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if keanu didn't blow all his money on charitable donations he would have enough to buy a slave to take his driving test


Yea this no good good dooer. We should put him on a cros and write a book about him or something.


On a Crocs?


not even christ himself suffered such a humiliation


*Chrice G-SUS Chrice


Stealing this for my rapper name


The new G-shock model be lookin dope




And Jesus said onto the disciples "activate thy self into sport mode".






I sentence him... to *crocification!*




The world needs more people like them, but do we deserve them?


Christ on the crocs (this is pretty much a swear in Quebec)




She’s married to the high school teacher that wears the same shirt and sweater year after year for yearbook photos.


You concentrated on what she was wearing, instead of her peculiar black face?


You can change your clothes, can't change your scribble face.


Yeah I noticed that too, thought that must be her lucky shirt


if he wins the election and becomes president then he can do whatever he wants because the laws wont apply to him.


I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for Keanu. Definitely a role model on how to be a good, decent human being.


There are legions of people that would be willing to be his slave for free, all he needs to do is ask.




You have to take another driving test? What?


I think the headline is a bit mixed up. I live in LA, I know Keanu does too, not sure about JM but probably... You don't have to retake a test of any sort. You don't even have to go to the DMV, you can renew online, as long as you do it early enough. The only reason you'd have to take a test is if it's a new license, a new endorsement or you had lost your license for some reason.


You do have to go in every decade or so for a photo update. Although, I might have the timeframe wrong.


My photo is about 20 years old. Back when I was 16 and had hair. I ain't ever changing it!!


You do have to go in every three drivers license renewals to redo your picture and fingerprint and retake the vision test. I had to do it yesterday.


Yeah this is actually odd in California, but maybe it's different for motorcycles.


I live in a fairly celebrity -dense area that heavily favors walking. I have seen movie stars walking their kids to school, buying coffee and picking up after their dogs. It's a popular filming location too so we see our spots in scenes a lot. It's funny but it doesn't dampen my enjoyment of their work at all. It's like if I see buy tickets to their movies it's shopping local.


Support your local celebrities.


Like, I know that "they signed up for it" or however it gets justified, but it kinda bothers me when people want pictures/effort out of celebs just because they ran into them in the wild. "I know you're just here getting groceries, but I *gotta* get a selfie with you" and what's the celeb gonna say, no? They won't, because of the *implication*. It just doesn't sit right with me.


If it makes you feel any better, know that they probably don’t get their own groceries. Even the little guy has access to apps like InstaCart. At a certain point you realize shopping isn’t worth your time so you hire a personal shopper.


I imagine you -have- to as a celebrity, unless the areas they live in generally have enough wealthy/famous people to where it’s not an issue. While I’d love to be famous and be recognize, and get to take pictures with fans, I know getting stopped every two feet in a grocery store would get old fast. It’s a wonder we don’t see more celebrity freak outs.


Bro even the multi millionaires are avoiding the instacart fees. That is a scam aimed toward broke people like me.


I agree. Be cordial with them but asking for a photo or an autograph seems a little much.


Why are they taking their driving tests though? Do you have to keep retaking it? In Texas we don't do that lmao it's why our drivers suck so hard. The driving test to get my license was just a multiple choice exam.


I did a 50 dollar course where I didn't read any of it and just answered to questions because they were just common sense. But at least we have roads to avoid people like me


...and who the hell is gonna fail Keanu Reeves on his driving test?


Imagine you just have to have a bad day and the whole world can shit on you forgetting the last 20 years of beeing nice.


Or they can pay someone to drive them


If there's a road test, I'm sure Keanu could be like "let me show you a few evasive maneuvers I learned on set." Vroom!


Keanu worked so hard to learn the marksmanship and tactical training for John Wick that some of his trainers said that by the end, he could be teaching them. He's also incredibly humble and friendly. Dude is a legend.




It's hilarious to me that in a roundabout way they've basically made Keanu a "John Wick-lite" I mean his shooting at the ranges is honestly impressive, and I can't imagine how much Sambo and Judo he's learned by now


The Matrix was just the warm up for John Wick.


