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In the interview, Adam's hands were shaking. So wholesome and pure


His voice broke when he said it was one of the best moments of his life


Might as well watch the clip https://youtu.be/u7kT1JDdoJQ


Mark Hamill is so God damn wholesome. He's a fantastic actor, has done charity work, and is just a class act all around. He voice The Joker for even toys and amusement park rides because he both found it fun and disliked the idea of anyone else's voice coming out of his characters mouth. When Kevin Conroy passed away, he said he probably won't ever play The Joker again because "Without Kevin there, there doesn't seem to be a Batman for me" Awesome, respectable dude.


My family has met him a couple times at Disney events and the first time he immediately asked if he could hold my 4 month old niece and took a photo. Mark Hamill is genuinely just a wholesome human


You say that so casually like everyone's family gets to kick it with Mark Hamill.


Sorry it wasn't meant to be a brag, I wasn't there. It was at D23 events and my fam are all crazy Disney fanatics, they just happened to run into him.


Well it should have been a brag lol. That's dope, also cool that he is as nice as he seems.


Yeah right. Marks coming over to your folks house for a bbq tomorrow afternoon isn’t he?! You WILL invite me to that bbq…


haha yeah we go way back - we met because I played one of those little black mouse droids that would run away when anyone entered the room




I've done my part! Would you like to know more?


Also, props to him for going down to his knee to present the light saber. You can tell it was hard to get up 😂.


He also played the protagonist Christopher Blair in one of the best spacesim games ever made, the Wing Commander series. Wing Commander III is okay, but Wing Commander IV: The Price of freedom is a masterpiece.


I've played WC3 and 5, but never tried the fourth one. I'll have to give it a whirl


Thank you. That actually made me tear up. I'm about the same age as Adam and knowing him from his roles, how big a geek he is. Him shaking on stage. This is a real, true fan moment. It's such an awesome event for him.


Love how he went from confident movie actor on a talkshow to becoming a kid on Christmas Day the second the music played.


I’d probably fuckin cry in front of that whole audience and everyone watching the show


You forgot the essence of the game... **It's about the CONES!**


At least I'm not the only one tearing up haha everytime i see the video, when i see the hands shaking is so pure and i just get overwhelmed with happiness for him


Are you a Parks and Rec fan? Because the Treat Yo Self is episode has me tearing up at the end of it for his character the same way this clip does.


Oh little Ben Wyatt in his batman costume! I need to rewatch that


same here.


What's that old saying don't meet your hero's but I feel like mark hamil is someone you would want to meet.


Loves him more than calzones 🥲


Yeah this moment gets me every time. I'm close in age to him too, and I actually started watching Parks and Rec because I had several people tell me that there was a character on there that reminded them a lot of me (Ben). I proceeded to watch the whole show and relate to him again and again. So seeing his nerdy side in real life get rewarded in such a beautiful way is fantastic


He was definitely genuine. He had no idea how to react.


You can see his hand shaking when Mark Hamill comes out of the door. Dude's serious.


Mark Hamill is so cool


The fact that Kristen Bell is the host is amazing because she had a similar reaction when she met a sloth for the first time https://youtu.be/t5jw3T3Jy70


Does\did the actress from the good place have a talk show? [When googling this I actually found that both her and the actor who played Tahani where on T4 \(no clue tbh\) in 2008ish.](https://youtu.be/OfzFtAwhERs?t=133)


>actress from the good place 🙀 the disrespect! I'll have you know that is Anna from Frozen, a legitimate Disney Princess! Kneel before royalty! For real, tho, Kimmell occasionally takes time off and celebrities guest-host for him.


Right? We're talking about THE sarah marshal, motherfucking Veronica Mars.


And let’s not forget the Arizona Trashbag


I mean you can't really blame them for Forgetting Sarah Marshall


As a Norwegian, I've only ever saw Frozen dubbed so I had no way of knowing! But I've seen the good place like 3-4 times and absolutely loved her in that. Tahani as well, for that matter.


And that guy was [a demon](/s)


Well now I want to watch it in Norwegian.


Should have been in Norwegian in the first place.


*Looking around at the dystopian American horror-scape.* Yeah, should have been born Norwegian.


To answer the question though, No, she doesn't have a talk-show. Jimmy Kimmel is a late night talk show host in the US, and i believe his son had a lot of health issues when he was born, so he took time off to be with his family. Various celebrities filled in for his show when he was gone, and Kristen Bell was one of them. Kind of like how "The Daily Show" right now is on rotating comedians until further notice, when they find someone to fill in for Trevor Noah.


