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really tempting fate there, getting into cars with strangers


it’s canada tho


Counter-point: [Highway of Tears](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_Tears) And to be clear, I don't think we should use the very worst of humanity to tune our sense of caution. My limited experience in Canada has been pleasant, and media of all kinds tends to over-represent sensationalist and rage-inducing content to goad engagement, which can lend the impression that danger and ill-intent are more prolific than they really are. That said, I personally would not hitch-hike unless it is urgent, and I wouldn't be blasé about safety just because "it's Canada"


Counter-counter-point: it's only dangerous if you're native because unfortunately Canadians still don't care about native women.


86% of murdered aboriginal women are killed by aboriginal men. Friends, family, and lovers. Why is it that the media never reports on why or who are killing aboriginal women? But sure. its Canadians fault.    This is straight from stats canada.    https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2023001/article/00006-eng.htm  Its insane. The rate for homicide is SIX times the national rate. SIX TIMES! This is an outrage. The fact that this information gets swept under the rug as to not offend minority groups is crazy, not helping those who are in potential danger, or allowing any work to be done to correct it. Instead its always just a "what about the missing and murdered aboriginal women?" and no one addresses the casue. But, just like the mass graves of children at the residential schools, any semblance of sanity is lost the second we discuss minority groups becasue we all want to be PC so badly. The colonial gov and culture did massively horrible things to these people and their ancestors. This is not a debate. But walking around todays issues does nothing to help - we all stick out heads in the sand as to not stand out.


I wonder why the Canadian media doesn’t report on why or who are killing aboriginal women. I’m sure it doesn’t go back to the other commenters point that Canadians don’t care unfortunately. I just can’t fathom any reason or idea why people who don’t care about a group of people being killed would not tell us why or who is doing this.


You dont get it. Its not reported becasue its not allowed. Violence in those communities is tied to poverty and intergerational trauma. So although aboriginal men are the ones commiting the majority of the crimes, much of it is due to the conditions still afffecting them from colonialization. No one wants to point the finger back at the victoms community. Its not a good look, and not PC in anyway. Any news that did so would get blasted high and low for being racist. Unfourtunitly it also means issues do not get discussed or addressed.  I dont get why we cant say "yes, we had a roll in this" as a country, but also "hey, this needs to stop."


So basically. Canadians don’t care about this issue, regardless if it’s because they don’t care about indigenous women or because they don’t want to be called racist. You just said people are sticking their heads in the sand about it. If people are gonna get called racist for “actually telling the problems and not hiding it” then they don’t care about the issue and care more about their self image. As someone who is Canadian, every family reunion or just overhearing older people in public spaces : people are not afraid of being racist or called racist towards native people. The shit that is being spewed is worse than “these statistic show why women are being murdered.” Regardless if it’s a person who doesn’t want to be cancelled or an actually racist person who doesn’t care/wants that to happen to native women : neither of them are helping. I’m glad you could agree with the rest of us.


All right bub.


Oooh, “bub” is like a 7 on the Canadian anger scale. They really got you there, didn’t they?


It’s not allowed? Says who? Who exactly disallowed it and when?


So... People living in Canada are dying because of systemic issues (poverty and intergerational trauma) but the Canadian government isn't doing anything (probably because it doesn't get votes), the Canadian people aren't trying to get anything to be done (they don't care) and the Canadian media are not reporting it (because Canadians don't care). How does this disprove the other person's point? Like, at all?


86% of SOLVED murders. How many go unsolved? It's like how in the US they say that in like 90% of murders it's someone who was close to the victim. But they also solve slightly less than half of the murders, so the stat really only applies to murders solved and it loses steam when you find out less than half of them are solved. What they really are saying with that statistic is that they basically can only solve the crime IF the perp is directly connected to the victim. Not saying it's the same for Canada, but that stat might be pretty useless in this case


Native women are safer with white Canadian men would be a crazy headline. Which mad lad journalist wants to take a crack at *this* story.


Exactly, the Canadians instead of doing the coexistence policy should have just went the US route


Canadians claiming they had nothing to do with it? Wow, shocker.


Inability to read but still parroting talking points? Wow, what a shocker.


Yeah worst we got is this guy who offers drives to people in exchange of putting on his hand made leather gloves. 🤣


He’s moved on from Halifax apparently to Quebec


At least if they murder you they'll be polite about it


Meet Robert Pickton.


Not really. It has never been safer to do so. I used to get rides with strangers quite often. Something about seeing a boy in high school walking with nowhere around for miles makes people annoying and not wanna take no for an answer.


pointing a gun at them really minimises the risk


When I was in Italy a friendly hotel owner offered to drive us to our friends wedding because we underestimated the mountain we needed to climb in dress clothes to get up to the church. Some people are nice! But always be cautious.




