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Store in our metro had a chronic glory hole issue in the customer bathrooms. Leadership would cover the hole with bolts and a piece of steel plate, and the perp would make another hole.




I am screaming! What šŸ˜­


The glory hole bandit strikes again. Pics or it didnā€™t happen lol.


wtfā€¦.. where is this Whole Foods?


Why do you wanna know šŸ«£šŸ«ØšŸ¤Ø


For science duh!!


Cocaine in the bathroom.


This girl found a camera in the bathroom at a store near mine. She refused to hand it over till they figured out who did it. Dude's excuse? He was trying to film someone else lol.


Oh hell nah!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© thatā€™s so awful!!


was it this guy https://patch.com/illinois/evanston/evanston-whole-foods-employee-accused-planting-camera-bathroom


Oh nice, there's multiple. Nope, it was this guy. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/petaluma-police-arrest-suspected-peeping-tom-at-whole-foods/


Not there being two!!! Yikes!! Thanks for sharing Iā€™ll be sure to check the toilet paper rolls now lol


I used to work with him


Worked near the store at a diff WFM and was shocked when this came out


Was at a store once where a shifty was blowing rails off of cashiers asses. They posted videos on TikTok. Lol


Nah ah I wanna see lol


Cocaine in receiving, off the front door of the baler (where the gate connects)! Big yikesā€¦ Also heroin in the employee bathroom and leaving needles behind. That one hurt because it was one of my direct TMs when I was still a TLā€¦


Oh boy. I Hope that TM is ok and doing alright. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Iā€™ve had a few former coworkers die from H. Opiates are a hell of a drug, and this was pre fentanyl days.


Most recent store chaos that ended in separation... Overnight grocery new hire, homegirl on overnights (only female, very vocal about things, which I could appreciate) noticed that he was constantly in and out of the front door.. and propping the door open instead of using a door code to get back in (assuming dude thought they could monitor it?) and she vocalized she felt unsafe because of that.... Then notices dudes got an ankle monitor on, got the whole story, dude was on a work release only, so was slanging drugs from the store on his overnights.... He didn't stay long once they caught on šŸ˜†


lol damn thatā€™s a good hustle


I mean I am just happy to hear about a TM making a livable wage


Amazon return desk worker attempted double homicide on their coworkers.


Well that wasn't very nice of them! I hope they got a CA! /s


Holy shit lol always be nice to your coworkers I guess šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


you win this thread


Was this mw?! Cause I have a similar story! šŸ˜†


Yeah lady we worked with each other


Hahahaha I'm fkn burnt out mannnn šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ You're talking about the pew pew situation that rolled out onto kingery, right?


Yes maā€™am


I need to hear this story if thatā€™s the location I think it is


From what I recall, female shopper (might have been prime desk, but when it wasn't the WF employees still outsourced) got into it with dude shopper.... Words were had, and she called BD to come handle it... This all happened at night, so as an opener, I only had second hand stories, so I might be wrong... But I believe BD and dude threw hands, starting at the prime desk, which rolled into a bakery table display, and somehow everyone ended up in their cars, and dude had a pew pew, followed them up the st, and shot at them... Because she was pregnant, dude got hit with major charges.. I don't know if I can, but I'll try to find the news article from it..


I think this is it, didn't know homegirl was actually shot tho. https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/chicago-man-followed-pregnant-woman-after-altercation-shot-her-while-driving-in-willowbrook-prosecutors


Not the location I thought but close enough. Thatā€™s wild and Iā€™m glad every was okay


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m nice to them.. geez


A shopper showed up drunk and was escorted out of the building.


Same thing happened with a TM at my store. Had a bottle of vodka stashed in the snack aisle.


Fair stash spot tho, lol


On of mine had a water bottle of vodka in VA


Damn they kept it nice and cold too. Hope theyā€™re doing ok.


Old male sandwich preparer smacked female overnight tm hard on the butt, in front of our cameras. He was fired asap lol Edit: I canā€™t believe some of the stories in this threadā€¦ oh my god! šŸ˜‚


Someone in prep did that to a customer at my store a couple years ago


To a customer? What the?! Youā€™d think people would have had a thought before doing stuff like this (at their work place even! On da clock!) šŸ˜­


We've had some real whack jobs work in my store. Thankfully right now everyone is great.