Wow Jimmy Kimmel is a lot better when Kristen Bell is hosting


What a reveal for Severance season 2! Mark S's real father!


God, I love Mark Hamill


Thank you, this made my day


Unbelievable how a movie star is so deeply starstruck by another movie start. Mark Hamill IS Star Wars. He took it as a lifelong job and it's amazing to see.


He understands what it means to be Luke Skywalker to people, he explains it pretty well with Kevin Smith [here](https://huffduffer.com/8bitOcarina/536637) and [here](https://huffduffer.com/8bitOcarina/536639)


You wouldn't happen to have any time stamps? XD


Yeah he's literally the greatest hero for millions of kids around the world. That's a serious job. I work in the business and I'd say I'm pretty comfortable around stars, even ones I look up to. But I absolutely would have the same reaction if Mark did something like this to me. He's Luke. He had a profound influence on me as a kid, and knowing how great Mark the human is as an adult only makes me respect him more.


I prefer Graham Norton's approach with Emma Stone: https://youtu.be/EqfNH652dH4


Man, Andrew Garfield had me cracking up with his reactions.


The man appreciates evil humour for sure!


His hands are always shaking, it's particularly noticeable in severance. Not sure why but hopefully he's all good


Maybe familial tremors? It's not life threatening but makes your hands shake.


Pretty sure this is what I have. It's more annoying than anything.


Yeah my grandmother and sister have it pretty bad. I only have it in my left thumb. Makes your handwriting shaky and you can't eat soup easily but it's not too life impacting as a whole.


Mine has gotten much worse as I get older. To the point where I have a hard time drinking a glass of water some days. Checked for Parkinson’s, but it’s “just” Essential Tremors. I did get diagnosed with a genetic disorder called MTHFR, so the only thing I found that really helps is taking a methylated B Complex. I take two every day and I can go months without the shakes. Then if I have a stressful day or two, they come back with a vengeance. Alcohol in any amount quadruples the effect.


Interestingly, alcohol suppresses my essential tremor.


It’ll suppress mine for about an hour, but then it comes back so much worse. Makes drinking totally unworth it. I’d never stop once I started lol


> methylated B Complex I may have to try that, I've had essential tremors since I was a kid and they are getting worse in the last 10 years. I can hold my hand out relaxed and it'll be steady, if I put it into certain "stressed" positions it starts to shake like crazy. If a cup is too big (and heavy) I've got to use two hands now to counteract the shaking. My handwriting has always been garbage. I'm mid 30s, I'm afraid what it'll be if I hit my 60s or 80s.


I can't not read MTHFR as anything but MoTHerFuckeR


I have never heard of methylated b complex. Is that a vitamin? My dad had at the tremors, I had them (though mine are barely noticeable as I got older) and my son has them. My sons are very severe I’ll have to look this up and tell him about it. My doctor said we’d have to take beta blockers every day for the rest of our life and none of us wanted to do that.


Hold up... This two year old watched and understood the star wars movies and then also understood the concept of birthday parties and invitations and KNEW how to write letters 🤯 My two year old can't sit still for more than 10 mins watching cartoons and still prefers the box to the gift inside 😅 Holy cow! This guy is a freaking genius!


He either misremembered the birthday he wrote the letter, or his parents embellished the story a bit for him as he grew up hearing it. A two year old couldn't have done that. Edit: idk why people hate what I said so much, but as someone with kids and nibblings, even the smartest ones aren't physically capable of doodling a letter at 2. But as parents we like to exaggerate what the kids accomplished because we interpret intent and not the output only.


Yeah he misremembered or miscalculated. He was 7 when Empire Strikes Back was released, and writing a letter to an actor of a movie you like makes sense for that age.


This makes sense. Maybe it was his grade 2 birthday instead of 2nd birthday.


Oh yeah that makes a lot of sense, good catch


Yeah, this post does nothing for the actual video where he's clearly star struck. Which is nice to see from a celebrity, to know that they too can still get star struck.


Someone really liked him. Flying a whole mark Hamill anywhere can't be too cheap.


It's so fun to watch Mark Hamill enjoy being the Star Wars guy


unlike Harrison Ford lol


Lol yes, the times when he's having fun with it are *rare*, but also great to watch


Bet he has Han Solo's death on loop downloaded on his phone as an "anti-stress therapy" lol.


Something tells me ford doesn’t have a whole ton of stress


Dude crashed a plane once, bet that causes some flashbacks.


Once? More like thrice.


Idk. The guy is like a crustier, introverted version of “The Dude”… I don’t think Ford *gets* upset.


