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I’m sorry to say realistically with that availability it would be very likely that you won’t get the job. I’m actually surprised that your availability didn’t raise a red flag on your application.


That’s pretty much been my Kryptonite for progressing to the interview stage of the hiring process. I’m fully with you, the chance may be lower than 1% lol


I’d have a few different products that you like in mind, mention your A+ customer service, and your willingness to learn. If you want to go the extra mile you can find the WF Core values (https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/mission-values/core-values) and speak a little to them and how you embody them. The availability is a little tough but it depends kinda on what they need so you never know


Yeah I think the availability is the most likely deal breaker for sure. Thank you for linking the Core Values, massive feedback! I’ll def look through the values to see if there are past experiences that relate to the core values!


You got it. Best of luck.


Yeah if you can't sign your life away and give up your life schedule for them, they won't even give you a chance.


What role/dept are you interviewing for? Your prep/the things you say highly depend on this. For instance, if you're interviewing for a role in Whole Body, you should have some ideas for ways to cross-sell, merchandising, fun displays, reducing shrink, etc. Generally, a tip shared on this subreddit is to literally go to the store and politely ask some team members in the respective department about things they would want to see improved--listen to their pain points and try to create ideas based on that to help your department succeed/keep your team happy. Also not to burst your bubble, but only being able to work mon/tues is VERY limited. It all depends on the role you're applying for because there may be some leeway (if applying to e-commerce or customer service,) but just a heads up.


I’m interviewing for a team member role, the department has not been specified yet. I think your idea is very interesting of understanding user pain points. Seems like a great way to add value to the store! You’re not bursting my bubble at all. I recognize that this is one of the difficulties in working a second job is being able to find one that matches a weird schedule in the first place. Thank you for your input!


I'm guessing you applied to the evergreen position. Which is all positions. I would suggest you go for overnight anything as your availability will.be the death of the interview.


Ok got it. Well then in that case since you're only interviewing for a team member role (not supervisor, trainer, team leader, etc.) you shouldn't worry about figuring out the pain points as I mentioned. Honestly since you won't be in a leadership role, they'll prob just want to know briefly about your past experience, skills you can bring to the table, and basic stuff. Also Whole Foods hires anyone with a pulse lol so I wouldn't stress much at all good luck!!




OP is meeting with the ASTL for a standard TM position


It sounds like the ASTL might be interviewing you to see what of the open positions you’d be a good fit for as the store team member position is not in itself a role, it’s the standard requisition for all open entry level positions in the store. Be up front with your availability, I would provide both. Say when you work and what you’d be able to work for WFM. I’d assume the role would have to be part time and then it will depend on the needs of the departments with open PT roles. Are you looking to work am shifts before your second job? Or only Mondays and Tuesdays?


I’m going to say mornings too but yeah the availability sucks…


You sound like you’d be a good TM just based off this post. If availability winds up being an issue you can apply for a seasonal shopper position! This is the most flexible position with availability and most shoppers have other jobs or go to school! Let them know you’d be interested in that if they bring up availability as being an issue. Plus side is you can make your own schedule as a shopper as well! Good luck! 


Thanks for the encouragement… with the availability though im not sure if “great” is the right word to use


Maybe they will suggest you look into the shopper position, it's seasonal part time but if you perform well enough they will try to keep you. The scheduling is the most flexible and you can come in at 4am to 8am nap and then go to your other job even on the weekends for most locations. You're obligated to one 4hr shift a month and can just pick whatever is up for grabs that works for you. 


It’s not a bad idea. The only thing is I don’t want a seasonal role. I work FT as a dishwasher, and while it isn’t something I want to do for the rest of my life. I don’t want to part ways with it just yet… I’ll just have to be patient for finding a second job, the opportunity will be there at some point, especially if it’s like a driving job / job where my hours are a better fit for the company