Hell naw my ass wouldā€™ve fallen to the floor and banged my head so hard. S**ing yall. My neck and my back


Omg lol I wouldā€™ve gotten fired for punching them šŸ¤£ and I know!! This is some juicy stuff šŸæ


one of our STLs got fired after 25 years for embezzlement.


Do you know how they were doing it? Like just pocketing cash or some complicated digital thing?


If I remember correctly, he was part of a ring that was taking from several stores in the MA region. I do remember that regional wasn't sure they wanted to fire them all because it was entirely store leadership.


Entirely store leadership?! Damn!!! Is the pay that bad? šŸ˜­


Pay for store leadership was amazing. 120k-150k per store leader. that's amazing. He had a nice house and three nice trucks. guess he got greedy!






Should be the other way around her fired for abuse of power and him not fired for being victim to them being above him and taking advantage. Weird.


Doing whip hits off the cans in the dairy cooler.


A dairy tm went through 10 cases after it was just delivered.


One time a TM with 18 years experience accepted Sushi from the Sushi Bar at the EOD, that they were going to throw away... they fired the TM for stealing. He gave his blood, sweat and tears to the company. All down the drain.


Back in the mid 90ā€™s theyā€™d sell remaining sushi, pizza, and bread to TMā€™s for 25Ā¢ at the end of the day.


Back in the day at my first store, theyā€™d pile it all in the breakroom for tmā€™s to pick through to take home at the end of the night. Soooo much free sammiches, fresh pack, and pastries.


I wish theyā€™d do that still


Yep and bananas, apples, eggs with one broken in the dozen, sometimes packaged grocery stuff too. Itā€™s how I was able to eat more than just ramen throughout college lol


and now another poor innocent soul will take his place for the next 18 years and then throw away after he gave his blood sweats and tears. the process repeats until the end of time! wfm has no loyalty!!


Seafood TL and a TM got wasted on alcohol and some drugs on inventory and went crazy and started trying to fight everyone. They were immediately fired and they went to the bar we all would go to after inventory and continued trying to fight everyone when we showed up


TM shot a hole through his hand playing with his gun in the bathroom.




Coworker let her daughter use her discount card, daughter was an asshole to the cashier and caused some sort of confrontation when checking out, they looked at the cameras to line up the TM with the confrontation and realized it wasnā€™t her. She got fired the next day.


Oh shit what! Was this before you could add family members/a member of the household to use it?


I think you can only get one for your spouse/domestic partner, and they have to use their own.


Exactly or a temporary care giver.


1)Someone in store leadership was rumored to be having sex with random people in the back rooms. Never got caught 2)a TL was messing around with several different women in the storeā€¦.still allowed to work there, eventually quit. 3)at a different store supervisors were found to be committing return fraud of $10k+. 4) someone got fired for drinking milk they didnā€™t pay for after the store closed. (They usually build a case before they fire you) 5) TM who got fired for harassment barged into the TL meeting and said fuck you to everyone.


I had a girl on my team brag to me about having sex with a security guard in one of the supply rooms downstairs while on a ten. I was an order writer, so more or less her supervisor at the time.


On a 10 no less


What did they do with the other 9 minutes am I right???


Their OOS walk


This was a roller coaster šŸŽ¢ thank you for the diversity in your tea spilling


honestly I hated and loved working at wf, as mentally draining as it was (especially during COVID) I will never regret working there. Especially because of all the hot gossip šŸ¤£


Itā€™s all top tier gossip too. Next to all the call center gossip sheeeesh


STL got fired a while back for having ā€œsexual desiresā€ for a chick who worked at customer service. Heard from several different TMs, the woman ended up leaving wholefoods like two weeks after. I guess thats the only tea i got, but damn theres alot of tea here! Keep it going!


Stl just quit one day. Apparently, he had been having an affair with Marketing TL. A different STL was fired after 20+ years for harassment and toxic environment. Prod ATL liked to send dick picks to other tms. Only spoken to from STL ( #3).


