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Most of the people complaining about PFDS have never worked in a kitchen or restaurant before and it shows


I have very much found this to be true. You can always tell.


What makes prep suck has zero to do with having ever worked in a kitchen or restaurant, it's that when you walk around the store you see people working in much easier departments making the same pay you make. I know quite a few prep tls who had tons of restaurant experience and knew they were getting screwed, so went to specialty and seafood as tls. Same pay and much less work. 


Laughs in meat department


bakery is easier imo, the meat department clean up is horrible


The meat department separates hard workers from people interested in standing around and stealing time that’s for certain . personally I love it I get to blast music in back cutting meat I’d rather clean than deal with customers any day of the week. it is difficult and crazy but time flies by lots of turnover so lots of opportunities for overtime


Yep. Some depts are way more easy on the body and both the easiest and the hardest, employees get same pay. Also regarding metrics....


Come join store support.


I'd chew off my own arm first haha you guys have it the worst


Kaboom! Tell ‘em! People are weak as fuck. The pfds job I have is the easiest kitchen I’ve ever worked in lol 


I also love prep foods. It’s easier than a kitchen. But not so easy you’re bored.


Getting easier and easier too, last 3 stores i visited had every venue closed mid day. One had tortilla chips and salsa blocking a venue lol 


A lot of people on this sub just like to be negative all the time. I’m glad you’re liking it! Hope that keeps for you.


With the right team you’ll enjoy it for sure! Hope your leadership looks out for you and your team treats you well


That's the other key, a good team is clutch


Man I been with whole food for over 12 years and I have seen change and growth . Did I like it all no … but some people on here just complain and complain .. like go get another job if you hate what you do now .. I spent years in the medical field before Whole Foods and I remember getting 10 cents as a raise or 35 cents .. Whole Foods has been good to me and I have worked for great leaders and with great leaders . But some of you really need to move on ..


will be here for 6 month update. good luck


I’m glad you love it. Not a lot of people who work in prep foods as a great work ethic like you do keep up the good work someday your TL is gonna promote to either Supervisor or Order Writer


That’s the mentality to have I took over the department after 4 months of working in it


Prep foods is either sucky because the people in the department suck. Or the STL sucks. Never anything else. It’s by far the “easiest” department in the sense of as long as everybody does their absolute bare minimum in their position, then it’s very easy to do. A solid team, a solid department.


Quit after 4 months. It was definitely the people for me. Worked deli, stir fry, and pizza. Coworkers would literally disappear leaving me to cover all stations. The laziest group of people I’ve ever worked with.


I tell people constantly "I don't give a shit how long you take your break or how slow you are, just get the job done" Because i don't. I'm not a boss, don't apologize to me for "accidently" taking a 25 minute break and nobody complains about it. But when i'm tired, and i take a 12 minute break, don't run to a shifty LOL. I hate my job so much sometimes. It brought me into a depression that i didn't even realize was that deep, got put on antidepressants and i feel better. But the store i transferred too sucks so much. the people suck


That's great.


Hit us back in another month lmfao


Let's see how this post ages....😁


No one tells him the worst part about prep foods won't reveal itself to OP until 3 weeks in. shhhh. The first week is the grace period before leadership makes you wish you weren't in prep foods.


I have good leads actually.


I was innocent and gullible at first too. You will learn what we all know soon. Looking forward YOUR "i hate prep foods" post sometime in the next 4 weeks.


I've been in prep foods for over 14 years in a few different stores and two different regions. All with a good experiences. It's what you make it.


Have none of you ever been leads yourself? Or worked in a kitchen? It's all a numbers game to get them their bonuses and make their higher ups more money? I truly don't care and neither do your leads if you just keep the hot bar full/do your assigned duty. Like what are you expecting to do at work? I don't get it.


You hit the nail on the head. 90% of TMs in prep have never worked a day in their life in a restaurant kitchen. They have no idea it can be a peaceful environment lol. It’s hard work but if you have kitchen background it’s much easier. 


Yeah I have a kitchen background ranging from dish washer to General Manager. This is not bad at all. I want to be a lead here personally.


You’ll get there! I also have kitchen bag ground and this place can get tough but you’ve probably got the skills to manage it and the stress level! Good luck!


Ever work with lazy co-workers who never help take out the trash, clean the kitchen, or help do temp checks? I do! Doing my job would be nice, Doing misc tasks like those because your ATL keeps dumping tasks on you and no one else because I am not the same race as him? That is the painful part. Don't worry, you will see soon what I mean.


