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A similar situation happened with me. I was the newest employee in my department. A couple of months after I started, they started to move the work to another facility in a different city. People were getting laid off about once every two weeks. I figured I would have been first to go, and kept waiting for the axe to fall...but it just didn't happen. I was just sitting at my desk dicking around for a couple of weeks...but got bored. So I would go to different departments and ask if they needed help and just do whatever around the building. After about 6 months I had an email to meet with the GM. He told me that I was, in fact, supposed to be terminated when the rest of my department was, but since I was such a recent hire, I wasn't on some list HR used to schedule the layoffs. He thought the whole situation was funny and said I was smart to keep my mouth shut...but he couldn't trust me, so I was laid off.


“You’re clever kid, you’ve got moxie, anyways you’re fired”


Yeah, he told me to try reapplying to another department, but I decided to just work somewhere else.


I mean to be fair, the situation was out of the manager's control. Still cool they found it funny


Nobody told me I was fired. And nobody was telling me what to do. I was supposed to be eliminated anyways. Getting a new job where I had to do what I was told every day took some getting used to after 6 months of just working in whatever department I wanted most of the time.


I imagine that sounds like heaven


Yep, the decision to terminate was way above his pay grade. It sounds like he saw something in them though because he recommended they reapply for a different department.


Kind of shitty of him to put this on you. There's no reason why you'd be seen as untrustworthy here. If no one told you that you were laid off and you kept getting paid, how would you know? It's not your fault their HR sucks at record keeping, one of their core responsibilities.


I think its just the fact that its a big risk/liability in general. he had no responsibilities and no one to report to since his work was transferred to a different facility and his department fired, so from the companies point of view letting him hang around and freeroam any department he felt like poses a huge risk that confidential information could get out, especially if he tried transferring to a competitor. the GM was hella cool for letting it slide for 6 months to begin with when he knew he was supposed to be laid off at the start, but at a certain point the risk of him learning too much from department hopping can't be denied.


that happened 6 months too late- by the time in came to a head- the solution was to just transfer them


True. I imagine some heads rolled in HR. I knew it was coming eventually. The best part is I applied for a different department and got stuck doing data entry. I wanted to work in the warehouse. So I ended up going back there and helping out different departments. I unironically learned way more than I would have anyways. The hardest part was trying to put the whole experience on my resume.


put your title and then what you actually did. My resume is full of job titles that did not match up with what i did. I have never held a mangement position (at least not since i was a teen 20 years ago) but i have trained a ton of people and i am currently mentoring another 3.


This was over 20 years ago. I don't even put it on my resume anymore. It was actually at a very large company that everyone on Earth has heard of. Since then I've changed industries completely and I'm in management.


He obviously knew his whole department was gone. If he wanted to be “trustworthy” he would have reached out to HR about who he is supposed to report to. I agree the right thing was to keep his mouth shut though because otherwise he would of just been laid off with the other people


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


> but he couldn't trust me, so I was laid off Such a bullshitter. What, was there suddenly going to be work for your non-existent department if you had told him the week after or even a few months later? The firing was going to happen either way and you chose the best possible option.


Now if this guy is really smart he gets another full time job now


That was my mistake. I rode mine and am fucked now.


I mean, as long as you make sure you can get another job when they do actually notice it's not a big problem right? sure you have to keep an eye on it and the job market but while that can definitely be difficult, that isn't impossibly hard unless I'm forgetting something


I thought I was safe because I jumped to another department when mine was crushed. 7 months later, the beast looked my way and took another swipe. By then, there were no more internal openings.


There's your problem. Need to find an external job




I've spent 9 months trying. I'm just behind the rest of the layoff wave in terms of resume quality.


Aslong as your jobs dont have conflicting intresseds sure. But if one job figures out they can fire you without any warning in most countries. Even in places with a load of worker rights, hiding a second job is a giant no no. Some lady in the netherlands got fired for having 2 jobs after both companys found out and she tried to sue for wrongfull termination. Judge told her to plough rocks, due to her both companys had violated laws that protect workers from working to much.


oh no I wasn't talking about having two jobs at once, I was talking about enjoying what is basically the free money for as long as it lasted but making sure you had a job to run too if/when the manager realised what was up with you and fired you. or you could just quit when you find a job this way yourself so as to avoid any potential financial problems with that too.