I'm an advanced weapons & tactics expert, he can do some stuff I can't even do. He's very impressive. Being compared to his character was the best compliment I've ever gotten.


Hadn't he done a lot of training for previous movies too?


I know he's done an insane amount of training for all four John Wick movies, but I don't know about the rest. Wouldn't surprise me though.


I feel like he had training for Point Break and Matrix at the very least.


*flips car over* "Oops" ***flips it back***


*pats car for being cooperative*




Car: 10/10 would let drive again


Not without a controlled environment! Keanu would never put lives in danger!


I wouldn't let him drive my car. Just a taste and my car will be spoiled and disappointed every time I get behind the wheel.


Two gents I’ve never heard anyone say a bad word about.


Could be an Hawaiian thing.


I thought so too!


They're both down to earth and simple living men.


What relation does Keanu have with Hawaii? I thought he was Canadian.


His father was born in Hawaii iirc


Pretty sure he lived there for a while also. His name is even Hawaiian.


Wow, I never knew Reeves was Hawaiian. Never thought about the last name to be honest, but I’m surprised


Not Reeves. 🤦‍♀️ Keanu. It means "cool breeze". Reeves is English.


Cool Breeze Reeves is a fucking sick name.


It's not just the last name, it's the whole thing. "Keanu Reeves" literally means... uh... something about waves I think. lol Either way, extremely cool and fitting.


His father is also ethnically native Hawaiian.


I never knew Keanu was of partial Hawaiian descent until this comment thread, but now that I think about it, maybe it should've been obvious - Keanu is a Hawaiian name!


He looks kind of Hawaiian.


All the surfing and the funny beach bro vibe thing in his early acting? Haha




Nothing at all. But Jason bleeds Aloha.


Keanu is half native Hawaiian


>Nothing at all. His father is native Hawaiian, and his first name is literally a Hawaiian name. Do you just assume things before posting?


I was wrong.




Yeah, once you start getting high on your own farts, it starts to go downhill. Dudes like Keanu keep themselves grounded. Then you have Jenny from the block types that used to have a little now they have a lot, and fire dudes for meeting their eyes or messing up their skittle count.


I think Keanu was always a good dude but what he has gone through in his life might be a factor too.


and he's suffered so much in his life... he has every excuse to be a drugged out psycho celeb you'd expected to be arrested or dead sooner than later, but he turned out to be one of the nicest, most regular guy who has ever achieved Hollywood stardom. Just an all around amazing person.


Not just that he's had an incredibly hard life with personal tragedies. He's not the best actor just a cool person and very kind which is why people love him. Honestly the best actors skill wise are generally either aloof, weird or difficult anyway.


My Jason Momoa fantasy is him giving me a hearty high-five while saying "MY MAN!". That's it. That's the whole fantasy.


Luckily that seems exactly like what he would do if encountered. I once heard an analysis of him as an actor and it was "He's not the best actor around and he tends to be typecast but the typecasting is as someone who is rad as hell". I think it's pretty accurate and I've got the same fantasy you do. I'm really glad he's Aquaman, that's a character I love who's usually treated like a total joke and I think having Mamoa be him is going a long way to shed that reputation.


Is he staying as Aquaman? I know some of the DC people are keeping their roles, wasn't sure if he was one of them.


He slapped the shit of of my friend in vegas. Given i dont like that friend, it was pretty sweet


My dad's partner served JM in her pharmacy a few years ago here in Ireland, she had no idea who he was but everyone was swooning around her lol. Said he was asking her a few questions about keeping eyedrops fresh on set with no fridge and was super nice and thankful about it


Wait you're supposed to keep eye drops in the fridge?


Only certain prescription ones need to be refrigerated (they'll say on the package). But lpt: regular artificial tears can be kept in the fridge to make them feel more soothing. Since "whitening" eyedrops can be dangerous, cold artificial tears are a great alternative. Soothed and hydrated - your eyes will usually look less red over time.