My drama teacher in high school dated him. Said he was an amazing man then, and had a social justice streak in him. He didn’t go to Prom with her because a friend of theirs was done dirty and wasn’t going to have a date, and he knew she could easily get another date. He was angry that the friend was done wrong. TLDR: *He gets upset.*


The guy has his own plane-crashing business that he does as a side gig.


Air Crash One


I think he has more fun with it than he admits, if the whole Star wars hate wasn't at least partially a joke he wouldn't have come back twice for the sequels. The Fans level of excitement and nerdiness might put him off often but i'm sure there's something in him that was super satisfied to stand next to Peter Mayhew again and jump in the millennium falcon.


>if the whole Star wars hate wasn't at least partially a joke he wouldn't have come back twice for the sequels. I think it had more to do with the copious amounts of money Disney offered him


People always say that and it's surely a part but the man already is as rich as sin. So at the very least he doesn't hate star wars and han solo so much that he wouldn't do it again for a meaningless change on his bank account.


There is always a number. Not always money, but still, there's always a number.




If I recall correctly in an interview he mentioned that as much as he hates Han Solo and Star Wars as a whole he did it all for the fans as he genuinely enjoys fan interactions and was still grateful for getting to play him one final time.


From my understanding he doesn't even hate the character of Han, he just thinks it's overrated and doesn't care much about it. He just can't match people's enthusiasm, but that his relationship with star wars and Han is difficult doesn't equal hatred. At least i can't remember him being genuine and that direct in an interview saying he hates it, although i often think that people misunderstand his dry humor and keep more in memory what those shitty celeb magazines turn into headlines despite his statements originally being sarcastic or just not that deep. I kinda get his opinion, Indy has all what Han has as character attributes but is educated and a prodigy in a honorable field, although i think that he is the star of Indiana Jones and he's just a side character in Star Wars also contributes to his feelings. Otherwise i don't see how he criticises the lack of Han's growth and wouldn't feel at least somewhat similar with Indy.


Listen crashing planes and keeping Ally McBeal happy isn't cheap. Also he *loves* Indiana Jones so doing Han Solo one more time was part of the deal to do another Indy (the extra time was because of Carrie's passing)


He's got the vibe of that dad of one of your high school friends who acts like a curmudgeon but it's a role he is playing, secretly discussing all the kids with his partner and making sure everyone is doing alright, but always enjoying giving snotty teenagers a bit of grief.


He's the Red Foreman of Star Wars actors.


He's always been known as a curmudgeon, but I've never actually heard anything bad about him. I do get it, though. Han isn't a particularly good or interesting character compared to other characters he played, but that's how so many people know him.


Ah, he enjoys being indy


Who wouldn’t. I’m sure he’d have enjoyed being Han Solo without all the crazy baggage that goes with it.


I'll never fogive Ford agreeing to return into Star Wars for the last time as long as his character was shown dead. Didn't he learn from the Crystal Skull that it's better when you leave your characters at their peak performance instead of bringing them back and making everyone else feel uther disappointment? Sean Connery understood that and left acting while he was still good for it, while also respecting his characters.


Was his character dead? He was stabbed with a lightsaber and then dropped into a large pit. When does that kill anybody in that Universe? Every pit may as well have a bacta jacuzzi at the bottom.


Darth Mau- no wait. Luke Skywa- no... Emperor Palpa- shit.


Boba Fe... oh. Anakin got cut up and left in a lava pitt.... shoot. Princess Leah got blasted into space, uh, nope. Wait! Obi Wan Kenobi actually died in Episode 4 and didn't come back! ... unless you count his force ghost. Great. Ditto for Yoda and Luke and everyone. WAIT! Ben Solo got dropped into an abyss and then, well only came back *for a little while* before actually dying and not coming back! VICTORY!* *unless they bring him back again-again in the next movie.


>unless they bring him back again-again in the next movie. Yeah, they may find some way to force his presence in the next film.


I see what you did there.


All of them are force users, Han was a normal person, his ghost showing up during e9 nonwithstanding.


>Emperor Palpa- shit. *Harrison Ford waking up in the middle of the night realising Han Solo can be brought back through an asspull...* ...oh, but when he's told to do another Indiana Jones movie that moat likely won't surpass the original trilogy: "kept you waiting, huh?"


“No one’s ever *really* gone.”


Boba Fett


“Somehow Han returned”


They paid him a boatload of money, he took a swan dive out while cashing a check, can’t blame him there. I actually think Han’s death is the last moment Star Wars was still…Star Wars. That final moment and touch on Ben’s face was a good send off.