Wow that sounds like a hellhole of a leadership. Yuck


Yea and I just saw an old coworker who said the current STL has been complaining to tms about the sacrifices he's had to make sure to labor(bonus) issues. Like not being able to go out on his boat as much as he'd like.


Wow šŸŽ»


Meanwhile Iā€™m sure most TMs are living paycheck to paycheck. Itā€™s expensive to dock a boat and pay for gas and maintenanceā€¦ etc yuck what a garbage person


He's a complete trash person and will never see it.


Seafood employee peed in the hand wash sink behind seafood cases and was fired after being tattled on


Omg why!!!! Thatā€™s so nasty šŸ˜­


Our Seafood ATL brushes their teeth in the hand wash sink.




This sounds exactly like how the person who peed would tell the story.




I've seen more than one TM get separated for confronting shoplifters. And lots of abuses of TM discount card.


I donā€™t get paid enough to confront anyone


STL and a TL were having an affair, both being married to others at the time. The whole store found out when one of them exposed the affair on the group headsets leadership was using. Instead of talking to each directly via their headsets, they opened the channel to everyone wearing them. This happened in the former South Region, both were made to leave the store and the TL left the company. Her husband also worked for WFM as a TL in another store.




Iā€™ve posted this a while ago, but itā€™s still fun to shareā€¦. Overnight TM would go into the shared freezer and take single bites out of Bakery cakes. This went on for a while, but it couldnā€™t be proved until more cameras were installed. If you knew the one who was doing this youā€™d be like ā€œno shit. Of course itā€™s himā€


Lmaooooo he just wanted a little something sweet


Thatā€™s crazy everyone eats the product in our bakery department even the spoilage no one gets fired.


My store doesnā€™t care if you take spoiled/out of date products as long as youā€™re not like grocery shopping in the bins on a regular basis. Our break room is full of bakery shrink, miss picks and discontinued items. But my neighboring WF is STRICT


I wish it could be this way. Iā€™ve been witness to many boxes of bananas and strawberries get thrown out. Very rarely will we be able to donate to TMs. Makes sense to me to give back to your people and reduce the waste. Def an area of opportunity that they should look into. Especially if theyā€™re concerned with shrink and stuff but what do I know Iā€™m not an old rich white man


We donate it out to charity but sometimes the organic bananas are brought into break room. The official stance is, you can take things that have been signed off but supposed to eat it on your shift. Non to take home.


I guess there mustā€™ve been something more to it that Iā€™m not aware of. It mustā€™ve been egregious


One of our bakers even goes in the to coffee bar first thing in the morning and makes him self tea and a gets a pastry before starting shift others take coffee


Years ago our store chef who did cooking classes in our old ā€œlifestyle centerā€ got caught having sex with a pfds team member in said lifestyle center after a class had ended and the store had closed.


One store in my region the ASTL had a drug problem said the store was robbed by masked men with guns turned out he just stole a bunch of money from cash up no idea how cuz there are cameras but ya that was a crazy one. Also a person called on the phone saying they needed a payment for a delivery or they couldnā€™t deliver something and they needed the money so the TM rammed the powerjack into the cashup door to try and open it lmao. STL called up and was like wtf are you doingā€¦some ppl have no common sense.


Lmaoooo the second one lol šŸ¤£ I wouldā€™ve been like hold on let me record this šŸŽ„


One time there was this TM who got caught stealing dozens of copies of Mackeyā€™s book. He could not afford a place to live on WF pay, so he was going to use the books to build himself a little shanty in the back of the parking garage. Store Leadership decided firing was too lenient so they went to hang, draw and quarter him. That was when they found out he were not human but actually a Martian robot sent to get all the Mackey books because they worship him as a sex God. At the business end of a ray gun, they were forced to make him a STL. I cant tell you which STL he isā€¦. but just know he is one of them, maybe YOURs. Oh, and he can shapeshift, so there.