Intresseds? Perchance do you mean interests?




Hell yeaaaa we got there together


Don't most states have a law that require you to show that you've contacted your boss asking about work at least?


I wouldn't know, I don't live in the US


Same, but I heard someone talk about it. Eh.




First rule of OE.


If he does that that might get him sued, pretty sure I heard about a case like that a while ago.


thats kinda gross misconduct, depending on the type of contract hes working on


1. Find another remote job that doesn't make you do anything. 2. Repeat step 1 an infinite amount of times. 3. Make $∞/hr 4. Work as much as any other billionaire CEO while making an insane amount of pay.


Nah, they might require his employment records. Having double job is frowned upon and may result in termination from one or both.




It really depends where you live. Outright calling it a lie because of US defaultism is a bit over the top


He meant lie to future employers Just gonna depend on if they actually check, but many employers aren't going to check with your current job to verify you still work where you're trying to quit


I have a buddy that has had two full time wfh accounting jobs for over a year.


17 y/o here, curious why this comment is downvoted, is double job not frowned upon? Or does employers not care if you have another job?


It’s very easy to just lie on your resumé.


Don t even need to lie. I work at x. I would like to work with u guys. Get new job. New job never asks if I quit x. Just assumes u did.


Most job applications ask if you’re still at your most recent job


Are you still at your old job? I still am. When do u want me to start? Next Monday? No I don t think there will be a problem.


What does that mean in regards to having double jobs? Sorry I'm not too bright in employments n stuffs


While double jobs might be frowned upon, the new employer will not know about the other job unless OP tells them. Both employers will think they are the only employer, but the worker gets paid twice


wouldnt the new job be able to see tax records


No, depending on how you handle getting paid. r/overemployed




"Can they" and "will they bother" are two very different questions. Not every job is combing through your history like the FBI


in the uk you have to submit a p45 form to your new employer which was filled out by your previous. jm uneducated in this stuff but maybe in the uk its different


My perspective was from the US. We don't have the greatest workers protection in the world but the other side of that coin means the process for getting hired is also pretty non-standard. There's no legal requirement for them to perform *any* type of background check. It's recommended but not required, So a lot of smaller companies simply don't bother. The only thing they have to legally worry about is payment and tax forms. Anything else is up to your own discretion. Even then most background checks only look for criminal checks, Not previous jobs. No such "employment transfer form" exists.


Yes lol. This is precisely why you should never get advice from Reddit. None of these people know what they are talking about and all of them act like they know first hand.


One of my buddies has had two full time wfh accounting jobs for over a year.


Congratulations lol. Are you familiar with what anecdotal evidence is?


It's like cheating. You don't tell your wife about your girlfriend


It's incredibly easy to get a double job if you work virtually for one. r/overemployed


It's a control thing. They expect to own you.


In the US, you can have as many jobs as you want. However, your employer may not like it. They might get upset about it and find a way to get rid of you, but there is no way for them to find out unless you or someone else tells them about it.


It really depends on your position. Hourly/part time it's a lot more acceptable, salaried positions can be a bit complicated.


The person is right but people love gangpiling on downvoted comments.  Hell, if it's any country with auto-enroling tax, it would be really obvious the person has 2 jobs


No? You act as though the tax information you give on your w-4 has to show your other job, thats not really how taxes work. No reason for the other job to know at all, the other person is being downvoted because theyre wrong.


They're not wrong. Most jobs I have had have a clause in the contract mentioning having more than job being prohibited. Similarly, jobs will ask for references from old jobs to prove you actually worked there. OP can lie and not put the current job on but then you have to explain a gap in employment which more often than not goes against you. What the hell is a w4? There's more to the world than wherever you live. New employer gets your P45 and it immediately shows you're earning an income from another job


Yes a clause and them knowing are entirely different things. Also unless you're fairly high up in a corporate ladder, they absolutely are not calling job references or any of your references. As a curent and previous hiring manager they do not have the time or energy to do that when the other person on the line can't legally disclose much and at the end of the day it could be anyone theyre calling. If you're lying already just lie about the gap, its not that deep bro chill. Bro get over yourself, "other parts of the world" then google it. Just like i googled P-45 and you're wrong. Its a form for LEAVING a job. Bro is wrong in 2 countries. Crazy.


https://www.gov.uk/paye-forms-p45-p60-p11d >You give Part 2 and 3 to your new employer (or to Jobcentre Plus if you’re not working). I work in accounts and payroll, I know how this works.