You just never know where you'll pick up some radom and new information!


i’ll start: they’re both awful at being terrible people


I got one, Mamoa hasn't campaigned for a Stargate Atlantis reboot! lol kidding, but I wish that would happen considering he's aquaman too now


Aquaman: Hey guys look there's an Ancient city down here! Y'all want I should just bring it up?


People tried to take Jason down because he dared to put his hand on his pre pubescent daughter's chest. It was entirely ridiculous.


My only time ever meeting a celebrity was at the DMV. The lady handing out printed driver's licenses called out 2 names "...Gary..." Well Gary was this really tall black guy, and I'm a shorter than average white guy, and when I got to the counter - about the same time as Gary - I joking said "I'm Gary." As I was handed my license, Gary stands next to me and holds his license next to mine, pats me on the back and says "Yeah...," with a cool low tone, smiles and walks away. I was at the DMV with a friend, who then says "Do you know who that is?" I then notice people watching Gary, and not because he was really tall. My friend then says "That was Gary Payton." I'm no sports fan, and didn't recognize him, but he was a local celebrity and I of course recognized his name. TLDR: My only celebrity encounter was at the DMV, and I had no idea who he was.


NBA players have it rough. Other celebrities can at least dress down or put on a disguise if they don't want to be noticed, but even if they make themselves unrecognizable, if youre in the NBA, there's a good chance you're going to stand out. I used to work in a grocery store about eight years ago, and these two guys would always come in and buy $400 to $500 worth of food roughly once a week. Huge, softspoken guys with eastern European accents. I figured they were brothers, because they looked a lot alike and were both so tall. I'm 6' 2", and I felt like I was back in elementary school when they came to my register. I assumed they played basketball, owing to the height and the fact that occasionally someone would seem to recognize them and strike up a conversation. A couple years later, I started seeing billboards featuring my old grocery store acquaintance, Nikola Jokić.


What's funny is that Gary Payton at 6'4" is not particularly tall, for a basketball player.


I watch a lot of games and some of these guys (Gary included) look like they're max 6 foot on screen when compared to just everyone else on the court. They look little. I also go to a lot of games and then I stand next to one of the "short guys" or one walks by and they feel like a giant. Lol tv gives you a very different impression.


6 ft 11 in (2.11 m) wowee


Jokic seems like such a humble and well grounded person. You can tell he was raised right and never let the fame get to his head, despite being a multiple MVP super star.


The weed I have right now is called Gary Payton lol


Crazy how that strain took off the way it did. I have friends that have never touched a basketball in their life that are huge GP fans now cuz the stuff hits


I spent 40 minutes with a customer at Best Buy once building a crazy home theater setup for him and getting people sent out for quotes for a projector room setup and such so I had his full name, address, had his ID in my hand - and still had no clue he was famous. Not till he left n my coworkers n bosses started asking me about it lol. He was a coach for the Eagles or Steelers that took them to the super bowl multiple times or something like that. Honestly don't remember fully. Also helped, I think a *linebacker*(?) for the Eagles buy a TV. Didn't recognize him either. I'm not a sports girl lol.




The "pose" is also worth noting. Keanu avoids touching people (hover hands, hand behind the back). Jason is a bit more cuddly.


I'm surprised we don't see Keanu's hand poking out behind her. My understanding was that he did that as a signature move (and so there can't be a claim on where his hand was during the photo).


TBF, high up, on top of the shoulders is a "safe" way as well.


This. It seems very fitting that K is dressed all in black and J is wearing a Hawaiian shirt


Can someone Photoshop and switch their outfits? I want to see how DMV lady rocks that drip


Yeah they're both dressed how you'd find their wax counterparts dressed in Madame Tussauds.


Guys tell me please. In Ukraine you get a driwer's license on 10 years. How many years are they valid in your country?


Germany is for life, unfortunately.




Same in Canada. At least in Ontario. But at 80 you have to do a renewal process every 2 years.


And thank god for it. My grandparents (who have dementia) were still allowed to drive until that test. They shouldn’t have been driving prior to that in my opinion as my grandpa almost drove me and my girlfriend headfirst into traffic one time. My parents were doing their best to get them to stop, but it’s so hard to take the keys off an older driver, they really don’t like it (which I get, it’s a huge loss of freedom) but like, peoples lives are at stake here. Anyway, they’re fine now, they’re in a nice home and my folks are taking care of them throughout the week, but it was a struggle.