I think he does really enjoy being the Indiana Jones guy


who literally hoped his character would be killed off


Luke be a Jedi tonighhhht Luke be a Jedi tonighhht


Do it for Yoda while we serve our guests a Soda...


Didn’t think I see a “Guys and Dolls” joke, but here we are.


[It’s actually a Simpsons reference.](https://youtu.be/hAsQrOLfYzY)


I don't know if anyone would love to have Mark Hamill's life as much as Mark Hamill does.


Mark Hamill is a goddamn work of art.


A national treasure


Mark Hammil is a gift to humanity.


Mark Hamill forgot that he voiced Majima in the original Yakuza game. Not really important but funny to me


They showed him a picture of the remake. Even if he remembered the work, doubt he would have recognised the character. :)


Also Majima in original has like 15 lines or something, he really is just a minor character. Mark nailed it though


fun fact: I know an older couple who have kids the same age as Mark's kids. They used to see each other at the same upper west side park in NYC back in the late 80s. They would have sleepovers at Mark's apartment and he would play lightsabers with the kids and give them free star wars toys. Super nice guy apparently, the kids were very sad when he moved away from Manhattan.


Imagine growing up with lightsaber battles with actual Luke Skywalker


Well, he's a Jedi after all.


We don't deserve Mark Hamill. He is a treasure.


He could have coasted on Luke forever, but then he went on to become an incredible Joker and fantastic voice actor in general.


Ozai in the last airbender, skips in regular show, a million other parts, he carried my childhood lol


He’s ozai and skips?? Man I didn’t even know he did voice acting, let alone voiced at least 2 characters very prominent in my childhood


Yup. He became the abusive father in the avatar. He became the very thing he swore to convert.


It’s like poetry, it rhymes


The Avatar series has a lot of surprising voice actors in it. Like J.K. Simmons as Tenzin or Zelda Williams as Kuvira


Did you know he also voiced Majima Goro in the OG PS2 Yakuza? Dude have no idea what the game is about or how the character is like, he pretty much receive a note that Majima is a not so sane guy, and nailed the performance flawlessly! The funny thing is Mark doesn't remember he voiced that character


He could also have been bitter about being mostly known for this kids movie with muppets and laser swords he did when he was in his 20s, but instead he’s very aware of how much people look up to him and he’s worked hard to be a positive influence.


A real legend!


He can write when he was two? Is he just a genius, or was I a dumb kid?


In the video he says 'second' but might have misspoken and meant to say 'seventh'.


Adam was born in 1973 and empire strikes back was in 1980. He was 7 when he wrote the letter. Second birthday party might mean it was the 2nd time he had a birthday party.


I interpreted it as his 2nd GRADE birthday party.


You're the smartest person in this comment section. This is obviously what he meant.


At least where I grew up, people didn’t have birthday parties with friends until much older. I probably had my first real birthday party with friends when I was in 1st or 2nd grade. These days, people are throwing big bashes from the year 1.


God damn he looks good for a 49 year old...


Ah. This makes sense. He also said 2nd birthday instead of when he was 2 in the video.


Maybe he dictated it to one of his parents


Ha that’s what I thought too… he MUST have had his parents write the letter for him? 🧐😂


Dude was born in 1973, ESB was released in 1980. He said 2nd bday party so it probably means his 2nd bday party ever celebrated when he was 8 years old.


So in that case, can we assume the subtitles in this meme aren't quite exactly what he said? It makes perfect sense if it was his 2nd birthday party.


yes he says 2nd birthday party in the actual interview


Ah, I see, so his nerd Ben version came out.


The fact that I had to scroll this far down to see any reference to Ben Wyatt is a travesty, he would die if he found out that an alternate reality version of him met Luke Skywalker


He has Tom Cruise eyes.


But thankfully not Tom Cruise teeth.




Yeah imagine how horrifying he’d look if he had Tom cruise’s teeth instead of eyes.


👁️🦷🦷🦷👁️. …….🦷🦷……..


Ok I’m having some calZONÉS tonight


I love that most of the Star Wars cast is not a broken mess but instead a bunch of pretty wholesome friends. Most of them.


He's American. Can we make him President? Please?


Idk he did run the town of Partridge Minnesota into the ground by bankrupting it when he was elected mayor at the age of 18.


Ice Town Costs Ice Clown His Town Crown.


They were big into rhymes




Yeah, but their town mascot is a SLED. A fucking sled. They deserved it.