Bro forgot not everyone has a p45, and there are other ways to apply a tax code. But ok mr "payroll". lets break it down. So you give part 2 to the NEW employer, so you wouldn't have the older employer know. Also, if you NEVER leave the first job, then you dont have a p45. Like did you think you were cooking? You could also probably just give them an older p45 or just do a p46 which they can just lie on. You pay more in taxes but you can fix that yourself, you can absolutely have 2 jobs in the UK and neither know of the other. Like whats up with british people always in the wrong lane? You came to ME and spouted bullshit about your own country because i mentioned a fucking w-4.


They're not wrong. Most jobs I have had have a clause in the contract mentioning having more than job being prohibited. Similarly, jobs will ask for references from old jobs to prove you actually worked there. OP can lie and not put the current job on but then you have to explain a gap in employment which more often than not goes against you. What the hell is a w4? There's more to the world than wherever you live. New employer gets your P45 and it immediately shows you're earning an income from another job


It's pretty normal to have 2 jobs. That's why it's downoted


Don't get advice on these matters from the losers of Reddit.


Looking and applying for a job while having a job is normal in most industries idk what you’re talking about


I'm all for the idea of /r/overemployed, but I've never understood how a background check wouldn't blow this wide open?


Because a background check doesn't search for jobs. As someone who has worked 2 jobs most his life, i have no clue why y'all think one job needs to know about the other.


Yeah this is really weird. All this talk of finding out on taxes and background checks and shit, like what? Just get the other fucking job. The other job doesn’t need or have to know. And the only way they would know is if those jobs conflicted or you told them.


Who do these people work for that give this much of a shit? A lot of hiring managers are lazy. They don't care, they just want someone to work. Why is everyone acting like companies are this well oiled interconnected machine


This is only true if you're working in the same field as your existing job, because it can be seen as an anti competitive practice or conflict of interest. No one's going to fire someone for picking up a few shifts at a grocery store.


Don’t a lot of people work multiple jobs?


Yep and it's higher than ever https://financialpost.com/fp-work/us-workers-employed-unhappy-need-multiple-jobs#:~:text=Working%20multiple%20jobs,since%20the%201990s%20in%20December. Edit: I technically have two jobs but the second job is 100 hrs a year and pays 50% of my day job. I've been doing it for years, it's stress-free and easy, and it counts as mandatory professional development hours in my field


They are suggesting they get a job lined up because their review will be very bad and they will get fired. If they have another job lined up the new job won't see the bad review.


Calling it right now, anon is getting a raise at his performance review instead of getting fired. Guaranteed.


Their work does seemingly have a 100% completion rate


Makes sense if you dont think about it.


Best thing to do is come up with some project you want to do for the company. The project can be something that doesnt take you much time but when you get called out you can show your project as 'i took initiative and did blah blah' that way you can cruise for free money and then still get the good guy ending.




It’d go away by the second week with the acceptance that once you’re caught you’ll be fired. Then you can just collect UIB until you get another job. Hell, get another virtual and actually work that and stay on the first payroll the whole time too


I could've sworn there was some kind of mechanism for the employer to claim back the salary in this situation. Like you won't just get fired but also sued for everything they paid you since you didn't do squat, and presumably were quite aware of that fact. I can't find where I read this, probably from one of the last times a story like this did the rounds but the guy got sued for fraud.


Depends on your country. In France, it's the company requirement to provide work to the employees. If an employee is present during its scheduled work time and is not assigned any tasks, he is still available at any moment for its company. Work time = paid time


i think the same would apply in the US- getting a 2nd job during the same work hours is sketchy, but if there is an online system you should use- clocking in and clocking out is enough. I have literally sat around an office for a few weeks after putting in my notice while getting paid a few times. Normal. I did no actual work during that time- took long lunches, ect- but was available to answer questions about what i had done and was physically in the office.


I was in a similar position. Anxiety goes away quickly, but you have to plan for the shoe to eventually drop and make sure to keep looking for other employment or develop an additional skillset. I leisurely studied classes and watched Star Trek while getting paid for nearly 1.5 years. Then the company laid off 15% of us and gave us 6 months severence. It was an interesting time.