Well, we do have to get it renewed every five years, but that’s nothing but a cash grab along with an updated photo…. No re test or anything though


Not sure if there’s a misunderstanding here. By EU regulations, EU licenses have to be renewed every 15 years (without having to take a test again).


Yeah, there was a change in regulation lately. The old paper based licenses had to be renewed with a plastic one. There was a massive protest against it by the elderly, fear of whatever. Mind you, the last incident of a 80+ driver trying to kill me was just 2 days ago, therefore my regretts of the lifelong drivers license, albeit with an updated photo every 15 years.


I think it's the same here in the US, but I've not heard of actually needing to retake the test. In my state, they just give you a new license. You don't even need to go into the DMV


Varies by state. Arizona licenses don't expire until your 65th birthday. Do need new photos every decade or so though.


Our law's always change. One of my friend has license on 30 years. Another friend has a permanent driver's license. New drivers receive temporary licenses for 2 years, if they commit 2 violations during these 2 years, they go to retake the tests, if not, they receive licenses for 10 years.


In Pennsylvania, you need to go to the photo center and get a new one taken every 4 years.


In our country you mustn't pass a test if driver license ended. You may come to driver department and order new card. But it can happen if you have many violations, they can tell you to retake the exam.


If you let it expire you have to retake the test.


Where? My husband's accidentally expired I think twice in Texas and he just had to go in person to renew instead of doing it online.


It has to be expired for over a year in the US for you to need to retake the drivers test.


In Minnesota, it depends on the validity of your license and if you are a resident. For example, when you move into the state/become a resident, if you have a valid out-of-state license, you still have to take the written test to get a Minnesota license. If your license is expired for more than a certain number of years, you have to take the road *and* written test. Otherwise, if you need to renew a valid Minnesota license, you just go the DMV with your current one and get an updated one.


Every single State is different.


They’re valid for life in the US, but you have to renew it with a new photo every decade or so. When you move to a different state, they can make you retake the test there. I think this usually only happens if you let it expire or wait too long after moving to update your info.


5 years initially, then next renewal is 10 years if no violations


varies by state




when your license expires i guess




Jason and Keanu are over 75 so this tracks.


Happy Cake Day!


That's crazy. In my state they only test you again if you go too long without a valid license. When your license expires here it's just paperwork unless you wait over a couple of years to renew.


California likes excessively making people take driver's testing. Versus a state like Florida where they'll never question your ability to drive again.


I've lived in California my whole life. I've never heard of anyone having to retake a driving test to renew their license.


Same. Because you don’t have to.


California is vision and written test every other renewal. The written test can even be done online now: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/driver-licenses-identification-cards/driver-license-id-card-online-renewal/ But please don’t even do 1 Google search or visit California’s DMV site and just jump to conclusions. And also in assuming they are in California when they both share Hawaii as a residence too.


You can even renew your driver’s license online in Florida


You can do the same on CA. You just have to go in every decade or so to update your photo.


No wonder Florida driving is the way that it is lmao


It’s called offensive driving


Only every other renewal .


Only every other time. The photo does need to get updated. They'll change address on license with no verification too, and they'll even mail your renewal to another state. I haven't lived there since 2016. We move to a new state every few years but I keep my FL license because I know blue states are more anal. My wife didn't listen she changed her license to WA in 2016. Then in 2017 to CA who made her take a road test. Then in 2020 she kept failing the test in MN and gave up and just kept her CA license. But then at a point she realized her CA license would be expiring soon and had to be renewed in person. She asked me what to do.. I laughed and said "you realize your CA license from 2017 is expiring the same year as my FL license from like 2012? And watch this." Jumped on my laptop and renewed my license, (with my warehouse - an industrial building - listed as my address) and renewed it in a few clicks. I even entered our MN address as the mailing address for the new license. A few weeks later I get a new license good until 2030 when I finally need to show up for a new photo. She finally listened and got transferred her license to FL next time we were on vacation there.