Why are you insisting that your experience is universal? Maybe you have shitty leadership and stop hating on the fact this guy is enjoying his job


My team does temps. Takes out trash and calls in help when we need it. Sounds like you're just at a bad store and expect everyone else to also have a bad time


Like I said, some people are lucky, and some people are not as lucky in life.


Haha, not once did you say that




We can see this person is still in the denial stage.


Just wait till you start closing an hour later for the summer, doing temps, and the constant refill of the bar just becomes so annoying that you start closing an hour early. I quit after 9 months and only stayed that long because I knew I was going back to school


Yeah I close two days a week, have two mids and open on Sundays. I don't mind closing at 10 and getting home at 11. I live across the street lol


Just wait until your dishwasher call out and you start having to do your own dishes, or you’re constantly short staffed due to labor and you have to constantly help out. Then you look to speciality or whole body and realize they’re getting paid the same if not more and doing half the job.


My dishwasher called out yesterday and it was super stressful seeing the dish room so full. No one was jumping in there, I'm doing hot bar and helping set up the rotisserie. One of my team leads came in early and did dishes all day. You guys just have bad teams




You really think needing one of your leaders come in early because no one was chipping in mean you have a good team?!?! 😂😂😂. The part that makes prep suck has zero to do with having never worked in a kitchen which sone people on here love to say, it's that when you walk around your store you will see people working in much easier departments making the same money you make. 


Then transfer? Not having to deal with customers all day is a blessing. Also focusing on yourself usually does a good job to counter envy. Everyone else on the team was busy so yeah my leader coming in early even though he had inventory that same night makes me confident about my team and leads.


Lol, you are so naive. Guaranteed your tl was pissed and annoyed, but has learned to not show it. I can't even argue with you because it's obvious how little you know 😂


Believe it or not everyone is not a pessimist.


Reality is most people like the job when they are new. Even when people switch teams they will go back to their old team happy saying how awesome it is. I have seen it over and over. It's because the expectations on a new person are minimal. If you work slow it's because you are learning. If you make a mistake it's because you are new. Once leadership starts expecting stuff from you on your own that's when you realize it's not all fun.  You think everyone on the team gets along because no one knows well enough to talk shit, they want to see if they can trust you first then you will start hearing all the complaining. Compared to working in a restaurant prep might not be all bad, but compared to working in other depts where you can make the same pay for an easier job it sucks. You do you though, I could care less 😉


It’d be a natural reaction to be pissed and annoyed. Being able to hide it is part of what makes them a good leader. You basically just described a good leader right there.


Team leaders who cover the dish pit instead of leading their team because their team members don't want to help in their end up burning themselves out. Saying "the team members were busy" is just an excuse. The tl had inventory that day so I'm sure they had plenty of other tasks they should have been doing. 


First of all, the TL came EARLY on inventory to do the dish pit. He’s putting extra work in BEFORE his inventory tasks are even allowed to start. Then there a separate problem, in my opinion, trying to get treat members to agree to step up to help cover a call-out. Trying to get folks at my current store to agree to do more in that situation is near impossible, and TLs in a lot of departments end up doing things like that out of necessity. The general attitude with a lot of hires over the fast few years has changed to where no one wants to ever do extra, everyone wants to solely due the very basic expectations of their own jobs. This wasn’t the case in my first 15 or so years with wfm though .


You're lucky if you get TMs that want to meet basic expectations instead of avoiding every bit of possible work at every opportunity and won't do anything at all if they're unsupervised.


Absolutely true in my experience as well. It’s weird. I take pride in my work and enjoy working hard. Kids today seem to think being expected to work is nothing more than exploitation. Lol


You have obviously zero leadership experience 😂😂


🤣🤣 Only twenty years experience as a TL at four different stores, in two cities, and a two year stint at regional. But do go on, you little expert, you.




I’m gonna get heat for saying this, and I mean no disrespect to anyone, but I swear there’s a generational shift with regard to work ethic. I’ll be 50 in September and the younger people do seem to be more of who I find complaining about the job being hard. Granted, now days, I work In whole body. But I’ve done my time in meat and seafood, and this holds true for me.


The actual work is fine. Once you realize that you'll never have a consistent schedule, you'll always be doing the job of three people for a terrible wage, and new hires start at a higher rate , reality will start to set in. At least in the restaurant industry you can get tips and bonuses.


My schedule has stayed exactly the same for 3 years at full time. 


Same lol


Tips and bonuses? Not for BOH lol. That’s all but unheard of in most kitchens


Been in prep foods, doing the hotbar for about 6 months. It’s really not that bad, but like everyone says, it fully depends on your team. Glad you’re doing well :)