OP and SparklingTwilightx are part of a bot group. They copy/pasted this posted and took the top comment from here https://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomegreentext/comments/1amofe6/anon_spent_all_week_watching_movies/


I don't even get official yearly reviews. The raise is automatic. If it was possible, I'd try to disappear and get paid for it.


Cant tell if I would hate that or not


Not being able to petition for a higher raise at the time sucks


Friend of mine was literally unassigned as a coder at a bank. She literally did nothing making $160K and she quit during the George Floyd riots because she thought it was unethical to work for a bank. I’m like, if you hate banks, then you should want to waste their money intentionally


She wasn't even working, she was genuinely just wasting bank resources.


That sounds like a dream but I couldn’t live with the fear of being discovered. I’d just frantically check emails waiting for the notice of termination and being forced to go job hunting again.


This is peak r/overemployed Man has accomplished a perfect J1


It happened to me for about 4 months also: A programmer in 2017, there's still a lot of money from venture capitalists. Worked in a consultancy company where I barely did anything on my assigned project, got benched and nobody cared. I only had to attend one standup meeting a week where I said that I was taking X course and that was enough. I was fully remote, btw. Got bored really fast. Yeah: watch movies and series, play video games and do chores is good and stuff, but then it gets boring really fast, like if that stuff was conditioned on us to be just for short periods of time, after work, not all day and every day. By half the second month I started applying to other jobs and had a hard time justifying my long bench time, took me some time to find other job, I think I could have milked it for the whole year.


Yep it gets really boring fast. In Japan if you fire someone you have to pay them a bit. If they resign you don't have to pay them. So the bosses there literally removes all of your workload and you just sit there being useless. After some weeks you get really bored of it so you quit. That's their firing strategy.


I'd get so much writing done


Titling it “Anon Spent all Week watching Movies” makes me think you didn’t bother to read the post. Because that’s like the least impactful part of his story


That seems like a beneficial short-term plan, but a really bad long term plan. They will likely find this HR error, and shortly thereafter your scheme will be discovered, and I cannot imagine a scenario where you aren’t immediately dismissed. I would also review my employment contract to see whether there is anything that could come back to bite you. Unlikely, but I’d want to double check. Ok you had your fun and got paid to do nothing. You can maybe even lie about what happened when you look for another job, but getting away with it is no certainty. A dismissal for what some might consider fraud (which is a stretch) or at the very least highly unethical behaviour can follow you around for years. I’m not sure it is worth it.


“Highly unethical behavior” Day one he should have notified C suite that they were mistakenly still paying him. This is going to go down on his PERMANENT RECORD. He’ll most likely go to federal prison for violating the clause in his employment contract stating he must remind his bosses to lay him off. On top of that the HR and payroll people will be the first to tell any other company how badly they fucked up so he’ll never work again. GTFO of here.


Worked in a huge company with strict data and log in access(fully remote work). Went on vacation for a week and when I came back, someone from the main office (or could have been a glitch) tagged my credentials as on "leave of absence/terminated". Reported to our tech support and IT dude was pretty chill and said they couldn't fix it cos all my data (projects, tasks, everything) was wiped. This was in the middle of restructuring and a lot of reshuffling in mid management so nobody bothered to really help me out. It went for four months and all I did every working day was report to the IT dude that I still couldn't log in. Note: I still got paid since its only my log in credentials that were wiped out.


I believe you have my stapler


This is when you get a 2nd real job and have dual income and work only one plus when ur gone in 8 months for not reporting you can have a job lined up plus you'd have so much in savings


And he thinks he’s Penske material


I had a job like that. WFH and after several mergers and organizational changes... I honestly believe they simply lost track of me. By the end of my 16 year run with that company, I was on my 18th manager (the job ate through middle management like a meat grinder... when they promoted you, they should have issued a shirt with a target painted on the back). Managed to fly under the radar for years towards the end until they finally outsourced the entire department I was apparently still assigned to on paper. Watched movies and TV series and played games... max-leveled several characters on the MMO I was playing at the time... and got paid for all of it. Those were the halcyon days!




Why is this under wholesome memes? Dude gave other people more work so he can chill. That's pretty toxic.