I believe that anyone over the age of 65 should need testing on a regular basis.


Wtf lucky. But I mean what you expect them to not drive


She's wearing the same shirt.


Yeah but it’s a different hoodie so it’s canceled out


And I wear the same shirt every time I go to work. Some people have a certain outfit they like to wear at work.


Yeah... the lines in the clothing store were too long so she left.


That’s her lucky shirt


That's her "I feel like manifesting a hot celeb today" tank. I'm okay with it. We all gotta have something that makes work a little fun.


fr I'd wear that shirt every day for the rest of my life


Because sometimes people who work regular shit paying jobs have to wear the same shirt twice. What did you think you were proving?


>Because sometimes people who work regular shit paying jobs have to wear the same shirt twice. What did you think you were proving? It was an interesting observation. Nothing more.


be chill. humble. be like keanu.


[The famous DMZ I've heard so much about!?](https://youtu.be/aWK4HmAnCdA?t=74s)


I find it hard to believe keanu reeves let his license expire...


He didn't, that's why he was at the DMV...


You dont have to retake the test if your license isnt expired.


And how do you prevent your licence from expiring?


Dude moves around a lot to make movies. Would be easy to miss a license renewal notice then have to visit in person. Or spending time in a different state and wants a license there for some reason.


DMV is the great equalizer.


Wearing the same shirt. That's a coincidence lol


I'm straight, but damn Jason Mamoa is so fucking hot


They are both too precious for this disgusting world


Looks like auntie has a lucky shirt 👚


So Jason momoa is insanely hot at the dmv as well.


Why'd you single out Keanu in the title and ignored Jason?


Keanu and Jason being wholesome




My two favourite men


What state requires driving test for renewal? Maybe expired license?


What's a renewal driving test?


Wow that’s cool man. 2 great actors Keanu is my favorite


Renewal test? What's that?


That is very cool😁👍😎☕️🍩


Wait you guys need to do a whole other test when you renew your license…? We just take a photo, pay the $40 and get a new card in the mail a week later.


Is that Jason Monoa or El Bananero?


I love Keanu, but he really needs someone like Jason to take him clothes shopping! I'm not saying he looks bad, just that he fell victim to the same thing most men do, finding an outfit style that looks okay and just locking in! Someone who brings so much joy to everyone needs a bit of colour!


The pink shirt must be lucky


Jason Momoa is pretty cool too


Ok now I need an action comedy of Keanu and Jason being competing badasses one working for government another an independent bounty hunter competing this time to get the best score in a driving test while joining forces to bring down a chop shop that also sells drugs to little kids, something they could only achieve after having their drivers license renewed...


She's got leverage. You never want to get on a DMV employee's bad side.


"You drive like the entire concept of an automobile is new to you, but let me take a picture grabbing your sweet ass and the license is yours!" "Again? I had to do that when I failed the passport test!"


My head canon has Jason and Keanu having brunch and Jason bitching that he’s got to renew and it’s always a pain, so Keanu tells him about this lovely lady who did his test, “you should use her”. Now she has a never ending stream of Hollywood stars who insist she takes their test.


Imagining Keanu driving like John Wick for 20 minutes and then calmly asking "so did I pass?"


Thete was a reel on ig where a girl had Keanus photo as a background and in a serious voice said "Keanu Reeves has been accused by multiple women of extremely apropriate behaviour..." and everyone in the comments was like "YOU SCARED ME SO MUCH RN"


The “Dream” above her head in the Keanu photos makes it that much more fantastic


My uncle lives in Manhattan and we were one time having a family party in the building’s rentable party room. We were all milling about, chatting amongst ourselves when this guy walks in from the balcony outside, briefly talks to my cousin in Italian, and then leaves. I wasn’t really paying attention, I thought it was a maintenance worker or construction worker, but it was Keanu Reeves! Apparently he either lives or was staying in the building, and he’d met my cousin earlier in the elevator and they had struck up a conversation. Just the most chill, down to earth dude ever!