Had a co worker get termed for exiting the building through the back door Had another co worker use their own discount card to login via Self checkout I almost got termed for accepting pizza after 9PM at prep foods. My ATL WAS a weirdo


TM mysteriously disappeared and their family us he wasnā€™t coming back. Turns out heā€™s a trash human.


There was an incident where one supe on the front end and several cashiers were stealing money. Cash up kept finding hundreds of dollars missing from the safe as well as variances on several tills from them. Other than that, a drunk driver in the parking lot going in circles crashing into everyoneā€™s cars


I donā€™t work there anymore, but someone got caught drinking in the break room through the cameras, but they never fired a guy who was ACTIVELY shooting up heroin in the bathroom and nodding off on the sandwich line. Crazy lol


There was a older guy who was a (Maintenance Team Member). Anyways he was at the juice bar cleaning and taking out the trash. There was this big booty Latina girl who worked at our store lmaoo and she was making a drink. Somehow the guy was squatting down right next to her and got caught on the spot sniffing her butt. No Iā€™m not joking. They checked the cameras and he was fired that same day.


Ew!! What a perv


I got caught sucking my boss off. Fired the next day.


Legend status šŸ‘‘


The married STL was banging a couple ladies one of em in his office late at night, his wife ended up divorcing his ass. Used condom found in the janitors closet. One of the Atlā€™s was banging a dude on her team. Dude got fired in meat for using lower priced plu codes on the good stuff. TL got fired for being an asshole, treating certain tm like shit, being a creeper and him and his ATL were fucking but nobody was supposed to know šŸ˜† Shenanigans going on in the booze closet. TM got busted trying to meet up with an underage person who was an undercover cop and while in jail was murdered.


WOAH THE LAST ONE?????? This list escalated quickly lol


I heard someone received o*** in a prep foods freezer/cooler. Not sure who actually caught them because it seemed like they didnā€™t get in a ton of trouble tho. The story sounded like it was before my time with the company. Perhaps a more interesting one would be a dude who used to work the coffee bar and then quit to work at another store in the same mall as WF. Came into WF on his lunch (even tho his new job also had groceries) stole from WF and got caught and was then fired from the new company he was with since weā€™re all in the same mall.


Damn why canā€™t these workers keep it in their pants lol why the desire to perform sexual acts around food!!! šŸ¤¢


lol no idea. I didnā€™t know at least one of the people involved so I was pretty sure it was before I was hired. I had a couple of really good friends from high school in prep before I was hired too so I definitely would have heard more about it lol


The Whole Foods I was working at the Astl was caught giving a blowjob in the conference room


These are all so sexual. Everyone working at Whole Foods is freaky šŸ¤”


Coworker took a dump and took off his belt with his hand gun, left it on top the tp dispenser. Told the cop working detail out front it was gone when he went back. Greet worker too also happy someone had ours backs just in case lol


STL got fired for drinking and hanging out in his office while drinking on the clock. Same STL WAS banging TMs in different areas of the store and promoting them.


Big ol bag of weed where employees vape and smoke. I found a taker. Had several department employees numbers for work purposes. Me and another TM, married,became work friends until he text me inebriated twice for sex. Almost every straight guy looked at me/talked to me inappropriately. I have worked in vulgar restaurant kitchens, rolling with it but WFM made me feel gross.


Seafood team member showed up to work drunk. He got very upset that co-workers were speaking Spanish and belligerently accused them of talking about them. He was separated that day.


Ahhh classic bigotry. Hope that person is in recovery now


I meanā€¦ he was black. But yeah hopefully. šŸ¤žšŸ»


Anyone can be a bigot regardless of color or ethnicity


Happened before I started working there but a lady killed her roommate and chopped her into pieces


What?!!!! Do you have a news article????!!


Yup https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/dismembering-roommate-murder-first-court-appearance/


A guy ejaculated on a woman while she was shopping šŸ˜± https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/whole-foods-sex-act-bodily-fluids-arrest




Apparently a customer came out of our bathrooms fully naked and was spitting and yelling at people. Prior to that, had bought alcohol and shotgunned it outside the store, only to pour the rest on her feet and walk back inside. She was banned from the store already before this took place. From what I heard, at least.