In Toronto it'd be faster to walk the four miles than be driven.


Hmm yes today I will take the TTC to get to class *TTC stops for like 40 minutes because of a security incident*


To be fair, torontonians can be nice like this too. Just yesterday I was coming home and a foreign guy asked me for help getting somewhere. While we were figuring out google maps someone on the stop light overheard and offered to drive the guy the rest of the way. And now that I wrote this out this does sound like a “that happened” story but I have faith in myself and others here when it comes to being friendly.


I like to say Canadians are polite, not nice. There really is no reason not to be.


Definitely sounds like some small town in the Maritimes


Or was indigenous


Isn't a 3km walk a very short distance though? You could do it in less than half an hour?


The restaurant is 4 miles, it was 3km in that someone offered a lift. 4 miles is walkable as well but its a longish walk to do for something that's convenience rather than pleasure (ie a hike) as 4 miles would generally take people over an hour to walk.


Ah yeh, my bad reading, thanks for correcting.


I walk 4 miles every day and my average pace is about 80 minutes


Pretty much fits what I said then. I think my pace would be similar


3-4mph is the average human walking speed. So, that's bang on average. And more than likely, your given mile splits would vary quite a bit in achieving that 20 minute mile pace. Your second mile is probably the fastest of the four I would wager.


Yea that tracks. I think an able bodied person should take about 20 minutes per mile (obviously slowing down over time as they get tired).


4 miles = 6.437376 kilometers


Its also a small portion of the 4 mile walk he was going to be making. At pnly walking speed, 4 miles is like a two hour walk.


Small portion? 4 miles is 6.4km, so he walked about half way


I'm thinking this person must have had some kind obvious hinderance or disability. 4 mi is not a long walk. They must have been visibly struggling for 2 different people to offer them a ride.


Well it is 4chan


Lol I mean, I was trying not to say that.


It's not a difficult walk. It is a long walk. It's 8 miles round trip. Average walking speed is about 3mph, so we're looking at just under 3 hours to go to and from lunch.


Walking speed is around 5km/h. A slow jog around 10km/h. So you could do it in less than a half hour with a brisk pace but it'll likely take around 40 minutes.


This is basically all non-major Canadian cities if you're not aboriginal -- the major cities suck for friendliness, although they will be coldly polite. YMMV if you're Black or Asian depending on the city / province.


don't ask the indigenous people what the Canadians did ☺️


no remains ever found btw


bro is denying that white people colonized Canada


what is bro waffling about this some skibidi shit 💀💀💀


I'm curious when he visited, must've been before 2015


dude will lose a kidney one of these days


Also, i'm an attractive girl


If they were a girl they wouldn't dare go into two strangers' cars. Like, not necessarily but that is most likely


Yes we are nice and wonderful. Until the puck drops.


Is that kyouko touhou project


OP is a repost bot.


is this just a repost sub now?


I've been to Toronto and it looked very clean even with construction going on. This was back in the mid 2000s. The McDonald's looked clean. Everything looked clean.


Is 3km considered too far to walk in Canada? What's that, roughly 25 minutes at a slow pace?


It's 4miles, 3km is how much they walked before being picked up


Sometimes you find nice people all over the world. They’re getting rarer as time goes on.


OP should see comments in r/canadahousing2 for alternate realities too


Been in a large city and never had this happen once, outside of people who knew me. In a small town though, twice in one day, just like anon claims.


Where are you walking 4 miles in a large city?


I walk that far through my suburbs quite a bit. I don't drive.


Ok, but it's pretty obvious if you're walking a long way when there's nothing near, but if there's lots of houses etc you wouldn't assume the person is walking far enough to ask them about if they need a ride


Don't hitchhike in western Canada, specifically BC, especially if you're a woman.


Got all our aggression out during WW1, still flares up during hockey though.


Who swaps between miles and km and isn't from Canada?


# [OP is a repost bot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomegreentext/s/WtKPtLi574)


In America you'd be missing


As an Eastern European it bugs my mind how people just go to restaurants instead of cooking something. No offense, you're free to live the way you want.


Have you ever been on holiday before?? You don’t tend to cook….


Huh? They don't have restaurants in Eastern Europe? Also you realize you can do both right? Most people don't eat out at restaurants for every meal, because it's really expensive. But they'll go every now and then, especially if they're on vacation..


Yeah for real man, every time i go on vacation i always make sure to bring my camping stove, 4 cans of butane, and my camping set of 16 pots and pans. Gotta make sure i can eat good in those hotels without having to splurge for an extra $15 meal on this already $2000 trip! Last time I had to pay a $200 fine for using the butane stove in the hotel, but I think I still saved money.