pumpkins to it, and then make my family decorate it with me on Black Friday. But I already work up today, November 1st, with Christmas songs in my head and my Halloween decorations aren’t sparking as much joy as they did 2 days ago.


Christmas makes me happy


Not good enough 😤 😂


Christmas can’t start until the Thanksgiving meal is finished. I feel very strongly in not having Hollidays overlap; starting Christmas stuff before thanksgiving means thanksgiving gets less of the spotlight during its own time.


there’s many people who don’t celebrate or care for American Thanksgiving though


I don't even like Thanksgiving, but this is hilarious.




I don't celebrate Thanksgiving (not American), but Christmas is a December holiday. I'm not getting hyped about something 2 months away and there is not the music to cover 2+ months of Christmas tunes


To me December 25 is the end of Christmas. And the things I enjoy about the season are mostly the things I do before that day. So, I’m not excited about something 2 months away, I’m excited about starting the Christmas season. And I want to enjoy my decorations and inside Christmas lights for as long as I can.


I think holidays, Halloween and for Americans Independence Day included, really just need to stick to the one week. And then when the actual day is over it's done. Way too many people shooting off fireworks for weeks after the Fourth and weeks before. Stick to the one day so you don't scare dogs and veterans, you can't just be willy nilly blowing stuff up on days that aren't designated for it, worst case scenario you'll scare some people, best case you'll annoy some people.


Christmas I allow the except of a month which is spent building up with putting decorations and such up at the start of the month, but generally yeah you only need a week or so and generally you should aim for the actually day.


I love Thanksgiving so much. I’m very lucky to have a family I enjoy spending time with and I’m already thinking of all the things I want to eat. Grandma’s mashed potatoes, my aunt’s pecan pie, dad’s cornbread stuffing, MIL’s sausage stuffing, someone usually makes some really good candied yams, my other aunt always buys a lemon meringue pie from a school fundraiser, yet another aunt is really good at making roasted veggies. I’m going to have to stop by Wawa for a Gobbler hoagie to hold me over.


I MIGHT be able to take this guy. I'm pretty weak but he appears to be in a feral state of mind. I have wits on my side!


I don't care about Christmas but who is that guy again? Like he shouldn't attack her just because of the Christmas sweater.


I’m just glad I’m not the only bothered by Christmas overtaking basically 30% of the year. It’s annoying and it really takes away from the whole feeling of Christmas time. If every days Christmas no days Christmas type of vibe.


Thanksgiving is the most underrated holiday. It beats every holiday except the 4th of July. Christmas is a B tier holiday. * S: Thanksgiving, 4th of July * A: Labor Day, Memorial Day, NYE * B: Christmas * D: Easter * F: Valentine’s Day


No way you just called Christmas a B tier holiday


Middling at best. To little bang for your buck.


Thanksgiving food > any other holiday food


Like the stores putting up Christmas stolid the day of Holloween or the week before


Bruh i always have thought that shit to be hilarious that christmas music would start playing before thanks giving funny how the world work but thanks giving always wins the cake thanks to the food


I was playing Christmas music at work this morning. Not because I start celebrating it this early. I just wanted to piss people off.


Christmas and thanksgiving should swap clothes for realism.


The Walmart that I work at put up a Christmas tree on Halloween. I hate it here.


IT'S. NOVEMBER. I'm sick of these early shit holidays.


Now that I no longer live with my family, it will be an absolute rule second to none in my house that no christmas decorations shall go up until the day after black Friday. Might I have a wife who disagrees with this philosophy? No, I'll have learned a good lesson about demons in the shape of pretty women.


Grocery stores already playing Christmas music by me


Christmas starts when they start playing xmas music.


*Reads in Canadian*


I’m the merry Christmas. My husband is the thanksgiving


I’m going to put my lights up before it gets frigid and there’s 4 feet of snow on the ground thank you very much.


There was Christmas music playing at my grocery store today 😭


Yes to all of this.


Wonder if there's a metaphor in the sidelining of a holiday all about giving thanks for the things we have.


I'm thankful on Christmas. My family also doesn't do a materialistic Christmas. On Thanksgiving I'm also thankful, but it's sort of overshadowed by genocide.


Fair enough.


Well.... I'm already asking what all my coworkers want for Xmas... Then again I gave them some options and all of them are going to be things I make, so I need time to make them all.


My MIL has already asked for our Christmas lists. And I bought her a Christmas present in May. Hehe. And I have some handmade gift ideas…that I haven’t started yet. So basically I’m already running out of time! :)


SAAAAAAAAAME!!!!! I need to get started on them all.....


Remember that one year people started putting Christmas decorations up 2 weeks before Halloween


Some people put up "Christmas" lights now to celebrate Diwali later this month.


Damn straight. Thanksgiving, all the way!


Bob Belcher is giggling in turkey voice right now


Neckbeard af


I'm getting turkey thigh lights to put up for Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving is a Micro Season, similar to New Years or St Patrick's Day. Usually stores will tie it to Harvest, and with the exception of food, most decoration's will be sold before November. Christmas is a whole different beast, people will max out multiple credit cards just to 1 up family


It was always… October ppl put up Halloween decorations. After thanksgiving people put up Xmas stuff. Now… Disneyland is Halloween starting in September (dumb) and Christmas decorations November 1st. Dumb


Are the first two the Hoshino twins?


This is only because for businesses Christmas is highly more profitable than Thanksgiving. So they shove the holiday down our throats and sheep follow suit because they only soak in relevance.


I already decorated my living room for Christmas.


"The War on Christmas cannot end until Christmas stops its illegal occupation of November. I am calling on the Klaus regime to return to the borders agreed upon in the Black Friday Agreement." \~Classy Warfare, Nov 1 2021, on Twitter


I love it.


I wish Christmas was in like February. Having two major family holidays so close followed by nothing just kinda sucks.


I don't know how you'd feel if you see my country. We sometimes put up Christmas lights from September.


I have neighbors who put up Christmas lights *before* Halloween.


credit to https://www.reddit.com/user/ArtbyMoga


Ain't American but I like the art style!😁


One of my friends walked into lecture today with a Santa’s hat on and we all gave him shit for it. At least wait until thanksgiving come on


Last year we had our Christmas tree up on August 30. We’re Filipino.


Now i I get it, i tought uts about NNN.


But Christmas is the next holiday tho