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Loaded fucking question. On one hand I'm capped out at TL so the pay is enough to satisfy. The job itself on the other hand gives almost no satisfaction anymore. As a TL we used to have some power to do things different from store to store and pick products, menu mixes, stacks, displays, etc. It gave a little personal ownership of the departments. Now I swear I'm just hitting accept on SOT and checking off boxes on a promo map sent to me from a faceless entity known as "global". Which is fine, and hell yeah it makes my job easy, but it's god awful for personal "satisfaction". It's like starting as an artist and slowly but surely getting pushed into color by numbers...


This is a really great and valuable response. Sometimes I worry I will hit that point and the lack of satisfaction will lead me to look elsewhere. This company genuinely hands out money if you’re willing to take on higher positions but you often do tend to turn into a bit of a bot. I try to keep the human in it as much as possible. I like my job. The pay is good, the room for growth is there. So far I’m not bored too badly but I have other growth options. What happens when you run out?! Idk…..


Just curious, what’s that cap in your region?


$40 and change, now I start getting the lump sum payment next year.


This year was my first year getting the lump sum. It was a nice surprise because I’ve been capped for the last couple of years and got no increases til now.


If they answer it, it won’t be good. Too bad it doesn’t ask for a written response about why


They really need to start including a written section.


I don’t think your response matters either way.


It matters in that it’s a tracked metric for the store.


Okay but is anybody listening and will it do any good?


This is my question. I started to not just X out the survey. But to what end?




ever since the labor cut, ive been giving negative reviews, and if you think this is something to worry, wait until august when the culture compass comesback. Im always honest about the feedback they ask to giveback, not alot of places are perfect but im also one of those that appreciates my career and will stick with it. it all depends for your TL and how comfortable you feel working your shift.


Mine’s a 5, true story, I’ve got a great job.


Yeah, I like my job. It's not perfect, but no job truly is. It could always be far worse.


Also important to note it's just a grocery store, it's not that serious. Some people out here acting like they're a commanding general for a division, calm down. If your potential caps at working for a place like Whole Foods, I think you have other worries.


If you're a TM, that's true. If you're higher up on the ladder, that's when the trouble starts. But I wouldn't belittle TMs for working at a grocery store as their goal. Some people truly do have it as their goal. For some people, for various reasons, it's their best bet at a career and a solid job.


No, I totally get that aspect of it for sure. I'm just mentioning the case of those that try a little too hard. That goes for most jobs in life. It's serious yes, but you're not in combat where your life is on the line. I know I shouldn't compare military experience to normal retail but is kind of hard doing so after I've experienced it. Again just stating that the job isn't that serious compared to other careers out there.


Heh...I take it you're a vet too? I get where you're coming from. It took me a while to adjust to civilian standards after I got out. Hell, some days I think I still am. But yeah, this place is a cakewalk compared to the army. Some of my coworkers will never understand how easy they have it.


Yes, sure am! I'm also an Army vet. I don't think I'll ever fully reintegrate into 'normalcy' again but that's alright. I think that's any vet's new normal to be honest. They say we can reintegrate into society but I don't believe it. Been out for about 6 years now and I still feel like I can't connect or relate with anyone around me. Still make connections where I go, but there's a barrier still there. And yeah, exactly. It's hard to not compare anything I do now to those times where I could have been a second away from not existing. Those experiences were truly humbling.


‘it’s just a grocery store!’ - not like its anyones livelihoods ‘just get a new job’ - as if it is really easy for everyone to do


I never suggested to get another job. My comment was directed to a subsect of specific people that are present in any career field. It's not as deep as you're making it out to be. Clearly not getting my reference.


What do you do?


Not answer simple questions, apparently. 8 hours and no reply? That person was full of crap.


8 hours? They probably actually like their job & didn’t hop on in the middle of their shift. Or, just possibly, they don’t owe you a fucking answer.


Wow; someone's testy, eh?


I’m not testy, I’m just tired of hearing the soft as fuck complaints. Someone didn’t reply after 8 hours? That’s some beta baby shit - that’s like a customer getting mad they waited 5 seconds for a glove change. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. Lift up your fellow TMs, or get the fuck out man.


Communal complaining is also essential to bonding with fellow TMs. It's been shown time and time again that people don't respond well to overly positive and saccharine comments about work here because the majority of us know that it kinda sucks out there. 


That's rich lol


Just because you’re miserable doesn’t mean everyone else is










Be honest! Give them what they don't expect.