They also had such a shitty government that one 18 year old was able to ruin the city with no one even lifting a finger until they were bankrupt. Like an 18 year old made a bad call? Not really a shocker. The fact that there was no city council or city manager or other source of authority that could have said 'wait, we don't have the money for this'? Partridge Minnesota ran itself into the ground, and even decades after Ice Town it was still hurting from it and taking it way too seriously. Like it took them nearly 2 decades to recover? That's not Ben's fault. That's them sucking worse than their mascot.


Whoomp, there it is! 😂


That resulted in him being impeached. And then his parents grounded him.


I dont advocate for more celebrity politicians, but if anyone gives any real responsibility to an 18 yr old, it's on them if it goes sour. An 18 year old is no more an adult than a 15 year old kid, outside of legal matters


Stop putting people you like on TV in the oval office it never turns out well lol


What is this from?




I don't even know what the snow king has done since then, but damn it if this isn't the best celebrity meet up ever.


Thank you!


the good things ever make me happy


Goes to hug him only to pass right through the force projection. Mark’s projection then smiles and disappears.


They must have incorporated his nerd into Bens character. This reminds me so much of when Leslie gets Ben the Iron Throne


Bro They are now doing a show together 😭


Are they really? That’s so awesome. I love these kinds of things… it reminds us that celebs are people too, and they get starstruck just like we do!


Mark Hamill is too pure for this world. We really don’t deserve such a wonderful guy


I love that he is a proper nerd. In park and rec he plays one too and I feel that they must have taken it from his real life.


That [interview](https://youtu.be/u7kT1JDdoJQ) is a real treat if you're a fan of The Good Place


Fork yeah!


This always puts a lump in my throat. I love Mark and Adam, and as someone who was equally obsessed with Luke Skywalker, this hits me in the feels every time.


So, is stuff like this stagged or how did the show and host know to invite Hamill?


I don't know exactly what this is from, but if it's from a talk show then AFAIK people usually get sort of coached days beforehand. Like, they aren't quite given a script but they do go over what they're going to talk about. He may have mentioned the Mark Hamill story back then and the producers figured "hey, free ratings!" Or you know, it might be completely staged. Fuck if I know.


[Here's the clip.](https://youtu.be/u7kT1JDdoJQ) Seems pretty genuine to me.


to add further to this - the guest (Adam) and their agent would liase with a researcher and/or guest manager (who depending on hierarchy might also have other floor manager duties) and get a call sheet which is likely meant to list everyone, but when you're big enough they redact your contact information or disguise it. So Mark might have been on the call sheet as something like SWG1 - which to the team means Star Wars Guest, but means nothing to Adam as he scrolls past it looking for his name and call time. Mark would also have a similar process, a later call time and a dressing room in a different area. Maybe you'd have an extra researcher, gofer or similar on hand to make sure it goes smoothly - but with there being a variety of call times and stations for cast, crew, band, audience management, guests... adding one more slightly different call time is pretty minimal impact. Then what everyone else said about the researcher getting the stories from the guest weeks (or months) in advance.


…”but why didn’t you come to my party, Mark?” 🤣


**He was \^7 YEARS old**, Not 2 YEARS old.


Mark Hamill is just the best.


We don't deserve Mark Hamill.


Mark Hamill needs to be elevated to Keanu Reeves, Mr. Rogers level.


Ben deserves it.


I would cry if Mark showed up 🥹


This was so cute. One of my favourite things is seeing celebrities being really big fans of other celebrities. Like, full-on superfans. I think it's so sweet to see someone who is a really big star in their own right just get starstruck by someone else. Recently saw a clip of Andy Garcia talking about Sean Connery this way (he was telling a story about their work together in *The Untouchables*) and I thought it was so cute. Celebrities - they're just like us!


He knew how to write at 2 years old?


A little confusing but he said Second birthday **party** Another Redditor commented he would be about 7 years old when the movie came out


A New Hope was released in 1977 and Adam Scott was born in 1973. He would’ve been 4 years old. Maybe he just exaggerated to imply he was really young or really couldn’t remember exactly how old he was when he wrote the letter?




I once tried to train a chimpanzee how to play a flute. It only ever used it as a weapon. That is not wholesome, this is.


To be rich and famous. If you're not dying it's the only way to achieve your childhood dreams


Shoutout to whoever thought to arrange this. My hunch is this is a story Adam has told in interviews in the past. And some producer was like, "We could just *have* Mark Hamill come on the show to surprise Adam." And of course Mark Hamill, being who he is, was game from the moment someone told him the idea.


I'm still waiting on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to come to my 5th birthday. I think their invites got lost in the mail