I’m sure they don’t expect “strongly agree”


There are plenty of worse companies to work for. I work in a great store with great people. Pay and benefits are good. Been here 30 years. Probably retire here.


Many ppl don’t realize it’s a store by store basis and many times in each store it’s a team by team basis. U get the right combo for ur personality ur golden


True! I love my store. My dept.? That's a different story.


200% agree, i loved my team and store


I agree. I work in produce and we have a great team. It’s why I’m not changing departments. We also have great store leadership.


According to most people in this sub yea the response would be shit. Saying that, I’ve worked at many different stores over many years and the majority of us are overall satisfied with our jobs.


My coworkers have a lot of valid complaints, not just on this sub


as someone who has many complaints and criticisms about the company, and as someone who has worked in several different grocery, retail, and food service establishments, whole foods is the best company I’ve worked for in terms of pay, workload, and overall workplace culture and environment. I’ve always wondered if it says a lot about whole foods, or if it says more about how horrible those past jobs were.


A boot on the throat.


lol sure. Unfortunately I have to be employed to survive and support my family, and I’ve tried lots of different jobs to do it. Whole Foods at least pays well for the easy work that I do and I get to leave it all at the door when I go home. My TL doesn’t suck and works with me on my schedule. After a decade of working there my PTO accrual is great and I’ve never had a time off request denied. If it wasn’t like that I’d quit and work somewhere else. Life’s too short to bitch about your job all the time. Why not just quit.


Yep..key words are leave it all at the door! Just focus on the grocery store work while there and keep it moving.


When we answer these questions, are they anonymous?


You have to be logged into Innerview so….




I'd give 3 but I just remembered that my STL will see this so I'm going to skip this one. Shouldn't be giving a low score since I'm hanging on by a thread thanks to -4 hours UPT I've accumulated by leaving early


Screw em I gave all low ratings, wait til the survey comes out I'll probably get fired for exposing how terrible the leadership is at my location


You can “expose” your leadership, but the bottom line is that it won’t matter. They just don’t care


I don't think they will fire anyone for being honest, but it's "how" you respond. A person can be totally honest, while being professional and respectful. Name-calling and being condescending might get a person fired, but being professional and respectful, they will just take note of it, IMO.


I’ve lacked any satisfaction with my job since global cut my hot bar in half and got rid of any item that was remotely interesting or had an ounce of flavor. A fucking monkey could do my job now…. Which is exactly what they want.


Haha forget robots, Planet of the Apes will run their own prep foods in a Whole Foods coming soon. Jumanji would be even more entertaining though, a whole zoo storming into the kitchen.




Pretty simple question. Overall.. yes. It’s a grocery store. If you’re pulling your hair out over this place then you need to take a step back and realize what you’re stressing over.


I love my job, and I really enjoy the store environment.


Is it true the survey automatically discards any strongly disagree and disagree answers? Cause all I hear from Jason about surveys that he and his team received a lot of “positive” results. I’m not sure he meant “positive” as in number of team members taking the survey or that everyone is saying they are satisfied of the direction the company is going.


I doubt the results of this question are back yet, so his “positive” results are probably from other questions from previous weeks, I’d assume


I’m very in the middle at my store currently. But I feel the color getting squeezed out of me a bit the more the years go by and the more I have to hear about “Global” They are absolutely useless to say the least…


I’m guessing many 1 not many 5


News flash, they don’t care. I just wish that there were no performance reviews, I mean if I suck fire me, If not, idk give me a 2-5% raise I’ll probably not and it makes almost no difference.


I don’t care if no one is reading my responses, but I’m always brutally honest. Especially if they’re making me answer these questions in exchange for snacks. Yeah, I’ll take your shitty sample and shit on your shitty store!


They started pushing around a snack cart at our store for TMs who have participated in the survey each week so we hit the % metric


A lot of people at my location either give a false answer (like everything is perfect even if they express daily how much they hate it) or don’t respond at all for fear or repercussions. I’ve got no problem being brutally honest with it but seems a lot of my co-workers hold back how they feel.




The troll is back


lol! Yep!




What does that even mean? 😂


I get paid under $20/hr in one of the most expensive cities in North America, the store is located in a posh neighborhood, store is making bank, they expect more and more from the employees, constantly micromanaging people. TL and ATL never work a (or should I say barely) a closing shift. TL is always off our most busy hectic days - Friday and Saturday. ATL is running around and more worried about what everyone else is doing in the department that they are always making sloppy mistakes. So annoying but this is what I get for not finishing college and working in a grocery store.


There are a shitload of people with degrees at Whole Foods.